Outer Wilds OST Blows my Ever-Loving Mind | Reaction

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[Music] for our best music coach my name is dan and you are watching a music teacher's reaction live and in real time to the outer wilds original soundtrack now i've never heard this before in my life not once ever ever ever i have no notes no preparation i have no idea what is about to happen other than we're going to listen to this music and i'm going to do it for the first time here so anything i talk about is me off the top of my head nothing is prepared ahead of time so we'll see what happens here we go without any waiting we're gonna jump straight into timber hearth [Music] oh it's so pretty already hey chet how's it going [Music] hey raz man wow we've got acoustic guitar now we have banjo in the left ear against steelstring acoustic in the right ear oh this is awesome plus it sounds like all like live instruments too [Music] oh this is so pretty [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow there's so much going on [Music] oh and slide coming in there [Music] wow so this is unlike anything we have heard before on this channel in terms of video game music that is coming from again with the name timber hearth the use of the acoustic instruments the use of the live electric instruments it sounded to me like everything perhaps with the exception of the bass and maybe some light synths in the back which maybe were not there that might have just been some reverb was all live instruments really really interesting so far i cannot wait to check out this next piece next one is called outer wilds all right so actually already starting to see some patterns here so something we're going to look out for love it okay we're going to listen for bass lines changing underneath repeated patterns up top [Music] you can hit the base nobody hear that how that banjo part is staying the same but the base notes are changing underneath it those really low notes oh yeah come on [Music] sounds like harmonica in the right ear now [Music] maybe it's a violin [Music] so [Music] okay so that's actually two songs in a row we've heard of one thing so there's something i want to point out to you guys that i have a feeling based on the fact that it showed up in these two songs already we might hear it again just based off the vibe too of these two songs so look out for when we have [Music] like that those types of line things happening over a baseline [Music] or whatever it was look out for those things where we have baseline notes changing and there's a melody line on top of that this next one is called museum [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so a couple of interesting things here first of all we heard little tastes of the first two songs coming in here this is also the first time i think we've heard more and again it might not be synthesizers it might be actual acoustic and electronic instruments well electric amplified instruments being played and then playing with the samples of that this is the first time we had this sort of atmospheric thing going on another interesting thing too is that we had this sound in here we actually had the raised fourth so timber hearth was in that key of e flat at least for a little while and this song also started off in the key of e flat but what was different is that this the museum actually brought in being natural notes instead of b flat notes to give us this sort of lydian feeling of well maybe we're not actually in e flat maybe we're secretly in b-flat the whole time and we're just hanging out on excuse me not b-flat excuse me we have the a natural let's try that one again we have the a natural that becomes four of e flat anyway right i misspoke so we had the a natural of e flat which means maybe we've been in b-flat the whole time because we actually had that lydian sound on the e-flat okay let's get this thing rocking and rolling yeah twist of key signature or maybe it's like maybe we've been in a flag the whole time [Music] they can hear that banjo that banjo is doing something very similar to what we heard in outer wilds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so here you actually hear the banjos playing that bass line a little bit [Music] [Music] also the percussion's very interesting as well oh yes there we go piano there's that bass line [Music] i wonder if we can hear it go to the f sharp [Music] okay so it's actually following a similar pattern to timber hearth because we had this sort of metric modulation this all those different feeling happened halfway through timber hearth with the electric guitar coming in and now we have reversed sounds shout out to puffle chops for an incredible handle [Music] [Applause] [Music] so now we have these electronic [Music] moments where changing we actually had a couple synths come in [Music] so based on what we've heard so far we're also going to look out for these keys as well [Music] the key of a major essentially and the key of possibly a flat major maybe is really e flat major i'm also going to look out for this this idea to come through again so here's what's pretty cool is that remember what i talked about a couple songs ago about having these bass lines with these melodies happening over it we could actually in this song hear the banjo doing that by itself so it was changing the lowest note that it was playing in its little line so it was going [Music] and then it was going so you hear the the those three notes the top two notes will be the same every time but listen the bottom note changes now bottom note changes that's actually very similar to a bass line movement i think we might have actually just had this same exact bass line movement in outer wilds because that arouses going now it's also interesting and i want to i'm going to bring this up and it's the reason why these tracks feel like there's this thing that they always want to keep moving forward and they never sort of find their home is because a lot of the times the composer is not going to one the composer is not going to the tonic so when we talk about the musical alphabet we go a b c d e f g and then after g we go back to a so there's no h so we go a b c d f g a b c d f g over and over again now we can do is we can assign letters to those numbers so let's say a is one so we go a b c d so d is four so we don't actually hear an a major chord but we hear four we hear the four emphasized over and over again and it's almost like that the four is the world that we're living in and there's no real resolution musically speaking uh which is very uh a very interesting thing to do sort of reminds you of a sort of c418 style if you think about the composition sweden how it never really feels well there's a couple times where it actually does go to what might be considered the one uh but technically i think it's written in dorian mode but anyway point is it always feels like it's moving and grieving okay this next one is called cast aways [Music] so the two notes we've had so far implied are c and now an e flat in the bass [Music] now something else has happened [Music] [Music] so we heard right at the end of the last note before this piano part we heard a little bit of pitch modulation and now here the pitch modulation is all over the place we hear these little moments there's like backward sounds being played behind it [Music] all that's being played in reverse and the way this piano sounds it's like haunting it's sad and the way it's wobbling is like supposed to uh imitate something like it being on like a really old record player so imagine if like the world fell to pieces which i mean i've seen just some images like for the soundtrack it looks like the world fell to pieces in this game and i could be wrong on that but that that's what it looks like from like the uh the game design and things like that i also looked at my own thumbnail so a little bit of context there anywho um think about it if the world were to end like we wouldn't have spotify we wouldn't have youtube but you know you might be able to crank a little electric generator and get a get a record play to work who knows alright this is called the sun station not entirely accurate well there you go [Music] [Music] a lot of these reverse sounds they were hanging out sort of in uh e flat again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh beautiful oh come on [Music] [Music] oh listen to that rumbly base in there [Music] okay so without getting too technical all right there's these moments where you hear it goes like you hear the sound change like you hear those moments listen there's different things composers do to make that happen both electronically and also physically on analog synthesizers you can also do it post with different filters and things but look the point that i want to make is that when you hear stuff like that let's say an edm it happens faster it happens more often and that's how like you feel the beat drop right it's like with transitions like that and again not getting very technical here what's interesting is when you have a slower song like this and you have those moments where you have those transitions of sound it makes a very significant impact because everything's sort of been the same you've had the same texture it's like you've been eating a salad or it's like here here's a really good example it's like you ordered a piece of pizza and on the piece of pizza and when you order the pizza you said listen i don't want any mushrooms and then when you have that it's like there's a mushroom hidden under the cheese of the pizza and right when you bite into you're like oh whoa there's a mushroom here and it like tastes so good that's what that's like it's like an unexpected thing that you wouldn't totally anticipate but when it happens it's it's a it's a revelation and it creates it like pays off that the song had been like that sort of backwards sort of smooth sort of one gear type of a thing and then when it shifts gears like that huge payoff all right let's check out the next one all right now we're back to the f sharp e d thing [Music] here it is yeah we're back to outer wilds [Music] oh [Music] so okay so a really interesting callback to track two which was outer wild now it's a callback and we know it's a callback number one because the p of the uh banjo was playing the same notes and then number two we actually were in the same key and number three the bass was doing the same exact d d d d d d d d d e e e e e e e again i'm not playing exact bass line but f sharp back to e it was doing that whole thing really cool all right let's get this thing rocking and rolling oh that was the main title well makes sense that the main title in outer wilds which is also the title wouldn't sound the same there you go [Music] so right now it's like we're in c minor but c minor is the relative minor of e flat major [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh maybe i was wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] okay so that was really interesting for a number of reasons that was like a compilation of the sort of three gears we've heard so far the three gears we've heard so far are atmospheric coming in like doing almost these like sort of pop type things where you have this repeated melody over bass line and then the third which is the reverse and so we heard all three there we heard a little bit atmosphere we had a little bit of reverse we had a little bit of the instruments going on as well something interesting to note as well you'll notice sometimes that i'm not immediately grabbing which chord it is or i'm actually moving my hands around a little bit and that's because one of the interesting things the composer is doing that's andrew prallow go check him out p-r-a-h-l-o-w is the root note of the chord is not always the lowest note in the chord is not always the letter name of the quartz for example we had in there an e flat over g not just an e flat so an e flat major chord which typically has an e flat a g and a b flat but instead of having e-flat below some makes a g be the lowest note [Music] which creates a much different feeling you guys feel that it's totally different from like well let's see [Music] here that's like it's on its way somewhere whereas this one it's like it's good where it is but this one [Music] it wants to go somewhere it's on a journey somewhere i think the next one is called the uncertainty principle by the way i'll read out all the super chats after the stream [Music] so we're actually hearing similar [Music] with note rearranged well vexel said i'll answer your question after this piece of music [Music] so [Music] [Music] so chat correct me if i'm wrong but isn't the heisenberg uncertainty principle have something to do with string theory because like something's here but it's also on the other side of the universe at the same time or am i getting my things confused there [Music] people say yeah pretty much and also not really rough definition yeah puffle chops in the house [Music] all right it's not the string theory but quantum physics got it you came here for the music and you watched me just get it wrong on quantum mechanics that's okay [Music] all right so this was interesting i think this is more of a piece of music where clearly something is happening not that obviously it's a video game soundtracks obviously things are happening during all of them but i think that in this moment there's other things that require most likely the player's attention so this one is not very much in your face perhaps it's also an uncertainty principle and it's trying to encapsulate that and show that well nothing is really certain things are here they're also not here as well yes indeed much more complicated but i got the spirit of it nathan indeed okay so now to talk about something that i actually know about uh and that was a question from bexslister bexslizard was asking okay when uh notes inside of a chord are in different orders like what is that okay so let's understand what a chord is first and also note so so notes are letters like a b c d f g that we give to certain pitches now pitches are frequencies like who that's [ __ ] everyone right now if you're by yourself like not out in public or even if you are in public just go whoo right okay so you just made a pitch you just made a sound now some pitches have no names and those note names would be a b c d e f g and we have this and the other uh set some things like sharps and flats we're not gonna worry about that for now so whenever we ah indeed so uh okay so we have these pitches we're making now some pitches not all pitches but some pitches have letter names associated with them and these pictures are called notes now when we play a bunch of these notes together at the same time we have so that's one note that's two notes then at the same time we get a chord chord chord chord there's multiple notes all together at the same time now bex elizabeth was asking okay what happens when we change around the order of those notes well there's two things that happens when we change around the order of the notes the first is called voicing voicing is quite simply you keep the same note as the lowest note but you change the order of the notes on top of it so for example we're going to play a c major chord okay so the lowest note's going to be c the next note for now is going to be e the next note is going to be g this creates a c major triad now i'm also going to play the c on top of that and the e here so we have c e g c e that's a chord right so the voicing of this chord is the fact that it is spelled we use the word spell to describe the order so we go c e g c e now what happens is i can keep this c note as the lowest and i can change the voicing that you hear the difference listen here's here's option one here's option two you can hear the difference option one option two so in option two instead of going c e g c e we're going c g c e g so actually changing the order of the notes we're still just using c z's and g's we're doing them in different order and c is still the lowest note now the second thing that can happen is called an inversion and what an inversion is is when we take one of the other notes from the chord so we take a c or an e we make that the lowest note so instead of having c be the lowest note the lowest note is going to be e there you go we can make g the lowest note [Music] so that's the difference between voicing and inversion and those are the two things that happen when we change the order of the notes in the chord all right let's keep thinking rock and rolling with uh oh end times indeed and oftentimes inversion chords are written as slash chords [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] so interestingly enough we just had an example in c major and sure enough [Music] yeah thx exactly it also reminds me of that moment uh of liftoff in space oddity by david bowie his breakout single which also had to do about space but yeah brought to you by thx you bet that was absolutely wild and not at all what i was expecting uh at the end interestingly enough i think that's the first time that we've heard a piece of music in this soundtrack be in the key of c major or a minor depending on how you want to tackle the analysis on that um let's keep it rocking and rolling with 22 minutes to mars [Applause] so we're hearing a real shift in the soundtrack now this is called the no my [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] all right i was getting so excited because i thought it was going to be in c minor and then it turns out we were hitting some c major boards [Music] it could have that sort of record player thing [Music] [Music] listen to the mix it's so tasteful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so so [Music] okay that was a really interesting piece of sonic art also known as music um yeah okay so interesting to hear we had elements of the reverse thing going on in there we had uh those atmospheric elements going on but also that's the first time we've heard like a voice being implied in this entire soundtrack so far we heard those sort of uh voice um it sounded like a voice synth being used in there that's the first time we've heard a voice and i think that's interesting to note i wonder if that has anything to do with the game the fact that that's the first time we hear a voice the sex one is called the ash twin project [Music] [Music] [Music] so chad's talking a lot about the percussions and i think what's interesting is that you have the percussion holding this very steady pulse feeling but over that feeling that the percussion's holding those reverse pianos are kind of moving in and out of where the time is drums are starting to build now [Music] [Music] it kind of reminds me of the new season of stranger things [Music] hehe yeah okay yeah we do have elements of that those reversed sounds but this one is different these drums are moving and pushing this thing along in a way that's different from what we heard before now building with strings [Music] so here's another interesting thing that i want to point out about this song and a couple of the other songs whenever we look at pieces of music a lot of the time there's going to be sort of a contour of the energy or delivery of a song so let's take like um let's take a song like uh i don't know uh hot and cold by katy perry so it's like intro and then we have verse you changing my girl channel [Music] and then we go back to the verse we're back down all right and then we go to the chorus again and then it's like someone call the doctor got a case of love bipolar and right there the energy is going up so we can see that the energy is like building to this high point can't get off this ride ipad down and then we go you change your mind like a girl changes clothes right and then it's back down to the course and so look basically we have this contour of it goes up it builds to a point and then it comes back down now what we can see a lot in these pieces of music is that it it starts off it goes up to about halfway and then it's sort of like it reaches it's sort of uh the the high point the climax of it about halfway through and then it just kind of like stays there we've seen that a couple of times we heard it in the first song when that electric guitar comes in we heard that here in the moment where the drums started to build up uh again and yeah clearly my ipad would prefer to jump off of my desk than hear me try to very quickly and poorly sing katy perry so uh it decided it's fate i made my choice it made its choice and now uh now we shall carry on [Music] oh no i can actually sing i wasn't actually trying to sing there trying to get through the song [Music] so [Music] so it's like scratching sounds [Music] oh very creepy oh base coming now right here [Music] crispy says the scratching is from the fish [Music] we shall not talk about the fish we shall not dish about the fish the fish are forboden [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] just said can i ban dan for spoilers please don't i am enjoying this okay so again an interesting uh piece of atmosphere here with moments where we could like hear a bass note here and there and i think what's interesting is to look at these just from a musical perspective and say okay yeah sure there was a lot of sort of well atmosphere sound happening but where were the little inflection points where were the moments where the composer was like okay i'm going to add something in here i'm going to add something in here and that's really what makes it well at least for me interesting is to see those moments where the components like here's a bass note here's just a little thing that's going to look just go by um so yeah that's what makes that interesting for me the next one is called giants deep [Music] oh banjo's back silent night [Music] ah and here we have bass notes changing bass notes changing underneath the melody saying the same that melody sounds like a british pop song [Music] sounds like uh something from wham all right this next thing is called all right so look let's get clear which is happening what happened there is we had this line or whatever it was so look we had that and the bass was changing underneath it now this is something we heard all the way back the beginning of this a couple of times come through so we had the banjo holding a melody and the bass changing underneath this next one is called no my ruins so listen because we have this atmosphere holding like a canvas that the piano is now painting on oh julian you have no idea buddy hey hey hey look at that custom water bottle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so now we have the opposite instead of the melody staying the same and the bass changing the bass is staying the same and the chords in the melody are changing on top of it it's fading out now it's fading out [Music] [Music] the drone is gone [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] huh that was almost like hanging out in the key of like g or e natural minor let's give you an astronautic ev minor [Music] [Music] right there at the c of g it's not over [Music] okay that was a very very interesting piece of music for a couple of reasons number one i think this is the longest piece we've had so far in the soundtrack also then the way the chords are being structured sometimes it's left i mean yeah sure i think we could honestly say that that was in e minor but the way the chord's being used kind of like g majorie very interesting this next one is called final voyage final voyage oh yeah come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that's so cool [Music] [Music] so huh [Music] [Music] before we head into the next one quick shout out thank you to everyone watching this there's a pinned chat in the chat that i pinned right at the top it's 10 things i think every game i should know about music theory go click on that it's free download you can check it out then i send you another free download like tomorrow or the next day after you get it it's really cool it's free info for you for free you can also save like 92 on my music theory book so go ahead and check out that link i don't have any uh sponsors on this channel and they have asked and i have said no because well if i'm going to take your guys's time to tell you about something it means i think it's worth your time to hear about it and i honestly think that that download and also my book it's worth your time to hear about it alright let's keep this thing rocking and rolling with the ancient glade [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] ah [Music] that bass note changer was huge [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay so what was really interesting about this piece of music is like it was a marriage it was a cross between remember when we had the sort of atmospheric thing in there number two we had what sounded to be like a sample or being played a live instrument sounded like something with steel strings being played but then it was transformed there was some distortion on it maybe some bit crusher something going on uh to create that real sort of gravelly uh crunchy sound on that sort of main musical element if you will so we can see that even though things are changing there's ideas that are coming back and there's techniques that are holding this whole thing together and while very different in nature between those acoustic songs and these atmospheric and electronic and manipulated songs not manipulated in a bad way just artistically manipulated to sound different than they would by themselves uh assuming of course that that was an actual steel string instrument being played that there is this sort of continuity and these elements are starting to come in and perhaps we're starting to see everything really start to come together this next one is called travelers curiosity excuse me then we have travelers [Music] okay here we go travelers let's do this thing this one has a lot more listens than the other ones so let's check this out ah we're back to banjo [Music] oh it's doing the baseline [Music] but a whole step down [Music] so [Music] whistles oh that's amazing [Music] [Music] now more instruments coming in [Music] shout out to network50 does the thumbnails for the channel [Music] that's washing it out in reverb bringing in the atmospheric [Music] still following that baseline chat says let the next song play right afterwards type of one if you want to hear the next song right afterwards no breakdown in between all right we're gonna let it flow excuse me we're gonna let the hate flow use your anger it gives you focus anyone no okay [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] huh interesting [Music] [Music] so here up top we have this and here the base changes underneath it [Music] it's actually the same [Music] chord progression [Music] [Music] yeah cello in there too good ears julie [Music] ah jello's got that main theme beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] so [Music] okay so we actually still have a couple more songs we got about six more but before we go any further i want to break down something that's been a constant thing throughout a lot of these songs and that is that same chord progression of going like four five six five like we heard it before was like so again we have four five six seven we heard it also in the key of g we heard four five six five and we all started in the key of well what technically would be a four five six five so we've actually heard that same exact chord progression in three different keys which is super cool by the way hit like subscribe hit that notification bell because i am going to do the dlc in a couple of days all right let's do this next thing a rockin and rollin with morning so [Music] beautiful oh that was really pretty that was really short but it was really bad i thought there was going to be more all right that was beautiful uh that was definitely live cello you could hear because it's actually a little bit out of tune at times uh so typically when they make samples they make sure it will be in tune sometimes we hear the little bit of intonation imperfections you know it's uh being played live which actually brings up an interesting point you know some people get very uh snooty well snooty uh uh elitist uh i don't know but look here's the thing would you yeah here's the question all right maybe one time you do this but would you do this all the time would you go out to a concert where a computer presented the best performance of a piece of music you've ever seen now when i say best i mean it's the most technically perfect like would you go out to see that i'd go to see it one time i don't know if i'd go to see it two times so i think it brings up a really interesting conversation around the imperfections in music and how it's almost like not worth doing anything unless we all know that we're human and we're gonna have some mistakes every once in a while that almost makes things better because then we can see when someone is like we can see that someone's trying and we all know we're all human beings and we all know how hard it is to try to do something and we all know how hard it is to be disciplined to do something and keep on going back to it over and over again and i feel like when we hear human beings do something where it's clear they've had the discipline and they go back and they try really hard like it's really cool because we know how hard like we know like that is really a difficult thing to do anyway um campfire [Music] this is pretty [Music] sure volde yeah 100 um [Music] yeah theremin's hard to do man [Music] so you're about halfway through [Music] and we get that filled that change this is something the composer's done a couple times [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] well that was a lot of fun this next one is called into the wilds [Music] let's listen to that guitar it's a little attitude like it's great ah there's our theme [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay let's break down a little bit of the music theory that was used in that song to make it sound so cool so that moment where i kind of like uh yes i do i've got a six string banjo back there um so it's not really banjo it's like i can play it like a guitar it sounds like a banjo okay so one of the really cool things that happened there so basically we were like in c [Music] let's just get our ears used to being here oh [Music] so you got a flat six so it's like we're in c who's hanging out let's see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right there you hit that a flat that's some powerful stuff man so basically you go on the flat six so whatever key you're in you count up six so c d e f g a and then bring it down a half step from where it would normally be for that major scale so for example if you're in the key of g your flat six would be e flat yeah really cool this next one is called arrow of time [Music] oh very dramatic so that was cool because we heard a little bit of the electronic stuff we heard a little bit of the banjo stuff and we heard a little bit of the atmospheric stuff all together this next one is called we have liftoff [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that's our main theme [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow that was really cool because you know we heard a couple times where there was like this distortion thing happening this electronic treatment of possibly an acoustic sound was showing up there we heard that same banjo playing the same things we've heard playing well through the whole soundtrack not in every song but you know we've heard that same theme played by the banjo but to hear it there just absolutely cranked up to 10 was really cool this next one is called a terrible fate [Music] [Music] it's fine it's the theme [Music] oh gosh this is hilarious [Music] i think it's a kazoo too [Music] all right guys we're gonna listen to one more track sent over by razman thank you rasman it's outer wilds reprise now before we get into outer wilds reprise uh everybody uh if you could please hit like subscribe hit that notification bell and there is a link in the chat that i've put up there for all of you it's 10 things i think every gamer should know about music theory go check it out you will not regret it it's a free download and you get a second free download like tomorrow i think or the next day it's really cool and you get to save 92 on my book i do not have any sponsors because i've not found a sponsor that i feel you guys should hear from to take up your valuable time and your attention however i'm telling you that this list and also my book is worth your time and your attention you will actually learn stuff okay without any further ado let's check out outer wilds reprise type a 2 in the chat if for any reason you cannot hear the music starting now [Music] so so rasman says this is a heads up now this came out as a single a year after release of the base game otter gamer risk of rain got a daughter [Music] it's really interesting sounds there almost sounds like on sometimes on uh digital pianos you can actually crank up the sound of the keys in the piano but also what it sounds like in there [Music] beautiful [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] there it is our theme of waiting for it [Music] there's our reverse sounds [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that's a really delicious sound on that guitar [Music] it's like a really fast tremolo [Music] you have cello again with some reverse sounds maybe that's just the delay [Music] wow that was really cool please hit like subscribe hit that notification bell check out the link in the chat for the 10 things i think every gamer should know about music theory it is worth your time there is real content there real value for you for free go check it out um check out my rapp final reaction summary okay a really interesting soundtrack we have not heard anything like this before on this channel uh really cool use of the acoustic instruments the blending of the electronic elements the treatment of the acoustic instruments with the electronic plug-ins or possibly um analog analog like pedals and things like that that's always possible too and then the sort of atmospheric things i loved love loved having the melody go on over the whole thing and as i called it out and i think song number two quite a few times we had these moments where we'd we would have this uh this um [Music] this theme or a melodic component or just a musical element that would be repeated over and over again like a little melody and underneath it the bass would change and sure enough we saw not only that happen but we saw it happen uh in the same way in three different keys uh throughout this soundtrack so this was really really cool i loved listening to it it was absolutely beautiful chat thanks so much for being so awesome thank you to our super chatters for your support i will read all those in a moment and just one last shout out please hit like subscribe hit that notification bell check out the link in the chat ten things i think every gamer should know about music theory i'm plugging it because i think you're gonna get something out of it not because i'm desperate for you to download it i honestly think it's gonna be helpful for you okay let's read some super chats thank you all so much for coming you're all more than welcome to hang as we do this okay [Music] let's do this thing so i just do have to run into my uh community tab here because the first ones youtube has this really awesome feature called viewer activity that you click on you can actually see all the super chat but here's the thing if you don't click it at the beginning of the stream you don't see all the super chats from the beginning of the stream so i've just got to go run in and grab those from the beginning and then we'll be rock and roll because i did forget to hit that button at the start so let's go check it out all right here we go let's see outer wilds king peggy says starting with the stream right with enough foot for chrono triggs you got it king peggy we're man 202 uploading mother mother one again though since mother three already in top five this is mostly to support you thank you rubber man 202. i appreciate it i hope you'll react to mother one ost first uh pikachu says outer wilds fan finally get their spotlight yes this has been a very requested soundtrack um this is a split between persona 3 and chrono trigger you got it pikachu dude's neck oh yes now we can go back to the main thing here okay dudes neck let's just put this to where it's chicory a colorful tail ost you got it dude's neck let's see i don't think youtube's dropping the ball i think they do such an amazing job of inventing new features and i think it's like you know i built my own website i didn't build it but you know i've like hired people to build it and like there's so many edge cases and like you think of everything and then there's always things you don't think of that people find that could be improved and then it's improved along the way so i don't i don't at all think the drop in the ball i think it's just like one area to improve on and they've improved on so much and come so far anywho uh alessandra cuello says uh let's go out or while it's putting half towards silver may cry 5. that's worth metal gear you got it ac louie says i love the fireplace vibe this gives yes it does doesn't it try light i got it thank you so much uh i love fireplace vibes uh this gives i'm really into this here to give my request again for hades ost keep up the good work thank you louie thank you for your support and thank you all so much for your uh thank you for your super chat for supporting this channel with your super chats uh fried tomato says finally outer wilds indeed finally one's going toward risk of rain one and two you gotta fried tomatoes backslizard says happy saturday y'all wake up crono uh lean's bell makes such beautiful music kroner trigger please you got it backslizard weirdness unfold says one final push towards ace combat seven should i say take off with what i believe is a smiley face i can't really tell i'm getting old and i think i'm i'm losing my touch with the smiley faces here loving your stream as always see back in my day it was just semi-colon and then open parentheses who knows okay try lighting says hey finally back welcome back try lighting i suppose it's worth xenoblade i want it to be in voting since settleblade 3 releases next month you know we'll be all over your reaction to the ost that's a great one trial lighting thanks for the heads up there king peggy says chrono legion i need you okay joe bro says i'd like to request all of patapon one three because each oc is short these games are strategy rhythm and we're part of my childhood growing up so one day you're able to cover them well thank you joe bro we're certainly gonna upvote those and add them to the list with your super chat uh rick stink says please listen to the detroit become human ost i promise you will have no regrets well rex think we'll add it if it's not already there and we will uh we will rock it and roll it now buzz lamouche says imaginarium okay buzz i got on i'm gonna need a second buzz imaginary okay puffle chops literally my favorite handle ever puffle chops puffles is so amazing puffle chops says uh i want to bub up friday night funkins ost not because it's my favorite it's just good in my opinion but because i'm curious what you'll say about it you got puffle chops weirdness unfolds welcome for being assange supported member for two months golden page 64. says got my paycheck last night so putting some of that into mad rat dead suggestion like usually got it golden pig 64. thank you for your support argus says dan been looking forward to outer wilds forever i love to listen to an ost that you know this goes to your favorite zelda my guess link to the past yes argus well guest nothing nothing can replace the games you play when you're a kid you know it's like you like someone could make the best fit objectively the best video game ever invented i don't think you'd ever like it as much as the video games you played when you were a kid there's just it just holds a special place in your heart the manini boy says yo dan love your content well thank you for the love manini boy mini boy goes on to say been here since the undertale orchestra action whoa that was a minute ago huh thanks for hanging out nice to see the progression of your channel indeed we are growing and changing and evolving and getting better all the time thanks to incredible community input and voting also put this towards sanoblade d e you got it manini boy mr bojangles says gotta put xenoblade chronicles back in contention you got it mr bojangles big gamer two five two five so i can't wait to color i'm sorry i'll read that again big gamer2525 says i can't wait for you to cover simcity3000 it's so good just pure jazz injected straight into my well that sounds like fun minions fan upvoted luigi's manor thank you minions fan for your super chat and for your support pudding hun shout out for three months at kazoo club shelby shock says would love to stay but i must go about my day getting errands done have a good rest of the stream dan i'm going to give off a little booster you got a chill shot ottergamer says it's time for another risk of rain and donation might do a little more in a moment with a no i'm not too old for that one with a fun face with a tongue out what i'm hearing is fantastic and i have never wanted the game more yeah that that ost was a lot of fun pudding11 says heyodan got a sandwich i've enjoyed your reaction to the games atlas mix i will upload persona 3 definitely one of my favorite in this series that speaks heavily on dealing with death well thank you putin hun otter game says oh it's ending already looks like my second donation has got to go right now and that's for risk of rain virtual pain 17 says i've been really enjoying these videos my man removed near reptilian up the list you got it virtual pain weirdness unfolds there's another boost for ace combat 7 to sky's under disguise unknown crazy pixel says uh just want to show support for such an underrated youtuber well thank you for saying that i appreciate it it's always good being underrated because then people really aren't mean to you it's like once you get success then then it becomes a problem but also uh could the i mean success is also very relative i honestly feel very successful um because it's all relative it's all in your mind like you know you could go your whole life not feeling successful because you never set a goal and you never define what success is going to be in your own mind and then you're never happy but if you define success in your own mind and you figure out for yourself what success is and then you get there then it's like oh okay this is a moment like this is cool this is success and then if you want to you set a new goal but i think having having a moment and a place to find in your mind of what success is and then working towards that is important and having it be a reasonable goal that you know you can achieve is good too anyway where was i oh yeah i just wanted to show support sorry crazy pixel so i just wanted to show support for such an underrated youtuber but also could you give mario galaxy one and two soundtracks be moved up the list you got it crazy pixel okay [Music] yes it's like little moments right it's like vinnie talked about the channel like that was really cool he talked about a funny moment too like where um uematsu was like doing some chord progressions that i could not predict what was going to happen next it was like completely blowing my mind okay jammy hey jamie jamie says let me add this to furry it was composed by like six different artists making two songs per boss ooh the themes give you a good sense of their personalities that's fun pikachu says great stream today dan if you're interested in playing the outer wilds i definitely recommend it add this to xenoblade chronicles yeah i'm totally open to it now let me just finish my dlc for the for the witcher and uh we'll rock it and roll it okay buzz lamouche says imaginarium you got it buzz limoush and otter gamer says one last donation ask any updates on the discord server risk of rain once again l-o-l yes working on that discord server so actually i launched i'm launching my course on july 1st uh look out in the community tab for some early bird specials on that later today but i was gonna have a discord server be part of the course but like people didn't want to like you know do the extra thing to get it so uh well i'm gonna work on that i think we'll probably just do like a free one or something like that um so yeah type two in the chat if you want a free discord server if you think if you think that would be fun that's all i've got to say please hit like subscribe hit that notification bell and there's 10 things i think every gamer should know about music theory seriously if you've not go clicked on that like go click on it it's a free download i honestly think you're going to get a lot out of it and uh we'll rock and roll like that i hope you all have an awesome saw some luigi's mansion not manor indeed man uh it's it's my handwriting i wrote down mansion but my handwriting is so bad i said manner okay you all have a fantastic one i will see you in the next stream thank you all so much for joining thank you for supporting me in this channel with your super chats and thank you for watching because i could not do this without you guys so thank you so much for watching uh if you're watching this on demand thank you so much for commenting if you're commenting thank you so much for liking if you're liking thank you for subscribing if you're subscribing thank you for chatting for those who are chatting in this moment thank you all so much for your support i really do appreciate it it means the world to me i will see you all next time take care
Channel: Music Theory for Gamers
Views: 152,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, reaction, guitarist reacts, musician reacts, video game music, professional guitarist reacts, first time reaction, ost, music, vgm, ost reaction, music teacher reacts, original soundtrack, guitar teacher reacts, reaction video, Outer Wilds OST Blows my Ever-Loving Mind | Reaction, outer wilds, outer wilds ost reaction, outer wilds reaction, outer wilds ost, outer wilds review, outer wilds soundtrack reaction, outer wilds music reaction
Id: Xj7M2g4xZjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 46sec (6826 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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