Hades OST BLOWS Music Teacher's Mind + Reaction LIVE Original Sound Track

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[Music] [Music] well welcome welcome for best music coach my name is Dan I'm a music teacher about to listen to the Hades original soundtrack for the very first time and to be clear I've never heard this music before in my life and together we're going to discover hidden connections understand how music works and have some fun along the way let's do this thing type a three in the chat if you are ready to rumble we're going to do this thing okay here we go we're going to start with no Escape [Music] hey chat how's it [Music] [Music] going [Music] ow [Music] ow [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] my goodness if this first track is any indication of what is to come I am I don't know I don't know what's further up in the hierarchy past stoked like you're excited you're stoked I don't know what past stoked is but I'm that thing now so many oh my gosh yo this theme which we're g to go ahead and call this theme one is sick for a number of reasons number one okay like [Music] okay uh let's get a [Music] little oh my gosh and then okay I'm getting so excited I can't even talk straight so look it starts off with this idea of and we're g to kind of gesture it the ID here I'm going to pull it back just a little bit so I can snag the exact intervals of everything that happened okay [Music] should sorry just hit the mic we have that three flat two natural three one okay that's the first time through and then the second time through yeah but I think that changed it once it got a little heavier went back fourth between the threes it might be the second time too okay so then repeats we have the one which carries back to here the first [Music] part and we're g to fast forward just a little bit because I think that first time through the intro the theme might be a little [Music] different [Music] okay and then 3 Four 3 four four five the first song always takes a little long but then every song passes we're going to be referencing this so Groove with me here don't lose patience with me [Music] [Music] okay five and then I think when it got heavy that second time yeah and that right there is sick so then we also have part of theme one two is going to be alternating so I didn't even break this down some of the really cool things here is the fact that we have flat two that's sick that's going to give us a frian sound but no it's not just that we also have a flat three and a natural three and the flat three and natural three means we're going to oscillate change back and forth between a major and a minor sound and indeed that's then highlighted right here in this let's call it sort of a bsection of the theme where it's just the chords and sure enough the chords are C minor outlining this first part of the theme and then C major outlining the second part of them [Music] [Music] sick ah here we [Music] go [Music] [Music] da [Music] okay so now we have the theme it's going to be pretty smooth sailing from here except notating down new things but what we're going to look for is we're going to look for motifs from this theme to show up in pieces further on down the line now what's interesting is a motif is not a theme and a theme is not a motif a theme contains possibly many motifs like likely a motif maybe playing that three to four maybe the difference between uh major third minor third maybe the chords of the major to the minor are going to be motifs we're going to see played out through the rest of this OST let's keep this rock and rolling with House of Hades some people are saying you can't see the board sorry one moment let me double check my my screen share oh yeah sorry about that gotta scooch it on over oh we got to scooch it really on overs goodness gracious you know you get pre-flight checklists for everything you do and then then let me just go the other way there we go we're making it happen Okay let's pull this a little closer you say Dan you're writing terribly small yeah we have whole OST to go through so we're going to move and groove like that okay all right let's keep this rocking and rolling I'm G add [Music] that all right checklist there you go minor to [Music] Major Miner [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay so so many cool things actually tying back to our first theme we're hearing an alter a between minor and major that we heard in our first theme in addition to that we're going to grab [Music] this we'll grab that idea too so we're going to call this House of Hades and it's gonna be essentially uh flat three four five flat six flat 34 now I'm writing some of these things down I'm not sure if these are going to come back later because I don't know this OST just yet but that seems like a good thing that might come back and I think there was one more real part of this uh real part of this I want to grab too [Music] yeah and so we can see over and over again what Darren's doing to keep the idea of major and minor going throughout this OST is in the first OS excuse me the First theme we had flat threes going to Natural threes and then here in House of Hades we also have flat threes going through natur and that and that part that's so it starts off with a flat three and ends on a natural three now you might be saying well Dan what makes that so cool well the flat three and the natural three are two very potent they're very potent notes in music they carry a lot of weight they're very powerful not all notes are as powerful as three and as flat three relative to whatever note we started you might say well how does that even work well in music we have a system of numbers and letters that helps us make sense of everything that's going on so what we say is we say the letters are AB B CDE e FG and after G we don't go to H we go straight back to a so it's AB bcde e FG AB BC D FG over and over and over again that's the musical alphabet then what we do is we assign a number to each one of those letters so for example a if a is one then B is two then C is 3 D is 4 e is 5 f is 6 and G is 7 but here's the thing we can actually change which letter gets the one and remember because the alphabet goes round and round and round it never stops it doesn't go to H after G goes straight back to a this is how it works we would say G is 1 then a is 2 B is 3 C is 4 d is 5 e is 6 f is s we could say d is one then e is two f is three G is four a is five b is six and C is seven that's how the whole system works so in this case we're talking about changing the three and so what happens is if we play a one three and five all together at the same time it sounds like this that's 1 three and five all together at the same time and anytime we play two of these sounds together so this sound right here this is a note this sound right here this is a note this sound right here this is a note so is this so is this so is this so is this the a b c d f and g each one of these are notes and anytime we play two or more notes together this creates something called a chord and so we take the 1 three and five and put them together create something called a major chord this sounds well rather Pleasant you may even think it sounds happy but if we take one and then we lower the three just a bit we get one flat three and five this creates a minor chord in the minor chord well it doesn't sound happy it might sound sad to you might sound pensive it might sound Melancholy there might be another adjective you want to put to it but the point is it's not happy right and this major it might not be happy to you but it's certainly not sad okay so we write minor with a slash we put this little minus sign EXC me not a slash a minus sign we put a minus sign after the letter so C minor and then if there's no if there's no extra symbols added after the letter for the chord it's major so in this first thing we had C minor now we have C major then in House of Hades we have G minor to G major and so there's this Duality between major and minor and what we hear often times and I don't know if this is the case with the soundtrack but what we hear a lot of the time is that composers will use minor to Major to either imply a duality within a character or a situation like a character who can walk into Two Worlds or a character who's being duplicitous like they're saying one thing but really they're another or there's some type of question or something hidden about the character where they they are you see one thing on the surface but really there's a whole another thing going on so the use of the major minor here might just be to sound more like I don't what I'm about to say is like so so ridiculously superficial and uneducated like just Groove with me here it sounds kind of Greek do you feel me it's like I feel like if I'm playing Assassin's Creed um Odyssey I'm hearing music like this like you feel me like it sounds Greek it's also the instruments too but but there's there's there's something about the the minor major thing ah it just sounds good just the use of that it's it just feels ancient and Greek but likely more than likely based on everything we've seen from all the osts we've looked at on this channel that that alternating between the flat three and the natural three that alternating between major minor means either duplicity walking in Two Worlds deception something along those lines that it's going to represent okay let's keep this going with House of tartar us it sounded more appetizing the first way all right house of Tartarus if you brush your teeth then you then you will be out of Tartarus all right let's check it out G [Music] again [Music] all right 11 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was a minor third to Major third right there he [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] major third ow no next time [Music] [Music] maybe there it [Music] is [Music] he [Music] absolutely sick you know I'm going to go ahead and take a guess chat tell me if I'm wrong I'm going to guess it out of tardus is not actually going to be a motif we're going to hear again rather that was actually more sort of like um like a one-off thing that we'd hear as we go through a certain level or something but I I don't think that that's going to come back much one thing I wanted to point out is the Two Worlds thesis that I'm working with here so far and it's a it's just just a working thesis we have major to minor we also have in the instruments mostly acoustic but then the electronic and indeed the the way that it's the way that it's recorded with the acoustic and electronic makes it feel like two separate worlds it doesn't feel yes it is integrated yes musically it's awesome yes it's genius composing don't get me wrong but there's something where it feels like perhaps and maybe I'm reading into it a little too far it feels like uh maybe um Darren uh is actually trying to tell us something with the use of these single electronic elements over mostly acoustic uh mostly acoustic instruments and then sort of like in the drop we had in out of tartter going into fully electronic you know distorted guitars and things like that so I just an idea there oh is the camera backwards for you guys type type type a two in the chat if the writing on the Whiteboard is backwards for you let me know if that's backwards oh you know I go on streamlabs all right that the video is going to stop and it's going to start again then it's going to be right you know I go into streamlabs and It autor reversed it and so I had to go in and change my settings and then I didn't change it back okay let me know now if we are where we need to be and if that is looking a little bit better it looks fine on my [Laughter] end all right okay cool thank you guys very much I appreciate it you know what I always say that this entire channel is a team effort and today we proved it so thank you very much okay let's keep this going with wretched Shades which is what I say when I try and open the window and it won't oh these wretched Shades okay I'm GNA stop that wasn't even a dad joke that was a that was the Ghost of a dad joke okay wretched Shades here we go oh something else I want to point out too is a lot of The Melodies well a lot we'll listen to three pieces so far uh emphasizing the five like theme one starts on five House of Hades doesn't start on one tardus really you know started off [Music] with starting off on five not starting off on the one which spending more time on the five spending more time on that dominant over the one oh another thing I want to talk about too that we've heard in the past three are drones drones now not drones like drones that they use to deliver uh medicine to people in other countries um or to deliver your Amazon package but a drone is in it's a consistent note or series of notes that's held throughout a piece of music for a long duration of time that gives everything else above it well context so that was a drone there you go okay wretched Shades that's also what I call my sunglasses when I can't find them okay here we [Music] go see starting on [Music] five [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] okay was it or is [Music] it whatever we get to five okay so what we could hear in wretched Shades was taking some similar notes that we've heard well in the main theme but not quite how it was in the main theme as we've heard so far you know it's starts off like Tartus but instead of going to the major third like Tartus did [Music] it's and that little descending pattern there so what we could see maybe The Wretched shades are indeed in Tartarus and we could also confirm that by saying that both keys are G minor as House of Hades was G minor so the main theme was in the key of C minor House of Hades Tartarus and reted shades have all been in the key of G minor which would lead me to believe these are all in the same biome area stage level Etc let's check out this next one which called lament of [Music] orus [Music] [Music] ooh here God to my desperate to see [Music] my to s [Music] upon [Music] F to [Music] fre [Music] close the light we see [Music] betray change heart [Music] win to the us we [Music] for oh heck yes don't [Music] look [Music] wow that was absolutely gorgeous let's grab the cords for that because I have a feeling we're going to be hearing those chords again there's no way we're just going to hear those chords one time no [Music] way [Music] all [Music] right so to s so we have G minor be one then we have flat three major to four minor back to Flat three flat two cool back to [Music] one yeah it's a leading tone be 7 ful diminished oh no I just grabbed the marker okay seven well no not sharp sorry just seven back to one and I bet you we're going to hear those chords again I'll bet you all right here we go let's check out the painful way we can do this the easy way or the painful way [Music] y [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] pain Never Felt So Good okay I'll behave so hey uh look the painful uh really cool Motif here and I'm going to call this Motif now it was really cool is in the sort of what what I'm assuming is the actual what I'm just laughing at rubberman who did the big surprise eyes um what what we could what we could do too is we could look at when this dropped right into the second part which I'm assuming it's combat it took the motif down but the motif is essentially half a start half Step Up whole step down home so start half Step Up whole step down down whole step back up well technically a minor third down okay let me start again start half Step Up minor third down whole step up okay and that [Music] Motif there you go and now we can see that same thing down uh taken down by a fifth so this was going c d flat B flat C and then next goes g a flat F G there we go now what was cool too is this actually brought chords in as really a featured part of what was going [Music] on well maybe just yeah just straight diminish not not fully diminish seven I think I had that right there there you go really really cool stuff here so far and painful so what we can see in terms of keys so far theme one in c minor House of Hades tardus wretched Shades orus all in G Min are now painful way coming back to C minor and indeed with motif of [Music] whatever can't sing that fast all right painful way okay and let's keep this going with from Olympus Zeus hath decreed all right let's check it out from Olympus C minor again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] love [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so what's pretty cool is in Olympus we actually hear two motifs to a degree I'm going to go out on a Lim and say we hear two motifs reused first we hear a motif taken from Wretched Shades well second we hear a motif taken from reted Shades first we hear a motif from painful way so I'm going to call Motif one anytime we go anytime we go up a half step down a minor third and then up a whole step I'm going to call that Motif one Motif two is anytime we're going to be descending by a Skip One what do I mean by that well here check this out we go we go up one we skip down one we go up one we skip down one we uh skip one uh we go up and so it's the pattern of go up one H skip one down up one skip one down so anytime we have that pattern I'm going to call that pattern of skipping one Motif two I'm going call Motif one anytime we hear that and interestingly enough I mean I don't think we've heard much from theme one in a minute really we could think of Olympus as pulling directly from ideas from painful way and from Wretched super cool let's keep it going with by the way stop drop Dash in the chat on YouTube was like finally in informative reaction content yes in fact what if I told you this wasn't even a reaction this actually was informative content and I just called it a reaction because that's what YouTube wants me to call it all right let's check out through as Fidel drones again oh D now [Music] come on don't tease me stop teasing me Darren let's go buddy come on getting sweaty Palms like let's go ow [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh come [Music] on [Music] oh both te to both [Music] to [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] come on come on come on come on oh come on now please [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll te too [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] that was sick okay we had someone say that sounds like the quz voice it says uh pixel demon let's scooch it back a second yeah so kind of sort of we could okay yeah I'll tell you what we're going to call Motif 3 is gonna be a harmonic Motif I sorry Motif four and we're going to call it one to seven diminished because in orus we had 1 to seven diminished and painful we had 1 to seven diminished so what we have so far to catch you up is we have four motifs that we're looking at and there might be a fifth one that we just heard in Asphodel so I'm going to go back and actually listen for a moment make sure I grab it because it was a little it was a little uh well interesting right the in Asphodel we had um this idea for [Music] sure which was pretty cool so Motif one is Motif two [Music] is which we could hear a bunch of times in different areas in uh in Asphodel and different instruments we heard Motif 2 Motif 3 is anytime it's a harmonic Motif anytime we have a one minor chord to a one major chord morti four is going to be one minor to seven diminish so when I hold up fingers while we're listening to things what I'm doing is I'm telling you right now Motif one is happening right now Motif 2 is right now Motif 3 right now Motif 4 and that why I don't have to yell uh over the OST even though I might get excited and I might also yell over the OST so we're gonna um bring it back just a moment uh through as Fidel um I've been over Hill and ask Fidel uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's groups of Threes And I'm having trouble figuring out what the notes are if you have perfect pitch feel free to fire it off in the chat it'll save us some [Music] time [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] okay [Music] I don't know why I can't hear [Music] that all right [Music] guys [Music] something like [Music] [Music] that [Music] all right whatever we're going to leave that one there was a motif there and I'm not going to get it let's go check out good riddance Urus of your life sorry Urus solo to all the Earth remains no no fur thir death to be paid at rest we of the world all falls away in [Music] goodbye to all the plans that we made no contracts I'm free to do as I may no hunger No Sleep except dreams my and [Music] from come good R to all the thieves to all the fools that stifled me they've come and gone and pass me by good to [Music] allwell to all the Earthly remains no burdens no further death to be paid at can rest his we Bones the weight of the world all falls away [Music] all right let's listen to some of that again I'm going to grab the chords this time that was delightful that was incredible that and that was some good singing too like both both vocal um tracks so far spot on really really delightful stuff [Music] so have one the flat seven to four flat [Music] three to Flat seven flat [Music] six to [Music] be [Music] rest World okay and then [Music] goes second ending flat two one flat seven flat six oh Falls away [Music] in the seven diminished so we can see that a lot of the time here in fact in orus and in painful way each chord progression is ultimately ending on a seven fully diminished seven which creates a leading tone and perfect authentic Cadence to bring us back home well technically creates a half Cadence because it ends on it it doesn't go back to one before that it doesn't matter point is it goes to the leading tone each time and so that in and of itself if we were to condense the entire song of Good Riddance and also orus we could basically say both of them Follow The Motif 4 each one of them are an expanded version of motif 4 yes there's so many things so many more things going on inside of it for sure and indeed furthermore we can see that orus let's see one flat 3 flat 3 four four wow okay interesting so actually the first four chords of Good Riddance uh there's only one chord difference from orus so in orus I'm going to play in the same key so you can hear so in orus if we were in the key of C minor it would be uh G minor E flat F minor E flat uh whereas in good riddm it goes one to Flat 7 then to four minor then to Flat 3 furthermore in the second ending of good ridden it goes to Flat two and we can actually see that the same flat two is present in orus and in each case the flat two ultimately leads us to a seven diminished which brings us back so good riddance in orus interestingly enough if we look at it from a higher level good riddance is in c minor orces in G minor we've had a couple of songs in the key of C minor a couple songs uh pieces and songs in the key of C minor excuse me pieces and songs in the key of G minor and it's sort of like good rides and orus are two sides of the same coin separated by separated by an inter of and indeed furthermore in painful way we heard the motif one in C and then we heard Motif one starting on G as well so there's this connection between the key of C minor and the key of G minor which brings us back to this idea of Two Worlds and yes as Fidel was in the key of D Minor but that's really the exception to everything we've heard so far everything we've heard so far has essentially been in into keys this brings us back to the Two Worlds idea interesting stuff let's keep this going with final expense ah which is the two um coins on the eyes interesting stuff and pixel demon has a question by the way ask questions about the please feel free to ask questions about the OST as we go through because when you ask questions I get to break things down and tell you things that well I might not think of telling you because even though I am a music teacher doesn't mean I think of everything I'm not an omniscient and omnipotent being and so when you ask me um when you ask me questions it's actually super super helpful so what makes good ritten sound uplifting even though it's in a minor key well does it sound uplifting I don't know that it does but I would certainly say that it's the limited use of minor chords and the predominant use of major chords so if we were to count the number of minor major chords here in good rins we have one two three four minor chords in the entire song whereas major chords we have 1 2 3 four five six 788 so we literally have a 2:1 ratio of major chord to minor chords and because there's so many more minor uh major chords excuse me that is what might lead you to use the word uplifting and it's also has to do with the way that it's arranged but you can think about it that way too cool all right let's keep this going with final expense It's the final [Music] expense [Music] all right let's do [Music] it [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's so as spooky [Music] so we're gon to call The Motif now that was actually moved around too with the notes so we're actually going to write the Rhythm down and also keep that in mind as a rhythmic Motif well maybe not we haven't heard too many rhythmic well we have heard a couple rhythmic mes we're going to just keep that final expense that's going to be what we're going to think of really as the motif of final expense now yeah I don't think we've had anything quite like this so far in the OSD that's pretty cool that's definitely a new Motif for us let's check out mouth of sticks let's check it out brings the boy to the yard and they like it's better thans if if [Music] you I know the piece is [Music] fit [Music] we heard what he do in [Music] there [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] he [Music] w [Music] [Music] on [Music] okay so a couple really cool things here in mouth of sticks so we heard a new Motif a new idea which [Music] was I'll play down [Music] here that's a brand new idea but here's the thing the second part of this theme of sticks actually pull directly from Motif [Music] to [Music] whatever I'm paraphrasing here but you get the idea Motif 2 is actually showing up in the end of sticks I love it when we start to get a couple pieces deep into an OST because then we really start to see these motifs coming out to play which is so cool let's keep this thing rocking and rolling with primordial chaos let's check it [Music] [Music] out [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and now we see the humpback way it moves majestically with its Cal it's been journeying for many months to reach its feeding grounds on the shores of the [Applause] [Music] Pacific [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that was beautiful I'm sorry for indulging ing myself in a very poor David aten bur impression but I just it just sounded like humpback Wheels should be there that was beautiful primodial chaos bringing us back to C minor going back and forth essentially between two chords the whole time one and a flat two now we heard flat 2 show up in orus we heard flat 2 show up in Good Riddance and we've heard flat 2 in a whole bunch of places we heard the note flat 2 all the way back in our main theme we've heard it in carteras and wretched in painful way and ask ask for something aspal and yeah very cool and even in Motif to okay so we're going to keep this thing going with the [Music] bloodless [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] y [Music] y [Music] that was wild okay so a couple interesting things about bloodless bloodless is in the key of A minor the only piece we've had so far in a minor was uh final expense so I'm going to guess that final expense and bloodless are actually connected either through characters or through an area a biome a an arena a stage a level something's connecting final expense and bloodless cuz these the only two we've had on the KY of a minor furthermore we had we had that Motif all the way back in wretched in addition to that we can think about the fact that we have B that we have the one the flat and the flat 7 really is pulling from motif one so we can hear bloodless is pulling from Motif one it's pulling from Wretched and indeed it is somehow I believe connected to final expense there you go boat and death you know what they say give me boats or give me death let's check out scourge of the fairies oh no I misread that scourge of the furies never be the [Music] same [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] a [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] man that was indeed as Snappy in the chat has said lit so a couple cool things to think about for the scourge of the furies is that it's actually not dissimilar from the Asphodel in the sense there's a 15 flat 65 we also said 15 flat 65 in Asphodel Overhill Asphodel we have hit the dusty trail and those g go Rolling Along okay let's check out him to zagis and then we're going to take a short five minute break we're g to check out him to zagaris and we're take a short five minute break let's check out himym to [Music] zagas of Hy first of his name as a serent in spite of Queen her Z came to to shreds by the Titans devour in pie from his of flame the seed of di SC the god of war and Fe St to live at home on o [Music] pres [Music] true of thunder and lightning struck down the [Music] Titans to From the Ashes of the tit the stand to live the of the at and F for and the blood of Immortals of [Music] zending it flows in their veins the prince the M PR to his [Music] King to [Music] leave Stand [Music] Fast wow dude this a great singing too I love that now in him to zacharis we heard a couple interesting things we heard one to flat to which is what we heard in primordial chaos so perhaps primordial chaos cuz that's that's where everything starts right so perhaps zagas is talking a story about something where everything starts perhaps that's a connection between the chord progressions also zagas is the first time we've heard the key of F minor in addition to that we heard versions of motif one [Music] used yeah uh and then also making that a two but essentially taking that idea of motif one which also by the way Motif one now I'm thinking about it is kind of the start of motif 2 so Motif two really too because we're using that skipping the skipping of um let's see we keep F minor so [Music] uh [Music] cool we're going to take a five minute break and I'll see you back here in five minutes where we're going to do Hades part two original soundtrack I'm going to get that rocking and rolling set up for us look out for the volume that's about to hit you turn your volumes down because the pause music is going to be a little bit of a jump in volume all right all right we're going to do well let's do actually we can do seven minutes on the clock to make sure I get everything set up for part two here okay seven minutes on the clock here we go starting now turn your volume [Music] down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right team you about ready to rock cool so the one compromise for doing these long streams is I get to eat that is the compromise because the worst thing for me is when I do long streams and then I get hungry then I don't eat then I feel grumpy the rest of the day so we're going to handle that and I'm going to eat as we listen to music if you can hear me chewing just let me know and I'll back the microphone away B you back up yes indeed thank you thank you very much volume is back up all right let's do this thing let's rock this roll yeah please turn your volumes up this was the volume we started this stream at all right let's put on my to-do list lower the volume of the break music lower break Music Volume great all right let's do this field of souls start a new one up here field of souls here we [Music] go [Music] w [Music] yeah [Music] for [Music] y [Music] y [Music] [Music] sh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so a couple of really cool things showing up here in field of souls number one our Motif one which was we heard Motif one here in field Souls but this time was actually presented as chords which is really cool a really interesting way of developing that Motif we also have a newly minted motif number five we heard we've heard enough times we're going to call it a motif cuz it's showing up in so many places we heard one five Flat 6 showing up in the a Asphodel we heard one five flat six showing up in Scourge now we have 1 five flat six showing up again in field of souls that right [Music] there that's one five flat six one five flat six and then there's some more stuff after that but that's basically the idea we have the one five flat six we have Motif 5 we have Motif one for Motif one not just his notes but his chords as we discussed you take two notes or more you put them together at the same time you're going to get chords you get har and then this extra [Music] little which is a really really delicious riff coming there as well for field of souls let's check out death oh no excuse me River of flame [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] la [Music] n guess he really meant that ending there some interesting things about the river of flame that I'd love to point out to you is that there's this idea in here [Music] of again and what that is that's a simplified version of motif number [Music] two so motif number two does all this you know it goes down two up one down two up one well it starts going up one up one down two up one down two up one down two that's Motif two so what's happening here is type A three in the chat if you can hear the connection between [Music] and it's outlining basically the same notes it's descending getting us to the same place it's getting to the same place but it's getting us there in a much more simple way it's simplified it's like a simplified version of motif 2 and you indeed you could call it a completely different Motif but it's so similar I'm going to go ahead and say that's Motif to simplified now in addition to that we had thank goodness because it's been a minute we had our major third hanging out [Music] here [Music] which was really cool to have one two natural three four five flat six now that natural is not necessarily to be put in there but considering how many flat threes we had this whole thing and I accidentally wrote flat three the first time we're going to go ahead and just put a natural right there really cool stuff so let's keep this going with death and I which is g to be a short one back to theme one so I think it's interesting that oh death and I when you died got it that makes sense because death and I is actually going and referring straight back to theme one and pulling St from it so that makes a lot of sense that that would be how that cookie crumbles let's check out rage of Mir madans not familiar with mmons yeah so to be clear we're calling theme one theme one is the main theme okay let's check out r rage rage rage against the dying of the light and I think about that poem at least once a week okay oh I got really quiet didn't I there we go we're back okay here we go let's keep this going with [Music] rage [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] a [Music] 4 four all day [Music] baby [Music] right come now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] okay so a couple of interesting things for rage rage against the dying of the light number one yall were talking about what is the likely time signature I'm going to go ahead and put my money on 74 plus 64 now what's interesting about 74 plus 64 having an actual equation and time signature isn't of itself interesting the most interesting part for me is the 64 I love it when 64 whenever you have six beats in a measure usually that's going to be in compound meter so 64 would actually be six quarter notes and the dotted half note gets the beat and there's two dotted half notes in a measure so we could think of 64 is being right three two sets of three coordin notes which are actually the beat divisions and actually the beat unit are dotted half notes that's the way you would typically think of 64 but no indeed here in this case these six are broken up into groups of twos and so you have one two one two one two and that is the beat they're not the subdivision it's not compound meter whereas 64 itself could be thought of as being a compound meter time signature and inde does indeed imply a compound meter time signature as we've seen throughout these osts that is not always the case uh some interesting things going on with the chords we have one flat two flat three four with the chords One Flat 7 One Flat two which is you know kind of a play on Motif one Motif one is B and we have so it's it's a recycling it's a reconfiguration it's a reordering indeed of the notes from Motif one those are just a couple of insights to connect what's going on with Rage of the madans by the way all of this will be on the midterm so make sure you take notes we're going to go on next to the exalted and know you can't have the syllabus [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] w [Music] o [Music] [Music] oh [Music] w [Music] w [Music] w w [Music] [Music] w [Music] w [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] w [Music] w [Music] [Music] w okay my favorite part of this whole thing was the and [Music] ah sick sick sick riff man the whole thing was sick yeah the whole song was like so cool uh peace excuse me uh I think interesting uh Motif 5 to a degree being shown in harmony the uh let's see [Music] ah dude crazy riff uh really cool stuff um we heard again that that kind of sort of the rift that I kind of sort of just played now I saw some people talking about triplets no I don't think that there is a single triplet in this entire piece of music and I'll tell you why I'd say the time signature is actually 128 and those there triplets are not actually triplets at all rather they are the natural uh beat division of the dotted quarter note that would get us 12 eth notes in the time sign 128 and remember that that bottom number when you're in compound meter is l Ling to you it's not actually telling you the beat unit it's telling you the beat division okay so 128 means there's 12 e notes in the measure but the dotted cordin note is actually the one that gets the beat let's check out last [Music] words oh [Music] we've heard this [Music] [Music] before [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] so last words we've heard that chord progression before but I've made a mistake and I didn't write it down I think I think we heard this at the start of orus uh if I'm not incorrect we heard that at the start of orus and so what that is it's one two five over two to 3 to two to five back to one or two excuse me two maybe we can call it leading tone back to one but anyway slice it anyway you Dice it we have heard that before okay let's check out the king and the bull it was thanks to the King and his bull that the emperor thought he had new clothes it's about to turn into [Music] [Music] en [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] w [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] oh [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] well I don't even know what to do with that that was just insane uh yeah that was uh that was nice I see a lot of people in the chat referencing doom and I'm definitely picking up what you're putting down you know a lot of this stuff you know there's been a couple moments where this been sort of these long buildups kind of like Mick Gordon I mean that was cool it was some really interesting things in there I loved it I just have no idea what to do with that so what we're going to do is say that was delightful let's check out Gates of Hell [Music] sorry I skipped one lend of orus I meant I apologize [Music] [Music] desperately to see my heart [Music] so [Music] Bel to [Music] see first [Music] she interesting close [Music] see to [Music] the [Music] SE wi the [Music] we [Music] don't look [Music] turn [Music] turn [Music] so lament of orus bringing back pretty much word for word well not word for word I wasn't paying attention to the lyrics in full honesty but in terms of the chords same chord progression as we had before interesting thing to talk about that didn't last time is when it goes to the B section so it's hanging out in excuse [Music] me but then when it goes to the B it hangs out on an a which makes you feel like you're going to go back to the D but you don't go back to the U go back to G so I saw a guitar assassin saying ears are so confused that's why it's because hanging on that a and that a feels so much like a dominant it feels like that a surely is going to bring us back to D but no indeed it doesn't and it actually is the supertonic and which brings us right back to the tonic let's check out now for real this time the GES of Hell Sweet Dreams made of things [Music] that percussion is sick [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] w spooky no idea what Darren might have been plucking that string with but whatever it was I'd love to know that made a very interesting sound now what we had basically was one melodic Motif that really held down the fort here and Gates of Hell which was where the key of C it's going to be five Flat 6 4 that major [Music] third I do it a fancy way I could keep this C going doesn't matter okay let's check out god of the Dead [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] absolute Insanity uh a couple of things to point out number one no duh that our main theme the game is called Hades and in Greek mythology Hades is the god of the dead so no no duh and when we died we had the main theme that should have been a clue right there I didn't catch on but sure enough we have a meeting with the god of the Dead who is in fact Hades and we hear the main main theme no du it took me a minute but I got there what I'd love to understand what I still haven't been able to parse out is this duplicity the C minor the c major is that just life and death maybe I'm not sure something else to point out is really the something called rhythmic displacement now the rhythmic displacement this is not what I would think of as rhythmic place but this kind of is so it's like where you think beat one would be in the Riff of a lot of the guitar parts starting in phase two was the drums were on beat to so the guitar and the and the drums were off by One Beat from where you would think that they would go and that's part of what really creates a lot of tension and a lot of friction in in the music and I'll show you what I mean [Music] 2 1 2 so see where I'm saying one where I want to say one with the guitar the drums are playing the snare usually the snare goes on two the kit goes on one in reggae the snare goes on one the kit goes on too so it's playing a game where that's actually creating a feeling of unsettlement unsl in the music is by taking where you would normally have the kick drum on one and putting the snare drum on one of the guitar riff so I'm saying let's imagine I'm saying orienting to the guitar Rift typically I think we should generally think of orienting to the drums so if we think of orienting to the drums then the guitar riff is one beat later than it would be normally so it's it's always starting a beat later than you would think so it's always off by beat it's always light by beat and that gives you that feeling of well not put together not put togetherness that that destabilization I mean type a four type a four in the chat if you felt like that music like destabilized you like did that feel destabilizing yeah leafy feify this four Snappy rice Monger yeah yeah it's not quite to the level of like the the Rhythm games in Mother 3 certainly but it is it's quite a game let's check out on the coast Pros Bud says it stabilized my desire to Boogie [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my gosh this is beautiful [Music] wow and after I mean 30 something pieces here we are on the coast which I mean it ends in f starts off in c minor ends up on an F major we'll call it C minor uses some minor ones to Flat twos like we've heard but totally different from everything that we've heard so far on this OSD and if I may say beautifully orchestrated and arranged absolutely love that I just said the same thing twice that was absolutely beautiful yeah that's what the Sun looks like exactly we'll tell you what we'll do final expense last here's in the blood [Music] [Music] oh [Music] voices we our lives are yeah [Music] horns we feel it inside of [Music] oh oh oh oh oh The Duality is we're related to Hades The Duality is we're the son of Hades and we have to defeat Hades That's The Duality it's in the blood [Music] your [Music] life that's The Duality that's the life and death because Hades gave us life but Hades actually represents death that is the Two Worlds [Music] son of [Music] death [Music] you from the place you it's always there it's in your dearest King below the SK [Music] it's the [Music] world you [Music] still [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] heck yeah that was sick and we also figured out that The Duality is we are the son of death life of death and death gave Life The Duality the minor to the major that we started this whole thing off with ah the Unseen ones [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] yeah [Music] oh [Music] h [Music] oh my God [Music] yeah [Music] and [Music] man if there was a pill I could take to be able to play guitar that fast I would take that sucker every day yeah yeah yep yep that that's some sick guitar playing don't ask me to do that because I can't do that that's some wild stuff man that that was some that was some Next Level shredding man that was insane oh that was sick ah that was I mean all the Earth remains no bur no fur debt to be paid and we way of the world oh Falls [Music] away goodbye to all the pl that we made no contract I'm free to do my name no hunger No Sleep except dream my and [Music] War good to all the to all the fools that St me theyve come and G and passing by good us to to all the Earth remains no bur no further Deb to be paid at can rest go way the world [Music] oh that was I absolutely beautiful what a way to wrap this up we're going to listen to final EXP b as we check out some super chats and things ripman 202 says blood and darkness my favorite games of all time Darren Corb composer as well as voice of the main character Z an excellent job with this but Paper Mario 64 you got it space cavus is donation for Sonic Unleashed enjoy the first stream of the Year y'all thank you space cowboy G coform says you're in for a treat today agreed a shout out to me wub buns welcome to best supporters ever check out the membership tab on the channel and vote for your favorite OST that's right members only special vote Alexander Lawrence says super excited for Hades J undertale yellow I was making it happened thank you Ariel Martinez say next Prest Persona one yes we got you all can before for Persona 4 great Persona one from Ariel Martinez Alexander says many tracks are half a theme half battle yes thank you Alexander Lawrence it makes sense why they picked up an energy halfway through good cofy storm says Bo to the composer lament work yes thank you K cof incredible voice too riota says here for the whole soundtrack but especially this track channels like sharing your favorite music with a friend who appreciates well thank you so much for your support thank you for your Super Chat really appreciate it B hun 11 celebrating 20 months Kazo Club Mel Mansbridge hey Mel hop everything's going okay with you up in Canada says always good to catch a stream a put this on Final Fantasy 9 well how AB boot that thank you very much Mel Matthew beny says I forget which track it was but one of the Elum tracks sounds a lot like E1 M1 at Dooms gate from Doom kind of feels of a fit feels kind of fit in a way put this towards cuphead I think you'll love it you got it good cofy storm says Hades is great fun if you ever have the desire to check it out gameplay Loop is like crack and the characters are great Darren Corb is the voice of the main character looks like a lot of fun and I'm going to put that on my list of video games to play and gdo coffee storm thank you very much I did enjoy the new mix oh for final expense I'd also like to say thank you all so much for joining me I didn't run any ads so if you want to support this channel check out the best music theory book for beginners one it'll help you understand everything about music you need to know at least for the basics it has sold over 5,000 copies to date and it's in its Third Edition you can see it's got over a hundred views on Amazon and yeah you go japy Pataki coming in saying put this towards Unreal Tournament you got to chopy Pataki and we have jet storm coming in from Down Under saying this was a sick OST that it was explored a poli this one towards Ace Combat 5 once again have a good day thank you so much jet storm thank you all so very much and if you're not interested in the book then I recommend checking out in the description of this video you can get every single book and every single course I've ever made for $0 that's right you can get a free trial to try out every single book and course I've ever made and get access to some sick software there's a link in the video description you can check that out thank you all so very much for watching and I will see next [Music] time like Caren goodbye
Channel: Music Theory for Gamers
Views: 23,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hades OST BLOWS Music Teacher's Mind + Reaction LIVE Original Sound Track, darren korb, hades reaction, hades ost reaction, hades god of the dead ost reaction, hades ost the unseen ones reaction, hades ost in the blood reaction, hades development time, reaction to hades ost, reacting to hades ost, hades ost react, hades music reaction, hades soundtrack reaction, reaction to hades music, hades music react
Id: jsBHv5wJnsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 0sec (13560 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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