Try Not to Cry Challenge (sad video game songs edition)

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recently in a community post I asked you to comment your saddest songs that you've ever heard from a video game why because I want to attempt a challenge called will this song make me cry first up is into the dusk from Ace Combat 5. [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that didn't make me cry but boy into the dusk there that is a gorgeous gorgeous reinterpretation of of course that main light Motif that we hear from The Unsung War piano is a such a fascinating instrument because it offers so much versatility in terms of emotion that we can hear when we play in the upper register it's light and tender and can really bring out emotions of love and loss and beauty and pain and I also love the slower Tempo here but now that that don't make me cry that will be on the channel eventually though for sure next up is omori final duet laughs [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign that's clearly a very somber song feels very classical and it feels very measured and there's a dance there that's happening between the piano and the violin that's really really symbolic of what appears to be twins or a brother and a sister and I'm sure there is some form of deep loss that occurs in context out of context it is a beautiful moving ebbing and flowing piece that's about life and love and loss and it is touching but it doesn't hit me in the deepest of sad Spots I'm worries on my to-do list to play certainly I also couldn't stop thinking about this piece as a classical piece and how beautifully written this is and how this could actually stand the test of time and could actually be played in um in a concert hall today which is actually kind of amazing considering that omore is a game from 2020 not enough to make me cry though this of course is aerith's theme from Final Fantasy VII I obviously know the context of this very much I'm not sure it'll make me cry but boys are beautiful let's see though [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] has this incredible capacity to like hit you right where it hurts I think not only knowing the context of what happens to Earth but also for me it reminds me a lot of my childhood first we started [Music] foreign again when we play in the upper piano in the upper register there it does Target the heartstrings in a really particular way there's a gentility there's an Elegance a lightness that when we feel that we automatically get very emotional and very somber while that doesn't make me cry it it it's hard because it does remind me of a period in my life that was really Blissful and peaceful that one hurt next up is 14.3 billion years from Outer Wilds [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Fed Up [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] you know that song I don't even know what it means in context I'm too afraid to play outer Wilds I probably should but I'm not ready to to play it the song I feel like it signifies that relationship with family and and it signifies my dad in a lot of ways because the instruments and the way that it's so natural sounding it's stripped away of any like artifice it's pure it's simple it's just a couple instruments I think something about having that be so pared down just hits me my dad was a a guitarist and a bass player and this song to me reminds me of the journey that we go on through life and then we arrive at a chapter there's that moment of Stillness in the track where it's a little bit like we hear ambient noise and then we shift into this big almost heroic sound quality and I think that that represents like when something bad happens and we pick ourselves up and we keep going that's the beauty of this music is that it doesn't have to be accurate but it has to be what it what I felt and in that case that's what I felt and I felt like the latter half of this track is uh you know where my life has gone since my dad has passed and the gifts and the blessings that I've received from my dad and from Life happiness that I never thought that I could ever have again it's a such a beautiful piece hopefully that doesn't keep up because I really I can't cry for like 20 minutes this is last Voyage from Spirit fairer [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I really appreciate the call and response in this piece if you're starting to notice a trend we're using the upper half of the piano we're using the higher strings here we're using notes that are higher and I mentioned this before but that is for the effect of creating a feeling of love and lightness we don't use a lot of heft or weight when we are listening to tracks that are meant to bring us to our knees to make us feel deep personal emotions this is all about lightness and love do we start with the piano in a very certain way then we moved into the orchestral part that was basically copying what we had heard in the piano this call and response of the melody and then we moved into the piano again with that recapitulation of that main theme and it was so elegant and so simple and really really beautiful but it didn't know it did not make me cry but it was very touching and very tender next up is Halo ODST rain Deliverance for Darkness foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] thank you [Applause] mm-hmm [Music] foreign that track really surprised me because there's a lot of Halo that I don't know I'm not very familiar with the gamer with the music and so hearing this track which was very very very tender and very heartfelt in a gut-wrenching why are things happening this way sort of way especially when we use the saxophone and when we use cascading rhythmic pattern it's a very much almost like a jazz standard and it's lovely and despite being somber it is also incredibly vibrant and there are a bunch of little sections here that make you feel like man we're really at a loss where can we go from here and that saxophone is actually in a treble range that would be uh for the higher voiced male and so it actually almost sounds like a male sound quality there maybe it represents Master Chief maybe it represents soldiers that have lost their lives along the way but there is a inherent warmth within that saxophone that's very very very lovely now it didn't make me cry no but it was very beautiful a life overflowing from Xenoblade Chronicles 3. laughs [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh I was this close that was so incredibly powerful that melody in those intertwining rhythms and Melody with the piano and with I believe the cello or the viola in combo they're really really struck a nerve with me and it was incredibly powerful and it had this both this incredible quality of Hope Everlasting mixed with this incredibly poignant feeling of absolute loss and the impossibility that things will ever be able to be the same as they were just felt like you were sitting there on the floor like looking around like thinking like this is it this is not going to be better we're not going to have a new life after this this is it and there was some hope sprinkled in there so it didn't bring me all the way to tears it wasn't like desperation at the bottom level maybe we'll be okay but I don't know I don't know will we and it's almost like the Happy moments in this song the moments when the piano took over with the orchestra and we were guided into this major stuff it almost felt like well maybe it's more like asking a question is there a possibility that things couldn't be bad but probably not it took me out because I was listening to it and analyzing it unfortunately it's become a habit now but it was really really really powerful that was a good one I was very close there to just feeling like just like letting it all come out let's listen to Final Fantasy 14's flow [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh I have awaited you patiently all this time faster every fate Now sing with me once my share of your life are greater than memory of words can cannot hold boundless [Music] and Calvary [Music] remember the rain near and far be loved each draw a blessing from the heavens above [Music] sun and far beyond they carry onwards Reflections away [Music] things [Music] singing deeper and deeper in calm and Grace loving tights [Music] a deep dark souls [Music] oh my God foreign [Music] [Music] together [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] well aside from Luna barking in that particular piece I mean that that gets me every time it's such a incredibly poignant powerful piece I think it's a combo of many many things I think the piano as we've discovered through a lot of these pieces but also the words are incredibly powerful and for people that have lost someone they love this idea of seeing the person that has passed and that they've been sort of guiding you along it really deeply symbolic piece of lyrics there that are written it inevitably makes you feel this incredible feeling of Hope and loss and it's just like such a weight of sadness this is the first song that I listen to that helped me start to really at the time that I heard it heal from the loss of my dad and in this particular piece it just like hits me hush love close your eyes and dreams and sleep abide from Sun's distant light Echoes around you know it's just spot I don't know it's just so powerful that piano these piano pieces man they're they're really powerful we're going to be doing a part two of because I'm a masochist all right well thanks so much for watching this will be part one of listening to the saddest video game songs in an effort to see if they will make me cry I think we only were able to achieve that with about three thanks for sticking it out I hope to see you later uh feel free to like subscribe there's links in the about section if you want to support the channel and as always thanks a ton and thanks for coming to listen to video game music with me see you later bye
Channel: MarcoMeatball
Views: 92,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5BZ2PGl6iy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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