Our Wedding Video And Full Ceremony | Cole and Charisma

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[Music] never forget the excitement in your voice the head over heels look in your eyes and the giddy squeals you let out the first day you told me about cole i was always rooting for him to find the girl of his dreams so charisma i feel blessed that you can be that woman you live up to your name most importantly you make my brother happy in ways i never could [Music] we are so thankful to be a part of your lives and the best dang love story we've ever seen i don't think there's two other people out there in the world that are more perfect for each other than you two are [Music] for the longest time i didn't think you were out there someone so selfless and caring so beautiful inside and out from our first date i could see that in you and every day since i felt my love for you grow deeper i promise to never let that love stop growing i also promise to work to give you the best life i possibly can to be a better man the man you need me to be i promise i promise to give you my everything forever because you are my everything that includes little things that i know i suck at like remembering the little details and putting my garage clicker away myself as we're getting in bed at night every ounce of love in me is yours if i can make you smile every day for the rest of my life i consider it a life well spent [Music] you're so beautiful you're just stunning you like my dress it's gorgeous is it what you expected no but it's beautiful i'm gonna kiss you look good [Applause] cole it's finally here today i become your wife your other half you have one of the sweetest souls and a smile that makes any day the best day you have shown me true meaning of patience commitment and love and i fall more in love with you every day you are my best friend my partner in crime the love of my life i promise to support every creative idea you come up with and to be your biggest cheerleader i promise to be kind patient and forgiving i promise to listen to speak to care and to pray with you forever and always i promise that laughter will be a commonplace in our household through whatever life throws our direction like the year 2020 i will always be by your side i love you those whom god has joined together let no one separate you may now bind your union with a kiss and make it a good one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good afternoon that was lame good afternoon good afternoon all right i would like to remind everybody that jesus first miracle was to turn water into wine at cana at his mother's behest and that is because jesus wanted everybody to have fun and to enjoy themselves and to celebrate and today we're going to have fun we're going to enjoy ourselves and we are going to celebrate because this is a most joyous occasion we have gathered here today two thousand years after jesus miracle at cana in order to celebrate another wedding the marriage of charisma and coal and to celebrate the fact that they are brave enough trusting enough and faithful enough to bind themselves together for life i would like to welcome everyone on behalf of charisma and cole i am cole's uncle john paul and i've been his uncle his entire life and um i'm deeply honored to be officiating at this ceremony i'm also slightly saddened because my dad was going to be the officiant originally and papa was excited about performing this beautiful ceremony but papa is here today in spirit and not in body and um we're we're pleased to have him with us so i know that charisma and cole are grateful to have you here to rejoice with them as they begin their life together and also as i mentioned we have papa here alongside us along with on cole's side of the family charlene we have michael and we have lori and on christmas side of the family we have carthamina and manny as well so let us pray god of light and laughter we thank you for the gift of love and the mystery of marriage that you have given to charisma and coal help them to feel this moment as more sacred and more real than any they have yet experienced and to acknowledge the beauty of this moment may they be filled with joy may they keep their promises with ease may love and passion abide always in their hearts and may they always feel the support of this community and beyond both in tears and in rejoicing amen we have two scripture readings this afternoon the first one is quite uncommon for a wedding ceremony but has particular relevance to this gathered congregation and this is psalm 18. the chords of death entangled me the torrential waters overwhelmed me the cords of the grave coiled around me the snares of death confronted me in my distress i called to the lord i cried to my god for help from his temple he heard my voice my cry came before him into his ears god reached down from on high and took hold of me he drew me out of deep waters god brought me out into a spacious place god rescued me because he delighted in me our second reading is from first corinthians chapters 12 and 13 and this uh is paul's advice to the young church in corinth now about the gifts of the spirit brothers and sisters i do not want you to be uninformed there are different kinds of gifts but the same spirit distributes them now to each one the manifestation of the spirit is gifted for the common good to one there is given through the spirit a message of wisdom to another a message of knowledge by means of the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another gifts of healing by that one spirit now you are the body of christ and each one of you is a part of it and god has placed in the church first of all apostles second prophets third teachers then miracles then gifts of healing of helping of guidance and of different kinds of tongues now eagerly desire the greater gifts if i speak in the tongues of mortals or of angels but do not have love i am only a resounding gong or a clanging symbol if i have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge if i have a faith that can move mountains but do not have love i am nothing if i gift all i possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that i may boast but do not have love i gain nothing now these three remain faith hope and love but the greatest of these is love this is the word of god so anyway there i was talking to my brother and he's telling me cole has a girlfriend and he likes her a lot and she's super impressive and they're getting pretty serious and um you know it's it's a big deal and so i said what you would of course always say in that situation i said what's her name and he said charisma and i said wow that is a bold name and it's bold for several reasons first of all what if you named your daughter charisma and then she turned out to be a dud i mean what if she had a personality like eeyore but the name charisma and she had to go through her whole life like that and people were like oh what's your name oh i'm charisma nice to meet you right but as we know charisma is in no way a dud she is loaded with personality and she is indeed quite charismatic and the the second thought that i had when i learned her name was wow that's a great name because i thought right away that means gift and as i've gotten to know charisma ever better over the past couple of years i have increasingly realized that charisma is a gift she is a gift from god first of all to her parents and then to her friends but now she is also a gift to my beloved nephew cole a gift for which my entire family is extremely thankful now cole's reading which is unusual for a wedding reading is also highly relevant because the psalmist express expresses thanks to god for pulling him from the raging deluge and cole is thankful to god for being pulled from the overwhelming waters and as coal recovered from those waters god blessed coal with gifts with unusual gifts with gifts far beyond his age with gifts of generosity and maturity and wisdom and perseverance through which god through which coal is even more helpful to this world and even more of a gift to this world now in the christian tradition we have kind of a unique concept of god some people say it doesn't make sense i think it makes perfect sense but we say god is three in one three distinct persons so perfectly united in love that they are one god three persons who gift themselves to one another so perfectly that they are one god and we have a second belief in this tradition that we are made in the image of god and to make be made in the image of god means to be made to love one another not to find our fulfillment through self-love but to find fulfillment through loving another through making ourselves a gift to another so today we're not just having a wedding ceremony we're celebrating the fulfillment of charisma and coal their ability to fulfill the image of god within themselves by committing themselves to one another in love and i'm absolutely certain that that commitment makes god's eyes sparkle with joy now i would like to make god's eyes continue to sparkle with joy by having coal and charisma exchange their vows this union charisma and coal is most sacred and serious it will bind you together for life in relationships so close and so intimate that now your destinies are entwined that future your future together which we cannot see it has joys and sorrows it will have years for asking questions and years for answering questions it will have its joy and its suffering you know that these elements are mingled in every life and so not knowing what is before you i ask you to state your intentions to one another cole understanding that the covenant of marriage is sacred do you take charisma to be your wife and you promise to love her comfort her forgive her and protect her as long as you both shall live if so say i do i do charisma understanding that the covenant of marriage is sacred do you take coal to be your husband and you promise to love him comfort him forgive him and protect him as long as you both shall live i do so say i do yes i always do the same thing i do and now charisma and cole would like to share their vows charisma is up first thank you cole it's finally here today i become your wife your other half you have one of the sweetest souls and a smile that makes any day the best day paige you have shown me true meaning of patience commitment and love and i fall more in love with you every day you are my best friend my partner in crime the love of my life i promise to support every creative idea you come up with and to be your biggest cheerleader i promise to separate our work life from our personal life because i know how confusing that can get i promise to be kind patient and forgiving i promise to watch hours of marvel movies with you even though i struggle to stay awake past the first hour i promise to listen to speak lovingly to care and to pray with you forever and always i promise that laughter will be a common place in our household through whatever life throws our direction like the year 2020 i will always be by your side i love you perfect all right okay here i go oh lord oh i couldn't even read the first word for the longest time i didn't think you were out there someone's so selfless and caring so beautiful inside and out for my first date i could see that in you and every day since i felt my love for you grow deeper i promise to never let that love stop growing i also promise to work entirely to give you the tirelessly to give you the best life i possibly can to be a better man the man you need me to be i promise i promise to give you my everything forever because you are my everything that includes little things that i know i suck at like remembering the little details and putting my garage clicker away myself as we're getting in bed at night every ounce of love in me is yours if i can make you smile every day for the rest of my life i consider it a life well spent beautiful now i'm going to ask the community to rise because we are also going to declare ourselves as gifts to coal and charisma because as we all know no marriage occurs within a vacuum so friends and family gathered here today in celebration of charisma and cole's love do you promise to support them in their marriage laugh with them in their joy weep with them in their sadness and share with them your collective wisdom if so say we do we do please be seated now i understand that you have rings to exchange as a symbol of your union who goes first you're gonna go first you give and receive these rings remember the vowels made between you for with these rings you will declare yourselves wedded to each other and perhaps more importantly by the love with which these rings are given and received they shall be blessed it's going fine i'm gonna ace it cole you may take the ring and place it on charisma's left finger saying this ring i give you this ring i give you as a sign of our abiding love as a sign of our abiding love with this ring i thee wed with this ring i thee wed you're done i'm done charisma you may take the ring and place it on cole's left finger saying this ring i give you this ring i give you as a sign of our abiding love as a sign of our abiding love with this ring i thee went with this ring i be wed before god and in the presence of their friends and family charisma and coal have made their solemn and joyful vows to each other they have confirmed their promises by the giving and receiving of rings therefore by the power vested me i present to you for the first time as a married couple mr and mrs cole alexander sidner those whom god has joined together let no one separate you may now bind your union with a kiss and make it a good one [Applause] [Music] charisma and coal you will feel no rain for each will shelter the other you will feel no cold for each will warm the other there will be no loneliness for you are now two persons with one life before you may god god bless you abundantly all your days together amen amen all right do we walk you're done [Applause] go ahead go
Channel: Roll with Cole & Charisma
Views: 810,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roll with cole, roll with cole and charisma, cole and charisma, cole and charisma youtube, dating with a disability, cole and charisma wedding, spinal cord injury, disability awareness, interabled relationship, interracial couple, stay positive, couple goals, our wedding, wedding video, roll with cole and charisma wedding, our wedding video, our wedding ceremony, were married, married, we got married, emotional video, the first look
Id: 13YRQXHs9oQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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