Cole's Biggest Surgery In Years

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(upbeat music) - [Charisma] Good morning sleepy head. What's wrong? - I'm hungry, I'm tired, I'm thirsty and I'm nervous. - [Charisma] Why? - I wanna get cut open. - [Charisma] Okay. You're exaggerating a little. - I don't so. I think they're literally cutting me open. - [Charisma] So we're on the way to the hospital. It is, what time is it? 9:30 in the morning. Sophie girl's eating her breakfast before we leave. - Yeah, lucky her, gets to eat, I don't. - [Charisma] It's okay, it'll be fine. It'll be quick and easy and over before you know it. You won't know it because you will be asleep. You ready to get going? Well, once she's done. - Yeah, let's go get ripped open. - [Charisma] Oh my gosh. (car ramp buzzing) (Charisma laughing) - I missed. (upbeat music) - [Charisma] You got it, you got it, you got it, you got it. - I don't think I got it, babe. - [Charisma] Okay, okay, maybe it's too steep here for you? - [Cole] Yeah. - [Charisma] Okay, good job. You were close. (upbeat music) - We're here, time to roll on in. - [Charisma] Can you at least tell them the name of what's happening? - Yeah, so today I'm going to be getting a bilateral hydrocelectomy. If you want to know what that means, feel free to look it up. Yeah. - [Charisma] And Botox. - And Botox, yes. So it's a dual surgery. Usually I just get the Botox, but I'm having something extra done today. It is much more involved, so I'll be under longer. Charisma will have to wait longer if she's gonna go somewhere and do something, but it's about time for us to roll on in, so here we go. - [Charisma] Here we go. - Cole is finally back getting his procedure done. It took a while because we went back and got set up and he had an hour and a half before his surgery even started. So we were expected chilling, but yeah, we'll talk more about the surgery later. I want him to explain it 'cause it's his body and I want him to share whatever he feels comfortable sharing, but right now I'm just waiting for him to be done and I think it's gonna take like an hour, so I came to the car to get some work done and I came to take my vitamins. I actually forgot to take them this morning. So Cole and I started taking multivitamins. They are Ritual brand. So thank you Ritual for sponsoring this video. Cole was actually unable to take it this morning because of his surgery, but he'll take it after, but we really been enjoying taking Ritual. It's nice knowing what is in our vitamins. So often you get vitamins and you're not sure exactly what is in the vitamins. And it's really hard to actually get all of your supplements in your meals. I know I struggle with it when I'm eating every day, I don't get everything that I need. So it's nice to have a vitamin that'll help supplement what I'm not getting with my food. So these vitamins are for those 18 and older and mine are specific to women and what our bodies need like iron. And it's nice because it's USP approved, meaning that what it says is in the vitamins is actually in the vitamins. Believe it or not, some multivitamin companies say something's in there or not, and it's just not always accurate. So these vitamins are vegan friendly, non-GMO gluten-free and then formulated without major allergens, which I think is very important. You can even take these vitamins without food. So like me who has forgotten to eat today and take my vitamins, I can take them right now without food. And they're gentle on my stomach. And it even has a fresh, minty taste and smell. When I opened it for the first time, I was like, oh my goodness, this smells really good. It's also a subscription based service, which you can stop and start whenever you want. And it's about a dollar a day per month. So these multivitamins help with heart health, brain health, normal muscle function, normal immune system function, which is so important. So like I said, Cole takes them as well as me. Our multivitamins are different because I need iron more than he does and he needs like zinc and magnesium. So some things are different and that's why they're formulated for men and women specifically. So you all can get 10% off your first three months. If you use our code capital C, capital C, 10, again, that's capital C, capital C, 10, and log on to the website,, backslash, capital C, capital C, 10. Again, backslash capital C, capital C, 10. Once again, you can get 10% off your first three months and start taking your multivitamins and get everything that your body needs. I'm gonna do some work and be bored for the next hour waiting on Cole. (car alarm beeping) (Charisma laughing) I'm sure you all can hear that, but this guy's car just went off. So yeah, I'm just gonna sit in the parking lot, listening to honking cars, get some work done and wait for Cole. He has more intense anesthesia with this procedure. So I think he's going be in recovery a little bit longer and he's probably gonna be really loopy and tired, but we'll get him home. And he's got to be in the bed for the rest of the day with very little activity and you know, transferring is a lot of movement, so we want to be as cautious as possible. So let me go get some work done, and we will see you soon. Say something. - Hey everyone. How are you? - [Charisma] How you feel? - Tired. Very tired. - [Charisma] How's your throat? - My throat is very dry. I feel like I've been a cigarette smoker for 80 years right now. - [Charisma] I know, they stuck the tube down his throat during the surgery. - Usually they don't do that, but because we had the extra procedure with the Botox, they had to put me down for longer, which means they had to put the thing down my throat. I'm still waking up. I thought I was more awake in the bed and then we transferred into my chair and I was like, whoa. - [Charisma] You wanna get food on the way home? - Yeah. - [Charisma] Okay, what are you thinking? - I don't know. - [Charisma] Okay, we'll think about it, all right? Oh, look at those donuts. - [Charisma] You want donut? Which one do you want? - Probably my raspberry. - [Charisma] Raspberry, wow. - They weighed me in the hospital bed and I'm actually much lighter than I thought I was. - [Charisma] Yeah. - So let's change that. - [Charisma] You're ridiculous. I'm just gonna get my original glaze because I just love it. (Charisma humming) We're home. - Yeah, we're home. Drinking some water, make my throat feel better. - [Charisma] Sophie's trying to make you feel better too. - Poor Sophie tried to jump up on my lap and I had to give her the elbow. Can't jump on my lap, we have a sensitive area we must protect. - [Child Voice] I love you, daddy. (both cooing) - Thank you Sophie. - [Charisma] Well, you wanna get in bed? So you're gonna be in bed for the rest of the day and tomorrow? - I'm so nervous, like sitting up. - [Charisma] Yeah, I know, I know. Well, we can get in bed now. - All right. - [Charisma] Wanna get in bed with dada? You wanna get in bed with dada, yeah? - [Child Voice] Hooray. - [Charisma] Oh, hi, you look comfortable. - I am pretty comfortable. - [Charisma] Yeah? - If I hadn't just slept for like three hours, I'd probably fall asleep. It's weird though because when I take anesthesia, they usually give it to me when I'm in the operating room and it hits me immediately and I'm just out, but a fun story about last time I got Botox, apparently once I started waking up after surgery, the first thing I said was I'm back. - [Terminator] I'll be back. - I think I'm gonna be here for a while, babe. - [Charisma] You're gonna be here for a while? - So I'm glad I'm comfortable. - [Charisma] Yeah, you look comfortable. What are you watching? - [Cole] YouTube. - [Charisma] Rocket League? Of course. You want to talk a little bit about your surgery? - I was starting to have a hard time, like with ICs and then also like clothes not fitting me well because I had essentially a water balloon growing inside of me in my downstairs area that was making life very difficult. So we went and got it removed by our fertility specialist, actually. It's going to be a long time though, before we see that 'cause it's like three months of swelling before it'll start actually decreasing in size. I'm very much looking forward to it because it was becoming an issue. - [Charisma] So I'm glad it's gonna be better. - Yeah, me too. - Well, we need to ice it now. - Yeah, now? Like right now? - [Charisma] Well, we can wait a little bit, but I have to ice soon. Do you want food? - I can't even feel it, but like just imagining ice down there. I'm gonna be shriveling. - [Charisma] Shriveling? - Yeah, yeah, some food would be great. - [Charisma] What do you want? - Mac and cheese. - [Charisma] Of course, of course. - Some mac and cheese. - [Charisma] I'll make you some mac and cheese. - You're the best, can you come give me kissy? (Cole humming) Thank you. - Love you. - Love you. I'm so lucky, y'all. I got the best-est woman in the world. - [Charisma] All right, I'll make you mac and cheese. - Thank you. - [Charisma] Mac and cheese done. Kraft Mac and Cheese is literally Cole's favorite. Oopsie daises, almost broke that. I got some grapes because he needs something healthy, right? (upbeat music) (silverware clanking) The struggle. All right, dog dad, let's give you your very childlike meal, but whatever makes you happy. - This looks delicious, thank you. - [Charisma] You're welcome. - Kraft Mac and Cheese specifically always made me feel better when I was younger, so. - [Charisma] Nostalgia. - I'm about to dig in, I'm just so hungry. - [Charisma] Go ahead and eat, but first before you take a bite. - Yes? - [Charisma] you talk about the Botox? I feel like a lot of new people may not know what Botox is. - With my bladder, I have a neurogenic bladder and it can only hold so much before it starts kicking off or like reflexively, just letting some out because the pressure's too much. For some reason, my bladder can't handle much pressure at all. So I will start reflexing or kicking off urine at with like very little amount. So what the Botox does is you put the Botox in the walls of the bladder and it kind of paralyzes those muscles so that they can expand more before they start reflexing and I can hold a lot more urine. And it allows me to do far less ICs throughout the day. And I get less autonomic dysreflexia throughout the day as well, which is when my body's in discomfort and it's trying to tell me something needs to change because something's wrong. So that's why I get Botox as well. And the Botox has been a game changer for me. I love it. - [Charisma] Well, you enjoy your TV and food. I'm gonna do something else. - Sounds good. - [Charisma] Okay. - Love you. - [Charisma] Love you too. - Bye, okay, I'm gonna buy a movie. - [Charisma] You're gonna buy a movie? - Yeah, is that okay? - [Charisma] Yeah, what movie? - "Free Guy." - [Charisma] Okay. (upbeat music) (theatrical music) (Cole sighing) (Cole chuckling) - Here I am. Everything went well, which makes me feel good about today. So now it's just a waiting game. Oh, I'm gonna be in the bed most of the day tomorrow. And then after that, I think I can get up and I just won't be very active for a while while it heals. - [Charisma] Yeah. - I have no AD issues, so that's been nice. - [Charisma] That's good. - Hopefully that holds up tomorrow. - [Charisma] Yeah, no, hopefully we should get a phone call about a check up for the next two days and then in two weeks you have your followup and then you should be good to go. - That's right. - [Charisma] And then off to Cali. - Off to Cali just in time. - [Charisma] So no pain, nothing? - No, no, I've been fine. I'm a little worried about tonight 'cause I'm so used to sleeping on my side and I'm sleeping on my back tonight. So the only options I really have to get comfortable are like side to side, but I don't know. I'm fortunate to be able to shift in the first place. So we'll see. Good night, everyone. Thanks for coming with me to the hospital. - [Charisma] Don't forget to like comment, share, subscribe and stay positive. (bell chiming) Bye. (camera thudding) That was good. - Nice. (upbeat music)
Channel: Roll with Cole & Charisma
Views: 446,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cole's biggest surgery, surgery time, botox surgery, botox, hydroceletomy, hydrocele, hydrocele surgery, cole's sugery, cole and charisma, roll with cole, roll with cole and charisma, cole and charisma youtube, interabled, interracial, spinal cord injury, sci, quadriplegic, paralyzed, disabled, disability, botox injection, botox for bladder
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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