Cole tries not to pass out while standing!

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okay [Music] [Music] good so what you're doing we haven't gotten our new HVAC whatever system running in here yet so we're coming over to do our workouts but this is the only eater we have whatever reason it's actually warmer outside right now that it is in here we need the Sun to come out behind the clouds from behind the clouds and heat us up so as you see we have this glorious standard pretty intimidating piece of equipment well with all the different joints and straps and all these bars and everything it can be a lot but it's a very useful tool first I'm gonna meet gonna let me get in it has it been a little while since I've used the standard we'll see how this goes there's definitely a chance that I might just pass out what I made here to have a hearty breakfast this morning hopefully my blood will be flowing enough to keep me conscious is basically the jack so it will just pump it forward and then if I need to come down because I'm getting to like it if I can push it backwards and that releases the pressure or whatever's in there that keeps me up and brings me down I've used this machine a lot I've just never used it with a whole set all riding board this piece goes under the boot a so it doesn't slide from where you're coming from what okay boot a bone transfers into this can be a little more challenging because of like all this stuff in the way and I'm just so big already that my body can be cumbersome to deal with but let's give it a shot alright alright this is enough for me to fix your knee yeah so we're trying to swing this mean thing down cuz that's what holds my knee in place it lets my leg straighten and bear wait you're so long that was smooth sometimes I think Cole forgets that I worked as a tack and so using machines like this is second nature to me I lose interest for very long time I went to school for it hold this equipment just to get someone to stand up it's pretty long well we've never used it together so it's gonna be cool to like dance yeah I've got to set these guards back in I'm going to take these out from the transfer to get up and gotta have them back keep me in place all right in there my little training bra on it's like second nature seriously alright strapped in track I think it might be time to go up how do you feel too good now the ultimate test those about to the happen will I pass out well stay tuned [Music] guarantee you cannot use I can't reach up to reach the ceiling I'm doing this by locking out my elbow pushing through my shoulder so Josh not triceps slowly but surely well if any business back to pass out is this exertion it's burning is it oh no what oh yeah yeah I'll let it go back too far said what can you pull my hips or do a little bit do you need to get down can you call my legs the glider is nice because I'm feeling lightheaded we can move these and it's enough that my legs get their start spasming and when my legs start spasming it helps shooting all that blood that's the whole wing with my legs back up to my head so yeah I checked my phone just snap to keep track of how long he's in the stand there our goal is to get you standing for 30 minutes straight leg without passing out if you're gonna pass out of it now right away once you're sure thing you pass out a little issue sure I gave you 30 minutes door oh I'm sure this is sure wait do you and I see if I need something to stand on that's about all we are to each other yeah I think so let me take my shoes off this is really help Oh like that did not make a difference maybe she turn - hi big difference little girl hey how'd the bucket average almost oxide this is a little barrel a little girl go ahead it I need to take a break for a minute see ya this is much lower than I remember okay ideally I was better when we're down homie yeah this is a workout for you to pumping the arms here we can work together yeah this thing is not tight it needs to be weighed later why we're here we thought we'd address something that we've been seeing a bunch of on our town on a recent video or kharkov leading to our morning routine video we've gotten a lot of new viewers we've had a number of comments talking about how I'm not a quadriplegic I'm a paraplegic because I can move my arms that's not how it works quadriplegia as any impairment in all four limbs alright so I have my legs obviously and I haven't pyramid in my arms I can't use my hands I can't use my triceps like I mentioned earlier I only have you know part of my chest yeah you're in stew and risk yeah that way oh yeah so like I can go upwards but I can't go that so that makes sense I am now in the spinal cord maybe I am a partly Jake I'm spinal cord injuries any cervical injury makes you a quadriplegic cervical is your c1 through 87 so you have seven several vertebrae c1 through c7 and then you a cervical spinal nerves so c1 whoo c8 so that's why you can have a seat eight-five injury because it's affecting the CA yeah anything cervical your quadriplegic anything below that your heritage technique whatever it c4 c5 c6 and t1 but since I had cervical injuries I am a quadriplegic I promise I'm not lying to anybody we're not lying to anybody our whole idea is to try to educate people so we wouldn't go about like that I think the issue is that with movies and television anytime a quadriplegic is shown in cinema they have really no function like you know they use a sip and puff like Chris Murray or like the upside he didn't have any upper body movement so when they see someone who says there are five squiggles every body movement for life oh no you're supposed to have no movement because Chris Reeve was like that or like what I've seen in the movies they're like that but it's just like just because that's what you see movies doesn't mean it's accurate so I encourage people if you question anything just like do research first before you like a cute book line because we've been accused of like lying about polls level injury and it's like no we don't want to worry about that look that's just not i think the talking is making it worse really yeah see you later [Music] anyways while we're staining staining oh when you talk about health in this so Stefan good for your bones because all sits in his chair all day long he has a higher risk of developing osteoporosis I see a process is basically just like the wear and tear breaking the bone but yeah so it's good for your bones good for your joints it's good for the bone density so when you put way under bands they come strengthen I knew a paraplegic who had them so brutal death when his wife sat on his lap is Lundberg so we don't want to get to that point so doing things like this helps a lot it's also really good for blood pressure to like I know I've been really lightheaded throughout this that's just because my body's not used to it the more used to it becomes the better my blood pressure will be and that's great for like my regular day-to-day activities just because I'm always late I feel like I'm always moving my legs to make these fast it's a blood back of my head you probably seen that videos so the better my blood pressure is the less I would have to do stuff like that that's another reason why it's good I'm glad I'm standing in here and it's nice to be like on the second level at school we don't do it all this on your shirt did you slobber oh my god whatever bringing in more to happen here now I think we just want to show you guys cool standing frame and clothes baby and I want to take foods it since I haven't some in the standing in almost here this feels right looking down I'm just somebody but thanks for watching hope some things some questions may have an answer yeah you're curious about equipment like this video don't forget to Like comment share sky and stay inside it do you want to go over to the campus oh yeah push me over there here I come [Music] can we do this this way come on super comment here come no it's gotta be sideways babe oh go sideways alright straight straight all right back [Music]
Channel: Roll with Cole & Charisma
Views: 1,320,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: passes out, faint, wheelchair, quadriplegic, standing for the first time, girlfriend sees quadriplegic boyfriend stand for the first time, low blood pressure, osteoporosis, sci, spinal cord injury, paraplegic, roll with cole, cole and charisma youtube, roll with cole and charisma, cole and charisma, squirmy and grubs, disability awareness, dating with a disability, interabled relationship, cole and charisma wedding, interabled, interracial
Id: lmTVDj3Bw7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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