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all right stream has started let's see if it's really started excellent connection that's great to see i always want to see that got the video coming up pretty high quality a little too high quality i'm gonna say face is looking a little shiny but all right we're gonna go from unlisted to public here we go it's public people can start dropping by what an exciting day this is february 9th remember it it's a big day it is not as big as another one but pretty big day let's see let's see if our moms found our thing if i would i don't know if it would show up on my ipad let's see well 13 viewers so somebody's seen it 20. nuts good to see what's up everybody hello everybody how nice welcome to the chat happily insane interesting username you got there what's up ac ab bates how you guys doing today thank you so much for stopping by really excited to have you it's been several years since i've streamed so this is going to be an interesting experience yeah we're going to start talking about our whole wedding story and the behind the scenes event yeah ah thank you thanks queen sharado what up molina thanks for coming yeah so basically what we're gonna do here is um talk about our wedding and i'm sure some of you guys follow me on social media follow lauren we posted about it at the start of the year but we've been waiting for the right moment to make any big announcement on the channel um just kind of waiting to find the right time and what have you so yeah i'm getting super distracted by the chat in the corner of my eye but we figured probably the best way to do it would be live that way if you guys have any questions with the story you want to know anything um yeah am i the only person that can't hear hopefully not can you guys all hear us okay what is going on solo cops what's up tabari thanks for coming classic becoming john duo another iconic couple yeah so can you hear us i'm i'm seeing a lot of really nice okay you can hear i've seen a lot of yes all right someone almost got married at disney i guess it was just you julian that's pretty cool i'd love to get married at disney but i feel like that would be unbelievably yeah yeah so yeah anyway to reiterate what i was gonna say before i got distracted basically figured we'd break down the whole story for you guys since this is a channel based on stories and if there's anything you want to know um that isn't too creepy of a question we'll go ahead and answer it just keep in mind our parents are watching thank you very much someone asked how did you propose oh okay well that's a fun that's a great start to the whole wedding story yeah so when it comes to lauren um i had a pretty good idea i wanted to marry her like shortly after we started dating and then we i don't know it was always something that we kind of joked about and weren't like we weren't shy or awkward about it we kind of talked about it from the very start yeah just kind of knew exactly and as you guys know um in this wonderful country of ours after you turn 25 or 26 you no longer get health insurance unless you're uh employed with somewhere i guess apparently youtubers don't support the economy enough to be given our own type of health insurance and lauren over here is a hard-working american with a real job and she actually has health insurance so you know this was something that we felt like it was a point that we were gonna reach eventually anyway um and then when i turned 26 back in october we were just like should we do it yeah we probably should yeah we're like this is probably a good idea just seemed easier yeah um good way to save money also with the pandemic situation going on it'd be pretty lame if i did get covered and um didn't have insurance to take care of me if things got really bad and lo and behold just a couple of weeks after we got married i got covered and was experiencing symptoms for three weeks so i was really happy that i didn't i didn't have to stress about it getting worse wow we've got 865 people here so thank you guys so much the chat is going insane we were kind of expecting our moms to come but yeah we were hoping for two people um if they could figure out the link but they they they may not have but i'm waiting on a text of like i don't see it so yeah um when it comes to the actual proposal it was really just like a mutual agreement of like sadia wanna and then we fast forward a little bit to the actual day of the ceremony about a month had gone by between that initial agreement and the ceremony itself lauren shows up uh you know i'm sitting at the end of the aisle waiting for her she pulls up on a boat and by the way we are going to be going through pictures of this so you'll be able to um i mean should we just yeah we could show the picture of me showing up on a boat and then the kind of after effects of what happened yeah so where do i got this year boom so we got some pictures to go through here so that's our lovely officiant miss tessa wonderful lady wrote a great speech best friend since high school and i kind of was talking to her about it and i was like yeah we kind of needed an officiant she's like um me i will do that yeah and so it was kind of like all right it's like that's probably the easiest thing that we could do right now she did a fantastic job and definitely better than having a stranger do it she made it super personal she did really great yeah she mentioned that uh our marriage won't be a messed up origin so i just thought having that all together was just great to see yeah it was perfect so here i am in my beautiful blues got a tie bar on i don't even wear tie bars and that's how dressed up i got for this occasion so here's what i'm looking at waiting for lauren you thought that that smile on my face was me looking at my beautiful wife to be but it was actually just the arizona sunshine lauren pulls up on a boat of all things just like ariel would at least i'd like to imagine tried not to trip rock in a black dress because for those who don't know we got married on halloween so we figured let's just embrace it right yeah our theme was hauntingly vintage yeah yeah kind of going the very non-traditional route of our wedding exactly wanted it to be a little spoopy you know maybe you were gonna get haunted by by the time you left who knew who knew murder mystery type so lauren comes up on the boat here i am i'm just like if i make eye contact i'm gonna probably cry so i just held off she comes up and this is actually the exact moment of the proposal after i preceded it with uh you know how i'm always cutting things down to the wire right at the last possible second cause i told him that he had to propose before we got married and we kind of was gonna do it a week before kind of saw it coming and then when he got down on monday i actually completely forgot that we hadn't even done a proposal so our proposal lasted 11 minutes yeah engagement our engagement yes yeah so for uh so i pretty much waited because after a while i was like all right she's just she knows that like if i try to do something special like at any point leading up to the wedding she's gonna know that that's when it's gonna happen so i really wanted it to be a surprise and i figured that i figured that you would either actually totally see this coming it was like a 50 50 shot of like typical me wait like waiting until the last second no that's pure shocked face yeah but i'm so glad it worked out that way it was very cute so that's the proposal after that very excited and everyone clapped got everyone super happy for us um more of the ceremony gleaming with joy couldn't be more excited our buddy grimler who is dog sitting gunther for a good portion of that did a wonderful job counter enjoyed himself there's me crying couldn't it stop for some reason some i can't remember somebody made a joke there what was it oh god i think dave said something probably i don't know but i can't go back now or something yeah and then yeah going through the whole song and dance of like all right it's kind of like graduation almost where you're just like waiting for your turn right like at least i thought so i was like okay what do i do in the meantime um shifting around as you can see uh got some awkwardness here with the hands honestly i wouldn't know what to do with my hands if i didn't hold the bouquet which fun fact that was not the bouquet i was supposed to walk down with i actually forgot it i made one out of fake flowers and completely forgot it as we were coming up to the place that we got married so that one i just bought at michael's and then this is the moment that we said i do put the rings on kissed which was pretty gross but we powered through let's not talk about it and after that we got friggin iced our lovely friends tessa and vanessa the officiant the official he's supposed to be a woman of god and they decided to isis that was basically the whole weekend was people just getting randomly iced it's just a thing they like to do and just classic them very mature very mature um so yeah did not finish that by the way not even close way too sweet i got close but i wasn't close then this is me sauntering out after my lovely wife can't believe that the deed has been done do you want to say what music you're oh yeah for the star wars fans in the audience you may remember a specific song playing at the end of episode four a new hope the award ceremony music is what we walked out to we are gonna eventually post like little clips of a video unfortunately we don't have it prepared for today but if you follow me on instagram you'll end up seeing it um but yeah star wars music played childhood dream fulfilled and then we got to walk out and that will be played at the real one we are waiting to get a wookiee sound replica prepared that's it at that time when we do walk out just either gonna coordinate or have somebody work on somebody's or have somebody work on their impression or we'll just work a little sound bite into it it just needs to be involved definitely need a sort of thing uh me and gunther of course gunther's afraid of the water if you couldn't tell we're waiting to take off on our little just married boat stroll this is me looking like a straight thug this is me and the photographer and my former roommate who i was living with down in florida he also lives in arizona so he was able to come and witness this which was super fun huge shout out to tyler for just beautiful photos thank you for taking all of these pics tyler and this is my friends tess and vanessa that were able to hop on in into coming to the wedding and everything they're the ones who iced us they were these are three of my my best friends in the world morelli alex and asham shout out to those guys flew across the country for this and isolated beforehand which we greatly appreciate our buddy dave thankfully no one got covered post wedding yeah this was a very small obviously and very safe ceremony happy to report got some more views going on yeah they told us that we should take some sunset photos and then yep there's a classic picture one of my favorites yeah this is now my profile picture on facebook don't add me thank you just like the fan page gunther getting a smooch and he hates smooches so he wasn't too happy about that he looks like a seal yeah he really does just a big big blob with googly eyes lots of googly eyes still not thrilled see i know where is he he was under here sit behind you oh maybe you weren't yeah but gunther had a great time despite what these pictures may show we got some more happy picks gunther's like just get me out of here more having a great time getting lit might as well right one of my favorite photos just i don't know everyone just likes the like a couple of my friends that have said this they're like oh my god this belongs on a wedding cover i don't think so but i still really like it and what you're not seeing is me cropped out of this picture making a very stupid face i wish that i what did it look like yeah something like that beautiful happily married couple and this is when the boat's engine yeah decided to give up we may have put too many people on the boat too many people for too long the boat's engine just died and we ended up having to wait for a neighbor's boat to be to come and attach a rope and then basically pull us all the way back threw off the schedule a little bit we were stranded on the water for like a half hour but it was okay so at least we got some of these photos but i did want a couple more of us but unfortunately the ones that we do have are pitch black yeah yeah because by the time we got back the sun had set and yeah that was pretty lame a lot of people were hungry at the time that we got back so we i was starving quickly took photos and then went to go back to the airbnb that we rented and have food yeah but this is a great picture yep of me and the ore just this is one of the ores we tried to use it didn't work no um not even close actually yeah so again we just sat there finished all the champagne and just blasted boat themed jams from the uh from the jbl what was it down the river down the river was one um rolling on the river it was another rolling oh that was the one i was referring to oh i thought down down by the river or something i don't know there's a lot of river puns that's all you need to know we're just stranded holla wedding 10 31 20. so we made these pumpkins for each of the well we lauren made these pumpkins for each of the guests and for a little keepsakes basically we still have like six of them yeah um because all of our friends flew back to illinois and couldn't take back the pumpkins and then they weren't real pumpkins yeah and then cove had got in the way of us driving back home and we planned for christmas so still holding on to like six fake pumpkins but they will get to the rightful owners eventually or we'll just be left with six pumpkins or that and then last but not least we got us in front of a kissing wall so the woman whose house that we had this at she was super super nice hosted was very very generous and um provided a lot of really good ideas for the ceremony and she's got this kissing wall in her house full of pictures of famous kisses basically or kisses with friends and family so you can see we got snow white um here with prince charming we got the sailor and the nurse we do you want to share your fun fact about the sailor and the nerves oh the fun fact is that the nurse actually slapped the sailor in the face post kiss they didn't know each other so embarrassed um so yeah and then hershey's kisses as you can see there so yeah that is basically the ceremony itself if you guys have any more questions yeah or anything you guys want to know about this um anymore behind the scenes yeah um so also to clarify this was did you ruin her childhood sorry to clarify this is only the first round of the of the wedding this was basically getting all the paperwork done and doing it in the most fun way that we could uh obviously like we like we showed it was a pretty small wedding the whole family couldn't make it and we it's pretty important to us to have our family there and celebrate the occasion with them and we're gonna end up doing another ceremony in 2022 that's a lot more traditional still fun and zany and weird in all the best ways but gonna have yeah it's gonna be way more of a production than this one was this was like pretty pretty amateur yeah this is very low maintenance yeah but it worked great and like someone said 11 minutes bra 11 minutes shortest engagement of all time like if there's a if there's a longer or shorter one then we're just gonna have to take out those people so we can we can have the world record i mean we have it on video so i mean am i the only one please man the chat's so fast i can't even like read your guys's comments and you're all so sweet and nice and it makes me want to even more do you want children yeah i'm hoping yeah hopefully eventually not reading all these children's stories for no reason you know i'm definitely gonna be reading them again to my to my kids someday and putting on one hell of a show they're gonna love it tell someone just said tell us oh kids tell us how was gunther involved in the ceremony um gunther was more of more of a just guest honestly at this one he dressed nice he wore his little bow tie but um because there was water nearby we didn't really want him exploring on his own and potentially losing his balance and falling in so we had somebody watch him um the whole time messed up origins our wedding when are you planning on having kids in the future not for a while yeah don't worry about that we gotta have another wedding first and that's not even going to be this year so don't get too excited time flies but there's going to be a wait we're still trying to have gunther grow up a little bit so once that happens but yeah i could see you reading grimm's fairy tales to them yeah absolutely like there's no doubt it's going to be a blast like and i probably won't do the uh you know the most messed up origins like every single time i tell them a story but probably just go through the various versions of them over time and i think it'd be i think it'd be really fun um why did we wait to tell you guys that's a good question we wanted to wait because we wanted to tell people like our family like cousins aunts and uncles in person but unfortunately with covenant and everything we ended up staying back had to you know do a bunch of different phone calls um yeah so like we had we also had a bunch of other family weddings going on around the same time that we were getting married so we didn't want to like be the the third fourth ones to tag along and be like by the way we're getting married too and just kind of take away from everybody's spotlight especially since this wasn't the one that the whole family was going to be going to basically and obviously as much as i love you guys we wanted to wait to tell our closest family members first before we told a bunch of strangers on the internet and uh yeah like lauren said we were the original plan the reason we didn't tell them before the wedding was because we just wanted to tell them in person we thought that'd be the best way to go about it but then cove would continue to get worse and driving conditions continued to get worse and we didn't end up going anywhere for christmas so we had a couple of interesting zoom chats yeah i mean our parents knew beforehand yeah most of our siblings or some of our siblings knew beforehand and everything but um we just didn't really know how people would react to it and so we just kind of wanted to focus on the wedding you know we had what 36 days to plan it so i mean just with all that going on and we wanted to make sure that things were just going smoothly and then kind of tell everyone later yeah yeah and like somebody said uh just now they said i like the small i really liked the small wedding even though it wasn't the plan it seems very relaxing and wholesome it kind of wholesome it kind of suits you it really does yeah i mean if people had the the time and the money for it i'd definitely recommend doing that whole small wedding than the big wedding i mean we've seen it in the office how i met your mother you know where they go off first and then they have the real big thing it really kind of calms the nerves a little bit yeah there's like less to worry about in the moment and it's just like i don't know it was you get a practice round in yeah and yeah like i feel like when it comes to those big weddings there's always something that you're planning that isn't for you it's for your parents or for a family member like this person's feelings got to be taken into account and what this person wants and then of course there's family tradition and yada yada we were really fortunate that our parents were super supportive and they kind of knew that this is something that we wanted to do for a while and it wasn't like just you know a spur of the moment decision i saw back and forth there was one girl holly she asked how's marriage going how is the marriage going um it's pretty much the same yeah nothing's really changed to be honest yeah like john mulaney has a bit about how after he got married he he felt so much more grown up talking about his wife rather than his girlfriend and that's definitely true like when i'm taught when i'm telling stories and i say my wife i sound like an actual adult almost too adult like i'm not ready to be at this stage yet but like it just doesn't compute in my brain like that that is a sentence that came out of my mouth you know but outside of that i mean married life hasn't really changed too much because of the whole covet thing like haven't been able to travel or see anybody new or didn't obviously didn't get to go on a honeymoon of any kind um well we did the airbnb over the weekend and that was super fun so like that was a good good substitute but yeah i mean it made things a little complicated just because everyone couldn't come but still it was really nice just having 10 people there yeah it really was and there isn't really much i would have changed besides having our parents there and family of course but that that's going to happen eventually anyway how old are you two 26 i turned 26 in october and she turned 26 back in march so um same age now are you growing a goatee not relevant to the wedding story i haven't even i hadn't even grown any facial hair at that point but yes i mean i'm just growing everything and then eventually i'm gonna shave it again mr taken can't believe he's married he was just a kid on youtube making fedora jokes and now he's married someone's asking where's gunther you gotta pick him up oh he's over here i'll get him he's slipping because that's what he does most of the time he's either slipping or he's barking at the neighbor's dog here's gunther the real man of the hour he's getting too big how many kids do we want oh god more than two less than five yeah my beard is a cycle i could probably grow about five beards a year if i at least to that length that it was someone said they could do the wookie impression we may call you you guys are enjoying your own fairy tale someone said which is very nice i appreciate that i feel like that's kind of more so the theme for the next wedding is kind of a little bit more story book yeah same that we're going for yeah where this was like she said holla wedding vintage spoopy next time we're gonna make it probably more more in theme with that with storybook a little bit more romantic yeah right because we both like that that's definitely a vibe is you know like we went to disney within the first month or two of dating and that was super fun obviously my whole life kind of revolves around what disney is doing and what stories they're telling so very very relevant it feels like stories have a special place in in our lives someone said that gunther needs a for sibling i did yeah he definitely does we've been trying to actually look into what kind yeah um we looked at english toy spaniels i don't know if you guys know those but they kind of look like pugs yeah with a wig on yeah if you put a big long wig on gunther that'd be an english toy spaniel and we're kind of looking at that we don't really know for sure though we're going back and forth between a couple of different breeds this seemed like a very very funny idea to have basically gunther with longer hair yeah and that have that be his little sister that'd be adorable so yeah we're also just waiting for him to mature a little bit because even though he looks like a you know very sleepy caterpillar right now he's um whenever he's around other dogs he gets tends to get a little riled up and doesn't know when to relax so if we got him a sister i fee we just are worried that he'd wear himself out someone wanted to see our rings oh okay so these are actually interesting stories behind both of them yeah so my ring is hopefully it focuses i doubt it though let's cover my our faces we back up maybe there we go yeah back up terry um we got the lord of the rings ring as you can see one ring to rule them all one ring to find them find them now find them one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them i need to watch the movie again so john wanted that ring and so i was like well if you're gonna pick out yours i'm gonna pick out mine so i actually was facetiming tessa the girl that actually officiated the wedding so i got i don't know now we gotta move your hand in your face yeah cover my face up there we go so it's actually an opal ring i got it off etsy for 20 because i did not want to spend that much i know it's crazy but yeah not gonna be the uh not gonna be the final one don't worry about that i'm not making my wife buy her own engagement ring for twenty dollars but um i also kind of did do that so well you mean you bought yours so it's uh yeah it's a placeholder we're just kind of mixing it up being untraditional with it you know i vote marceline is the name of fur baby number two oh my gosh we actually have that name picked out but we are not going to reveal that until um the puppy comes yeah yeah exactly as cute as the name marceline is and as perfect as it'd be because that's an adventure time character oh that's why i got you the vampire queen uh john picked out gunther's name so i get to pick out the next one i mean you will have an influence but it'll be my opinion yeah you're in dunkers yes gunther because gunther's got to get along yes but i just met the name oh the name i thought you met the kind of person oh no we picked that gun that's all gunther's decision on what dog we we end up getting yeah yeah but i knew i knew from like the very start that like for years before i got gunther that i was gonna get a black pug and name it gunther and um so yeah we've been i don't know you don't have as concrete of a plan yeah you had dogs growing up so you didn't have this hole in your heart to fill where you're like when i get a dog it's gonna be this i mean i did like the name tucker but i don't want gunther to have another boy dog or brother i guess not pregnant oh my gosh um no but yeah um i don't want him to have another boy dog because when he's around boy dogs he gets very just very too playful yeah very wound up very too playful yeah he starts to squeak really loud i know it's hard to believe because he's literally just sitting up unconscious right now but he gets really wound up he can so we definitely want more of a a little puppy girl yeah yeah exactly but let's see um okay gonna i'm gonna some people are spamming the same comments over and over so we're just working on that may your marriage stand all time thank you so much will lauren be in messed up origins now i have a full-time job yeah so now she won't be um maybe one day i'll get a host and one day i mean we'll definitely do we have at least one video playing together that we'll talk we'll talk about one day but until then it's it's still just gonna be oh there's my mom hi mama what what okay what would you name your children um oh we don't have to go through that how did we meet um you can actually go back and watch our first q a together for that answer but we actually met on tinder believe it or not true love can be found on tinder it's hard there's a lot of gutter trash on tinder that you're gonna have to seep through to find the diamond and the rough but they're out there not for everyone only for some of us but they're out there and who knows you know maybe if tinder doesn't work for you you can find bumble someone said hi mama solo hi mom oh gosh how are you guys love love how are you guys liking arizona basically arizona itself is great we really like the state we have to keep reminding each other what month it is because it keeps just feeling like it's june like all year round yeah like i kind of forget that we're in january then february just like kind of unbelievable you'd be surprised how precious that 20 ring will be down the road oh no okay so it's great i mean my finger hasn't turned green yet and i wash my hands all the time they said she said her parents went rings were ten dollars which is crazy mine was actually like 40 i think um but it's solid like this is a nice piece of of jewelry so i'm pumped for it someone wants to be invited to the wedding um maybe we'll do a stream of some kind that you guys could watch when the day comes that would be fun because at that point i'll i'll get the streaming i mean it'll be more planned you know it's hard i always talk to someone they get bored and okay i just got bored and just a little self-fulfilling prophecy there it's gonna be my birthday on the 17th well happy birthday in advance gabriel someone wants to send us gifts don't send us gifts no we do want to open up a a what do you call it p.o box one day but like if you have any letters i've just been kind of waiting on finding a place that we're gonna be at for more than a little while um we're already looking to move from the place that we just moved to in arizona so once we get our next place established then that's probably when the po box will be set up and maybe we can do some fun like you guys send me your story books or your art or what what have you it'd be i think it'd be pretty fun i've gotten quite a few emails from people who want to send stuff and then but they never tell me what so we'll see that'd be cool though someone else what's my full-time job i'm a teacher so i gotta teach kids well in person well not yet but hopefully one day and he has to teach kids online yeah um yeah she's way more official she actually has a license in what she teaches i do not um i research binge every week and that is how this channel came to be but um you know neither one is better than the other per se if she has a problem with gunther she has to go are you kidding me gunther is the problem with me why do you keep moving um different reasons every time but just really trying to find a place that we're comfortable that's quiet that's the big thing um the place that we move to now don't want to go too much into details in the moment but we just no longer feel safe or comfortable here and we're gonna try to try to leave asap but we'll see how that goes how you doing after coat getting covered 19 um ooh somebody asked matching tattoos um no not yet not yet maybe at some point but um it'd be cool uh i'm not opposed to it i plan on getting a ton more tattoos as much as it's gonna disappoint my mom to hear that so uh you know who knows oh someone said have a nice valentine's day thank you so much i have a cool these moves so fast yeah they really do and so many of you guys are skipping some i understand all the questions about you know having kids one day but it's not kind of our topic right now yeah that's not what we're thinking right now that's a long way away to be talking about with a thousand strangers on the internet no offense or anything my mom said no tattoos john no promises you and lauren are made for each other i sure would like to think so oh gosh yeah wow yeah so if you're if you're commenting something and it's not showing up that probably means it's automatically being flagged and if that's the case you don't have to keep commenting because we're trying to look at all the comments here and it is a mess because some people like to just say the same thing over and over y'all like harry potter of course yeah obviously her mom gave me a wonderful dobby uh stuffed dude that we got sitting on our bookshelf along with um a really cool harry potter bookend she got me oh yeah so they'll be in future videos yeah once we get once i get a new office and get it rearranged then i'm gonna have some new props to show off what's your favorite routine with your partner um probably i don't know maybe evenings yeah lately we've been playing a lot of mario kart yeah just like but yesterday for the first time maybe ever but yeah i lost both times which just didn't make sense um yeah pretty that's like lately that's lately been the routine is you know work during the day maybe hit the gym in the evening and then chill out for the uh before bed eat dinner and play some mario kart and yeah just try to relax these are stressful times we're living in so just trying to get by in whatever way we can is it just me or is the audio really quiet no i hope not hopefully it's not too quiet i think this mic is a little it's a little dull um on the volume side but we're you know we got some stuff to work out first live stream if it's quiet just turn it up so i don't have to yell use headphones that's what i tell my kids what character do you like to be on mario kart great question boo i love being boo he's adorable i'm typically a yoshi girl but lately i've been playing what's with the mart tanoki tanooki tanooki tanooki yeah i just like how he says his name and looks like a raccoon what's your favorite video game um my favorite video game uh is god of war four that's a new development it used to be last of us one and then i played the newest god of war game um actually right when i started the norse mythology series because it's you know takes place in the in the norse universe and um that was the best story video game story i've ever experienced in my life so definitely god of war four what's yours what's your favorite video game donkey kong n64 you kidding me i haven't even played it are we gonna get another puggo maybe we have talked about that as well of getting just another pug just because they're adorable yeah it's a lot of snoring to deal with but i snore too so same we're not trying to like figure out what exact like we're not trying to be specific on what kind of dog we want we do want another little puppy but we're not sure exactly which one yet yeah um koya said me and my sisters have been watching you for four years and couldn't be more happy that you're married well thank you so much koya sunshine sweet i really appreciate that crazy how well or how long some of you guys have been following me pugs can't swim yeah gunther actually has a life preserver and he hates it yeah he's not a fan well frenchie we thought about that as well yeah there's a frenchie um in the apartment building that just loves to stare at gunther yeah yeah he just like comes around we were walking the other day and this this french he like came around the corner and just turned his head and started walking towards gunther though and just refused to make any movement yes his owner had to drag him away literally planted his butt and had to be dragged away it was so funny so yeah i mean gunther likes frenchies i think he likes the other smooshy-faced dogs because he's like you get it you know we have to get really close to smell each other yeah it's not just me yeah because his cousin scout uh really doesn't like when gunther gets all up in her face yeah walt weeba disney asked did he take the solo name not yet yet but there's something going on with covid right now where you can't or it's delayed or something i mean i i bought papers to change my name but i just have not even started writing on them at and i mean the original plan was just to wait until the second ceremony but who knows she might if you decide i don't even know if you get motivated maybe one day eventually though for sure right moving on i mean if i kept both names it would just be way too long yeah that's true that would be way longer it would just be annoying for the kids what's your most favorite video hmm that's a good question my favorite video that like i've made um huh let's see i don't know some of them i have like really enjoyable memories about the creation process with a lot of them like the bloody mary one was really fun because it was you know one of the first times i explored a story that wasn't totally just like here's the story and here's the other versions of it it was like where did this come from and here's several theories and i don't know it was is a little bit different and i really like that um you know covering the various mythologies have been fun the tw i like the hercules videos have a special place in my heart pinocchio as well i'm a very nostalgic person so like a lot of the videos i made in the beginning even though i wouldn't watch watch them now and even though i could make them a lot better now like i'm very i look back nostalgically on that creation process someone asked if we have a song um kind of do we sam cook oh yeah yeah you send me by sam cook it's a great song and i got it on vinyl classic i appreciate that darling gordon you're a sweet fella what's her favorite messed up origin i mean i have almost watched every single one but oh my goodness yeah i'd have to like look back at them there's 114 to pick from oh okay is that 114. it sounds about right i mean i do like i think cinderella and little mermaid kind of have a a place in my heart just because cinderella i feel like we that was when we first started kind of dating yeah so we kind of talked about it a lot and i felt like we were giving each other input on it and everything which was really fun yeah but little mermaid has always been my favorite princess yeah if you haven't figured that out yet princess and the pee i also really liked that was like i worked on that one actually while um i was recovering from getting spine surgery and you know hanging out with her just it was the first time in over a year that i'd taken more than a day off in a row and like got to just work on a video at my own pace and not feel rushed to like get it all done in a week and it was it was fun like there was a couple of parts on there that like i struggled with but i remember specifically specifically like talking to my mom about it and being like i don't know because you know there's this story where like this greek guy he was allegedly so sensitive and um then there was this other story with this king from this indian collection of stories and it was just like i remember looking at all that information and being like this is one big fat mess how am i gonna do it and then not only did i did it but it not only did i did it not only did i successfully complete the video but it was also like super positively received by you guys it was one of my best performing videos at that time so um look back on that one fondly too and another one that i associate with lauren is gunther still alive or just loving mrs solo's lap uh he's he's sleeping he's breathing yeah he's he's snoring just on a hush yeah luckily the mike's not sensitive enough to pick him up i enjoy each of your videos they do indeed feel nostalgic because of the content yeah i um i agree like i can't get through a single one of these videos without feeling nostalgic about something you know i love your narrative voice thank you princess lisa appreciate it i surprisingly you just don't get sick of it right do you ever cringe watching your very first videos every once in a while um while definitely watching the very first phase oh yeah we tried looking at those and i was like yeah my gosh we tried filming uh like reacting to my old content and it didn't work out as intended um but watching that was a little bit painful for sure dear john you're about to have oh damn john i thought i thought it was dear john you're about to have one million subscribers almost there yeah you've been gaining a little over a thousand a day for the past um couple of weeks so thank you so much to everybody for the sharing and support and welcome to all the new members of the family appreciate you hopping aboard and joining the community and even the old ones saying you're your first first title what's that the john gasm oh yeah john gasm they're like the john gasm has come so far oh yeah sure has huh i still stand by that uh there's a funny clever name but just not marketable you know watching your videos help me get smarter in a fun way well that's the goal so i'm glad that it's working out like i just remember being bored in school all the time like never being able to pay attention to what the what the teachers were talking about until i would go home and then have to reteach it to myself um whether it was for tests or whatever but yeah i just always remember feeling like i could teach myself better than anyone else could and that's kind of what i go into these videos with that same mentality i do like um when i found out that one of my friends actually used one of his videos in a classroom high school obviously but she didn't even like realize it was him until like later and she was like wait i know him um what is your least favorite video um if i'm just talking about like what i've been making since messed up origin started honestly and this might be kind of a shock to hear oh no but uh i think my least favorite video that i've made was probably coraline the messed up origins of coral or i'm sorry the very messed up origins of coraline um part of the reason was because i wasn't a huge fan of the movie at all um saying not a huge fan is a really nice way of saying it i actually did not like the movie and i watched it maybe five or six times um within a week while while making these two videos i'm just waiting for people to start dropping off but part of the reason that it was um the reason i didn't like it and by the way i actually loved the book the book was awesome and then it was when i switched to the to the movie and had to watch that several times to you know draw the comparisons i just got sick of it i'm not a fan of the tim burton style stop-motion animation whatever but again part of the reason that it's my least favorite is because i called the beldum the bedlam someone mentioned that so i every time i watch it um and i see the dislikes on it i know that like all of my videos that have a like more than like i'm not trying to flex but i'm gonna flex all of my videos that have more than like two percent dislikes are videos where there's like a major mispronunciation like calling the beldum the bedlam or what's another one uh the 12 labors of heracles i call hera hera and lauren was even like annoyed about that which is the most hypocritical thing that that could it be but we won't get into that um it's just like the fact that i could have made that video a little bit better is what makes it one of my least favorites um so yeah someone said this is still going yeah it's still going are you kidding me we're hanging out and having a blast um someone said will you make a messed up origin of loki or thor oh absolutely messed up origins of loki and thor 100 coming um next i'll give you guys a little a little spoiler uh the next norse video is going to be about baldur the son of odin and frigg who's basically known as like the one perfect norse god with a very tragic ending unfortunately that video is coming at the end of the month and then i think i might do uh loki or thor next i'm trying to find the optimal order to talk about all of the characters that appear in marvel because i kind of want all of those videos to build up to the ragnarok video which is going to be super fun someone said question for laura go for it i'm still waiting someone else asked do i like the percy jackson books and i i they asked that several times so yes i do like the percy jackson books they're all pretty good um i i mean i'm definitely over the age group so i get annoyed by a few little things that like percy can't seem to figure out like it took him forever to figure out that he was the son of poseidon when like he was able to use water magic multiple times i'm like bruh are you serious but maybe 12 year old me also would have had a problem figuring that out you know so i can't get too mad but um i i've only read the first two books definitely going to finish them i really love i love the series so far percy jackson movies i've only seen the first one um and i i'm not a huge fan i'll be honest i know it's not a very popular movie anyway because they strayed so far from the source material but um i watched it once back in the day before i was a big fan of greek mythology and i thought it was all right but then i i was re-watching a scene from it recently and i was like this is just cringe and they're not not only are they not faithful to mythology they're not faithful to the book and like those are your two sources and you're not following either of them right so got turned off by it pretty quick someone wants you to do a mess-up origin about yourself that'll also come eventually all these things in the works really yeah trust me they are yeah i talk about it like and i really want to the thing with the messed up origins of me is if i do it i want to do it right and that means like using photo albums and um old family video footage and stuff like that and me moving out of state has kind of made that harder on top of the travel ban um i've converted quite a few home videos that i plan on using uh conveniently but um yeah that's just like a big project for me and gonna it's gonna be a ways down the way but it's common i wish you could read these while talking because some of them are hilarious someone goes can lauren do a video no no i have no idea what about what do you think is the most disturbing origin you've done um i would say the one that i always list as like my go-to when i'm telling people um about what like if i really want to freak him out and be like here's why like here's a story you know that's super messed up i kind of default to the little red riding hood messed up origin because for those who don't remember she ends up eating her grandmother's flesh and drinking her grandmother's blood and then gets eaten herself and she's also encouraged to pee in the bed at one point in another version of the story so it's just a whole big mess and pretty messed up as a result so that one um but if i'm not trying to freak somebody out like i was in an uber ride um explaining what i did to somebody and i gave that as an example and i swear to god after i get after i broke down the messed up origins of riding hood the rest of the ride was silent like he didn't say a word until i got out of the car so i figured that i won't use that one as an ice breaker anymore um instead i'll mention the cinderella one because that's super relatable and i also know the the bullet points of that one pretty well because it's like cinderella you know charles perrault version another version somewhere in there and then it goes to the uh the chinese version and then to the greek the one that's from greece but is about the egyptian pharaoh so i can break that one down pretty efficiently could you please do a messed up origins of the sword and the stone absolutely another big one that's on the list messed up origins of santa claus you mentioned that yeah i do want to do santa claus um that one's a bit more intimidating the ones that are based in real history are a little bit more intimidating that one's about like it gets it gets religious on me i didn't know our wedding screw would go from just talking about our wedding to so much of just oh yeah but that's the questions that's the question so people want to know but i just think it's funny the transition of what we went to yeah so this is no longer our wedding story i think you need another ama did you ever read the story of vasalisa yes for sure i need to look that up though i'm like what's it about it sounds familiar vasilisa the beautiful yeah cause i totally remember this oh yeah that was with baba yaga oh okay all these names man i get so much i get so much flack from mispronouncing names but i just got one thing to say you do it you do it some of you guys spelled john with the h yeah like you can't my name's three letters and some of you guys can't spell it right and like hey mistakes happen all right but it's pretty much that end of end of sentence end of explanation i don't know if you guys have any more like couple i saw one while ago i should have brought it up but what was my first impression of you was one of them oh yeah oh gosh oh no question for both of us now so what is your first impression of me too okay well you can go first i mean my first impression was definitely like he was just i don't know he's funny wanted to talk i remember asking him about himself and he gave me a full essay and it was kind of nice just hearing about him and then he was like by the way like i do youtube and then i got to know him through youtube and see how he is like kind of more in person i guess so that was kind of interesting because i mean i'm sure if when you guys are dating people or you know going through that online dating where you don't really get to see what how they interact with people you know prior to meeting them so yeah that was kind of a a weird kind of glimpse i would say but i enjoyed it um i mean at first weren't you kind of like hesitant about the fact that i made videos well because you said you did youtube and i was just like dear god please tell me he does not vlog just i don't i don't wanna i just really was hoping that he wouldn't show me a day-to-day of him like of what he typically does you know how vloggers do but yeah very happy to see that this is the outcome of that um people yeah okay go for it um i'm looking this uh how's the stream health doing because right now youtube's telling me that our bit rate is a little too low just want to make sure everything's still flowing okay sound video etc so if there's any issues let me know um but yeah i mean my first impression of lauren was just like wow this girl's actually really cool um as i i kind of always as i've told her like before her and i met i was kind of convinced that i was just gonna end up marrying somebody who was very attractive and annoyed me a little bit like just a little bit maybe a little more than a little bit but like every um you know girl my age that i had dated up to that point kind of annoyed me and i was like maybe i'm just a kind of annoyed guy and maybe this is just how how women my age are i don't know um but as soon as we started talking i just noticed there was a huge difference in your ability to carry a conversation um she was actually funny when she when she we were talking about like our favorite shows and favorite comedians we had a lot of overlap i've also mentioned a story to her before about how one time i uh i was hanging out with another girl that i had just met and she wanted to put on stand-up and she put on a jeff dunham special and i was like okay this isn't gonna last like i immediately knew like i am not dating this person long term because i if she thinks jeff dunham's funny then her taste is seriously flawed and i'm not gonna like anything else that she likes and um maybe that wasn't a fair assumption but it worked out because you know you told me your favorite comedians and i was like all right this girl likes john mulaney bill burr did you know bill bird before we met no not really it was more mostly like tash and joselnik yeah yeah so like that dark humor kind of stuff yeah arrested developer yeah she like quoted arrested development with me all the time so yeah started off a text just on young yeah yeah so i was just like wow this girl's really cool and not somebody that i want to let go and here we are now she legally can't escape and i won please i'm getting tired but can you please do a video on my birthday i gabriel i don't know i i can't you have i can't tell you days you have eight days maybe next year yeah i'll post a video the day after your birthday because that's what my schedule is so someone really wants us to nickname our son ben solo um my cousin's son's name is ben so she already called dibs so can't yeah not a huge fan i feel like they could have picked a better name for for ben so for the ben solo character anyway so not crazy about it people really want to know what i teach special ed i teach special ed right now middle school um but i've taught almost every single grade somebody said i'm looking a bit sweaty i'm just a shiny person she said is she into greek mythology well i am greek so if that answers that question absolutely i think we just have conversations going back about greek mythology i mean i always get really excited when i find out that troy is on like tv i'll be like oh my god it's on we should watch it have either of you guys read the aragon series i haven't read aragon but my mother sure has so um she can talk to you about it that's a excuse me i'm getting really offended someone keeps asking what's our dog's name what gunther he just looked over like what gunk get gunther a wife um he also responds he also responds to gunk and bubba he is a bubba are you a bubba si are you the best boy in the whole world do you love saying hi to the whole solo fam and actually being kind of awake are you just going to go back to sleep yeah he doesn't speak english so i don't know what i'm waiting for what encouraged you to look into mythology the fact that i liked it a lot and every time i did a mythology video it performed really well those were the two things so i always thought it'd be something cool to know a lot about never thought that i'd get i'd make a living by talking about it but yeah um i i absolutely love it and not just greek mythology but all of it it's all really cool messed up origins of the trojan war another excuse to watch troy yeah so i feel like there's gonna i'm gonna get to a certain point where i'm doing like three smaller videos a month in like one bigger video a month where i'll be like kind of an in-between between like a messed up minute and maybe a little bit longer but like some of the bigger suggestions that you guys have like black cauldron trojan war wizard of oz there are things that because there's so much demand and because they're such interesting unique topics i really want to do them right and um really stretch myself to the creative limits you know so like with the trojan war for example i'd really like to cover it but also do like a section highlighting like what were each of the gods doing in the trojan war like i think that'd be interesting for example when i was doing a video on hephiestus um the only myth about him that i didn't mention is what he did during the trojan war which was actually pretty cool basically there was this river god that was trying to attack a and kill a chosen hero of the opposing side forgive me that i can't remember the details but hera wanted to protect this hero so she sent hephiestus to take out the river god basically beat him into submission so what does he feistus do he uses his firepowers and heats up the river until it's at the point where it's boiling and because it's boiling and you know the molecules are they don't the greeks didn't know science but you know because it's boiling it's at a super tense state and it can't move so the river basically got paralyzed from hephaestus's fire and then it was like all right this isn't my fight i don't know why i got involved to begin with just let me go and then he lets him go um and that is really how it goes down like the river's like why did i even try so um i think it'd be cool to do little highlights and as well as have like custom art made for each of these chapters of the trojan war and each of the things that i'm going to be highlighting so like i said really big project hopefully the series and the community doesn't lose all of its steam before that happens but um yeah definitely going to happen someday anyway like wedding questions we keep coming back to your content yeah so if anybody has questions about the wedding yeah i mean that'd be cool too there was some crazy stuff that was going along the day of the yeah i mean we could just talk about it yeah i mean if you want to um the good bad the ugly i mean i feel like we did cover a lot of it though yeah like i mean people were pretty supportive which was good to see yeah yeah everybody everybody that matters was really cool about it we'll just word it that way like if somebody who they're because there were a couple people who weren't and i was just like now i know where you fall in my hierarchy of importance someone asked a good question what was your favorite moment of the wedding yeah um somebody asked why a black gown too well that's just because it was halloween hollow wedding figured might as well get weird with it talk about the wedding um favorite moment i would say that's such a good question when you arrived yeah yeah i mean it it was interesting because when i remember showing up and i had and i picked out what music i was going up into and everything and i like i was kind of like this is happening okay like let's do this and then i think maybe after walking out to the star wars music like i said childhood dream so it was really cool to get to fulfill that and have a wife who actually is down for that not all women are believe it or not it's a good marching out music it really is like it's it's a beautiful song what's our dream honeymoon location i mean we have a kind of an idea for that yeah anywhere that i've researched mythology for we got like hawaii greece um i'd love to just like explore europe yeah definitely it depends probably when we actually do a honeymoon it'll i'd like to think of it as like a several week thing because you know as a youtuber i'm a very privileged person with this job but it is kind of a life-consuming time-consuming job and i would like to just take some time to get away and enjoy that moment so we'd probably do quite a bit of exploring for uh for the honeymoon someone said what song did you use like to walk into that was marry me by thomas wright i picked that song even though it's if you actually listen the lyrics it's kind of like of just you know kind of like this guy going through this whole wedding situation and he's actually not getting married to the love of his life but i just think it's an interesting story that thomas rut and his wife actually lauren too he wrote it for her because they actually there was a chance that they weren't going to be together but they ended up being together so i just think that's kind of like how our thing where there was a chance that we could have not because he lived in florida i lived in illinois but then they had the stars all aligned pretty perfectly with like came i was coming for surgery uh you know just by coincidence like right after we started talking and then yeah i was like well she was like why are you a thousand miles away and i was like well why are you coming back i was like funny yes actually um but i will be back for a month after i get sir after i get surgery and she was brave enough to deal with me during the recovery period i mean i was actually planning on going to visit him memorial day weekend but i was like it's a little too soon for that we'll just we'll wait yeah i mean he was really sweet about it he was like you know if we don't get along i'll buy you a hotel yeah just for the weekend yeah i didn't want didn't want to be that guy you know just wanted to provide a way out if she needed it of course asking for the video the wedding video um the wedding video will be posted at some point um i might edit it together or something but like our family hasn't even seen the video we like lauren went through and she edited you know um all of the pictures because i've been working on youtube stuff and she's was very committed but that was a lot of pictures for her to go through and then we also have another batch of pictures plus the video so just kind of taking it in str in uh steps grace asked where did we get married we got married in arizona yeah we wanted to have just a nice like having october in arizona was really nice just because the wedding the weather was really good it wasn't cold it wasn't too hot um you know i got to wear the long sleeves and they weren't like sticking to me at all so that's something that's going to be a little bit of a challenge when we hopefully host it in illinois yeah japanese mythology explained all right i'll ask because you keep asking our answer because you keep asking big boy chungus uh yeah all japanese mythology will be coming down the line without a doubt have you done a video on all the zeus all right back to the back to the channel questions are you pregnant no i am not pregnant stop asking no we're we're just gonna wait yeah we're just gonna wait my body isn't necessarily ready to have a little bundle of cells develop so yeah who shot first [Laughter] that's funny i mean i guess you he always shoots first come on yeah yeah who else would it be how long were you dating before you got married uh a year and a half yeah almost a year and a half almost a year yeah so i'm not my longest relationship but not either of ours longest relationship no but you know you know yeah i haven't had a second a doubt since so it's not like i i definitely think that some people get surprised to hear that but it's it didn't it didn't feel weird or rushed or anything it just felt like this is the natural next step you know oh and i love this one the hopo on your street asked if you had to relive 60 seconds of your wedding was that it same of your just your whole relationship the same 60 seconds from your relationship for the rest of your life what would what would it be oh i have no idea i have no idea 60 seconds i thought it was about the wedding probably it has to be at disney uh that was that was my go-to thought i was like fireworks oh my god that was the best so i don't think i've told you guys this story but her and i went to disney world when we started dating and you know had the whole day there it was a blast but we are saving the best rides for last unintentional rhyme give me some points for that so the park is like officially closed at i don't know what time um 10 but it's like 10 to 10 and there's a line going up the tower of terror and it's shorter than it's been all day right so we're like we asked the employee you know like if we get in line are we going to be able to are we going to be able to go and they're like yeah if you're in line when the park closes then you can go we're like sweet so we wait in line and pretty much the last one's in the line yeah so we're waiting a while um and suddenly like as we get close to like being in the hotel where you start doing the whole like in the in the vibe zone yeah like whoa look at the cobwebs all that um the fireworks show started going off over us and i was like man like wouldn't it be sick if when we actually get on the ride the fireworks show is still going on but nah nah they don't there's no way they have that many fireworks look at the line like it's still going to be a while we'll get this all right we get on the ride it launches us to the top the very tippy top not the second to top because there's two remember the very top it opens up and as soon as it opens up there's a massive explosion right in front of us and i was just like fireworks yeah there's literally a picture of him doing that yeah like because it takes your picture at the top and i'm just like pointing at it like yes and i'm just like oh my god i've never seen a firework that closed and especially at that angle where like height yeah where you can see more than just like the two-dimensional part of it like you're as you're going up you're seeing like the ball it's it was just wild so i said 50 points so it was like pretty amazing to see uh just like to end the day with that that was pretty incredible um so yeah and then after that we got rained on but it was worth it if we're gonna get a cat um no prob not right now not thinking about it no i if there was like a sick cat that like showed up on our door then maybe but i mean we did find a cat near our apartment someone said what's the funniest moment of your wedding um i don't know how oh i mean the after party yeah but i don't know if i want to go into too much i was just going to say morelli putting a plastic plate in the microwave yeah well that's good one of our buddies he um who is a lawyer by the way he took a plastic plate and he put it in the microwave it looked real it looked paper i'll give him that and earlier in the night i even thought it was paper but as soon as i picked it up i was like nah plastic obviously right right no he puts it in the microwave and almost burns down the airbnb like the first night that we're there so that was fun yeah i mean i wouldn't say it was a just a wedding day it was more of a wedding weekend yeah like how expensive was the wedding well that depends on if you include the airbnb but it was pretty cheap yeah like the wedding itself was a couple hundred bucks maybe someone asked if we planned it ourselves we did yep yep well lauren planned most of it i just kind of signed off on some of the things just was like yeah that's a good idea why did we pick halloween we picked halloween because it was fun and it was officially the last day that i could be on my parents health insurance because after you turn 26 you have until the end of that month to get your own insurance doesn't matter if you were born on the last day sorry about that you're screwed um it's not like some 30-day thing it's the end of that month so we figured make sure the insurance rolls over you know um i mean we did like the idea of 10 10 20 20. yeah we originally wanted to do a couple of weekends before that would have been cool but it worked out really nice um it was a saturday so everybody that we wanted to visit could pretty much make it um and it was like we said like there was a theme to it it was fun like if it'd be it feel kind of weird i feel like to to have done the wedding the week before and then on halloween done like nothing so yeah i mean the week before was his birthday so it would have just been i don't know but we still celebrated everyone uh there was actually multiple people that were born in october that were at the even though there was only ten people there four four four people had october birthdays oh yeah yeah four october birthdays so we ended up just you know wishing them all happy birthday and still having everyone kind of celebrate their own little thing um somebody asked somebody said they've been watching since i was below 10 000 subscribers which is like well forever ago so thank you so much appreciate that how long was your engagement again 11 minutes we agreed to get married like 36 days before we got married and the engagement itself landed or lasted like 11 minutes it's awesome you can actually watch the whole engagement because you got the video of me proposing up until the i do so someone asked not a very common thing if i finished filming this last season of walking dead they still think i'm that girl oh my gosh oh my gosh that's hilarious i'm working on it it's a that was a question in our first ama too oh props to you um all right well we've been streaming for about an hour and a half so we could probably wrap this up pretty soon if anybody's got some last minute questions we'll take like three more okay three more questions all right bubba hey preen up enough oh my gosh first kiss story that was all you yeah that was just um mom don't listen uh i haven't kissed her yet but it was at the wedding that was the day after my surgery um she drove down to my hometown to visit me right after work yep and she got out of her car and i was like wow she's really pretty i want to kiss her face and i mean she knew it was coming i did it i told you i didn't know it was going to be right away i was going in for like a hug yeah and then just walk yeah it's got to make me look like a weirdo but yeah that's the story i mean it again you just caught me off guard when i i don't expect things are you planning on getting john pregnant you better not i'm worried that she's gonna swap out my birth control with sugar pills wait you haven't noticed that yet okay moving on i thought they tasted like skittles they're they're really just skittles um what what was the first drink at the wedding what was the first well the first drink was the the ice the smearing off ice yeah we got iced if you look earlier in the video we went through some pictures and yeah i think yours was mango yeah that and i don't like mango by the way that's why i made him drink i was really bummed out all right mine was like mango and peach is this the best relationship i would say so like not trying to ruffle any feathers from other youtube couples but i'm pretty sure we're the best one oh i thought you just meant like yours like is this your best relationship oh uh no that's why i was like i hope so can you do the messed up origins and the wild swans um yeah sure if it gets you to stop asking then yes someone's asking our first date watch the first video we talked about it yeah what let's see looking for one great last question nothing about his content oh there's so many now yeah i'm not going to do the messed up origins of chainsaws unless it is weirdly interesting grew out the beard john i have the perfect wedding gift for you too um i had it for three years i've known you what huh go to see london bridge while you're so close definitely plan on doing that trying yeah trying to arrange for that trip any part of the wedding that you didn't like um not that day no there were there was some some drunken shenanigans at the reception but that's at every wedding yeah so what are you gonna expect you like jazz collab with osp oh tell osp to collab with me they are way bigger i already know who they are i don't think i don't think osp knows who i am but i would love to work with them who apologized is after an argument um i think we both we both do that's probably one of the best things about the relationship is that we're both very willing to admit when we're wrong and i feel like we don't really argue that much no it's just like hey i'm mad at you yeah and it's like as soon as as soon as like if we argue and then you walk away like i just i'm like god i'm an like i know that i know that i don't want to upset her like she's a she's amazing like why are why am i acting like this so um yeah i think we're both pretty pretty easy easy to admit that what about her makes you smile um i think just the fact that i get to be with you oh god stop not arguing is bad um i don't there's nothing to argue about i think if you don't argue because you're oppressing you're repressing something then yeah for sure we get upset with each other but we don't really argue yeah like i said it's pretty short-lived yeah just very open communication yeah all right somebody's going in timeout because you're annoying you're welcome do you really put them in timeout yeah that's what it's called that's funny dumb guys also in timeout come on guys we're looking for a good one yeah story of me two met what's your least favorite movie dude that guy's been asking for a while i'm like i don't know what lisa's favorite movie how nervous were you for your wedding on a scale that's a good question fusion bridge thank you so much probably like i would say a seven like there wasn't that many people to be nervous about it was just like oh my goodness like for me it was just don't fall don't fall you're in a big dress i did not i didn't even alter my dress so i didn't even like cut it short and i'm a short person someone asked if that's danny devito in the background it is he was at the wedding he was so i guess it's 11 people at the wedding um i would the only thing i was nervous about is yes uh is like the recording aspect of it um i really wanted to make sure we got good pictures and um lauren kind of so like lauren showed up on the boat and we were kind of running behind schedule to begin with so she ran and she got on the boat a little before i was had set up all of the filming stuff so i thought everything was ready i was just excited yeah um she didn't ask she just assumed nope but because of that um i didn't i was like a little stressed out about like what's the audio gonna sound like so i'm not using the right microphone and let's hope that you know this is a good enough angle and this and that but um you know it all turned out fine and like we said before there's absolutely going to be another ceremony somewhere down the line we're already in the process of planning it so um yeah there will be another another wedding story somewhere down the line someone did ask what cake we had um since it was a week after john's birthday i told him what cake do you want so we went with ice cream cake it was an oreo ice cream cake and it melted pretty much after like two hours because again we were in arizona yeah but it was good it was still good it was great but on that note we are gonna wrap this up so thank you guys so much for watching um i definitely want to do more of these streams in the future if that is something you'd be into please let me know in the chat um i want to do some more some more with the streams outside of just taking questions and answers i also want to do like like i've talked about before you know figuring out um or mapping out the greek mythological timelines or playing some games that are related to the channel um so again hopefully we see you guys soon in this same capacity this is the first stream that i've done in several years and i'd like to think it's a success so yeah i love you guys all so much not as much as i love her and in a very different way but really do love you guys and appreciate the love and support that's been coming from you not that many people get to you know get married and then talk to a thousand people about it or in total 28 000 people about it over the course of 90 plus minutes so again thanks for stopping by yeah seriously um talk to you guys soon and until then my name is john solo that is mrs solo and remember john shot first now i'm gonna slowly awkwardly go to end stream peace
Channel: Jon Solo
Views: 63,453
Rating: 4.9579711 out of 5
Id: qxk4Y9BN_Pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 34sec (5254 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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