Wall Fishing Tools & How To Use Them When Dealing With Fire Stops and Insulation

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so it's hard to get on site for all the infrastructure installs and another ones I've been to so far I have a Plexiglas to help you see things so we built this wall to kind of give you an idea and we're gonna show you how to do a standard wall fish why not you have a hollow wall which is usually like your inner walls how to deal with maybe a inner wall that's adjacent to another building so you have fire stops inside of it depending on how the code is and how we can punch through to get through to get to the bottom there and then also how we deal with insulation which you're gonna find in a lot of outer walls when you're doing infrastructure in a building or in a house especially this is common insulation but we've seen it in commercial construction as well so we built this wall showing you the display side and Corey's gonna walk you through how he deals with each of these situations and the tools that we use to get it done and it's what you've seen it done a few times and a lot of practice Corey's gonna run through it very fast because well he's installed thousands of these that he's kind of an expert so we're gonna talk about how he does it some of the methodologies let's get started the first thing we want to do when we're doing a wall fish is always go from the top of your wall down because you can move your ceiling tile that might end right about here and you have all this space to where if you make a mistake or if there's a fire stop somewhere in the wall you don't have to worry about that because that's an invisible mark that you just made so let's say we're going to go through the top of the beam so we'll just go right in here [Music] we drilled into the wall now the first thing I always recommend you want to get your fish rod and find your baseboard that means that if you've got enough of these rods put together to go down through the wall you've just missed the fire stop that doesn't exist in this particular cavity with that being said we'll pull this rod back out our next step in the process is you've got to take your Karlin mud ring the mud ring that you have has four little dots as you see these four points are for simple marketing purposes only so basically I'm gonna take an ink pen and we always use a level for these these are very important that you don't make this crooked because if you make this crooked on the wall you can never get your wall plate to sit right it'll always look funny so we come down here into our first cavity and we want to put this on the wall approximately where we would assume that this is going to sit I always put the bubble level right on the top here you get that thing to where it's leveled out great now we make our four marks when you make your four marks it's as simple as just sticking your ink pen right into those little devils great now we got one two three and four now this is a straight edge along the side so this is how I always prefer to do it is we take this mud ring and we use itself as a straight edge from dot-to-dot and just intersect the points and connect the dots if you go over and pass your doubt a little bit it doesn't really matter that much the wall plate will cover about a quarter inch on each side of the muttering once you put it out you come in here dr. dot and dr. died and now my preference is always to come in with my drill I take a regular 3/8 drill bit on my drill now I'll come in and drill right and all this does is make life you decide when you go to actually make your cut when I make my cut doesn't matter what you use in this instance I'm not using a great tool but I have a sawzall blade it's as simple as that take you cut your bud right now and once you're done you end up with a square just like that now simplest part about this is that now that you have that you have your fish rod in the wall that's about big enough for you to reach your hole until your hand right inside there and you could pull your rod out in this instance and since this is a demo wall it's gonna be a lot easier because we can just reach right in there and find our rod quite simple let's just say we're going to pull some coax we feed this on attached to our rod and pull back up and presto your wall fish is complete now you have this big square hole at the bottom very simple the mud ring always goes in tab side in into the wall you want the flush outer ring to be the outer ring flush to the wall so you pull your wire through the back side just like this you stick your muttering in there it takes a little finesse to get it in there there it is now we take our impact or a screwdriver and you just simply shoot these two screws in so there you go you have your mud ring installed with your wall fish complete secondary we're going to move into our next cavity this is what happens when you start from the bottom and we're talking about that potential of running into a fire stop in your wall like we talked about in the first cavity here so we're gonna go ahead now we're gonna come to the top of our wall and we're gonna drill right in because now it's time to run our wire through our wall oh we've run into an obstruction that's our fire stop this is what we were talking about sometimes what you'll see it's in the wall cavity they'll build a wall or stud going across like that basically that's for fire intensive purposes to stop that from basically coming up through and burning up through the cavity and coming up into the next floor or reaching your ceiling plenum faster this is when a fish rod or a fish bid will come in handy this happens to be a six-foot wall fish pit and you have to drill into this instance you're already panicked because you've got a hole in the wall this is not good now there's a couple ways to play this out your first way to play this out would be okay now it's time to find a new cavity and put a blank on there but when that's just not an option you have to come in with a drill bit like this just like that now we have this drill bit stuck through there and as you can see in the bottom hole of the wall and on the backside of the wall you can see that drill bit great so we pull this back and then we find the tip of this and you can pull that out of the wall enough to where you can connect it because that room that bit does flex quite a bit in fact there's a stretcher tool you can get for these feeds where basically you can take this six-foot bit and put it on the inside of the wall and drill down through a cavity and it forces that bit to make that turn within the wall so it's not coming out a perimeter wall or going into the next office nobody wants that problem so once we've connected it's as simple as pulling our bit back out if we can get it out nope in this instance I guess we're going to go through the other side photo in it that out well on the backside there's that identical hole up on the shaft so we're gonna connect it to this side but sometimes it's just not possible to repol that bit back through the wall the same way it went it so what we do in that case is we take it from the bottom of the wall and we just drag this sucker right out work it out so we have our wall fish complete and we bypassed our fire style now for our final method of wall fishing we're gonna use the Magna pole now as you see I've already connected my wire because once you drill the hole for the Magna pole you're almost done it's that simple the Magna pole is a super powerful magnet that will attach to this and we're about to do the demonstration so watch and learn now keep in mind when using a Magna pole you cannot use the Magna pole when you have a fire stop in the wall you are just not gonna get that big magnet through that hole so basically I always try to use a bigger bit when I'm using the Magna pole and this inch instance I'm using an inch and three-quarter inch of one quarter bit as you notice the insulation falling out that's because this is an insulated wall Magna poles do best in an insulated wall because you don't have to guess where the right way all right so pretty much what we're looking at here is with insulation in the wall this is about what you're going to deal with when it's time to use a fish rod to get your get your wall fish completed now you've got it most of the way down there okay we found the baseboard now what now you've got to fish your hand into that wall and dig that sucker out it's a pain in the fun using the magnet pole it's as simple as dropping it in the hole oh look my wall fish how about that oh yeah it'll move all over the place so we come down to the bottom but like I said this is a much more crude method because you don't have to be as accurate however you're still probably gonna put a mud ring down here if you're gonna do this right so let's go ahead and just pop a hole in here Oh more insulation see what I mean now I've already got this prepared but this is about when you take the magnet end and you just kind of drop it into the wall oh look I think we found our spot now sometimes you got to work it down [Music] pretty crude but nonetheless effective there we go now we found it now we've got our wall fish or at least we had it so there it is all right well in our last instance with the Magna pole say for instance you're anything like me maybe lost a drill bit or dropped a pair of snips down the wall or something of the sort well they're gone forever not with the Magna pull the best thing about the magnet pulled oh hey I got my drill bit bag and the last piece that Cori kind of forgot is that you can use the other end of the magnet pole to find some things that might be in the wall [Music] suza job's done that should come right out of the wall Oh exactly wait we'll leave links in the description below all the different tools we use will you links to the different beers we drink and all that fun stuff at the end none of this until the job's over that's an important aspect actually especially working out ladders working on ladders drinking with power tools yeah all jobs me end with this but he certainly don't begin with it one other thing when you're working out a ladder don't ever step back and admire your work experience right no okay thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video go ahead and hit the thumbs up if you want to see more content from my channel go ahead and hit subscribe and the bell icon and hopefully YouTube will send you a notice if you're interested in contracting Lauren systems for any type IT services work or consulting work go ahead and head over to Lawrence systems.com and fill out our contact and get in touch with us if you would like to help the channel out in other ways you can use our affiliate links below with in the description or we have a link directly to our Lawrence systems page where we have a list of different affiliate offers and it's very appreciated if you use any of those for signing up any of the services and many of them offer you discounts if you want to head over to our forums there'll be a link in the description for our forums wherever they may be because we've been looking at different forum platforms but they'll always be relevantly linked right there alright once again thanks leave some feedback and comments below on this video if you loved it if you hated it I try to reply to everyone the people who hate and the people who love them so thank you very much and see you next time and we broke our model perfect dude I mean alright it's simple as that and all this
Channel: Lawrence Systems
Views: 1,033,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fish cable, run cables, run wires in a wall, how to hide wires, fish cables, ways to fish wires, diy, how to, cable, electrical, wire, Flex Auger Bit with Screw Point, drill, drill bit
Id: R5XePwAO4m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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