My On Site Tech Tool Bag contents and network cables.

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so I want to do a video real quick on all these stuff that I carry with me when I go on site I've seen a field or technicians kind of post about this they want to know you know what do you have in the bag that you carry on what do you bring with you and you go on site to a customer I do mostly a lot of networking when I'm going there as in physical testing switches and other related devices so I have probably leaning towards a network gear with some USB drives to help solve some software problems bad guy carries nothing real special just a HP bag with a lot of pockets a lot of zippers and a carry handle with some wheels on the bottom because I do find it handy sometimes because by time I load all this stuff in here and my current laptop is an elite book 8460 which by itself is a beast of a laptop it's kind of heavy so sometimes I don't want to carry it and this is bag is pretty good for that it is also an HP bag I don't have any affiliation with HP or really mine I just happen to get it because someone gave it to me for free brand-new said hey I have these old bags so you want one I said sure I looked I'm like it says of tags and I go so I never used them so I got it for free so that's where it came from it does have these really cool pouches they have velcro backs and a stick inside the bag which i think is really novel for keeping all this stuff organized and I'm going to break down here all the stuff that I carry with me and all the stuff that I put in here so it isn't just water on the bags because I'm very when I get somewhere I never like to be digging through my bag I like to get to the thing I need and not make a giant mess that is important it's also a customer perception that if you're tearing through lots of tangled wires how are you supposed to solve their problem of something not working if you yourself don't appear to be organized so I think that's actually an important aspect and this and these velcro strips help a lot so I have all the stuff broke down and organized so I can one show it to you plus I kind of do an inventory because occasion I lose things and leave things here and there and I make sure it's all here before I go on site and go man I wish I had that so a couple small screwdrivers here for doing some of the basics like you know taking things apart these are just your Pittsburgh one's from hardware freight they actually work really good and they're about seven dollars they're pretty handy my keeper being around this because when it opens it likes to poke through here just your standard needlenose pliers very handy when people have just pulled things apart and pop them in there like I said these are little velcro baggies I'm putting stuff in these are the ego go velcro and the ego go velcros are really nice it's one size like this and the other side spoke weary so once the grippy side they hold all this stuff together they work really well but it really great for organizing and do a great job and a really inexpensive I'll leave an amazon link where you can get these but I always have extras besides what I have all tied up having extras is nice because well I go places people leave a wiring mess I clean up the wiring mess and I like to leave it that way a couple different USBs have three of them have just keep them handy they can be anything my laptop's always with me I generally keep one as a bootable Linux but I got a copy drivers from one computer to another may be something that's offline can be kind of a pain in the butt but it's really nice to always have a handful USB sometimes just a copy a file that I need to get over to something so there's those HDMI and VGA cable I do presentations that can delay occasionally and so sometimes I need to go out here and have an HDMI or this to plug in to do the presentation and then an audio cable in case I need to feed audio out of my laptop into some type of sound system but they're just standard 6 foot cables that are really handy now USB cables I have all the different types my phone being a nexus as a USBC so I've got the USB see I've got a USB mini and a USB micro for your phones those are just always handy to have and the same thing I got these little velcro going around there now I have a USB network adapter now this works in Linux Mac and Windows and it's really handy when you can't figure out what's wrong with the networking on a computer sometimes you can just plug this in it and solve the problem immediately it's amazing how many times you if you're trying to diagnose the network harder you have a flaky problem these are really handy this is a cable matters one I think it was $13 they're really inexpensive it is a great thing to keep in your tool kit if you're troubleshooting a network problem and you're not sure if that laptop has the network issue or if it's the jack or if it's the wire you can have one more test to verify that it works or you can plug your laptop and plug it in there but this is pretty handy and I've given these away I've had one was I solved it with that network jack and I just end up gonna you know I'm already done it's fixed out you just want to have this USB one there are only 10 100 or not gigabit because of the speed limitation USB but it gets the job done and gets them back online USB charger of course now these are important too these are crossovers so if you have a straight-through cable and you want to make it a crossover you can just snap it right on there now most switches these days are auto-sensing auto-switching so it's not as relevant as it used to be but I will tell you I've run in at times where this just worked as a you know it is a solution I get the cat 6 ones because you know they're rated for cat6 but they of course are completely backwards compatible they can't six wonders same price so I ordered those now these are networked joiners if you've ever wanted to have your network have two network cables joining together because it's just out of reach these are incredibly handy to have and it's happened to me more than once for something just comes up a little short and you're like oh you just grabbed one of these snap them together and away you go but really handy thing to keeping your tool kit now this is the flat cable these are all from monoprice I really like these flat cables these are cool so these flat cables right here is a 25 foot flat network cable they weigh nothing I've done speed tests because I was kind of curious if they if they had any issues they also have a little boot squeeze on them but there's no speed degradation or loss on this oh it's 20 foot a flat category 5e cable and then I have a shorter 6 foot one but they roll up easy full of and a half put them on the other super it's not even that channels you get on my hair and they get comparison 25 foot cable here 25 foot cable here so much more bulky and non manageable and not squeezable into a condensed package when you have the standard round network cable so this is great 25 feet when I need it because sometimes where I can put my laptop and where I can plug it to a switch or not as close as I'd like them to be I also have this this is a great device instantly you have nice same thing flat network cable and it snaps and pulls together like this and it's on the spring load goes right back closed and away you go so this is a little six footer same thing monoprice great little tool to have so these are really handy they just go straight back I do keep one standard extra network cable always in my bag and I always end up giving these away go somewhere and they just need one cable to get something hooked up because something's broke so I keep one standard one because I don't want to have to give away my flat ones I learned that lesson already when you're connecting switch doesn't have to jump a few things it's nice to keep a couple shorties available and they're always handy in there next to nothing we just sit and make a bunch of these oars handmade ones now if you have to re crimp a cable I keep these in here I put a velcro strap around it so it doesn't fly out I got a couple key stones in here any handful of ends and jacks and of course at the same time got the crimper so if I find a bad Jack I can swap it out if I have just a bad crimp I can cut the end off a wire and we crimp it real quick oddly that just is a more common problem than I expect because you know we've seen a lot of technicians do some really bad work and when we're trying to troubleshoot the network that's something we run into extra power another little you know cheap thing to keep in your bag but you may need somewhere to plug in where you need one more extra plug and you can just snap this out real quick real handy to have I do more foam work than I'd like to admit I wish analog phones go away they haven't and I've punched out a law sixty six blocks it's actually still handy this gets used more than like it too but it's a convenient little thing to keep in your package just having a little punch down black tape electrical tape super handy things just need to be taped occasionally because you know when you're in a masculine okay this is the temporary solution is I'm a tape it back together or you just want to put some wires together I do not like taping any type of wires together unless it's a necessity but it has become necessity and I highly command keeping a roll of black tape it's so inexpensive to keep in there now I've done a review on this this Microsoft keyboard it is the Microsoft US sorry Microsoft bluetooth keyboard I really like this and I have many times taking this out during meetings quickly type notes or when I'm finishing something for a client if I didn't even plug my laptop in but I want to set an email or make some notes real quick it's so handy while you're at the job site flip this open set my phone right in here in the dock and it's ready to go I can type up some notes send the client an email maybe make a little decision real quick okay here's the email here's what needs to be done boom boom boom dispatch one of my guys on a job it's just really handy to have to flip it open and trying to type it all on here sometimes when you're trying to document a problem there's a little bit more than a couple of words you've got to type to you know send over the details so it's really handy to have and one of the last things that they keep in there is a book my daughter gave me forever ago it's a hundred and one wacky computer jokes they're really bad and they're funny to read because sometimes I'm saying Erin I've been in basements where I have no internet access I'm waiting on something to restart waiting on a vendor call from 18t or one of the vendors for an outage I'm kind of stuck in dead there and I'd love to pick this silly book up and read something real quick and it it's really what like I said it's silly but it's something else I keep in there so that's pretty much it for what I keep in my technicians bag maybe you have some suggestions or things I'm missing but these are the things I use a lot so these are the things that I've decided to keep in there and thank you for watching and if you like the content click like and subscribe and I'm trying keep producing more thanks
Channel: Lawrence Systems
Views: 75,775
Rating: 4.9134617 out of 5
Keywords: tech, tool bag box, on site, laptop bag
Id: EpAOaW3oXCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2016
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