20200613 | The Change of the Sabbath | Pastor John Lomacang (tvsdac)

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just before i get into the message this morning i also want this to be a part of the sermon so you could begin to stream now but god has a way of confirming that what we are doing is in harmony with his will every sabbath morning we have a tradition in our home my wife always does the devotional thought on sabbath morning she has always prayed for me every sabbath morning it's a tradition in our home she said i want to pray for you so this morning as we got ready for getting ready this morning my wife grabbed her ipad and began to read and the devotional thought that she shared with me was so on point that it blew me away that god would be so desirous to let me as his servant know that i am moving in the direction of his holy spirit's massaging and it's today's date june 13th i know that we tend to date a message and i don't want to intentionally do that but i thought it fitting that long before i even knew this devotional was going to be a part of today the lord had placed on my heart that the message for today is the change of the sabbath and if you've been following along i've been talking about the mouth of the dragon then the mouth of the beast which is still a part of this uh second of the three parts and then the next part is the mouth of the false prophets i tell you it's time that when you come to church spray your clothing with fire retardant because it's going to get hot in here it's going to get hot in here but let me tell you something nothing fuels heaven more than knowing the people of god are on the wall during these times seeing the sword coming and blowing the trumpet god doesn't call us to be servicemen that sleep in the barracks in an emergency god has called us to be men of the hour men who see the sword coming and are more determined to blow the trumpet so that the people are warned that they will not be taken in their sin and just before i read this devotion i want to share with you you know we've been watching 2020 has been can i say in an understatement it has been a banner year that we could never have predicted we could never have guessed that the world will become a place of sequester in quarantine and lock down and shut down and that the nations of the world will be a place where a silent demon called covet 19 would begin to evade every home every level of society the rich and the poor alike everybody would be affected it has been a banner year and the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives already and we are not even done yet in some states it's going back up then we have you know began the year with the loss of kobe bryant a a young man who many of us who like sports admired and we were tragically shaken by that loss but the next event it's amazing if you look at the cadence event after event makes the one after that pale into insignificance after the covet 19 then the outbreak of racial tension on the heels of the loss of mr george floyd a tragic thing to see that in a country where god has committed to the church the the freedom and the responsibility to be a church where everyone black and white and every color in between is dealt with with the love of god and the nation we live in so i'm committed to do everything in my power to stand with the state to do my part in the eradication of the spread of covenanting virus they've given us parameters and i'm standing by them but i'm also doing my my part to stand for racial equality you know this nation has a debt to settle of 400 years of slavery and as long as one race is going through disparity above another the christian church must stand to do its part to eradicate that at every level god has called us to be as acts 17 26 says and he is made of one blood every nation of men to dwell on the face of the earth so when you are in the operating room and they get a bag of blood they don't say what race of individuals that blood from if your blood regardless of where you from can save my life then it is true we have all come from one blood and so black lives matter and white lives matter and yellow lives matter and red lives matter this nation must understand we all if we are to be one nation under god the christian church must lead the way i was invited last sunday sorry last wednesday to be involved last friday sorry to be involved in an interfaith uh of many pastors and many churches in the state of illinois in the state of indiana and i saw pastors white pastors and black pastors and asian pastors get together and say we are going to do our part to eradicate this and they said especially in our state and they they addressed the fact that it was prevalent indiana and in many of the midwest states racism was prevalent but god has a sense of justice to make me the pastor in southern illinois where a little more than 20 years ago the ku klux klan headquarters are not too far away does god have a sense of mission and right now i got friends of every human every race in this community and we all love each other i got friends that were camouflaged and those that wear suits and we are all one in christ we get together and talk in walmart and sit down and have fun together fly our planes together rub shoulders together do ministry together and i have lived out in my life and so have many others that are white and every other race have lived out in their own lives this creed of unity but brethren there's something else that even deeper than that there's a deeper injustice that we are going to be dealing with today that deeper injustice is god's law has been downtrodden and people the church of rome has and i'm going to use this phrase the way i see it the church of rome has not allowed the christian world to breathe truth it has not been inhaling truth truth has been cut off there's been a lack of circulation of truth in the christian church and god has called us if you think that what you see today this social unrest is something you wait until rome and protestants and evangelicals and political and powerful leaders get together to silence people like me who is determined to proclaim the undiluted three angels messages one that will counteract the counterfeit if you think social unrest is what you see now you have no idea of the engine of rome of the engine of the evangelical world and i'm gonna do my part i'm not looking behind me i'm not looking for applaud i have disconnected myself from the the the push for popularity i just want to do god's will and there are men and women in this closing hour of earth's history that will stand like noah did and like elijah did and like the reformers did like like martin luther did and like martin luther king jr did they're going to stand for what's right and what's true and what's in god's word and as david the psalmist says it is time for you to act o lord for they have made void your law so i'm going to stand today clearly and this message is going forth bathed in the love of christ because i believe that god's people are in every walk of life every church in our community i'm rubbing shoulders intentionally with pastors of other denominations and god has given me the privilege of putting in the hands of other clergy this booklet the three angels messengers in summary i put this in the hand of many clergy and i've had people that are other leaders of other churches walk up to me and say my brother where are you from i want to get in touch with you and god is allowing me to be in the circles of other denominational leaders why because there are some who honestly don't know this message and there are those who know it but are objectively keeping their people in the darkness so my brother and sister how fitting it is for god to give me this devotional thought this morning look at it with me as i walk you through it briefly god said to me this morning through this devotional thought you are where i want you to be listen maranatha page 172 today's date june 13. the third angel followed them sing with a loud voice if any man worship the beast in his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of god revelation 14 verse 9 and 10. heretofore those who presented the truths of the third angels message have often been regarded as mere alarmists that's me their predictions that religious intolerance would gain control in the united states that church and state would unite to persecute those who keep the commandments of god have been pronounced groundless and absurd but as the question of enforcing sunday observance is widely agitated the event so long doubted and disbelieved is seen to be approaching and the third message will produce an effect which it could not have had before men of faith and prayer will be constrained you know what that word means they will be arrested by god to go forth with holy zeal declaring the words which god gives them the sins of babylon will be loaded laid open the fearful results of enforcing the observance of the church by civil authority the inroads of spiritualism the stealthy but rapid progress of the papal power all will be unmasked by these solemn warnings the people will be served as the people go to their former teachers with the eager inquiry are these things so the ministers present fables prophesies smooth things to soothe their fears and quiet the awakened conscience but since many refuse to be satisfied with the mere authority of men and demand a plain what thus saith the lord the popular ministry like the pharisees of old filled with anger as their authority is questioned will denounce the message as of satan and stir up the sin-loving multitudes to revile and persecute those who claim it as the controversy extends into new fields and the minds of the people are called to god's downtrodden law satan is a stir the power attending the message will only matter those who oppose it the clergy will put forth almost superhuman effort to shut away the light lest it should shine upon their flock by every means at their command they will endeavor to suppress the discussion of these vital questions the church appeals to the strong arm of civil power and in this work papist and protestants unite that's a preview of the future but my brethren i'm not concerned about man i want to do god's will and i'm going to do what god has called me to do i have experienced his grace his grace his saving faith and god has not called me to be a candle hidden under a tree or a church that has been removed from a hill we have a responsibility as seventh-day adventist christians to proclaim this message right ryan right dakota right church we've got a responsibility as a church to proclaim this message while we can because the night is coming in which no man can work so bow your heads with me now as we open our hearts to the proclamation of god's word the change of the sabbath let's ask for the spirit of god to lead us today loving father in heaven this is your opportunity you've called me to be a man of fortitude and integrity and one who refuses to blend into the rising tide of conformity i pray today lord that my mind will not be conformed to this world and nor to its maxims but that will be transformed by the power in your word speak to those who are watching those who are listening and activate in the hearts of ministers in our church the determined purpose to go forth proclaiming this light amid the growing darkness of this world in jesus name i pray amen amen the scripture reading was already read but just to reiterate that we are told in daniel 7 25 that there is a power that would arise to think to change times and law and today i'm going to deal with the topic that includes time and law together the sabbath of creation the sabbath of creation there would be no other reason for a seven day week other than the last one being designated creating something invisible spiritual and as permanent as the character and the person of god but i read a story not too many years ago and i share this with you you may have heard about it but bear with me as i share to those who are listening in associated press on june 21 1997 there was an article entitled three are sentenced to 15 years and fatal stop sign prank it was a sad story the article talked about three 18 year old teenagers on their way home from bowling had driven through an intersection only to be broadsided by an eight-ton truck and each one of them lost their lives that fateful night in the investigation at the scene of the crime they saw on the side of the road a stop sign that had been pulled out of the ground and laid on the side of the road these young people didn't see the sign the sign was removed and when they began to investigate and trace how this occurred they discovered that three young men in their twenties it was to them just to prank it was just a prank they were out to have fun but it claimed the lives of three young kids in their 18 at 18 years old the judge judge mitchum said at the sentencing he said to these young men he said i don't believe for one minute that you or the other two defendants pull these signs up with the intent of causing the death of anyone the aftermath could not be reversed these three young men did not deeply consider i want to say that again they did not deeply consider the impact and the deadly consequences of removing the sign whether innocent or intentional the results were deadly brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen according to the bible another sign has been pulled out of the ground that will have eternal consequences to the christian church and to society and to the world at large this sign is a sign between god and his people this sign is to prevent the world from that which these young people experience certain death this sign is to stand as firmly as god is eternal this sign is an indication where god has drawn the line that no man has the authority to cross that line ezekiel chapter 20 verse 12 shows us this sign here is the word of the lord and lord said to us moreover i also gave them my what church my sabbaths to be a sign let me say that again to be a what sign between them and me that they might know that i am the lord who sanctifies them a sign a sign rooted out of the ground that's why many of the churches today one of the reasons why justification is the primary focus of the message of salvation in many sunday keeping churches is because this sign that has been rooted out the sabbath sign is a part of the process of sanctification the sabbath is a part of the process of sanctification because when the lord blessed the seventh day he sanctified it he hollowed it he rested on it and he made it holy so that's why when you hear about one saved always saved a person can quote unquote be one saved always save in their thinking because it doesn't require any changes beyond the point of accepting salvation but i want to tell you when you study the bible you begin to see that god has a different approach to salvation than humanity does and when you look at the salvation issue when you look at all the various reasons that are given why the sabbath is no longer to be kept here are some of those reasons given some people say the sabbath was just for the jews well let's consider that for a moment if the sabbath was just for the jews then adam and eve had to be jewish but you know my brethren that's not the case the sabbath was made when there was just two individuals on the earth a woman and a man and secondly the sabbath was made in a perfect environment just as marriage was instituted in a perfect environment and that's why the devil has attacked marriage because the marriage is nothing wrong with the marriage the problem are the two people in the marriage there's nothing wrong with the sabbath the problem is the way that people approach the sabbath and the devil has unfolded his armor he is attacking the very things watch this god established the sabbath in a perfect environment he established the marriage in a perfect environment was the devil done he has taken thousands of years to get rid of the sabbath and today it's widely accepted in many circles that the sabbath is just for the jews that's one of the excuses but consider for a moment if the sabbath was just outlawed last month how the christian church would be protesting as is the case now around the nation if the sabbath was just eradicated and all christian churches were honoring it up until last month there would be an outcry that would shake this planet from its core but the devil has taken his time to eradicate something that people think is just a matter of a day well the sabbath is no more a matter of a day than my anniversary with my sweet wife is the matter of a day come on help me out somebody if you love somebody it's not just another day it may be another day for you but when may 22nd comes around i put the world on whole because that's our day that's the day god sanctified us that's the day god blessed our relationship so but satan has taken thousands of years to massage the world to inoculate them to intoxicate them into thinking that the sabbath no longer matters but there are sincere christians that believe with sincere hearts that it's not an issue and when you go to a sunday keeping church it will not come up if it ever comes up you'll hear that excuse there's another excuse some teach that the commandments were nailed to the cross that the ten commandments were nailed to the cross well this one is more diabolical because if the commandments terry were knelt to the cross if there's no longer a law then close your church you have no message how can you preach for people to be saved from sin when the very thing that defines sin is god's ten commandments you have no message that's out of the window salvation from what from something that doesn't exist well that's an excuse that has no valid foundation in scripture others say we are no longer under the law but under grace well let me tell you let me tell you i got pulled over by an indiana state trooper as i was going 87 miles an hour many years ago confession is good for the soul hard on the reputation but i'm talking about law and grace together and this wonderful officer as he pulled up next to me with his black car and his flashing red and blue lights he so nicely said to me sir what's the hurry where are you going i said i'm on my way to new york city this was in 2006 i said my father passed away i'm going to settle all of his issues and he said license and registration please said it so nicely i gave my license and registration he said do you know how fast you were going he said i clocked you at 87 miles an hour i said i'm guilty i'm i'm so sorry i just i wasn't paying attention i was looking at my gps and that's before gps's was small before they were inserted into the dashboards it was my old big gigantic laptop that i was looking down at terry trying to follow that and keep up with the speed well he came back and he said he said i'll tell you what you slow it down and we'll just call it a day is that all right come on now somebody that's grace he didn't say as of now for you we are now abrogating we are now getting rid of the speed limit so when you leave here you can now travel at 87 miles an hour all the way to new york city because we have just ended the law for your behalf absolutely not that's grace but grace my brother and sister my pastor my christian friend grace cannot exist apart from the law why would i need grace unless i'm guilty of something when you get stopped you don't ask for justice you ask for mercy because there is a law when i am when i am shown my sin i don't say god what's the problem there is no law i say father i'm guilty extend me some mercy that's out of the window you can't preach grace without a law paul says can we make void the law through faith god forbid we establish the law and then those that teach the seventh day sabbath was changed to the first day of the week now they are closer to the truth but i want to show you where they are not close to the truth god god didn't change it man changed it and we're going to talk about that today and then there are those that say way well we worship god every day well that is as frail as my anniversary is every day i love my wife every day come on husbands but my anniversary is not every day if every day was a sabbath you'll be the laziest person on the planet you won't eat if you say that every day is a sabbath see the devil is a liar and the father of it so he seduces people through the mouths of these deceptive ministers he pours into their eardrum the wine of babylon with statements like well i worship god every day let me tell you something as a christian you ought to worship god every day but god didn't bless every day and every day is not the sabbath so don't fall for that lie it is from the pits of darkness the devil knows how to lie he gets you to fall in love with the preacher so that when he lies you let him go check him out check me out because your salvation is not based on what i say it's based on what god's word says but the gospel of salvation is a three-stage process justification saved by grace through faith in christ alone when god called the children of israel out of egypt he made no requirements he didn't say keep my law and then i'll bring you out he brought him out before they kept his law but when they got in the wilderness he said you must honor my law look at what he you must honor my law that's the sanctifying process they had to grow in the grace of his salvation but they had to be obedient to his law before they made it into the promised land you cannot come out of god's dark you cannot come out of darkness into this marvelous light and think that you're going to live the same way and go into canaan no it doesn't work that way we learn obedience in the walk of sanctification and the law of god is a part of that obedient walk and then we look forward to glorification we look forward to the day when we can enter into a land where there is no more sin no more suffering no more crying no more pain that's when sin will have forever been erased but i'm going to tell you even in that land god's law will still exist because it is the foundation of the government of god you tell me what government can you have that doesn't have a law and i'll show you the kingdom of darkness satan's government has no law his law is darkness and lies so when god establishes law he by no means intended to change anything look at ecclesiastes chapter 12 verses 13 and 14. here's what the bible said the lord said let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter how much of the matter the whole matter fear god just like revelation 14 fear god and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man but notice why the commandments cannot be abrogated for god shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing whether it be what good or whether it be what evil the commandments of god is the foundation by which the judgment will be will be held it is the measure by which our characters will be seen to be righteous or unrighteous the law of god is the standard of all judgment you go to court i can guarantee you that every court you go to there's a law every decision made in the court is always based on made on the basis of an existing law and the conclusion of the whole matter is god never got rid of his law and he will not get rid of his law but when you begin to study the israelites when god brought them out of egypt and began to provide for them in the wilderness journey when israel turned their backs on god's requirements i want you to notice the question that god asked the children of israel this question is found in exodus chapter 16 verses 28 and then we'll read verse 29 in just a moment but the question that god asked the israelites is in exodus chapter 16 verse 28 and by the way i'm going to make this very clear you want to see something that is before they got to mount sinai that's before he wrote the ten commandments on tables of stone so for those of you that say the sabbath did not exist until the ten commandments are written god's word says otherwise look at what he says and the and the phrasing of it shows that it did not just begin to exist at that moment look at exodus 16 verse 28 and the lord said to moses how long what words i just say how long if you tell me how long are you going to come to work late that means i didn't just come to work late the first time today amen i've been doing this all along how long the lord asks do you refuse to keep what my commandments and my laws you read the story in exodus 16 god gave them manner to eat every day he said just get one scoop just enough for one day don't try to get too much you you ev overeaters just put enough up for one day don't put anything through the night i will supply all your need every day god supplies all our needs every day but then he said on the sixth day gather twice as much look at verse 29 so the issue was when he asked how long do you refuse to keep my commandments and my laws he was talking about the sabbath look at verse 29 see the lord has given you the sabbath therefore he gives you on the sixth day bread for how many days bread for two days let every man remain in his place let no one go out of his place on the seventh day well those who like mcdonald's and burger king went out on the seventh day and they found no food and it was those that god said you are violating my sabbath command this was weeks before the ten commandments were reiterated on two tables of stone and by the way if you want to follow the argument further abraham who was not a jew was from chaldea a province of babylon ex genesis 26 and verse 5 says abraham kept my commandments my statutes and my laws he was not jewish he was the father abraham isaac and jacob jacob was to come later on in his lineage jacob had 12 sons that became the children of israel long before israel ever existed abraham a citizen of babel a citizen of a babylonian province kept god's commandments can the church say amen but you see friends this whole issue about the sabbath is far deeper than the excuses of humanity it is a downright disrespect to the most high god look at genesis chapter two verse one in verse three the sabbath is a when the sabbath is abrogated when the sabbath is ignored it is man saying to god i don't care what you want me to do my way is above your way but look what god did at the end of creation week in genesis chapter 2 verse 1 to 3. and the bible says thus the heavens and the earth and all the hosts to them were what finished and on the what day seventh day god ended his work which he had done was he tired no he was establishing an example and he rested on the what day seventh day from all his work which he had done then god did what else blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it he rested from all his work which god had created and made no jew no abraham no isaac no jacob no new testament no other nation just two people just two individuals he made light earth water trees animals he made the vegetation he made the land he made the seas he made the diversities of flowers he made the clean and unclean animals the unclean to keep the earth clean and the key and the clean to occupy the earth as those animals that will bring to us the great joy that god wants us to have god created a perfect environment and genesis 1 ends he saw everything that he had done and indeed it was very good so he blessed a day that was very good why because god is very good is that an understatement god very good is there anybody good but god god is perfect so he set up something that cannot be changed with time trees die flowers die animals die people die so god set up a sanctuary in time of something invisible in the canopy of time when you walk into the canopy of time you find the blessing of god there in that canopy of time as the seventh day sabbath then he wrote it down exodus chapter 20 verse 8-11 hear the words when god wrote the ten commandments on two tablets of stone he gave specific instructions in the fourth commandment to honor the sabbath and when you read it you'll see that he pointed this commandment right back to the act of creation of the world exodus chapter 20 verse 8 to 11. look at what the bible says remember the sabbath day to keep it holy let's read this together remember the sabbath day to keep it holy continuing six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord your god in it you shall do no work you nor your son nor your daughter nor your male servant nor your female servant nor your cattle nor your stranger who is where within your gates why here's the creation connection for in six days the lord made the what heavens and the earth the sea and all that is in them and rest of the what day seventh day therefore the lord did what blessed the sabbath day and hollowed it let me take a breath why would somebody want to get rid of that why would somebody want to get rid of something that gives me rest why would somebody want to get something that gives me an opportunity to cease from my labor it's amazing how the devil makes people think that the commandments for the sabbath has to do with work the only word the only place that work appears and this commandment is thou shalt not do any work we are not saved by the work of the sabbath the work of christ saves us to honor the sabbath the work of redemption says i've set aside a day for you my brother if my if my employer gives me a day off it's not to his benefit it's to my benefit he set the sabbath up for us but as i mentioned to you earlier he set the sabbath up as a sign in the heart of the fourth commandment there's a particular phrase that i want you to notice it's very clear verse 10 at the very beginning look at verse 10 again but the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord your god here's the point the seventh day is an indication when you honor the sabbath that you are acknowledging who your god is let me make it even clearer because god is the lord we don't tell god what day we prefer he tells us what day he established and when we honor it we say you're my god so it's not a matter of what day the question is who is your god that is the heart of the issue who is your god now watch me carefully because the devil said i will be like the most high he wants to set himself up as god so he takes the date that identifies who god is and replaces it with a day that identifies who he is but now i guess even dark it gets even deeper than that and i'll just give you the references you don't have to turn there but i'm always stricken by this very comparison you know the story of lot's wife is a terrible story when god was saying come out of sodom and gomorrah and don't look back well those three sad words remember lot's wife you know the rest of the story she turned into a pillar of salt not to minimize that story by any means but then dr luke wrote these words remember lot's wife what's the lesson when god says come out don't look back am i telling the truth when god says come out he says don't look back don't look behind you don't think about what's behind you forgetting those things behind you can you can you say amen don't look back and when she look back we have a permanent example of what happened remember lot's wife when god says come out he says don't do what she did should we remember that yes or no should we remember the example of lot's wife yes or no and there's not a minister on the planet that will argue with you on that there's not a church on this planet that will say forget lot's wife are you ready are you following so we get to a wise man called solomon are you with me dakota we get to a wise man called solomon solomon is wise any time you have a thousand women you at least got to be wiser than anybody else if you get nothing else out of that you'll be wiser after a thousand women come on so when he's getting older now after he understands the frivolity of his youth he says in ecclesiastes 12 1 remember now the creator in the days of your youth now let me ask you the question today should our young people remember the creator before they get in the old yes or no there's not a minister on the planet that will argue with that youth programs youth outreach community outreach do something for the young people get them in the church connect them to christ nobody will argue with solomon or with dr luke are you following me ryan but god says remember the sabbath day to keep it holy we honor dr luke we praise solomon but some demonically possessed preacher says forget what god says i am not cutting cheesecake today some man whose heart has not been imbued by the spirit of god says i know what solomon says remember what he says i know what dr luke says remember him but forget what god says we've got churches all over the world today they'll meet on tomorrow they'll give you a million excuses as to why sunday should be honored but i'm gonna show you today how it got that way and preachers the audacity as a man who claims to be connected to god can honestly conjure up enough guts to say forget what god says if that doesn't make your neck itch if that doesn't stir up the christian dander in you somewhere if that doesn't get you little that doesn't wreck your nerves something's wrong dr luke good to meet you solomon good to meet you god later that's what is being said dr lou says remember lot's wife i'll surely do that i appreciate you dr luke solomon hi brother you have some experiences that nobody should ever have i remember what you said god forget it ministers are telling people forget god who is behind that spirit none other than the devil himself and they are sincere christians today see i'm preaching this message for people that like like in england and africa and in the netherlands where they have said to me pastor john you have opened my eyes i've never heard this message before i am now beginning to see the truth that had been hidden to me from me for years one man said i always knew that something was wrong now i know it's wrong thank you for opening my eyes god has given us that responsibility we are not an adventist church we are a movement where the bible says the gates of hell will not prevail against it so we got to make it clear don't forget god forget dr luke forget solomon don't forget god you forget me you have not lost anything but you forget god you've lost everything is there something wrong with god's law no it's perfect look at psalm 19 verse 7 why would anybody want to change something god did the reason why because the devil is behind it that's why psalm 19 verse 7 look at what the wise men look at what david said the law of the lord is what church perfect why try to get rid of something that's perfect you know the problem is is not the perfect law of god it's the imperfect heart of humanity when my heart is imperfect and i want to stay that way i got to get rid of all the mirrors that tells me how distorted and corrupt i am god's law is a perfect mirror you don't change your condition by getting rid of the mirror your condition just gets worse because you can't see it that's why the bible says the law of the lord is perfect what does it do to us converting the soul the testimony of the lord is what sure making what wise the simple that's what god intends when you keep god's sabbath you'll become wiser he will give you understandings because of obedience he like a parent who loves you will say if you are obedient here i can trust even more to you but when you say i don't want god's law father help me out the lord says he that turneth his ear from hearing the law even his prayer is an abomination to me but somebody said well the sabbath was just for the jews well listen to the words of jesus let me make a point before i read this if you do what jesus did you'll never be omitted from eternity if you follow the example of christ you cannot get to the gates of the of the new kingdom and say father if the question was asked why should i let you in and you say i did what jesus did mark 2 verse 27 and 28 look what jesus said and i i i could imagine you might have a problem with this too if you have a problem with this father then you're going to have a problem with the son look what jesus said mark 2 27 and he said to them the sabbath is made for who man m-a-n not j-e-w and not man for the sabbath therefore verse 28 the son of man is also lord of what the sabbath there is no reason for a seven day week other than the last one being the sabbath he blessed it sanctified rested only on one day the seventh and jesus said it was made for you i made it for you how how is that love even understood i made this day for you i mean all that for everybody but i made this for you he didn't just make it he kept it look at luke 4 16. luke 4 16. you see before i show you the problem i've got to show you the solution before i show you how it got changed i have to show you why it should never have been changed god set it up all old testament writers kept it all new testament apostles kept it jesus kept it not only did he keep it he left an example for us luke 4 16 the bible says of this young man named christ so when he came to nazareth where he had been what brought up as his custom was he went into the synagogue on what day on the sabbath day and stood up to read jesus was not into popularity contest he did what was right and left an example for every one of us to follow but in his quest to topple god's earthly authority since he failed in toppling god's heavenly heavenly authority since satan got evicted from heaven when he lost the first battle he didn't cease in his desire to topple the authority of god so what did he do he set up a corrupt system that would methodically substitute god's holy day for man's unholy day and daniel the prophet predicted the fourth beast of daniel 7 would attempt to change god's time and god's law and that fourth beast unequivocally historically and religiously is papal rome god was not surprised look at daniel 8 and verse 12 daniel 8 and verse 12. let's look at it god gave daniel an understanding of the ruthless nature of this power daniel 8 in verse 12. the bible says because of transgression because of what transgression an army was given over to the horn to oppose the daily sacrifices and what else did he do and he cast what truth down to the ground he did all this and prospered temporal prosperity is eternal failure it looked like during the dark ages he was making it so because judgment is not executed speedily the heart of men is fully set in them to do evil he thought i'm getting away with this so i'm prospering so i'm going to keep on spreading my venom and for more than one thousand years the church of rome prostituted itself prostituted itself to the power that gave its authority satan himself and they took the bibles from the common people they began to institute into the into the place of it the institution of man in place of the institution of god but you know what's amazing to me what is amazing to me as i s proclaimed this message what's amazing to me what is amazing to me did i say amazing what is amazing to me is that the church of rome does not hide the fact that historically and religiously it is foremost in transferring the bible sabbath to sunday it doesn't even try to hide it i've got to recover from that one it doesn't even attempt to hide it it doesn't even try to make excuses now let's go to the screen and begin to see how rome speaks clearly what blows me away is they begin sounding so nice and i always say to myself if you would just stop there you'd be in harmony with the gods but listen to this quotation the the references are quite long i'm not going to take a whole lot of time but what i want to tell you today is these references i'm presenting to you for those of you that might say well you know you can't find these references my brother and sister if you go to kindle and download the 2011 digital edition of the catholic catechism you will have in your possession what i'm going to share with you today this is not old stuff it's not been hidden under a bushel somewhere in the dark ages this is today this is from the 2011 edition of the catholic catechism and when the word in the glossary they define sabbath and listen to what the definition is they gave it the sabbath here it is the sabbath or seventh day on which god rested after the work of the six days of creation was completed as recounted in the opening narrative of the bible creation is thus order to the sabbath the day to be kept holy to the praise and worship of god can you say amen were they right yes why didn't they shut their mouths right there they continued just as the seventh day or sabbath completes the first creation so the eighth day i didn't know we had an eight day week so the eighth day sunday the day of the week on which jesus rose from the dead by the way he rose on the first day is celebrated as the holy day by christians the day on which the new creation began and the 345 to 349 is the exact reference where you can find it in their catechism outline thus the christian observance of sunday fulfills the commandment to remember and keep holy the sabbath day now you might say pastor john that was not kind i didn't write it i didn't write it they wrote it and it's not being hidden it's being sold this is what's being proliferated to my family members my family member majority of them are catholic i pray for them all the time they watch 3abn i got to tell the truth for my family's sake i'm not going to get into eternity and say well i could have told you no no i'm going to do everything i can to let my people know i love them there are people that are walking this earth wondering why i do what i do but nobody's telling them anything but they continue in the same catechism section 2190 listen to the next statement they make the sabbath which represents the completion of the first creation has been replaced by sunday which recalls the new creation inaugurated by the resurrection of christ that never happened jesus never inaugurated a new day of worship at his resurrection he established baptism as a symbol of his resurrection as many of us as are baptized into christ jesus are baptized into his death the justice christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the father even so we too can walk in the newness of life the baptism is a commemoration of the death burial and resurrection of christ nowhere in scripture can you find any new institution for any day to be observed other than the sabbath let's not stop now let's keep going catechism of the council of trent donovan's translation 1867. well let me do that another one first okay here it is catechism of the council of trent 20402 it's on the screen the church of god has started well to transfer the celebration and observance of the sabbath to sunday and they say the church of god did god give any man the authority to transfer what he said up but notice the wording the church of god thought it well think to change thought it well think to change let's make some changes in god's behalf since we're downhill on the roller coaster let's keep going downhill the catechism of the council of trent i've got this in my possession also in digital format the catechism romanus was commanded by the council of trent and published by the vatican press by order of pope pius v in 1566 the catechism for priests say it pleased the church of god that the religious celebration of the sabbath day should be transferred to the lord's day let's go to the next reference i want to handle this with a sensitivity and a respect but i want the people of god to understand what's going on here henry turberville an image an abridgement of the christian doctrine there's a reference it's quite long it's on the screen if you miss it it'll be in the sermon when you can download it here are the two questions how prove you that the church has power to command of feasts and holy days answer they give the answer by the very act of changing the sabbath into sunday and get this which protestants allow of they don't even protest that's why there's no longer protestants their evangelicals they stop protesting which protestants allow of and therefore they fondly contradict themselves by keeping sunday strictly and breaking most other feasts commanded by the what by the same church rome is saying you don't want to do what else we said but you're keeping our day you're keeping our day but you don't want to do what else i said but the bible says in ecclesiastes 3 and verse 14 notice what the wise man solomon wrote about man's inability to change what god has established man can't do it man cannot change what god established ecclesiastes 3 verse 14 the bible says i know that whatever god does i know that whatever god does it shall be for how long forever nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it god does it that men should fear before him you can't change anything that god set up because only god can do that nothing can be added nothing can be taken from it but we thought it best to do this for god's favor let's go on to the next reference reverend stephen keenan doctrinal catechism page 174 look at these very very familiar quotations have you any other way of proving that the church has power to institute festivals of precepts look at the answer it'll shake the foundation had she not such power she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her baptist pentecostal presbyterian methodist anglican assemblies of god you name the list is unending she could not have substituted the observance of sunday the first day of the week for the observance of saturday the seventh day a change for which together there is no what no scriptural authority the church of rome is saying there's no scriptural authority but you got people that on a sunday i've had pastors spend their time of futility all through the bible let me make a point right here there are pastors that say the sabbath is not mentioned in the new testament well do you haven't read your bible the sabbath is mentioned 60 times in the new testament come on can i get an amen ryan the sabbath has mentioned 60 times 60. but now let's do the let's do the advert let's do the converse comparison the first day is only mentioned 12 times eight of those references have to do with the resurrection and the crucifixion of christ eight of them you only get four shots to find a new day of worship i'm going to cover those when i get to the mouth of the false prophet because the false prophets are trying to use those excuses but let me just give it to you today and i'll reiterate it then acts 20 verse 7 they say well you know they broke bread on the first day of the week read your bible they broke bread how many days ryan every day from house to house they broke bread every day that's not an excuse you see the command to institute the sabbath was done by god you can't change god's sabbath by going from house to house sharing the word of god that's not a command then they say in in john chapter 16 well the disciples gathered on the first day of the week they uh john chapter 20 the disciples gathered on the first day of the week you know why they gathered for fear of the jews jesus had been crucified and they said where next on the agenda so they gathered for fear of the jews it was not a church service it was a let me say it right it was a cowardly gathering it was not a religious observance they said we're next on the agenda they got rid of christ we're next and then in 1st corinthians chapter 16 they say well they they they picked up an offering on the first day of the week first corinthians chapter 16. you know what that was there was a famine in jerusalem and they were going from house to house collecting money for those who were in famine and hardship in jerusalem and paul says let every one of you lay by in store as god has prospered you so that there will be no collecting when i come that's like the that's like the salvation army hanging something on my door terry saying we're coming by on sunday to pick up what you have so we don't want to waste time let there be no gathering when i come not gathering when you come but when i come to pick up what i'm asking you to lay aside in store that does not change the sabbath to sunday and the last one simply is i will meet you on the first day of the week some people say they don't know what the what day is the seventh day i'll tell you what let me give you a simple experiment if i tell you i have a check for you on the seventh day of the week you'll find out what day that is you'll find out won't be an issue you'll find out what that is right away but here's my point you can make excuses but rome who was instrumental in the pagan and papal aspects of affecting the change they say my brother pastor whatever church you're pastoring i want you to know that this day there is no scriptural authority to support it so recognize our authority what did jesus say in matthew 15 verse nine here's what jesus said here's what jesus said and in vain they worshiped me talking about the leaders teaching as doctrines what the commandments of men the commandments of men you want to know how it got changed you cannot say you watched this broadcast and didn't find out and i want you to know you do not want to miss next sabbath you do not want to mix next sabbath you will see how this very action is now being grabbed and held on by leaders and countrymen all over the world are pushing the issue of getting sunday to the forefront it's not something that just had a beginning when the devil said i'll be like the most high this is the issue on which he seeks to unseat the authority of god on the earth let's continue let's continue this is an amazing quotation there's a reference martin j scott in the in the article things catholics are asked about 1927 edition page 136 look at this it begins with a clear statement and they say nowhere in the bible is it stated that worship should be changed from saturday to sunday where nowhere the fact is that the church was in existence for several centuries before the bible was given to the world look at this reasoning look at this convoluted reasoning listen to what they said the church made the bible the bible did not make the church you can breathe now the church instituted by god's authority sunday as a day of worship this same church by the same divine authority taught the doctrine of purgatory long before the bible was made we have therefore the same authority for purgatory as we have for sunday i didn't write it i didn't write it lord have mercy when the authority is not from god's word what does the bible say look at first timothy four verse one when the authority is not from god's word what does the bible say now the spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons that's what the bible says when you think that as a frail human being whose life is shorter than a breath in god's nostril has the authority to to to take out of existence to abrogate to stamp out to remove to uproot to root out what god has established i can't even find words in that statement but let's not stop now let's go on in the converse catechism of catholic doctrine we read reverend peter german 1946 page 50. let's look at the let's look at the cadence which is the sabbath day answer saturday is a sabbath day is that clear that's clear why do we observe sunday instead of saturday here's the answer we observe sunday instead of saturday because the catholic church in the council of laodicea a.d 336 transferred the solemnity from saturday to sunday and they continue why did the catholic church substitute sunday for saturday and they're giving you the answer the church substituted sunday for saturday because christ rose from the dead on sunday and the holy ghost descended upon the apostles on a sunday they continued by what authority did the church substitute sunday for saturday the church substituted sunday for saturday by the plentitude of that divine power which jesus christ bestowed upon her you get what's happened they're saying god gave us the authority to do what we want so that's what we did but would god would jesus give power to a church to undo what his father established absolutely not and by the way to make it clear jesus was also a part of that establishment of the sabbath just to make it very clear no sense stopping now let's continue i want to make abundantly clear the same 2011 version of the catechism the reference is there section 2175 sunday is expressly distinguished from the sabbath which it follows chronologically every week they understand where it falls for christians its ceremonial observance replaces that of the sabbath isn't a christian supposed to be a follower of christ i thought so in christ's passover sunday fulfills the spiritual truth of notice this of the jewish sabbath it's no more jewish than marriage is jewish and announces man's eternal rest in god for worship under the law prepared for the mystery of christ and what was done there prefigured some aspects of christ i think i said this a moment ago no sense stopping now at the end of that reference you notice there's a 1166. look at the next quotation this is what they were pointing to how do the apostles make this impact this is what they say look at this by tradition by what friends by tradition handed down from the apostles which took its origin from the very day of christ's resurrection and by the way you have no support in the bible for that at all anywhere the church celebrates the paschal mystery every seventh day which day is appropriately called the lord's day or what sunday and then they point to the saint that was instrumental in bringing out the phrase the lord's day let me go to that one first mike and i'll come back to the scriptures let's continue with the reference his name was saint jerome the lord's day the day of resurrection the day of christians is our day it is called the lord's day because on it the lord rose victoriously to the father watch this if pagans call it the day of the son we willingly agree for today the light of the world is raised today is revealed of the son of justice with healing in his rays let me show you how clever this happens are you following me you may have heard this and i'll go to psalms 118 verse 24 to show you something that you may have missed my wife and i had a chance to travel all over the world we were the heritage singers when we were traveling for two years full-time and about 20 years part-time and there's a song that came out that many of you might know the moment i begin to hum it but let me show you the scripture first and then you'll get it i'll show you the manipulative the subliminal manipulation to change the way you think this is nothing wrong with this this is bible psalm 118 verse 24 this is the day the lord has made we will rejoice and be what glad have you heard that song anywhere this is the day this is the day that the lord has made that became a clarion call every sunday morning robert schuller about 30 years ago he'd always stand and say this is the day the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it remember that you're old enough you remember that the subliminal seduction this is the day the subliminal constant seduction so you come to church on sunday and you hear this is the day the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it subliminal seduction if the devil can take a single scripture to accomplish his design he tried it with jesus and it didn't work he tried it with humanity and it has worked but what would jesus say about such seduction here's what mark 7 verse 9 says here's what mark 7 verse 9 says he said to them speaking to the religious leaders of his day all too well you reject the commandment of god that you may keep your what your tradition your tradition my brothers and sisters this issue is the reason why sincere christians every day starting tomorrow every week people that love the lord let me say that again this is not happening to people that hate god this seduction has taken the hearts of sincere christians and led them in a dark chamber a path of darkness untruth deception lies seduction god is saying but i've called you i've called you my servant to turn the light on arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you for behold darkness will cover the earth and gross darkness the people but the glory of the lord has risen upon you and shall be seen upon you god's word is a light god's word is a lamp and we must not in this closing hour of earth's history turn the light on as motel 6 used to say ryan we'll keep the light on for you amen somebody but my last quotation before i go to the few bible texts and close this message out this blew me away this blew me away john locks a course in religion for catholic high schools and academies volume 1 1936 quoted by permission of the benzinger brothers incorporated listen to this short quotation the reference is longer than the quotation itself but this is a powerful quotation here's what it says if we consulted the bible only we should still have to keep holy the sabbath day that is saturday that was told to catholic high school students this is in their curriculum if if we kept the if we still consulted the bible the bible the one we should still have to keep holy the sabbath day that is saturday is it just another day no it's a sign between us and god that we might know that he is the lord that sanctifies us my brother and sister i end with a few questions why would rome admit to changing the sabbath why would it even dare to change what god established here's what the bible says and i'm going to give you the passage revelation 13 verse 2 here's why rome would even dare to change what god established the bible makes it clear in revelation 13 verse 2 now the beast which i saw was like a leopard his feet like the feet of a bear his mouth like the mouth of a lion but look at the last part the dragon gave him his power his throne and great authority there is this is not just an earthly institution but it has been established to counteract the truth of god's word it has been established to turn people's minds away from a thus saith the lord it has been established to say when god says remember we say forget and since we are a monolithic engine you listen to our authority above god's authority my brethren today we follow god's authority not man's authority can you say amen what is satan's motive for attacking god's law on holy sabbath here's the motive revelation 12 and verse 17. you know what revelation 12 and verse 17. here's his motive let me line it up in genesis satan was successful in deceiving eve he found a woman that listened to his lies but in the course of human history god established another woman god found him another church god set up a church that will not be bought will not be sold will not be diluted or delayed will not turn back be still or be betrayed and the devil now in revelation comes to this woman and says hey remember we had a meal in genesis we had a meal in the garden of eden would you like to go out again and she says not this time satan i got a different husband i got a husband that stands on azal saith the lord come on somebody i've got a husband that believes that the commandments still need to be kept and then the devil says oh so that's how it is now huh you don't listen to me anymore and what happened the bible says and the dragon was wroth with that woman the church satan was angry with the woman who was he angry with he went to make war with the remnant of her seed and who are they which keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus why would the devil do that because satan knows the bible sabbath is an indispensable connection between god and his people he also knows that an intentional violation of the sabbath is to sever our connection from god on every commandment and why would you want to do that when you violate the commandments of god there's no way that you can be saved it's more than just another day ezekiel 20 verse 20 it's more than just another day lord says to us unto you today my brother and sister to you today my pastor whatever the nomination you may be a part of god is saying to you today hollow my sabbath and they shall be a sign a what church sign let's put the sign back they shall be a sign between me and you that you might know that i am the lord your god who's your god my brother who's your god my sister as i close this message who is your god as i appeal to you there's only one reason to keep the sabbath there's only one reason to keep the sabbath commandment and the answer is the same reason for keeping the other nine there's only one reason let's say it together my church what is it together if you love me keep my commandments today my brother and sister as i close i'm appealing to you today i'm appealing to you here today do you love the lord do you love the lord well understand you're not a part of a church that can be quiet at this late hour in history you are not a part of a movement that can hide itself away and sequester itself in silence i learned one thing that i end with this message i learned one thing about this movement this protest i've heard it over and over again and it fits right here silence is to be complicit we cannot be silent on the truth to be silent on the truth at a time when the world is falling apart at a time when error is being taught at a time when darkness is being pushed from the pulpits of the world to be silent is to be complicit it is too late for the people of god to be complicit what do you say bob so my brother and sister today my appeal to you as the seventh-day adventist is this if you're saying lord jesus i am going to do my part to connect myself to an issue of eternal importance i want to model to the best of my ability how to honor god's sabbath i want my life to be seen as the place where the truth of god will be seen and heard and lived out if that's your desire today my church would you stand with me today if that's your desire as a seventh day adventist christian there are so many of you that are adventists i would recommend that you share this link with somebody else your friends your family members your co-workers because today is coming that somebody's going to say if you knew it why didn't you tell me if you knew it did you love me enough to let me know that i was walking in darkness my brother and sister today we're living in 2020 i don't believe they're gonna there's going to be a 2030. that's just my own feeling but all the signs that jesus said was going to occur at the time of the end is taking place about us today and we must let the lord know we love him enough to keep his commandments rome is saying we did it don't deny what they say to try to find scriptural support if you want to live by the bible do what they said honor the sabbath of god if the word of god is your foundation come back come back remember the sabbath day to keep it holy god is calling you the sabbath of captain eden it was kept in the old testament it was kept by jesus it was honored by the apostles it was kept by the church during the dark ages it's kept by god's remnant church today and it will be kept in eternity where are you going to stand if you choose not to keep the sabbath of god my brother and sister you love the lord as i pray today i'm praying that you love the lord enough to say father i had it all wrong but i'm giving you my life today i'm giving you my heart today i no longer want to go in the wrong direction i want to stand on your truth i want to stand on your word i'm looking forward to the day when i can stand on heaven's shore let's bow our heads together father in heaven i know this message is concentrated but that's how the truth is it's designed to break us from complacency it's designed to say to laodicea to pray for i salve that you may see and a white garment that the shame of your nakedness will not appear today lord in your great love for your people you are knocking on the doors of the churches of the world you're saying if anyone will hear my voice and open the door i will come into him and sup with him and he with me and in this day when religion is popular but truth has been voted out we pray that we will seek for something other than popularity thank you lord jesus for the truth of your word which you said the truth shall make you free father in this environment where people are saying we want to be able to breathe we want to be free you're saying to your church it's time for you to be free it's time for you to breathe the atmosphere of the truth of my word thank you lord jesus and finally father the day is coming when all the nations of the earth every race every kindred every tongue and every people will stand before you on that great and glorious morning when we stand there may we stand there because we have chosen to be obedient to a thus saith the lord and finally may all the glory go to you heavenly father may no glory go to me but may all the glory go to you in jesus name i pray and god's people said amen and amen
Channel: Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church
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Length: 80min 29sec (4829 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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