Our OREGON DUCKS' $68M FOOTBALL Facility Tour | Royal Key

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So. Much. Money.

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/lebaronslebaron 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is wild. If there ever was a definition of top tier or upper echelon, this is it chief.

I’ve never played football at a competitive level, I played hockey. After becoming a CFB fan, seeing stadiums, and now seeing locker rooms like this... man, I picked the wrong sport.

This has to be a HUGE recruiting tool. How could you not want to go here? That place is where you’ll spend a lot of time during potentially 4 years.

Even I want to go there!!

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/nta1646 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

On the one hand, this is amazing. On the other I think this elevates the players above the rest of the student body too much.

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/Ameriican 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

Inside the Arms Race.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/matthewbuza_com 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

As an equipment manager, I find this so cool to see how advanced some of these places are!

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/GiddyErmine 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

C'mon Bill Moos, we NEED upgrades like this!

For real, If this was part of what Moos had done there, I'm hopeful he'll do the same since he considers Nebraska to have around 8-9th ranked facilities in the B1G.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Stikki_Lawndart 📅︎︎ Dec 21 2018 🗫︎ replies

I’m really interested in the ceiling with the wood carvings of the duck beating up other pac 12 mascots. Is there a picture of this somewhere?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/nissan240sx 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

I thought that was buzz light year for a second.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/zachalackinnnnnnnn 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2018 🗫︎ replies

[shakes both fists in the air]


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/hawaiiankong 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] what's going on what I'm George kill we have a brand new episode of Royal key there on your screen I'm here with Kenny far the man behind an Oregon football we want to spend the day in the life of a recruit we want you to fit us show us everything about it and why we should sign with Oregon today all right we'll do my best man see what we can do cool let's check it out you know process design in this building we got to fly around on mr. Knights jet and look at all the places around the country to generate some ideas and kind of come up with what we thought would be the best aquarium in the nation now I can't everyone loves sneakers I mean everyone loves sneakers and I'm saying a wall of would be a lot of people's holy grills yeah I like to tell people you know our relationship with Nike is second to none you know a lot of people refer to this place as Nike University we're blessed you know I have them gift us with with some shoes and take care of our athletes with some heat okay I'm gonna put you on the spot you have been here for what eight years yeah eight years I want you to rank them i rank them all I'm a forest guy so I would probably go this is one a and this is one B for me I like threes a lot too you know it's just really clean and really good with the I like the duck feet on the back you know and just all black and all white so that's probably to the fives let got I love fives this one's a little got a little faded over the year just being out but it's nice bright green and then you know the black fives are really good I love these for teens just cuz they got the duck like in Boston and then the suede and in these 13s man it's tough to rank them all but I guess I'd count cuz I like them all I guess I just look at it the style of shoes that I like no kidding how have you seen recruiting actually strengthen from this initiative guys come in so educated about this stuff social media has been a big player and then you know it really is exclusive so you know it's one of those things that you know we guys come in here they're like obviously I've seen pictures of these or I know a guy that had a pair of these you know that obviously just another feather in our cap that you know you come to a place like Oregon you're taking advantage of you know number one school for Nike mostly this part is just to kind of display that amount of stuff we're gonna do you know you probably be in something like a vapor okay something like this or you know this is another really popular model alpha Mrs E so just depending on how much ankle support you would like the untouchable one's always been a popular shoe so from a few years ago I think it's the glitter on these things they like that flash so we kind of display these and bring you to the fitting room and the first thing we do is sit down and I get all your measurements I'll have you take a seat right here okay get your feet measured up so you're a twelve to twelve and a c.width you know you'd be amazed are those guys that have you know up to size and a half difference really so liking that your arrival you're 11 and a half okay so another really come into play and plus the guy starts having some issues in the week very the cleats on somebody so for Footwear basically I'd ask you you know what styles are interested you know it kind of works its way down from how much you weigh and what position you're gonna play all the way down into you know the bigger guys stuff so you try these on or I like the bottom chrome bottom on oh yeah my job is really about relationship building and making sure the guys trust me and that something doesn't feel right well you know we're at a place where I can do something to fix it I'm fortunate in my job that I get it you know see these guys when they come in as a teen and just kind of see them develop that way so that's one of my favorite parts about what I get to do the next thing we probably do is figure out for you is you know we go through base layer stuff so if you're interested in like there's a lot of different cuts of base layer so sleeveless or half sleeve short sleeve right right I like the I like the short I hope yeah we're gonna kind of want to look at the padded girl for you a few different options so you got what we call a padded jock most skilled guys will wear this and they'll put it in like independent iPads and knee pads you know what we call a boom short and that's got built-in thigh pads in it but you just put your knee pads in your pants I think I got a plaited short which basically the same thing you just got a heart plate on the front any guy can wear any of these will let him try them all on see what they like so just to clarify I can meet every single player on the team goes to this exact same thing yeah and like I said it's more about making them understand that I care about them I want them to doesn't know everything that we offer so that you know when they have an issue that can come down here and we can find a solution some practice pants for you there's a couple different options so you got a drawstring or that's the probably the lightest and most of our defensive backs wear something like that the last thing to know is like compression shorts and like tights you know the size large large yeah we try that we do some compression shorts and some tights for you all right all on together now we probably do shoulder pads in Jersey okay so for you it's your measurements make sure we get you in the right stuff now kami I've noticed in these logos at the top yeah tell me about this so when they were designing the fitting room which is you know all big thanks to you know a couple people so anna gallagher design had a big part in designing this stuff and obviously our friends at Nike and you know each one of these is our mascot the duck just kind of roughing up you know all the other teams in our conference and their mascot so they're gonna try these on okay basically lace up shoulder pads of these things to remember as you wanted to be tight I'm gonna tell you there's a process to getting these things on and off but you want it to be super tight so that guys can't grab you what is this chair what is this so this throat really it's an honor of Phil and Penny Knight who obviously the generosity to this program and this university is you know unbelievable as far as things they've donated to athletic facilities and campus buildings so is our helmet room obviously in here this is where we're putting together and building all the helmets sometimes we're working on things that are kind of top-secret or we got to work kind of ahead of everybody to make sure it's ready to go so we don't want people to see so we have the ability if we need to because there's so much glass around here that we can can follow the glass out and make sure people can't see in here tell me from another beast of its own we offer five different styles customized to each player might be a little tight at first okay too tight not actually fits fine so what style of helmet is adult speed flex okay yeah that's pretty popular model with our guys on our team this is kind of like an archives of cool helmets we've done over the years they're all enclosed behind this glass so we can't really get to them but just kind of showcase some of the cool stuff we've done what does being your favorite helmet over the years you know I started school here and way back so my personal favorite is our throwback helmet because that's how I would look like for starters so most of the stuff is started with recommendations from players things that they wanted to see or colors they wanted to introduce or hey let's do some kind of a BC a game breast-cancer wearing this game alright and then leave it to the people up up in be written and they'll come out with a full you know kind of neon pink helmet and wasn't the litter in it you know it's just taking it to that next level and to see it from the ground floor all the way up it's really an amazing deal to watch there you go all right Kenny look good man yeah ready to just stand on the sidelines look the part [Music] welcome to outside open dachshund Stadium loudest Stadium in the nation we've had some teams come through here that they claim it's the loudest place they've ever been it's right we have obviously a very passionate fan base it's an unbelievable environment you look good man yeah Thank You Man thank you you know obviously this part is about Marcus's 2015 season work with one pretty much every trophy even when this parts open the public so it's got all these trophies and here's our sports performance this is like our Sports Science Center everything is pressure plates and measuring force and everything that that you need to make yourself the best you can be [Music] Beckford Marcus you were here during his entire time here describe that that energy that feeling emotion of behind the program when he was here I think you know for that time period when he was here is just the most confidence that you know those guys have done everything they can to prepare themselves to be victorious on game days you know he's an unbelievable guy top-flight character obviously athletic ability but it's a great human being so these are sleep pods obviously around the whole science thing and guys making sure that they're getting adequate sleep and rest there's all part of the recovery process they they put these sleep pods in there and some guys can come in here and just get quick you know power nap in or whatever they need to do just to get recovered from you know practice or fall camp or whatever it might be just a little few special things we got besides the equipment room right here is their laundry box so every morning the guys will come in here they'll punch in their little code and then after that they come to grab their items what they need for today and they're good to go we handle everything in the back end that way guys show up grab their stuff like I said just good to go from there then they'll have like their shakes their breakfast stuff over here different things like that just little snacks in the morning to get I'm going old meal bagels a nutritionist does a great job of keeping all that stuff laid out for the guys you used to see in the wooden lockers that are open you can't close them you know it's sleek good design it almost looks fast too kind of like how we like to play will have this gathering area before games the guys that meet Oh a coach get their little pregame talk in and they'll be good to go we want all the guys to get their items back in their locker let's close it up that way we do have those or crews coming in or those VIP people everything looks like I say a clean crisp they'll go to these built-in iPads and they'll be able to open their locker up from any location so as you all know Phil Knight he's our guy here and Uncle Phil he's the one that makes all these possible him at Nike so he actually has his own locker here in the locker room it's kind of ducked off in the corner so we'll go take a look at it and that way y'all can see what it's like and one of these guys is locker gotta have to just do it up there keep everything in perspective around here you just got a few different things from over the past years top drops down that way the guys can just grab what they need there's no wasted movement you don't got to climb up on any benches you know everything is just right in front of you prepared ready to be grabbed then we have this charger right here you can just set your phone on it you don't need any cables you just set your phone in there wireless charging but we do have the USB ports and the outlet in there as well they also have this personal lockbox so within their locker if they want to just throw their phone in there their wallet before they go work out and don't want to close it but there's stow their valuables in here close it they got their own personal code good to go one of the best things and the guys I love it if I'm really starting to take advantage of it these past couple years is the barbershop this is one of the most popular places pregame on the weekends guys will come in here we'll have our Barbara comes set his operation up we'll have a whole line out here so that he stays here about ten hours a day just cutting up all the players on the staff whatever those guys need and though he doesn't be a job and taking care of us I haven't had to travel outside to work for a haircut in the past four years this is the team theater the guys will come in here get those pregame talks done full team meetings done a lot of guys will watch UFC fights in here boxing matches you know just something to have everybody together this is a great area to come chairs are comfortable Ferrari leather so like I said second to none right here we're on the sixth floor headed up set a players lounge each one of these decks right here represents something a little different you can tell by the color they range from all-american to being in the NFL to being drafted in the first round so everyone has a special place here but each one is just a little bit different in the capacity right now we're just entering the players lounge as you come in you got this nice vending machine it doesn't even take coins whatever you want press a button guys got snacks ready drinks ready always good to go this is a players lounge right here we got a surprise PlayStation all to newest game set up ready to go that's six total so we got enough in here to get the guys playing and when are these carpets right here handmade obviously to Doug right in the middle and there are the other packs well mascots on the outside just kind of getting roughed up so this right here is a rain room as you can hear from the sound in here they take the sound straight from the stadium and bring it in here so the longer you standing here the ladder - it'll get in - it sounds like it actually does on game day right here we just kind of got some of the rings that we've acquired over the past few years most of the time you just see them in a showcase or something we got our own room dedicated to it and you know we wanted people to envision what they're gonna get when they come here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sports Dissected by COISKI
Views: 3,792,830
Rating: 4.9247355 out of 5
Keywords: coiski, content is king, media, digital media, Oregon, University of Oregon, Oregon Ducks, Oregon Football, Oregon Sneakers, Oregon Jordans, Tinker, Phil Knight, Football, Tour, Oregon Football Tour, Oregon Football Facilities, Oregon Football Locker Room, Oregon Kicks, Oregon Nike, Nike, Locker Room, Sneaker Room, Shoe Room, Marcus Mariota, Autzen Stadium, Jordans, michael jordan
Id: fpbKM6qJ2Tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2018
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