IMG Academy Took Us Around Their INSANE CAMPUS! Epic Locker Room, Weight Room & TV By The POOL!

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I am Jesus spot nobody really knows the grind it takes to come to IMG this will really separates IMG from everybody else pretty nice setup ah ah hey guys what's up its Bryson show for your QB here at IMG Academy I'll be showing you around today here's the field alright this is where it all goes down got a lot of memories on this field first high school touchdown pass was actually right here to my guy will Huggins we were up in the game we played against Coco it's a nice good good time I am Jesus spot nobody really knows the grind it takes to come to IMG everybody's here boarding and their way from their families away from their homes away from their friends but we all come together and it's a really unique opportunity and yeah we're all loving it alright I'm gonna pass it over to my guy Chandler he's gonna show you the locker room where we gonna get ready for a game time yeah what's up my name is Chandler Duda from Indianapolis Indiana I'm I'm G's running back been here for about two years I just finished working out I'm gonna go into the locker room we go [Music] so right here at the defensive ends we've got linebackers right here we got specialists right here in that back row right there that's where the D B's go we have kind of like receivers tight ends over here that back row behind there is receivers as well we got the quarterback row right here two of the you know young young stars young stars right here I'm several here you got stuff this right here it's the money money lockers money lockers over here they light up you know it you know turns off the light can you put our stuff down here shoulder pads and helmet view up here and guard will type stuff cleese everything like that not over there is you know not stinky feet so we put the class on that after practice and we put loops and the laundry thing right over here and we get them back from our cubbies over here I think I'm this one so that was my cubby sorry got my looking here and I was taking that and get dressed I started practice and they've got bathrooms back here [Music] now I'm gonna take over to the mind Jim let's get this word [Music] my boys not down here working now eg yourself so don't worry know what a lot different right there rowdy crew you know you know you know my boys see you work out they're gonna leave in a couple weeks they have you they have you alright so this is the mind gym so they don't have a lot of the equipment out right now but right here the mind gem is all about kind of getting your my right in a place where if you mess up you can keep on going so if you make it like a bad play on the field that you can just forget it and keep on going so this one right here the pads aren't here but this is the pattern that you have to do each one of these will light up and you would have to like hit him in this right order as fast as you can without messing up if you mess up it's like a second off your time they can get annoying this a frustrating game here right here is the light sensor board this will all light up and it's basically reaction time so boom you have to stand like hands went away from it and you're trying to tap these when they light up as fast as you can I think it's about 30 seconds in this how many you can get people get like 6070 crazy amount of numbers we're here we got a matching game we're not necessarily matching but you kind of have to scan with your eyes over it and you have to go say like okay go starting from 50 go down even and you have to go 50 48 46:44 and you have to pick up the different ones and you're playing against somebody so it's kind of nerve-racking there here it's just you know shapes you use these shapes just to try to make any any type of figure here you know all other stuffs help helps you in the long run [Music] that was the locker room that was the mines in you know get a lot of work in there and I'm a boy josh is finished show y'all what's up with the right room hey Oh Josh all my stuff was good man you here with Josh we're IMG you in the weight room we're gonna show you how we get down [Music] my boy Dante that was good my boy kale [Music] all right right here we got the squat rack we got where you can set up benchpress hit your squat you got your plates barbells so where we get the lift in right here get your pull-ups before we get it in favorite theme right here to do probably PowerCLI go ahead and get that explosive working really helps me as a receiver go ahead and get explode in and out of my brakes and really excels on the field here's some of our dumbbells we will probably hit some some curls some bench anything with these these are just some of them we got some more over here for these they're interchangeable you can go anywhere between 2015 and 85 pounds and you put the tins on you go from 10 to 90 we've got Bob Dylan so you could put it at different heights if you got here is the biggest you put them on top jump even higher right here we got their little agility ladders go ahead and get your footwork in instead of not always having to go outside pretty convenient I hear we got some weighted vests put it a little bit more pounds on you when you're doing pull-ups you know if you're not the biggest guy go ahead and make it a little bit difficult right here we got a little tablet go ahead and sign in [Music] pitching there we got a little strength card and it has a camera system right here so they can show you your perfect grip if you're doing squat or bench or anything like that show you how your technique is and get a little bit better every time I'm gonna show you right over here a little hydration Center you got all your little all your little things that you need to perform while in the weight room got a Gatorade machine got extra Gatorade you got Gatorade choose bars everything you need we need a little break this is where they do all the science tests they calculate how much how much sweat you lose every day we warm when you work it out and everything like that we got the power plates sit on these you go ahead and stretch out in fibrates get you nice and loose before workout foam rollers go ahead and get right before go ahead and lift yeah right here we got five star running back Noah Cain he's gonna get extra little work after it's good Dylan chillin [Music] yeah my guy that's our weight room I hope you enjoyed it really like to get good working here this will really what separates IMG from everybody else and with that being said I'm gonna go ahead and pass it on to my boy Wan Drago you gonna show you how we recovered you say to Joss I'm sorry auto recovery where we go out of the Praxis man I've the games after lifting all that go I hear you got the recovery past the eyes to the right doctor recover the heat over there and then the shower got shot right there so you know you gotta rent a software you get in so you know all you know dirty and musty and everything like that just all the rehabs and stuff like this right here these the bytes everything and then over here that's the heat you got a heating pad you know you got to heat up before you do to curb Minister so you're not tithing everything like that so we got and we're covering right now good yeah here we're covering right now this way you get right this week you're right when the business and everything like that you know we want to be here you know I mean you injured you know or you be here trying to get it right we got the air compression or a light it refreshes away when you got someone using right now you're getting right look out he's gonna ride okay but ya ain't like presses your legs like with pressure and stuff and it releases and like blood flow and stuff like that so like Victor legs feel refreshed and everything I'm passed off little boy Charles in a little bit he'll show you around how y'all doing this Charles Turner I'm getting ready to show you all on the campus a little bit so here we got a little courtyard in between the Fieldhouse and that academic center this is what we get all the school work done this will get on the football work done that over there just academic center man that's where I get the 4.0 at we can't go inside people have a class right now but trust me it's nice we get it to the cat come on we bout to drive to the CAF and this come on I'm just playing we got a mic mic right here Mike Mike four star wide receiver got big Colicchio behind brother right huh you know I'm saying come on they go to Kemper Center des this will become get our little money more our parents send it to us stuff like that a pair go along coffee spot you want to buy some coffees breakfast my favorite thing to get here is a milkshake right there with the Oreos in there you know milkshake with Oreos I go to main dishes right here we got some buffalo chicken pork chops carrot green beans eat everything huh my favorite spot to eat and probably over there that buffalo chicken I like to get a saddle every once in a while a little sandwich over here here go to salad bar then we got the pasta pasta station get your own little pasta build your own little bowl over here my favorite thing gets the ball right here the bowl I put rice white rice chicken steak teriyaki and tater tots that's good that's fine over here we got the books long okay books or this wah go I'll go here buy extra snacks you know if I'm running late for school this time I just come here by a little bit of snacks oh I like me personally I'd like to get skittles in the Gatorade you know on the way to school so skittles keep the energy up just got done showing all the cafe man good eats here man that's why I eat all the food that's what we get big at not for the pass it to my boy Kelly gonna show y'all the dorms what's going on y'all - my calzones static use commit let's go check out the dorms back here we got our old dorms about four months ago they move this over here to our new dorms and we got the volleyball basketball we got a pool over here new concession stand and it's not even done yet it's still adding on it I thought all this at the long day we slide to the dorms using new dorms they put us in here about four months ago even fight it was a big fireplace right I forgot about that they got a huge fireplace at night everybody come to turn on the fire it's pretty nice setup on July 1 fast - my boy DJ so you can tell you a little bit more butter appreciated Kel I'm back your boy DJ attire let's go they'll show you some of the fun stuff with you right here just the pool area you know so you just chill after you know after practice I like you to play basketball on the pool is guiding around it's easy I don't get in the pool he knows just I don't want no risk no injuries and then like that but now that's our decision yeah yeah I'll be getting right in the fool just chilling here all day all the big games on the flatscreen TV be right there show y'all that big every Michigan game I might easily I'm either right here oh I'm there you know that was the pool area you know also we'd like to do one a day we won't have much pretty much on Sunday summer right in there but and then over here you know the volleyball volleyball over here I love whooping you know they don't boat one of the rims but you know and we're trying to dunk and whatnot every one thing there's Shaq tie you know copies I'm wearing something something like that a lot of time to play like flag football here stuff like that and but yeah this that's our area we just chill that when we got don't have much to do that's basically what you know I am G football team that's what we do just watch other area stuff like that but everyday this where we get I got class now so with the rest of the board so I catch on a little bit I love y'all pause timeout you haven't watched a video yeah you want to make sure you watch it and also check out the other videos here and subscribe what you are
Channel: Overtime SZN
Views: 1,076,490
Rating: 4.9468346 out of 5
Keywords: img academy football, img academy tour, img academy football facilities, img academy football highlights, img academy, img academy football 2018, img academy football locker room, img academy football workout, img academy football day in the life, img academy football tour, img academy football overtime, img academy overtime, josh delgado img, josh delgado oregon, josh delgado football, charles turner football, charles turner img, charles turner lsu, dj turner img
Id: r-tq4-iQvvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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