Plan With Me: Project Based Learning

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hey guys today I am doing a plan with me video so this video is going up just a little bit late and I'm so sorry about that but I recorded this video over the weekend and as the more and more like watched it the more and more I hated it so I am scrapping that video completely and I'm going to redo the video for you guys um I hate to put up something that I'm not proud of or that I don't agree with what I say 100% so I wanted to do a little bit more research on a couple of things and make sure that I gave you guys absolutely the best material possible I would hate to give you something that I wasn't proud of so um I am doing a plane with me video next week in the United States is Earth Day um I'm not really too sure about the UK or Australia I know I have a few of you guys that watch my videos from over there so let me know down in the comments um do you guys celebrate the Earth Day do you do anything for Earth Day I would love to know what it is that you guys do in your country so I wanted to do a project based learning with my students for Earth Week and with project-based learning you're giving your students of driving question and with that driving question they're doing research they're working in teams and they're coming up with some type of a solution I have been doing a lot of research with project-based learning I've been reading a lot of different books on it and I kind of came up with this planning template that is going to help me better plan my project-based learning now I'm going to leave a link down below for you guys so that you can go and grab this if you did choose to do some type of a project-based learning with your class what's great is that you could do it with any grade level and it kind of tweaks itself to make it fit for your grade level so that's really nice as well I am going to try to not have it be as long as what I did the up for the other one I'm hoping I am doing everything on my computer today versus me to showing you what I'm doing as far as writing and one of my last videos I talked a little bit about to how I am using plan book and plan book is just a online system that allows you to plan your lessons on it now I do like plan book I actually have like a love-hate relationship with plan book because I love the system I love how easy it is to put my standards into it I like how I can go back and look at things and I like how I can keep a template too so it automatically just puts my template in for the next week for me so all I have to go do is just kind of fill things in the only things I do not like is that a point it prints really funny and it's not my favorite when it comes to printing um although I do use the app that comes on your phone which is phenomenal because I can be out on the playground and say okay what is it what is it that I'm doing so that when we walk right in I am ready to go and don't have to worry about anything so that's really nice too so I'm going to use plan book calm to help me plan my lesson today and then I'm also using the template that I created for my project-based learning to help plan for that as well so imma be kind of going back and forth between the two um so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video I'm gonna move some things around so that you guys can see what is on my screen okay so what do you see on my screen right now is my template this is my project-based learning tablet right here and seeing I have something's wrong this is my project based learning template and here's what I did um the book that I was reading it is called um here's the book that I am reading right now and I absolutely love this book it's a great read for project-based learning I really like how they kind of put break it all down for you as far as how you plan out a project-based learning so it talks about four different phases that you would go through for it and then it kind of gives you some ideas of how you could plan it out um so this is the book that I've been reading right now and I came up with this one and this is also from that book as well but I just kind of tweaked it to make it look the way I wanted it to look so here's the project the driving question and then you have final products and this is throughout the entire lesson so obviously my really big one down here is going to be my big huge final presentation part of it because the thing with project-based learning as well is that you're not only wanting just kids to do just a bunch of research but you're wanting them to create something and you're wanting them to present it you got to get kids up to present so um it incorporates all of those listening speaking reading right deals that they need in order to be able to retain and truly understand information so um I have my final products here I have my learning outcomes which are my targets so that's going to be what I need to have in order to reach for those final products some formative assessment checkpoints and things that I can do to make sure that I'm I am aware and understanding of what it is that my kids understand so I want to make sure that I know what my kids understand and what they don't understand so that I can go back and reteach a few things another one is my instructional strategies for all learners so I have those here um but something else that I was kind of thinking of before we start the planning process is that you know with project-based learning some people think that oh this is a project we're just gonna break everybody's gonna go out all right and give here's your question there you go go do something go figure out how to fix it you don't want to do that this is still a little bit of teacher direction when you get into the upper grades yeah you can you can kind of set them free a little bit more but with the younger grades especially there's still a lot of teacher lessons there's still a lot of lessons that are going on behind the scenes for them to be able to reach their final project final product so you're going to see how I kind of plan all that out as well okay so I have this up I also have my plan book calm lesson plans up and this is what it looks like what I love is that when I go through and plan out a lesson I can get rid of all of this extra stuff so like snacks and specials things that I know that I'm not going to use now I'm not going to do morning meeting with you guys I'm not going to do math workshop with you guys today um these are pretty much the only things that I'm looking at oh and I can actually get rid of morning work as well these are pretty much the only three subjective subjects that we're going to look at together so writing workshop reading workshop in science and social studies so this is what I'm working on with you guys today all right so here's my project and my project itself is going to be creating whoops creating a plan for the school to help the environment so essentially um the standard is reduce reuse recycle and I can show you guys that as well so I pulled up my course of study for my States and here is what I am doing and where did it go here it is so this is what I am doing identifying and plan possible solutions reduce reusing recycling to lessen the impact on the local environment so the local environment for us is just going to be our school we're not going to think anything more outside of our school because that's going to be too difficult a little too abstract for my students to think of so we're we're going to take our school and only think about our school if you are in the upper grades this would be great for you to try to do it you know outside of just your school thinking about at home what are some things that local businesses could you so that's another option for you if you're doing upper grades so that is my project my driving question now this is the essential question the one thing that you're going to ask your students um that kind of really sparks their attention it gets them engaged and it gets them really thinking and so my driving question is how can our school help the in fireman I spelled that wrong but it's going to autocorrect it okay how can our school help the environment so this is going to get them thinking to reduce reuses recycle which is what our standard is that's what I'm focusing on is my standard um and it also is looking at how are they going to implement it they have to come out with some type of a plan for them to implement it in the school and then how are they going to get the word out to everyone so that's something else that I wanted them to consider it so over here in the parenthesis um the plan to help and how are you going to spread the word so I want them to be able to tell me those two things that's kind of the the final product for me so some final things that they're going to be doing I have to think about you know what are the the different steps that we want to get to before we actually get to the final thing so I kind of sat down with um some paper my paper and I kind of thought in just question forms what were some things that I wanted them to consider before they had what are the things that they need to know before they actually get to the final product what are they going to need to know before they can make this final product so here the final product some of the things that I'm going to be checking for for my students to finish before they get to this final one so this final one here is their plan well let's actually do this let's do plan here um plan to help reduce reuse or recycle misspelled three use wrong recycled okay um and then here is going to be how to get the word out so how are you telling everyone and then maybe we'll do one more this one could be our presentation okay so let's think about what are some of the things that they have to know in the very beginning now um with project-based learning as well for phase one what you will want to do is try to get your students attention you know you have to grasp their attention in some way you have them show them that there's a problem so my attention getter the most important thing and I have to put that in here because that's going to be where for plan for my playbook so this is going to be where I grab my students attention because I am going to start it in um in writing since I integrate my reading and my writing so everything's going to be integrated here so the first thing that I'm going to do is get there my attention getter and I have this link my school uses Discovery Education which I do really enjoy and there was this video here and it is impact on earth it's an 11 minute video I may not show it all what what I really like about Discovery Education is that they break it down for you so um here like you can see pollution notice how the air coming from this motorcycle looks dirty but the air in this meadow looks clear and clean you decide one of the problems with pollution is that living things including people need clean air clean water and clean land to lead healthy happy lives okay so I really like this video to just kind of spark my students attention to really get them talking about what's happening so I'm going to copy this and if you've ever heard of bit lean bitly is just a link URL shortening link so you can paste your link in here and then it gives you a nice shorter link so I'm going to take that link and I'm going to paste that here because it's just easier and you don't have this really long that takes up three or four different lines URL so that's going to be my attention getter so um after we do our video then we're going to have kind of a class discussion why did it change colors did you notice and I actually might move this here what are some things that can become polluted because what we'll do is that after we talk about those things that become polluted then we can create some kind of a chart so if they say water can become polluted well what are some ways that water can become polluted and just kind of create a t-chart almost to do that so that's what we're going to do is just kind of create what do we already know what did we observe from the video what can we like just getting a discussion going so this is just building schema and then and it creates a wondered chart so we're going to create kind of questions that my students might have um about just pollution and why do those some of those things happen again that's just a great way for them to become engaged and then we're going to want they will want to find answers so typically when we create some type of a wonder chart my students immediately go back to books and they'll start looking in books to try to come up with different answers and they get so excited about it so creating a wonder chart is a great tool to just kind of get students interests now what ways you have seen pollution in the school or the environment so they'll start going and sitting down and just writing some of the things that they already know and that again that's just giving them that opportunity to really build that back their schema and write things down so that they can come back later and refer back to it okay so this is going to be my first day in writing this is what we're doing and I did forget to add my standards so here are my standards but again what I love about this is that I can say Alabama kindergarten here are my writing standards and they are going to compose opinion pieces know um informative and explain it this is what they're doing okay so I saved my standards as to what they're doing in here and again what another thing that I love about this is that I don't have to have the description in there and it can just give me the standard number and when you put your little cursor over it tells you which one it is so that's really really nice as well okay so that's my day one now something um that I did not add in here is that my time frame for you guys like if you're thinking about how long that I'm going to be doing this it's probably going to take me I'm hoping seven days so about a week and then two days for me to get in my presentations so I'm hoping to be able to have everything finished by the end of the week we'll see we'll see how it goes and then having the two days for precip presenting so if some of my students are not finished by the end of the week they'll have Monday and Tuesday of next week to be able to kind of round things up and finish things and get things finished so okay now going back to what are some of the things that they I want them to be able to have so um I also purchased last year um a unit from Tunstall teaching and it's tenor and interactive activities I absolutely love foldables if you guys have seen any of my vlog videos I love foldables I love anything that it's like interactive I can do journaling with it I absolutely love using that because my students can go back and refer to it and it's just a great way for them to organize their thinking again it's just giving my students a lot of different methods to organize their thinking so I did this Earth Day activity here although I don't think I'm going to use the paper bag so I did a paper bag last year and I don't think I'm going to do that this year so here are some things that she has on here is one of them the earth's resources which I really like so you're looking at what is an earth's resources and then we're - what do we get from it now that's going to be really important - and talk to talk about so perhaps like during this very beginning items we're going to talk about what are just some things that um that we get from the earth what do we use from the earth that we're taking from it so that's going to be kind of my essential question here so I'm going to put essential ah essential question um what do what we get from the earth um and then actually I'm going to write up here um I'm going to have my students do this so just being able to tell me you know oil and trees and you know water we get fish from the ocean we get things from cows so I'm gonna do I can do this right okay um earth resources from Tunstall unit so then we have my essential question so this is what their final product is they have to complete this as a final product to be able to show me that they understand what is it that we get from the earth and what are the things that we and where does it come from so they're being able to tell me that that's going to be my very final product for that so my learning outcomes I can name let's say I like three three is a good number three you okay I think that's really going to be it so earth's resources i can name three things that name three resources from the earth and i can tell what we get from earth's resources so um that should be plenty for my students in the very beginning so here um is going to be class discussion then i'm going to have the journal activity and that's going to be it so this here we're going to do in the afternoon because I'm going to actually minimize that so I can get to my plan book I'm going to do that here so standards ad standard let's do common core science 2015 kindergarten okay um observations evident constructed model of a natural habitat so that's all leading to this number five safe okay so because what I'm doing in reading is I have to make sure that I am teaching the standard that I'm supposed to be teaching as according to my County so my County is wanting me to do reading literature and I have this book that is absolutely phenomenal and it is recycling day by Edward Miller it's a very cute little story it just talks about some of the things that are happening within the community as far as them recycling and reusing and discussing some of those so I am using this for my stander so recycling day phonological is basically that day one and then mentor text recycling day by Edward Miller lesson um reading book in the beginning discussing what we observe in the book okay let me find my standard really quick so I can put that in here describe the Latian between illustrations and the story in which they appear what moment in the story illustrates or depicts so up to die that is the standard that I have to focus on for this for this next week so I'm going to explicitly be teaching that in the story so what do you observe in the illustrations what is the author telling you for that for that very first day guys I do a lot of modeling I don't typically do something where my students are doing a lot of it because I want to make sure that I'm explicitly teaching them so I can do here um the teacher will model the strategy so that they kind of get a better idea of what it is that we're supposed to be doing okay so that's my very first day I got that in okay so here for this instructional strategies parts for all learners these are things that is provided by the teacher it includes scaffolds materials anything that's aligned with some of those outcomes and it could even be some formative assessments so I just had a thought just now um so I was talking about some of the instructional strategies for all learners um and it was something that I wanted to do to help teach this so what am i exactly doing talking about earth's resources and then there is I think a book called earth's resources BAM wham bam thank you ma'am there's a problem with my Prime membership okay so earth's resources investigate what is fuel how can you help save water so i think i'm going to get this book and use it to help teach my earth's resources um so here I'm going to put book earth's resources pictures to discuss and sort and what I mean by that guys is I have in the past done where we did almost like a picture walk and I had strips of paper just kind of sitting out on my tables and I would put pictures there what I'm thinking about doing is giving my student and then I've done with some where I put my students in groups and giving them pictures to discuss I'm thinking about giving them some different pictures of things that we use and then having them almost discuss it and then talk about where do they think this is from and then why do they think that it comes from that so a discus and not even a sort but more of a what um what is it and where does it come from so getting to think a little bit more about that so I think that's where I'm going to go from that and then my students are going to complete that once we're finished with it so that's going to be like one of my one day for us so here is the next one so now we understand what resources that we get that come from the earth so we have to go with little step further from that so we need to look at more of how are we almost harming those specific resources so when looking at how we are harming earth resources again essential question I don't know and I just had like a thought as I was doing this one but I don't know how much I talked about we you read like um resources that you know keep growing and then resources that are not is it non-renewable resources is that the word that I'm thinking of I hope it is we may even look at this may be that day where we talk about and I may enter in just like vocabulary let me just answer that over here renewable renewable and nonrenewable resources so the very first thing that I think I'm going to have my students do here is I think and so yesterday we talked I told you not yesterday so the day before that I told you that I was going to give my students pictures and then they were going to discuss what it was and where it came from as far as the earth's resources today we're looking at some ways that we harm the environment I think I'm going to give my students just to picture walk where they're going to have the strips of paper like I was talking about have the strips of paper on their tables and they're going and put pictures randomly and they're going to walk around and tell me what it is that they see in those pictures um so I call it a gallery walk of um harmful ha pictures in the environment and then we can discuss those so that'll be a great way for us to start that discussion of what are some ways that we're we're harming some of those resources I can identify how okay so let me look at this video really fast so I also have a subscription to Brain Pop juniors by other people how do we recycle okay so I just had a long video to pause this okay so looking at how are we harming so my student I want my students to be able to tell me well what are some ways that we harm the air what are some ways that we harm the soil what are some ways that we're harming the ocean what are some ways that we're harming animals so I can name or maybe sort ways that we harm the air soil water and animals okay so I might have to create something myself here for what it is that I want my students to be doing and how is it that I'm going to be assessing whether or not they know so one of the first things that I'm going to do since I'm doing the gallery walk I'm going to look at the gallery walk responses and that can tell me whether or not they understand how Earth is being harmed how is it being harmed because it's what they're writing down up for their responses is their gallery walk responses so that's one way for me to be able to assess another way I can sort ways that animals can harm maybe not even sort so I'm thinking of some type of some type of flip book writing um for how we okay um so some type of flip book thing that I remember I don't haven't quite thought of it all the way so I'm going to create something so that they can do the sorting from the air the soil how how are ways that we are harming that so that's going to be something that I'm going to have to make and I am going to put this in a different color just so that I remember that I need to make that so the next thing is I have the I can name weather resources are renewable and nonrenewable now this is going to be something that's just easy to do as a this is sort so um renewable and non like at that it's red renewable sort okay so now I have to fit this into my lessons um and here's what I am thinking so let's look at plan book and figure out how am I going to put that into my lessons um so again this is going to be like day number two and I have to figure out how how am I gonna get all this stuff in the thing is is play and play and play and guys get a plea and plan plan okay so let me try to make some of these a little bit smaller so that I can see everything okay look at that now I can see a lot of stuff um so for writing because I am going to have them do some writing here for this flip book I think I'm going to have that for writing so I will um students will walk around the room whoops um okay so then okay so that will have me tell Howard that how is the earth being harmed what are some ways that we can harm the air the soil the water and the animals so here I'm going to pull in so I need to have an anchor chart with three loops resources okay tie that into my standards let's look this is my reading standards I need my science standards first again that's going to apply to that ad my writing standards apply that safe so now I have my second day so then again here I have to do that's that one standard for reading literature and then I always start it with a phonological lesson and this is going to be day two um if you guys have not seen um Jen Jones she is this phenomenal blogger and just presenter she's absolutely wonderful and she does these kind of phonological where you pretty much have every single phonological skill that you're practicing throughout the week but then it also applies to back to the book that you're reading so you're pulling things from that book and you're putting it onto the sheet and that's what I typically use to help play in my phonological lesson so I will plan my phonological lesson and that's on a different sheet so I just put day two for that one and I think on day two it's typically rhyming numbers of sentences and then blending words together so we'll do day two there my mentor text is still going to be recycling day by Edward Miller at the Newlin's I hope that's right and then my lesson because we're looking at the pictures here I'm going to give my students typically on day two is when we do some type of a group practice so day two I'm going to give students a picture from the book and they will discuss what part of the book it came from and what it relates to um place on timeline of the book so I'm going to create some type of a timeline we're going to have a big huge timeline and then they're gonna have to talk about what part of the book this came from they have to give their support the reason why it came from that and then we're going to place those in our timeline they're going to have to talk about where it goes exactly so I'm that's the lesson that we're going to do for that day and then they're going to have their independent practice and that's going to be independent independent practice and that's going to be with me also having small groups so that's going to be this day and I didn't add my standards so my standards for this again reading literature and we said that it was illustrations in the story number seven apply that back boom boom done so there's Tuesday finished but we have like three more days okay so let's look back at the project-based learning I'm gonna make this a little bit bigger so you guys can see more of it um so now we have looked at ways resources that we get from the earth ways that we harm those resources and now we need to start bringing in that reduce reuse recycle so here for those instructional strategies I'm going to go back and we are going to watch a video and it is my brain pop jr. video and I absolutely love watching this video and it all talks all about reduce reuse and recycle so good job maybe that is what we're going to do I'm going to copy that put it into a bitly so it can be a little bit shorter for my lesson plans copy that and then I'm going to paste it into our video or into my okay so there's my video that we're going to do the next one that I have is a book that I really enjoy reading as well and it's a book called the 3 R's which is I absolutely love this book to you so I'm going to also do that one book the 3 R's it would help if I capitalize that and this book is written by I cannot say this person's name for the love of me I'm not even going to try rokka rokka and I tried I just did what I said I wasn't going to do ok so here what we're going to do is the final product and I think let me go back again just to check to see if there is something here yeah ok so she has this one that I did once and then it's just talking about things that we can recycle so paper plastic aluminum and compost ok so here's what I think I'm going to do here um learning the difference between reduce reuse and recycle my essential question would be how can we help our environment not that how can we help from harming from harming does that make sense I don't know from harming our Earth's resources again I want to make sure that it connects right back to what we've been doing and I spelled earth from earth's resources so here we've been talking about earth's resources so I want to make sure that I'm going right back to that and I'm adding that in there so okay so I can name three ways to help reduce the amount of harm um to earth's resources I can give an example of each of the 3 R's whoo this is going to be a perfect writing okay so writing the 3 R's and happened in example I like it okay so here I think I'm going to pull this into writing because I just had like this idea we do a lot of informational writing in the informational writing it's like a piece of paper and it has three little box and there's some lines next to each of the three boxes but that's kind of how we it's Lucy Hawkins paper but that's how we do a lot of our non-fiction writing so I'm going to incorporate that into it and I am going to put that into my plan book so for this lesson here um introduction I'm going to do the video again I'm just going to copy this ah Hokkien will let me copy it I think I did okay so there's my video again what I love about this is I can pull this up on my computer at school and I can just click on that and bam it takes me right to it which is really really nice so introduction and then we're going to go into our book the 3 R's I like to use mentor text it just sounds better ok so the 3 R's and then here is the lesson itself um writing and providing an example in your writing so I'm going to model that and then practice students will use the 3 square writing to name the 3 R's and provide an example of each I'm the worst type er I'm just I just AM I'm awful at typing I'm not the best at it some really really sorry guys that you have to watch me type ok so let's see I need to go back into my science standard add that one because that is nope that's not it 6 clip from that one add my writing standard apply that save that there is my third day um how can we help the environments of the writing and then what I think I'm going to do is well maybe I should add another one in here at around below yep there we go it did it alright I'm good so now now that I did that I think these two are going to be my next two days so I'm going to also and I'm slouching I'm really sorry and I am also going to since we're looking at reduce reuse reduce and recycle we're going to take recycling just a little bit further and then look at the different ways to recycle in the afternoon so and this is where I'm going to pull this pageant because I do love love love this one where we paper plastic aluminum and compost I can named the four categories categories of recycling okay so for this one students are going to complete the three cycling sort in their reading journals okay I think I'm pretty good with this so what are some of the things that I'm going to be doing um teacher discussion um and we're going to be will use all those same things that we used up here too so I guess I could really just copy this because all of that goes into that as well okay so this is going to be my afternoon for that day so here's my plant social studies um discuss what was learned earlier um talk about items that can't UPS so I have this recycling game yo and I take like the pictures that I used out of that and so they have those four categories so they work in teams and they have to talk about which one it is and then the students have to shoot it and make it into the basket if they get a basket they win so we're going to play the recycling game so we'll play the recycling game and then students will go back and sort the pictures into the four categories in their reading journals there you go okay let's add those standards so it is a science and social studies standard and that standard was number six apply and save okay now is the fun stuff the last two days are going to be the fun stuff plan to help reduce reuse recycle so at this point they're really going to be working a lot with their teams and that's the thing with project-based learning to guys is that the closer you get to the in is where students are going to have the more freedom to work and they're doing so much more of the learning at that point you know that's where the lot of them are coming up with stuff this is where they're coming up with the solution to the question that you asked earlier so you've done all the learning now it's time to start doing that so um the plan to help reduce reuse recycle so let's do our essential question how can we help um save our earth resources at our school okay so my camera died complete the planing sheep wait which type so is it going to be reduce reuse or recycle name how you can use that strategy like strategy I'm thinking reduce recycle for some reason I can't think of any other word other than that for some reason okay so I complete the planning sheet which type to reduce reuse recycle rename name how you plan to use that strategy okay so my camera ended up dying and I don't quite remember exactly where I left off so I'm going to talk about the very last things that I put down on my sheet here so over here I put down a complete the planning sheet so we were talking about now they're going to be in their groups and they're going to start planning out what it is that they're going to do to help the environment so um they're going to look at either reusing reduce reuse or recycle and then you picking out a strategy from one of the things that we talked about from one of the earlier days and they have to come up with date three different like types um writing ooh I need to put I can so I can we're looking at some learning outcomes and some targets I can um describe ways to help the Earth's resources at school I can explain it why it is important to help reduce reuse and recycle so at this point I want to start telling them some of the options that they're going to have for their final presentation what is the final product that they're going to come up with and I may introduce that a little bit earlier but I'm not too sure yet I'm just going to put it into this book into this spot so what so students products um they will have to complete some type of writing that's there what can we do and how will we do it and then they're going to come up with some type of they have to tell the school about it right so here are the different options that I told that I thinking a brochure a flyer a poster or a commercial so they get to choose between one of those so I need to have examples of these examples of them and a we're going to have a discussion of how do each tell information and the important parts so I also need to make sure that I create some type of rubric of each presentation so if they end up choosing to do a commercial what is some of the things they need they need to have some type of an attention-getter so that's something that I'm also going to have to plan towards into writing so I think pull out my plan book I think for this writing day we're going to talk about persuasive writings so some type of informative but it's also just a different form of informative writing so um discussing is persuasive spelled this way that's not how it's spelled that's awful persuasive writing um isn't there book out there that has to do with persuasive writing okay so I'm going to pull out in plain book um mentor text I wanna wanna me perfect pet I'm going to pull that into those because we've already read them so my kids are already familiar with them so I don't have to focus too much on it so I need to have my anchor chart for writing um so students will I need to model that too so I'm going to model and then we've done lots of opinion so all this is going to come into play guys which is really great towards the end of the year so many things start to connect for our kids and they just get things so much easier so I will model it and then here I'm going to do um students will work in their groups to come up with three ways to help the Earth's ah I can't push the right button resources and pick which one they will inform the school about after that um students will write an attention-getter um okay so standards let me add in over here again my site standard six apply um I need to add my writing standard so I'm going to add that into here see how easy it is to add your standards I mean it's so great is it's just it's just easy there's that one I was looking for seven and that was the reading one okay so there's four that day um again in reading I'm just going to continue doing that so over here I didn't add my reading in four over here so here I need to add to my phonological lesson day three mint or text recycling day and whoa too many else okay and then the lesson so at this point my students have had the opportunity to do it as a group then I'm going to have them work as a partner but this time with their partners they're going to have to create their own their own line of their pictures and what part of the story that it represents so students will work in partners to re recreate the story through pictures and placing in order to show and tell what event was taking place let's add our standards again add my standard here let's do reading literature um and that was seven apply save done okay so here um so for this lesson again phonological lesson day four let's see mint or text and to add a recycling day bye Edward Miller I think that if I'm writing the wrong name I'm gonna go crazy okay so my lesson for this day now that I do a lot of scaffolding so we do a lot of things with me doing it then we have it in two groups and then we have it with pairs and now they're going to be doing independently so independently students are given a picture from the story to tell go back and check my standard one more time for some reason I'm starting to get forget it okay so reading literature so they're describing the relationship between the illustrations in the story which they appear so what moment in the story the picture illustration depicts whoops what moments in the story does the picture show tell how and why you know this okay so there's their independent practice and they will do that within their reading journal so that's how we're going to do that so on this day usually I do some type of just read aloud and I haven't quite gotten my read aloud yet but I will typically just do some type of read aloud because my students enjoy books they love them so much and the lips listen to stories so let's move back over here and figure out where we are so in writing I talked about persuasive writing we're picking out our attention getter so that's going to get them to this point where they're going to start building this so then over here in science and social studies I might start looking into um continuing what they're writing so students will continue with their writing so they're going to tell the opinion that they have tell the opinion so we think we should you know recycle paper in the classroom so that we use a lot of so that in be cups so that blank blank blank like like that's kind of the idea that I want them again this is kindergarten guys I'm going to kind of put it into the most simplest form for them I don't want to do something that is going to be huge crazy now if you're teaching obviously a different grade if you're teaching fourth or fifth grade you're going to want to make this an essay because students at that age can completely do it and you will fit things to make it work for your grade level I have kindergarten so I'm trying to relate it all back to what they already know so they can tell me about what some of the different things they can give an opinion and then they can tell me why so they're giving their reason why um and then at the very end closing statement remember to blank something to that extent I think that's where I'm going to go um each students will complete their writing for the persuasive essay students will decide which form of presentation they will okay let's have these standards in there so we're going to tie in that writing standard is going to be back in there and I need to add my science standard that's going right back in there too okay so now I have pretty much a lot of it done now I just have Friday so let's take a look at how we're going to do this how are you telling everyone actually this is going to go here so I might just move that ah what did I do I'm just going to add that in there so they're writing of a persuasive that makes no sense persuasive writing okay so that's what we're doing so now here how are we telling everyone so I can really it's not going to be much about that now it's all about the presentation process so um Wow what is that thing I don't even know what that is okay I can work with a group um to come up with a final product so here these checkpoints I am going to use a student rubric I am also going to have um they're writing from that time and then I'm also going to check off just by observation I think this is going to be that point where we're going to do a lot of that and so for their last thing that's going to be pretty much it so you know what I think I might just say okay so I think I might just place this here where it says presentation and then this will be my essential question now of course this one that portion of it may take way longer than just a day it may not take a day it may take two or three days which I'm anticipating that it will take two or three days because I want them to come up with something that is meaningful and it's just going to be a lot of just discussion and working on that final product so here they're just tying all of that into their last part so at this point um students are working on their final product for presenting how they will help the help ah save earth's resources at school students will work in a group to come up with how they will get the school on board they will use a flier brochure a poster commercial to presents I don't know why I just capitalized that but I'm just gonna leave it like that okay so again we're going to add some of those some of those standards into it um so they are doing some type of informative writing so I'm going to add my science standard really quick because that's where it all is going to tie back to my science they're going to also do some type of form of writing so I'm adding that in there as well um and then that one is the which one there it is 25 I'm going to save that into it let me go get rid of some of the I don't want the description on there there we go that looks sweater and I am actually just going to copy that because they're going to do that right in here too and then the next few days it's all going to be about presenting it okay so for some reason I keep logging out sorry um so now at this point that's another thing like I wish I can just make this to where it doesn't show me any of these things if unless I specifically click it like I don't want to all of that right now okay um so now we have all five of my days pretty much cleaned up for the next week the next two days after that they're going to continue just working on those and we're going to be presenting them at this point so I'm giving my students a good four days to be able to finish up any of their presentations stuff to be able to make it and present it to the class so what there we go guys that's pretty much it I hope this gave you some really great ideas of what you can do in your classroom again remember I'm gonna leave a link down below for my project based learning template so that if you guys want to do some type of a project based learning in your classroom you can easily go and grab that and use that in your classroom you can easily change this and make it fit to any kind of grade level you would just make it a higher higher level thinking and how more content would be put into um what their final product would look I left my pretty basic and small because you know their kindergarten I'm gonna pretty much relate it back to all of the things that we've been doing in the past so I hope you guys found this video to be helpful um if you enjoyed this video please make sure you give it a thumbs up and I will talk to you guys really really soon I hope you'll have a great week bye so it is now Tuesday I did not vlog yesterday because um I got to school and I had the biggest headache and
Channel: The Lettered Classroom
Views: 52,259
Rating: 4.8810639 out of 5
Keywords: Project Based Learning, PBL, Elementary, Plan with me, teacher, elementary teacher, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, lesson planning, planning lessons, Earth week, Classroom project
Id: mKZnZtqDehY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 13sec (4153 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2016
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