Our New Dream Modern Home in the Philippines (Full Tour)

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foreign five years ago we had a dream to build an epic farmhouse in the Philippines surrounded by trees wild animals and nature far from the big city a peaceful and tropical Sanctuary into every corner of which we could inject our unique touches of love and creativity it's been challenging but we finally come to the end of that long five-year journey and our related to share with you what we call the mabuhai squad farmhouse [Music] [Applause] [Music] so some quick stats on The Farmhouse before we begin our tour our home is a fully digital and smart house built on a property area of over 4 200 square meters of land total floor area is about 1 600 square meters with three floors six bedrooms if you include the Pinoy Chalet at the back nine bathrooms and a staff house and now let's head inside [Music] good morning guys come in Welcome to our place yes feel free to make yourself at home so guys Welcome to our home um I am so honored to give you guys the Full House Tour of our mabu high Squad Farmhouse uh for those of you who are new my name is Mikey Bustos and uh yeah this is a home that we've been working on for quite a while I'm so excited now guys before we start there are only two rules in this house one no smoking in the house and two no killing of any animals no matter what and the reason for that guys is because I've made a promise to the duende of the area and I'll explain more about that later so stay tuned all right let's start all right so if you look around the house the theme we were going for for interior design was modern Asian Luxe so you'll see elements of those three aspects with interior design now speaking of interior design we collaborated with the very talented Kathy C King to help us curate all the pieces that we chose so let's start here here this art piece and installment is by Filipino artist Mark recalda and it's called anahau and it's basically a modern Filipino fossil of our official national Leaf called The anaha Leaf we love that now the furniture pieces we chose for the entire living room the Salah as we Filipinos call it are by Filipino designers so here in the Philippines we are home to some of the world's top Filipino designers including the very famous Kenneth cobanpue this here is called The Yoda chair and it's made of bamboo and look at it it's so cute and comfortable and it can hold a lot of weight I love this chair and then moving along here we have a our my favorite coffee table it's the hanako coffee table by Vito Selma really love this it looks like a giant durian or Jackfruit it's a pilly nut lamp so if you come close you'll see that these are actually made from casted off pilly nut shells and they've made it look like a giant like a giant fruit really love it it's by Milo Naval by Own Furniture see this here we've got bull horns all of you Italians know that this is to protect us from malokio this here is probably the top Instagram place of our entire home uh it's The gregoria Chair by itokish also Filipino designer and it's so Game of Thrones I really really love it see [Music] it's one of my favorite parts of the living room this area is where we usually sneak in from the parking area and we unload our shoes here it's just a nice area to give yourself a quick look with this floor-to-ceiling mirror before heading out to the car and here's another Yoda chair this one's an orange one to hang out yes here's one thing I really wanted to show you so here in the Philippines we have some amazing Woodworkers and wood artists and Craftsmen so the columns that you see in the house are all made of real wood hand carved um and these ones were carved and crafted in a town called paete Laguna now this town specializes in Woodworks and wood carvings um and they were really affected by the pandemic we visited them um a couple years ago and we saw how the artists were just recovering from pandemic they went to from you know a thriving wood industry to like nothing during pandemic so we wanted to support them so all of these were handcrafted and look at like the details are just I love the details it's the beauty is in the imperfections I find like see all handmade all right now moving on to one of my favorite parts of the home and a lot of our guests love this is our Aviary this here is our three-story Aviary it's a smart Aviary and I'll show you inside um and you can see the into the Aviary from all floors of the house so let's go in and meet the birds [Music] all right guys so it's time to feed the birds breakfast we prepare them a healthy morning chop of various vegetables flowers Sprouts like a bunch of healthy stuff in here feel free to come in these birds eat twice a day uh in the morning it's a fresh chop there guys go eat and then in the afternoon it's a dry seed mix yes here guys such good food healthy eat my dragons eat we offer several feeding stations so that the birds don't fight now here in the Aviary we have six birds in total two species one is the blue named parrot which are the larger ones like Gabriella up here and then these ones these three here are crimson-bellied Conures and they're so cute they're very funny they love interacting with our guests um when we have friends and family over they love coming in the Aviary and feeding the birds now this three-story Aviary is um smart as mentioned so it will rain in here it's actually an open mesh top so uh rain and elements and sunshine can come into the Aviary but if it rains too much we can draw a retractable roof over the entire thing so it doesn't ring too much but we rarely use that only for typhoons really but the rain is actually good for the feathers of the bird it washes off their feather dust which binds to germs so it's uh the rain is healthy and they love the ring also during the summer here in the Philippines it rarely rains so in order for it to rain and wet the birds and water our plants we have an automatic irrigation system here in the Aviary that will turn on if it gets too dry and it'll create artificial rain all right guys I'll be back enjoy your food now uh the birds had to be glass trained so before there used to be swirls of like soap that I drew onto the glass we put decal stickers on there so that the birds would learn not to fly into the glass all the glass in the house is double paned so sound is kept out because the birds can get noisy um all right let's move to the dining room guys [Music] so this here is our dining room um it's my favorite place one of my favorite places to hang out and have a formal meal with friends and family this here is a 14-seater glass dining table and what I love about it is the brown like the bottom the base is supposed to be like a banana leaf and it's very Filipino flavors like Filipino style and I really really love it we saw the design we had it custom made and uh love having dinners here I also love that the ends the head of the table and the foot feature two chairs so it's usually my partner RJ and I who sit here and like maybe parents sitting on the other side um and it's a great way to have a formal dinner now one of the best parts of this dining area is this check this out so this is a rotating wall panel um and the way it works is each panel rotates and we can change it depending on what feel and mood we want for tablescape so my partner RJ loves tablescaping and sometimes we'll have a Korean night or we'll have an Italian night and we'll just adjust the panels according to what best matches the mood and the theme see me I prefer it on mirror because it like opens up the space but yeah it's a a modular mural backdrop also really love the chandelier um they actually come in two pieces it wasn't together we bought these um ginkgo leaf chandelier pieces separately and then these Golden Balls we just paired with it and we thought it looked really really elegant and cool all right guys Welcome to our pantry so this is where we keep um a lot of our snacks on non-perishables and a bunch of glosses and cookware and well I mean just look around it's a bunch of plates RJ loves tablescaping it became his pandemic hobby so we collect like a bunch of you know little cute cups like so we've got an Hermes Cup right here um and our favorite brand to use for cookware is Le Creuset it's just very um in Filipino they call it matibai it's like sturdy and Hardy and it's supposed to last for Generations um so yeah it's a bunch of random cookware like wine decanter and speaking of wine here is our wine cooler see um it keeps it at the perfect temperature we love wine here so we've got various wines even ice wine from Canada yes oh and lots of beer we love our beer here too see now here's a random fact here in the Philippines we have to ice our wine even if it's like normal red or white wine and we have to add ice to our beer because it's so hot it would just taste gross so we make sure everything is chilled here's another area for alcohol which we still have to stock we built this entire place to host so having alcohol on hand really helps so guys yeah this is our pantry all right guys and this is our kitchen um I think we spend the most time here uh I think the first thing that stands out in the kitchen is this really large u-shaped counter now this was my partner RJ's idea and um at first I was like a U-shaped counter are you sure but now that it's here and that we've been using it it's so good for just hanging out with friends for meetings with our team um it features eight areas to seat a flat cooking area here we've had celebrity chefs come in and prepare us meals here and then it gets served to the various seats here it's really really a cool design another thing I wanted to show you about this u-shaped counter is we've installed outlets at the bottom see charging ports for mobiles laptops in case you want to charge your gadgets while you're eating or we're having a meeting and um speaking of the outlets all the outlets in the house are Universal Outlets because we often have guests from out of country so they don't have to worry about what plug they use they could just use that also guys ladies and gentlemen we've got little hooks here for your luxury bags by the way guys if you ever need to use the bathroom on the first floor this Shelf opens up to a secret bathroom I'm sure I don't have to teach you how to use the toilet RJ loves to cook and he's really the kitchen guy and food guy I like to eat um so we have full kitchen everything is built in here's our microwave this here is our oven the cool thing about this oven guys is we just put the meat inside we plug in what kind of meat it is and it'll calculate how to cook it and how long to cook it it's crazy technology nowadays is awesome this here is a dish warmer um and then we have an oven down here for baking we have gas range here as well and um exhaust uh here's our sink nice and big and white uh it has a nice view outside as well now here around the house we have tarragon growing in pots and uh yeah it's basically for our guests to just pick and make tea if they want one thing I have to show you is this it's basically a water filter and our water doesn't come from the city it comes from a well underground so we have a really good filtration hot for making coffee in the morning and fresh cold water this is our fridge guys it's hidden see mostly healthy stuff we like to eat very healthy here and down here is the freezer yes [Music] so um here on the counter we have a lot of fruit we like to eat fruits here so we always have some fresh mangoes if you're ever in the Philippines guys you must try Philippine mangles they're the best in the world maybe I'm biased but no it's true and my favorite guys have you ever had this mangosteen it tastes like Jolly Rancher but it's healthy so good as mentioned the entire house is smart um and so it's all run through smart system we have voice command curtains can program are programmed to open and close uh at a certain time or through the touch of a pad like this so if I touch this if you look over to the curtain I usually open the curtains like so and let the morning sun in it's currently rainy season here in the Philippines so it's kind of a mix of sunshine and clouds that's okay plants need to drink and we can have our morning coffee and I usually head out into the yard which you guys will see later this here is my coffee bar love coffee drink a lot of it keep all of our stuff down here fresh coffee beans from the Philippines yes all right guys check this out so around the home you'll find these things they're called smart mirrors so they come to us from lifesmartph which is the company that smartified our entire home and it can do a bunch of things so it tells the time the weather Etc you could watch YouTube on it see but one of my favorite things to do with it is this so there's this contraption our guests love to do this so you can touch it to your face or your hand and it can tell you how moist you are and if you need to drink water check this out okay so I'm 34 I'm just on the border of dry and normal okay so maybe if I drink a little bit more water that'll help and it does a bunch of things I'm still trying to learn how it works and all the various things you can do on the smart mirror alright guys so this next room is called the entertainment room it's where we entertain our guests and they could just hang out and entertain themselves so of course we have our television here uh with full sound system so we it's a really fun room most of our home are neutral colors but here in the entertainment room we wanted to have some fun and play with colors so you got blues you got yellows you got Reds all Filipino colors now here is where I do most of my video editing for YouTube so in case you don't know I'm a YouTuber um and so I Video Edit here um and this is my workstation it's really great place to work I can just sit down here and also if I'm tired of sitting this work desk can rise so it's good for the back so I could also work standing up if you look here this here is some artwork by a Filipino artist named norly memban and it's sustainable art made from upcycled materials garbage essentially so it's really nice it's Michael Jackson Lady Gaga and Freddie Mercury and we've done parody videos of those artists so aside from being a YouTuber I'm also a singer um and back in Canada in 2003 I tried out for the first season of Canadian Idol and I ended up placing eighth on the show that is me and this here is our gold record it went I hit gold I believe on the second day of release and this is definitely one of my prized possessions I take this gold record with me everywhere and uh Canadian Idol really changed my life so these here are our play buttons so on YouTube in case you're new When You Reach certain milestones for a subscriber count you get these things so this here is the gold play button for my ant Channel antscanada more about the ant Channel later you'll see the ant room upstairs you guys will be pretty mind blown by that space um and this was when we hit a hundred thousand subscribers that's a silver play button France Canada um this is the newer gold play button it looks like this without glass and this was for our Comedy Channel Mikey Bustos videos this is for Mikey Bustos Vlogs which is this channel um when we hit 100 000 subscribers road to 1 million let's hope so um and this here was when the comedy channel hit a hundred thousand Subs all right guys so if you see this Cove here um we have two screens we have a green screen in case we need to film YouTube videos with a green screen or we also have a white screen which is for watching movies so if we want movie night we just move the couches around grab bean bags have some popcorn and watch a movie all right guys now check out the recording booth I've always dreamed of having a recording booth in the home and this is it so this is where I would record parodies um or voiceovers for my ant Channel anything that requires vocal recording this is it now we can change the lighting depending on what mood I want I usually record in the dark um but yeah it's my recording space Here's the microphone right here I just slapped these on and record all right guys so one of our most successful viral videos throughout our entire YouTube career is called I wear Speedos which was a despacito parody and collectively it had over 200 million views um and it wasn't a sponsored video however speedo's head office in the UK sent us this it's a custom hot pink busto Speedos I don't want to wear it because it's good memories of you know that viral video before it was taken off YouTube by the way this here is just where we keep a lot of YouTube memorabilia and Equipment this here is a personalized YouTube directors chair see love it and this is where we can get ready we just sit here and if ever we need to put makeup or Prosthetics this is where it would be done in this area here all right guys I want to show you this space so this here is on the first floor and it's the first of the bedrooms I'm going to show you it's called the parents room and it's on the first floor so that our parents don't need to climb the stairs uh to get to their bedroom so this here is the parents room and we built it for parents seniors or anyone who just wants to stay on the first floor and it features a lot of furniture from Pinoy Furniture designer itokish in fact almost everything is itokish here and it's very Filipino style you see love this chair here very Filipino design made with natural materials there's coffee tables itokish and this bed here is also Ito Kish really love it um got a lamp there a birdhouse lamp and what I love about this room too is that it's got walk sliding doors on both sides so you could literally walk out into the yard from the bedroom and enjoy coffee and my dad likes to listen to radio so that's all here television and also a closet here where they can put our guests can put all their stuff there's beddings in there currently um and here's their own personal bathroom nice kind of neutral and Zen space for the parents also built in these bars for them to hang on to maybe one day when me and RJ are old we'll be using this bedroom to hold on to go to the bathroom okay guys so these are our stairs and they're smart so when you step on them they turn on um it's very helpful especially when it's dark you don't want to slip now guys here's something I want to show you so remember how I mentioned the duende at the beginning of this video well duende for Filipinos and Latin people in Spanish people I believe mean gnomes or dwarves and string C RJ and I believe in duende and I just feel like they are Forest spirits and I've made a deal with the forest Spirits here on the property that we wouldn't kill anything so trees animals all of that and these here are our lucky duende see all right guys something I want to show you check this out this here is the limbo Chandelier by Kenneth copon Pue um and really love it because I love the way it suggests movement and it's just very dynamic in a beautiful chandelier I find right so this here is uh our art wall we've become a recent collectors of artwork um really cute art these two I bought for RJ's birthday um RJ saw this in a gallery once and he's like that is me as a kid he said the same body shape and so I went to the gallery owner I said can I buy this so I thought that was a really nice artwork piece this here is also RJ painted and I'll tell you about the Apple Drive project in a bit but he is a big philanthropist and he has a charity called the Apple Drive project so he's really obsessed with apples now here is a cool spot to just hang out um this here is the Kenneth Copeland play Bloom chair and it's so comfortable and it swings over like this and we can interact with the birds and it looks like the Conyers are up here already hi guys um our guests love to come here and the birds will follow wherever they see people so hi um these here are called Chiquita stools also by Kenneth cobanpue and this one in particular is really cool we use it as a guest book so our guests come here they get this marker and they sign a peg see this one is from my high school friend Byron chai much love bro so it's really cool we've had our Korean friends come here see it's really neat way to have a guest book and you can also sit on it and it feels so comfortable love these stools oh and the designer Kenneth cobanpe also signed it himself see so as we mentioned we built this place to host we love hosting friends and family here and so we wanted to make the guest bedrooms interesting and each of Our Guest bedrooms offers different energies I guess and so our guests can choose whatever energy and space they want this here is what we call the Joseph room [Music] so this here is the Joseph room named after my brother Joseph who happened to love anything like anime Marvel Star Wars anything pop culture games gaming all of that stuff so that is what inspired this room and as you can see we have an Ant-Man mural up here we try not to be biased we have a little bit of Marvel a little bit of DC see we got Batman pillow here and a lot of toys this is our toy collection um of various kinds see here are my favorite toys because they're all from the 90s come check this out we've got Ghostbusters here we've got Ninja Turtles here we've got gargoyles we've got Thundercats um and you know it just is very nostalgic E.T um we have several board games and that kind of thing puzzles uh it's a really playful and interesting room and for me it reminds our guests who stay here to never lose touch of the child Within so the room comes with a television all our guest rooms have their own television um and even a gaming chair from secret lab Superman see love this um now check out this the Joseph bedroom has its own Japanese inspired bathroom look see nice masculine dark room um it comes with a bathtub sometimes I like to sneak in here and have a nice bath with salts and all of that check out this like here it's kind of star wars-ish right it's like a lightsaber that's why we chose it really cool now all of our bathrooms have a smart mirror check out this mirror it's really cool it comes with backlighting you can change the color and it's anti-fog so if you press this and you shower this mirror will not fog really cool right love this bathroom all right guys this is also one of the coolest guest bedrooms that we have we call this The Green Room so the Green Room is obviously really green um it features this really nice green mural of plants um our concept for the Green Room was something really earthy and obviously lots of plants and the reason we called it the Green Room was because it's got this corner window which is right up in the trees so if you're a bird watcher it's an awesome place for watching birds and in fact we have binoculars for watching the birds actually I really love the view from this green room see you can see the yard and even open the window for some fresh air has a nice view of the pool and the back Forest and if you want to keep the bugs out we got screen mesh here Oh and about this mesh it's slash proof so even if you take a knife to it you can't open it so one of the things I wanted to show you was this every guest room has their own suitcase stand because when we started hosting guests and friends and family we found that they would just leave their suitcase on the floor and it would just be kind of messy so we bought these stands and we've had to stain or paint some of them so that they could match the rest of the furniture I really love this bed guys it's actually made of thick wood I believe it's mango not sure but I love the look of it and it's such a comfortable bed and waking up here in the mornings I'm sure is awesome I haven't tried sleeping in this room like this yet but very very comfortable green room lots of good oxygen so this here is the guest bathroom on the second floor nice and nice and spacious um and it's got a good energy as well really Zen we've got lots of plants nice big shower people could sit down while they shower wash their feet um one thing I wanted to show you guys though is that here at the mabu high Squad Farmhouse we try to use eco-friendly products only because the water seeps down into our water table and like I said before our water comes from a well so any chemicals we use in this house end up in the water system and so we make sure to always use eco-friendly products these we bought from Sonia's Garden here in Tagaytay for shampoos and conditioner even our floor cleaners clothes for laundry that's all eco-friendly products as well all right guys so this is another one of our guest bedrooms we call this the yellow room so for obvious reasons this here is the yellow room it's a nice bright and sunny room um while they were constructing this room I saw that it receives a very beautiful late afternoon Sunset light so I envisioned this room to be really warm sunny uplifting inspiring and yellow um so it's a really Zen type room we have a Japanese style bed kind of low to the ground with a very simple design nice and peaceful people can come here and read and uh really a cool sort of warm energy I love this yellow room now speaking of the various colors of our house the paint for the entire house is courtesy of Nippon paint here in the Philippines they've got a broad array of awesome colors very reliable paint brand uh that RJ and I really trust so thank you so much Nippon paint for providing the paint of our home um what I love the most about this room is it's really Zen everything is earthy really light not too many dark colors um here's a nice table people can work uh on and I really love this this is a a Golden Globe I get snow globe golden snow globe really cute right all right guys and now to show you the master bedroom so this here is the entrance to our master bedroom if you look at the door you'll see it's shaped like an egg design so throughout the house we have a lot of bird imagery you might notice because for RJ and I birds are a good luck charm so we've got a entry opening the door up hello guys there's my bed my prince hey back come in this is our master bedroom our concept for the master bedroom was to essentially build kind of like a condo unit because RJ and I love hanging out in the bedroom and sometimes if we want to be anti-social we just want to stay here we just hang out in the bedroom so in our bedroom we had to make sure to build a little kitchenette in case we you know in the middle of the night want to have snacks we just come here um and we've got our own little mini fridge RJ likes to drink milk before going to bed um there's pineapple juice even wine see oh and again we keep it in the fridge because here in the Philippines it's way too hot um I keep all my Health Products here vitamins all of that spray um um microwave and again another water filter so we can have fresh water come to the sink and some dishes for us to use on my supplements see that My Health Fitness supplements gotta be healthy right all right guys moving on to the master bathroom now check this out watch that toilet as soon as you enter it opens this here is a Japanese toilet and guys if you've never used a Japanese toilet it'll change your life the seat is heated ah and it makes such a difference um here's our shower area um and if you look up to the top you'll see that it features a very big shower head ring type so when you're showering under here it feels like you're bathing under a waterfall it's so strong and we've got our various products here I really love this feature wall it just reminds me of dragon scales any Dungeons and Dragons fans out there um so that's why we added this really really nice the tiles of this bathroom are also my favorite just the pairing of the different colors see this tile is different from this tile which is different from that tile which is different from that tile and just pairing the tiles which took a long time by the way uh to choose was one of our favorite things for decorating the space we have him and him sink here and yeah it's one of my favorite bathrooms again we have these special mirrors that are anti-fog and can light from the back different colors so RJ and I really wanted to invest in quality when choosing our fixtures uh the fixtures we went with are villaroy and Bach which I believe is a German company and um yeah we invested in good quality because I mean if you get a cheap brand you had no you end up having to replace it anyway so you'll pay the same amount and it's definitely worth investing in quality so guys this here is a swing chair that we absolutely needed in the bedroom um and it's a great place to relax it's my favorite place to actually watch the rain so all you rain lovers and lightning and all that if you like that kind of stuff hanging out here is really awesome and you could just sit here look outside no matter what time of the day really relaxing um and then moving on to here for me and RJ's romantic time we have a jacuzzi and it has a really nice view of the sunset which is that way and it's uh definitely cool and I love the path actually going from the bathroom to the Jacuzzi or jacuzzi to bathroom it's got a pebble wash floor and these tiles here were imported from India and they actually have fossilized plant life in them it's really really neat so this can get wet and it's all okay sorry guys I am cleaning I see a few fingerprints I'm a clean freak anyways this here is our display case wall now originally we were thinking of putting an animal in here possibly a large snake or something um so it actually has the provisions to keep an animal in here so it's got ventilation at the top there are outlets at the top for heat lamps and all of that but then I decided no let's just put some plants and fake plants and just have it as a beautiful piece that separates the space of the bathroom and jacuzzi area from the actual bedroom without breaking the the view the eye line right so it's a really really cool kind of neat space to separate the different areas of the bedroom this here is the living area of our bedroom and what I love about it is this circular window it's probably one of my favorite features of this bedroom um and what's cool is it's always changing so depending on what time of the day you look at it it's always changing the light changes the leaves sometimes it's windy sometimes it's rainy it's kind of like an art piece in its own and this entire area actually kind of reminds me of a cruise ship for some reason it must be of like the Titanic or something um I really love these um metallic sort of gold mirror uh additions to the wall this here is a couch that we love to just hang out with with our dogs and the couches in our house have a special fabric that is stain proof so it's actually waterproof in case the dogs vomit or they pee or whatnot although my dogs are house trained um it's easy to clean so we love that about these couches or if we're having wine you spill wine it's okay you can clean it up this here is our cartel lamp it's one of my favorite designer lamps in the entire home and it's imported from Italy and is shaped like a wine glass this here is a really cool lounge chair that's shaped like a nest again bird imagery and our poodle loves to hang out here it's by loxane living here in the Philippines this is where we spend a quarter of our lives right guys and in fact some cool trivia the most expensive thing in our entire bedroom is not the jacuzzi not any of the furniture it's the mattress so we really invested in this mattress because they say you spend a quarter of your life in bed might as well invest in a good bed if you can so this is where we sleep this marble here is called Patagonia marble comes to us from Euro Asia and I really love it because you know it's so interesting it lights from the back so these quartz areas kind of illuminate and if you look carefully it's got all of these really cool little specks of mica feldspar there's even Little Golden specks in there it's never boring and there's always something new to discover about this marble so we really love looking at it and in the night when we have all the lights off before going to bed you know we'll kind of wind down we'll just have this on and it makes for a really cool Moody lighting all right guys this is a special room come check it out so this here is our office and Library so if we need to do any simple work like office work um emails and that kind of thing it's in this room uh we've got this piece of artwork here and this happens to be a gift from RJ to me and it is the configuration of the Stars the moment we met um here are my Canadian Idol box set like collection tapes see although I can't watch them because how do I watch these nowadays like VHS most of the books that I have read in the past are all motivational and inspirational books TED Talks you know Millionaire Next Door like things on managing money one of my favorite books is this start with why 's got to read that law of attraction books all of that kind of stuff and then random informational books like backyard homesteading before moving into this Farmhouse I wanted to study farming so there's that now if you look over here we've got a collection of various awards that RJ and I have acquired over the years um we've got awards from for our YouTube channels but here if you look here these are RJ's Awards so as I mentioned earlier RJ's a big philanthropist he has the biggest heart and is so generous he's got a bayaning Filipino award which is a very prestigious award for humanitarianism and also a big award from Western Union who recognized RJ's Apple Drive so what the Apple Drive is is RJ and his team go out into the remote areas of the Philippines and even in Manila and they go to schools and they promote healthy eating among kids because tendency is here in the Philippines it's often a lot cheaper to order unhealthy foods and so what the Apple Drive project seeks to do is educate people on the importance of healthy eating and of hygiene so they go out we do big kind of shows we invite celebrities and uh it's a lot of fun the kids remember to always eat healthy and they also get a lot of um care packages like slippers soaps brushes go check it out the appledriveproject.com and they've actually it actually started a movement around the world where they're doing it in different countries Africa and other um third world and developing countries it's really really inspiring so in this house RJ and I decided to have a lot of fun with the design and layout there are a lot of secret passageways trap doors and all of that here's one of the secret doors it leads here come in come in this here is our dressing room where we get ready fix our hair put face products and all of that see we also keep all of our suitcases in this area here our remoas because RJ and I love to travel um yeah all of our products here we got another mirror here different lighting Styles see um and then if you go here we have a little closet for our dogs see it's really cute we've got tons of dog products and little look at this little skirt um we love our dogs they're like our children guys um so here now is our closet room so RJ and I have a lot of clothes we're always getting clothes and giving away clothes so it's important that we have a good place to store our clothes and so far we haven't run out of space um this here is our closet room so we keep all our clothes in different compartments it's lit from the inside um and RJ and I are generally the same size so we often share clothes it's really neat now this thing here is really cool it's a dry cleaner machine so you can put your clothes inside it'll steam it for you iron it disinfect it dehumidify it does a bunch of things I'm still trying to learn how to use it but it's really cool you just enter what you're putting in there and it'll clean it in like process it somehow this here this Center Island holds some of our jewelry we're not really big on jewelry like these earrings you see here they are two dollars we're kind of practical that way but we do have some jewelry we are big fans of Disney see for all of you Disney fans we've got Club lots of Club 33 love this jacket YouTube jacket from YouTube get it it doesn't say player it says YouTuber hmm all right guys this here is our shoe cabinet um we've got very issues I used to collect Nikes but I've kind of decreased my collection um RJ and I don't like to hold on to clothes for that long so we'll get something and then we'll donate it after six months so um we don't really hold on to clothes for that long um but we have golden shoes I wore this for the streamy awards in LA see things like that um and I'm I'm I am a shoe guy but I'm also not that much of a shoe guy like we just simple very simple but we do have the provision here now one thing about the tiles I wanted to mention in this room is the tiles in this room and in some of the other areas of the house they're anti-back so they're imported from Italy and they contain an ion that makes it hard for bacteria to proliferate so they're antibacterial and in this day and age of the pandemic just recently passing we felt like it was something we should invest in parents room for example anti-back tiles this here is my favorite bathroom to use so when I get ready I get ready here um it's our closet room bathroom really masculine really dark and I prefer to shower in the evening with just that lighting feel sexy um so yeah this is our uh our other bathroom it's good to have two bathrooms because RJ and I can get ready at the same time and we don't have to like wait what I love about leaving in the mornings from the guest bedroom the birds usually greet me hi guys they fly up here but currently they're more interested in you guys and the cameraman now when we have guests we make sure their rooms are stocked with towels blankets pillows and all of that but if they need more this here is our linen room where they can get all kinds of towels um see we've got toothbrushes here various soaps feel free to come in see anything they need they can just get here liquid soap they need batteries random supplies like so oh and of course we Filipinos need bigs for everything all right guys now Behind These doors is probably one of my favorite rooms in the entire house it's my man cave and be prepared for a little bit of nerding out this here is what we call the ant room [Music] in the Philippines the Tagalog word for ant is langgam so this is the our room for mangalangam so my biggest Channel on YouTube is called antscanada I started it when I was living in Canada before migrating here to the Philippines in 2011 and we decided to build a room just for the ants and all my creepy crawlies and so it contains all of my ant farms and ant setups for example this here um is a volcano ant farm and it features fire ants go check that video out on the antscanada channel essentially the ants live inside this mountain and the fire ants come pouring out and they eat bugs and sweet stuff here see there's a little bit of humidifying smoke that comes out of the top and it's an open setup you might be wondering okay aren't they escaping no because see this white border here that is a slippery barrier that you just paint on and the Ants slip off so it keeps them completely inside and the Ants can't jump so they stay here it's really cool guys I could like go on and on about ants but this is one of my favorite setups and I just film here in the ant room film all of my beautiful beautiful ants and in fact I can see them forming a trail right now and it's supposed to look like lava because the ants are red and they just come pouring out of the top really cool the ant room comes complete with a fridge for keeping well there's currently nothing inside here but we use this mostly for keeping animal uh products that need to be refrigerated see I've also got um yeah nothing's in here currently we have a dead bird that I found on the road put it in the freezer because I'll be feeding them to my Ants one day now the entire ant room is also smart um and it's climate controlled so we make sure that the ant room stays at a nice toasty 30 to 35 degrees and that's how the ants like it guys check this out so you know the Simpsons Matt Groening is the creator of The Simpsons and one of my favorite guys on this entire planet turns out him and his son are fans of the antscanada channel and they reached out to us and look at this Matt Groening drew a picture of her with fire ants and personal personalized the artwork it's currently our most expensive artwork this right here from that graining and cool fact his actual handwriting is the font of the show really cool guy we were able to hang out with him in La thank you to the greetings if you're watching so this here is a cabinet of our products at antscanada.com so um I run the company antscanada.com we create ant farms and ant keeping products for ant Keepers throughout the world and they basically go to our site and they can order ant farms of different types so this is one kind of ant farm this red film is to make the ants feel like they're in the dark guys because they can't really see red light so if you fill this with some sand or some digging medium the ants create tunnels and they feel like they're in the dark but we humans can see them and here's another ant farm called the hybrid nest um these hybrid Nest series and Farms were inspired by the actual wild nests of the different Genera events that I studied and created oh what helped me design these and nests this is the carpenter ant nest also known as camponotis I do feel like ant keeping is a great hobby because it inspires young people because a lot of ant keepers are really young either kids or teenagers it inspires them to learn about ecology and the importance of all life forms including ants in the ecosystem so it's uh it's really great to see so many people into keeping ants so this here is called the Leviathan tank it was named by my subscribers and basically it's a sea dragon and the ants live in this side like into in this portion here so if you open this up you can see all the tunnels of the ants they come out of the mouth and I feed them on the body so here's some a little thing of food here here's some sweet jelly and in the night the ants come out and they form these long trails along the body super cool this here is a gold plate button for antscanada here's a story so YouTube sent me two gold play buttons I'm not sure why I think maybe the people at YouTube uh figured I would turn one of them into an ant farm which is what I did so I turned this YouTube play button into an ant farm and moved a colony in and then I moved them out so that I could frame it so that's really cool this here is my pet frog his name is Jabba the Hutt and he's green and fat in there so this keypad here also from lifesmart pH controls everything in the ant room I can close the blinds of the entire ant room so if you look over there it'll close so if ever I need to film and reduce Reflections I just close the blinds it also keeps the ant room cool so these three frames here hold our streamy award nominations the Streamys are kind of like the Oscars but for YouTube RJ and I were nominated for the antscanada channel three times and attending the event in La was mind-blowing I was so Starstruck so many YouTubers were there um but come to the second floor of the ant room and if you look at the wall you'll see a trail of ants these we recently bought in Hanoi Vietnam saw it in the store and were like we're buying them um and it was created by a Vietnamese artist and I really think it adds a cool touch to the ant room all right guys so this second floor of the ant room is kind of a place I like to de-stress meditate it's a really calm and wellness type space um so I've got yoga mats here for myself or guests to use if they want to do yoga the morning sun comes in so it's a really nice and peaceful space this here is one of my favorite things also of this ant room it's a steam room and sauna so this is the wet uh sauna nice team good for your skin good for your voice and then in here is the dry Sana if you just want to do infrared sauna and it also comes with shower so I shower here now if you look at the floor we installed glass floors you see I'm still nervous to stand on them but apparently they can take a lot of weight but it's just a cool way to kind of you know see downstairs and if you're downstairs you could look upstairs it allows for better distribution of light in the space so really really neat all right guys so here is a special someone his name is Valentino and he is our snake he's almost I believe eight years old now so he's an old guy um but he's such a beautiful snake he's a green tree python gorgeous emerald green color with blue on the spine I don't touch him because he bites but we have an understanding I can clean the cage I can feed him as long as I don't pick him up to carry him which is okay I'm okay with just having him as a display snake alright guys one of the coolest things about this room is the net floor so we built this as a place to kind of just chill our guests love hanging out here kids love this you can take a nap you can hang out sit in the Sun and what I like to do is I like to look out at the view of the forest at the back it's a really cool spot and a great way again to de-stress I love the view from this area here all right guys let's check out the roof deck this is an interesting space too all right guys this here is our roof deck and as you can see Cipher is over here are all this dog running around uh this here's the roof deck and there's a lot of space out here we hope to one day have parties up here it's really fresh very Breezy um and as you can see the Aviary extends all the way here and our birds are up there saying hi hi guys um yeah there's quite a lot of space we have potted plants up here nothing much up here really currently um but we hope to have outdoor furniture set up and oh also solar panels um we are going to have solar panels so that we can eventually reduce our electric bill to zero hi guys oh how are you doing you like it up here the birds love to watch the sunset and right now the sun is heading down and what what you guys seen watching the Sun if you look up here this here is the retractable roof um when it's not in use it's just used as a shade so we can lay out tables here we can be under the the shade but when we do want to retract the roof in case it rains too much in the Aviary we could just press a button and it will slide over the entire aviary really really cool so what I love about the roof deck is it's right up in the trees like literally this is the top of the tree and a lot of cool birds come up here as well love hanging out here actually and in the night you can look up at the stars it's really beautiful alright guys so now I'll take you to the yard but I have something to share with you first ah all right guys so this here is the outside um our yard I like to spend a lot of time Outdoors especially in the mornings and it's out here where I kind of have a lot of peace and quiet I do a lot of my positive affirmations and my messages of gratitude to God to life in the universe um because if you're new to the channel right and if this is your first time uh watching these videos I can see how it's easy to feel like oh these are just a bunch of rich kids sporting their wealth and boasting about all the cool stuff they've had but for those of you who have followed this channel for a while you guys know that it wasn't always like this for RJ and I um just a little background on both RJ and I we did not come from wealth at all so everything you see in this video we had to work really really hard for a little bit about my story I was born and raised in Toronto Canada and for most of my life I lived poor like zero money in fact I was in a lot of debt even up to my late 20s I was just kind of floating with life from job to job some jobs I've done in the past were like cargador they call it here in the Philippines where I would transport food in the trucking business to the back of restaurants at 5am in the morning uh you know Renovations just from job to job I've worked in retail call centers and stuff it was really hard for me because I ended up quitting school um in Canada because while my parents wanted me to be a veterinarian and I just felt like it was my life path to be an Entertainer so for the longest time guys I was black sheeped and yeah I just you know in my late 20s not married no money for an Asian family all you Asians out there know the expectations on us are real um so it was really hard to kind of find my way but it was awesome when a thing called YouTube was invented because it was there where I really kind of flourished all my skills could be utilized and that's when everything changed and that was only just as little as 14 years ago when I started YouTube so it's been a crazy crazy Journey guys for like total 360. so I just don't want any of you guys watching this thinking that this was easy or that you know we didn't have to work for this we absolutely had to work for every single thing you see in this video um and I hope that it inspires all of you dreamers out there to follow your dreams and never give up hope no matter what um because you just never know what can happen for me and RJ this is more of a celebratory video um because it's been such a long road to get here we've worked our butts off for years Monday to Monday morning tonight we've bled for this place um and we finally reached the end now so we wanted to capture the final the end of this journey of building our Dream Home you know in this video and it's our honor to take you guys around to celebrate this journey with us all right guys I'll take you around the yard before I start crying all right guys this is one of my favorite places in the entire property this here is our pool I am in here every single day can be morning could be night rain or shine I'm in the water it is so peaceful here I love to meditate here swim all of that listen to music now our pool um was constructed by JMC landscaping and Pool Services really really great company and we're very happy with their work the tiles you see at the bottom here were imported from Italy and we bought them from a company called dexterton awesome tiling now it's an infinity pool so the infinity line goes that way and it has a great view of the forest at the back all right guys so I want to show you something really cool about our pool so the water of this pool is a fresh water system that's right so no chlorine not even salt it's just completely fresh water animals can drink this it's better for your health better for the environment and the way it works is it's a technology from Australia and it's got several steps of filtration we're definitely going to do a vlog on this in the future because it's really really cool um the company we went with is called enviroswim pH one of the steps of filtration is it pumps copper ions into the water which makes it hard for bacteria to proliferate so I can swim for hours here and our eyes don't get bloodshot it doesn't smell like chlorine and it's just better for the environment it makes the swimming experience a lot better and safer for us and our guests now guys I want to show you the best part of this pool [Music] all right guys Welcome to our swim up bar it's an awesome place I love to serve drinks and be the bartender at parties and this place fulfills my bartending fantasies so we have a cold Chiller fridge here any drinks see we've got Gatorade kombucha and we usually put beer and all of that here we've got a sink all of our glasses are plastic so the rule is we don't have glass around the pool um and it's really cool we've got a quartz counter here and our guests can actually sit on any of the seven seats inside the water and drink their drinks whether they be alcoholic or not they could just sit here we'll bring food out here and serve our guests um so they can just enjoy pool time and eating and drinking without having to leave the pool we also have a full sound system see here which connects to our smart system which connects to our Spotify and Amazon music and we can play any playlist We want um while enjoying the pool time I love listening to 90s r b and classical music while I'm swimming it's really cool and the sound system actually broadcasts in several places around the yard we have hidden speakers this here is a Bose outdoor speaker so rain or shine it can stay here and it plays music we have several of these speakers hidden around the yard and in the garden hidden among plants and stuff so when we play music it plays it throughout the entire property it's really really cool now this here is what we call legaya's Path legaya is our late African gray parrot whom was really special to RJ and I we raised this parrot from just a little chick and we actually bought this place for her to live with us um but sadly during the pandemic she passed away and we buried her here so that you know her spirit could just live on the farm with us you'll notice there's a lot of gray black white and red throughout the entire house and that's our tribute to ligaya the parrot now all these plants that you see here and throughout the entire property were provided by our ate June who is from our Landscaping Company it's jmb Landscaping and Gardening services we have over 50 species of flowering plants and different trees that have been planted throughout the entire area our goal was to create a lot of like beautiful but also functional space for wildlife to have habitat all right I want to show you the back so we asked our guests to please don't pee in the pool to use this bathroom this is the pool bathroom see nicely decorated and the cool thing is when you close this door there are some wings here so that you can take a selfie in the mirror a mirror selfie with wings at the back kind of neat right this here is our outdoor shower area um where we can shower before and after entering the pool all right guys so to my right you'll see here our bougun Villa wall and it's basically just a retaining wall that we decided to beautify with Bougainvillea flowers and several flowers actually and it's really really pretty it's bloomed with lots of foliage and flowers and colors underneath here you'll see our iguanas Adam and Eve this is the iguana pen they get a lot of Morning Sun but in the afternoons like now they get some nice shade here in the Philippines keeping reptiles is really easy they just need Morning Sun and then through the rest of the day they're okay retreating in the shade because it's so hot this lower area here is great for entertaining guests just a nice open space Also for our dogs now here's something cool I want to show you this here originally was supposed to be a Baha'i Kubo which in Filipino means traditional Filipino house made of bamboo but it's evolved over time and now it's more like a post-colonial traditional Filipino house so we call it the Pinoy Chalet come inside so this is the Pinoy Chalet currently it's a space right now for getting massages we have massage beds here for our guests it also has complete with air conditioning so this can actually be a bedroom as well and of course it's completely smart so no buttons just like the rest of the home it's all controlled digitally now one of the coolest Parts about this Pinoy Chalet is this check this out the back opens up two a beautiful Observatory of the forest so we could hang out here have beers and watch the wildlife a lot of birds come here there's a little creek at the bottom um if you're an insect nerd like me lots of bugs um but yes it's a nice place to just be around nature and uh for our guests who want a very Filipino experience we suggest they stay here it's kind of like glamping sorta now the Pinoy Chalet sits over a sunken garden and a pond see you can actually see the waterfall right now very relaxing lots of beautiful plants and we're just cycling the pond right now and soon we'll be adding fish and maybe Turtles and maybe a bunch of other stuff so stay tuned for a future Vlog as we stock this pond with life oh my gosh oh my birds blue yellow blue sorry I just nerded out were you able to catch that on camera the brightest blue and yellow birds the blue ones were a type of Kingfisher and the yellow ones black naked Oriole wow you see I love this area this here is our staff house we have seven or eight staff members on the property every day and this is where they hang out where they live where they can have private time Etc um and yeah it's got a nice view of the home this pathway here come here I wanted to show you guys this this here is our bunch of banana trees and there are some bananas growing right now it's called Sabah here in the Philippines in English it's sweet plantain so it's different from the Cavendish bananas that most people know of it's a native Philippine cultivar of the Cavendish bananas and if you look up there we have some Sabah growing now so almost everything we eat here at the mabuhai squad Farmhouse is organic we order from directly from Farmers through the Palenque or the market just down the street and we grow our food as well so here is our herb garden we have several herbs here we have basil we have lavender we got a bunch of thyme all of this and I recently planted some really hot peppers it's a hybrid of our local chili pepper and Carolina Reaper and it's growing see it I've been watching it grow as well what's interesting is we Harvest from our herb garden every single day fresh herbs and it never runs out it's really fantastic so this side Lot that we acquired a few years back will be for our farming activities so growing of crops plants fruit bearing trees we'll keep our chickens here on this side um possibly a cow who knows we might build another Aviary this open space will be our next project guys so there's nothing here currently but it's a wide open space which extends way down into the forest as well so I can't wait to get started on growing our own food this is Billy he is our goat Philly and he's about I believe five or six years old now he is a beautiful ah he's gonna play now he has no horns um but he's very very friendly he's a cashmere goat so they usually make a cashmere wool using his fur he was actually used in one of our parodies we bought him just kind of for our caldereta parody and uh he was so tame that we just decided to keep him and so he's been with us and he's already fathered two sets of kids um and he's been so patient we're gonna get him a female very very soon he lives on our farming lot all right guys and that concludes our Full House Tour of the mabuhai squad Farmhouse thank you so much guys for watching thank you guys yes and bear we did it I know I can't believe it um guys thank you so much for the support and I would really like to thank MJ films for helping us film this entire house tour which we've waited so long to film and of course thank you guys those who've been supporting RJ and I over the years through all our channels we couldn't have done this without your help so thank you so much for making our dreams come true and please do subscribe to the channel if you haven't yet and join us on this journey living here at the mabu high Squad Farmhouse we love you bye bye [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Mikey Bustos Vlogs
Views: 1,033,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mikey bustos, vlogs, vlogger, pinoy, filipino, african grey, parrot, talking parrot, bird, pets, asia, gay, house tour, celebrity homes, real estate, farm house, aviary, antscanada, homestead
Id: MFHISwnlzG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 32sec (4712 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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