SKYPOD 2.0 Full House Tour! | Monterrazas Prime

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Skypod 2.0. (upbeat music) Okay. So I'm kind of nervous about this project because it took us about two years to get to this point. Because if you know me, I'm super perfectionist and when it comes to details, I really want to check every little detail, not even just the aesthetic, but also each and every outlet in the house I am so meticulous. Where is this located? The glass needs to be the standard of the glass we use in the Skypod. Our architect should be the best architect. So I partnered up with the same architect that built our home, LLG Architects, and we used the same architect. And all the suppliers that we were happy with, we used them with this project. No stone was left unturned. Everything is luxurious, everything, I would say, is really to my standard. And this is Skypod 2.0. But first, let's drink some coffee, guys. (upbeat music) This is Nescafe's new black roast. And in the intro earlier, Kryz was making fun of me because my voice was so loud. - [Kryz] You are so intense. - Just like my coffee, right? - [Kryz] Yeah. - This is the new Nescafe Black Roast and it's intense because it's roasted for longer with specially selected beans. That's why like me who's so intense, so meticulous with the details, just like my coffee. Yes. To be honest, it's not for everyone. I feel like you need to be the person that likes super strong coffee for you to appreciate this. But for those of you that are like me, try out the new Nescafe Black Roast. All right. Let's get started. The project is called Monterrazas Prime, and just from the initial teaser photo, we can see it already has some Skypod aesthetic, right? So it's really inspired by the Skypod and we want it to really be the same team that made it. So it's like becoming our signature. But the biggest difference is that when you enter the home, it has a balcony with an infinity pool that Skypod doesn't have, and it's facing the Cebu City view. This is located around 15 minutes away from the city, but you're in the mountain. And it's all glass and the pool is so inviting. Just imagine having coffee there in the morning or even at night with the pool that even has reflecting lights that we placed and just facing the city view. - [Kryz] Music, lounging with friends, petting my dog, looking at this view, city lights... Let's move there already. - Actually, I showed this to Kryz when this was first in the conceptualization phase and Kryz's initial reaction was... - [Kryz] Let's move there. (chuckles) Wait, wait, wait. You'll see why. - Yeah. You'll see why in a bit. But we're actually still 50/50 if we're going to get a unit because it's not just one unit, it's actually 30-31 units when this is finished, and it's going to look like a mountain resort because it's on a cliff face. And this is the actual Cebu City view when it's done, it's going to look like this. It's like a mountain resor that's super exclusive. It's like the house is floating, it has stilts. - [Kryz] Can't get any better than that. - Yeah. I would say I'm very, very proud of what this looks like. So the house is three storeys. When you come in, this is the ground floor and this is your garage area. And the second floor is this portion. And there's even a basement here. More on the basement later, what we did was amazing. But if you noticed, its looks is very similar to the Skypod because it is inspired by it, but we put, you know the high-end subdivisions in Singapore, it's actually inspired by those as well. So there's numbering, even the details of this number plate is included. And this is from the side. But if you noticed, look at to the right, we even put something where you can hide your trash can. So all these details we really thought-out. From the front, this is what it's going to look like. It's floating. This is the basement that I mentioned earlier. There's access here, but there's some tricks here. Anyway, later. I'm super excited. But you still have a place to put a fireplace. This is the infinity pool that we'll see. We have two options. You can put a guest room or an office space at the ground floor area. And imagine the guest room or the office space facing directly to the pool and the view in front. So it's going to be captivating, I would say. And all of the other bedrooms are at the top. We can see that all the bedrooms, each and every one, there's three bedrooms at the top, all are facing the view of the city. So it's so beautiful. Even the bathrooms here, I'll show you guys later, are so beautiful because it's facing the view. You have a bathtub that's facing the view. (gasps) - [Kryz] The natural light, guys. You're beautiful in all angles. - Yes. And what we did with the stilts here are we oversized it, the structure of this is very much oversized. If you look at the actual site right now, our columns are like high-rise size because we just want that peace of mind, because again, it's in a sloping area, so we oversized it so there'll be no doubts anymore. And okay. This is it. - [Kryz] My favorite part. - This is what Kryz was saying. "No, you should show them the interiors first. You should show them the interiors first." That's because when you come in, the moment you step in the main door, this is the view that greets you. There's a mountain area from the side and you can actually see in real life, this has the view of the city. It's facing the SRP where SM Seaside is and the new Cordova Bridge here in Cebu. And this is really the indoor/outdoor living, because this one, the same brand that we used in the sliding doors here in the Skypod, by Kenneth and Mock, we used it here. These are very expensive Kenneth and Mock imported sliding doors. And this will slide all the way to the left and all the way to the right. It means that when you come in, and you have a party, you have a guest around, you can open everything and it's going to be an indoor/outdoor space where the lines are blurred from the indoor to the outdoor. You can just imagine you having a pool here, a terrace to the side, and you can have breakfast here, or you can watch a show at night, on your side there's an ambiance of that pool glistening and there's even city lights. Let's move, love. - [Kryz] I know. There's also a view of the water, right? You can see the water from there since it's SRP. - Yeah. SM Sea... - [Kryz] So it's mountain, city, and sea. - Yes. So this is very good Feng Shui because Feng Shui is mountain in the back, sea in front, right? This is it. This is really it. - [Kryz] Whoohoohoo! Let's move already. - So what we did that's extra special that we weren't able to do in the Skypod is this one are using expensive low-E glass for the windows. We used low-emissivity glass for our big panels. This means that the glass is insulated that helps block out from the sun. But we've also put provisions for curtains. So everything is thought about. This has curtain pelmet so that you can slot in any desired curtain you want. This is the view from the kitchen side. So it's a very big space. This space alone is about half court of a basketball court, more or less. So it's big. And you can see the outdoor areas as well. Now the kitchen, we've used imported hardwares that's going to be expensive hardwares and quartz countertops. So if you've seen my YouTube videos, I really recommend quartz, but it's a little bit more expensive than usual. But we didn't save, we really put quartz here. And the same cabinet suppliers as our kitchens here. So every supplier that we were happy with in our house, we used them for this house. This is the example of the guest bedroom or the office space, the multipurpose in the ground floor level. This is a perfect example, and you can see the water from the pool and you can see the mountains, the city. - [Kryz] It's so good to do work from home there. It's like you're just in a resort. - Yes. And by the way, one of the problems why we designed this for so long is that we wanted a design that you can make into your own, which speaks to you and your personality. So what we did here is that it's open designed so it can essentially be a chameleon. It can mold to whatever personality you have. It can be, for example, this is our aesthetic, this is the very Skypod look, but if you were to put like tropical or very Bali feel of furniture, this can actually mold to it, because the house is really just like a canvas and the rest is up to you. You're the one to fill it up, you're the one to mold the house to your personality. So I think we were able to achieve that like it's detail-oriented, but it can still speak to you personally. - [Kryz] So if I wanted to change the furniture to like Victorian style, would it still fit? Or like ratan. - French. - [Kryz] Yeah. - Yes. So I'm proud of myself. (giggles) Okay. So this is the infinity pool in the morning. So this is what greets you the moment you walk down to the ground floor area to have breakfast. So sun shining and everything with my Nescafe Black Roast. Anyway, let's go to the second floor. When we get to the second floor, you're directly greeted by a family area. This can be a library, this can be a playroom for Scottie. We can cordon it off, love. And this can be a study area in the future or a computer room. It's up to you. Again, very personalized. But when you enter the master's bedroom, you are greeted with this space. The master's bedroom is about as big as our master's bedroom. And this will also be sliding towards a balcony outside. So the feel is still indoor/outdoor. And again, low-E insulated glass and there's curtain provision. And this is really a fairly, fairly big room enough for a master. But the magic of the master bedroom is that you can take a bathtub bath— bathtub bath— and enjoy the view of the city. And if you've noticed, there's sun baffles. Those are details that we considered so that you're not seen from the outside, but you can enjoy the view of the city and the ocean. All of these are the same brand that we used here in the Skypod. With the bathtub... We don't have bathtub, love. But it's the same brand that we're using here. So it's really kind of high-end. And all the sinks and all the other bathroom fixtures, that's the brand that we're using. - [Kryz] I love that there's natural light in the bathroom. I feel like that's what we lack here at home. - Yes. And it's very, very bright. If you've noticed, it's very bright from here, but we also cut out a space here. It's a little bit more expensive to do that, but at least there's still light and ventilation whenever you need it. And even on the back, the back of the walk-in closet, there's still glass elements that we put like windows so that light can always come in and you just bathe in soft light. - [Kryz] I feel like if you get ready to that view, like in the morning when you're getting ready for work, it like adds a lot to your energy. - Yes. When you're greeted with the sun in the morning, that's not super blinding sunlight, it's just soft, it's really beautiful. This is it, love. You have a powder room. - [Kryz] I know. It's so cute. I'm so jealous. - And then walk-in closet to the left and the right. There's even a shower here in the side, so the bathtub is separate from the shower itself. And the tiles that we're going to choose would be... Oh, and this one is not even the master's bedroom. This is just a regular ordinary bedroom for Scottie or - [Kryz] Our guests. - Our guests. But it still has the same view of the city even when you're showering. So our architect did a great job here. Like it's a play on the light. Do you see the shadows of the trellis? It's the same effect with our pool area where we have trellis, right? So it's the same effect of play of shadow and play of light where it just gives it a little bit more detail and oomph. - [Kryz] So the trellis is included, even the tiles and everything when they buy the house? - Yes. Everything is included. All you need to bring Is the furniture like the beds. The closets are included. What you need to do is just chairs, tables, beds, those loose furniture, and it's all set. Even the aircon is included. - [Kryz] In short, we can move there anytime we want. (Kryz giggles) I'm so jealous. The bathroom is my fave. (Kryz laughs) - What we were thinking when we were designing this is that it needs to be that you just bring furniture and yourself and you're okay to live already. So it's really like a turnover right away. You don't have to think about anything. And that's the service that I really want, because a lot of homeowners who prefer to build their own houses, there's so many details that they miss because they're not as experienced as the professionals. For example, the outlets on the side of the tables, even this detail. Our garage has an outlet and a faucet. So when you're cleaning your car or you're vacuuming your car, those are included. So those are just small details that are sometimes missed. So this is really complete. - [Kryz] So you don't need to get an extension wire when you want to wash the car, or if you have an electric car... - [Kryz and Slater] Ooh! - [Kryz] You can just charge it. My dreams are wild. - I'll show the layout later of the details that we thought about and how this can actually convert to everything that you would need, but that's for later. For now, this is our favorite, favorite idea that we did. This is the basement. And the basement, if you've noticed at the back, it has maids quarters at the back, and those are the dirty kitchen, the laundry area, they are at the back. But this area is, again, about half court of a basketball court. This area is a multipurpose room. We're going to turn it over like this, but you can convert it into a man cave, a gaming room. This has enough room to add like three more good-sized rooms. And there's provisions for additional CR and everything. This is really our convertible room. So for example, we want a YouTube studio there, it's possible. We want a studio and a gym, it's possible. Or you can make a very, very big theatre room, it's possible. So this is really convertible. This is one of my favorite ideas that we've done here. So the basement, we're able to make good use out of it. But I'll go to the floor plans because there are a lot of details that we thought of, and I'm so excited for this. So this is the house. When you enter the house here, this is what I was saying about indoor/outdoor living. It's the same tile all the way through to like the boundaries goes away between the indoor and the outdoor, and you have a pool that'll greet you. So this one, when you enter, these entire glass panels move to the side, so the flow is indoor/outdoor. And this is the garage area. We have room for four cars. And the beauty of this is that we have two access points towards the basement. So one here and one outside. One of the details that we made is we actually added two access points towards the basement. So one from the inside, if you're the one using it, you can easily go to the gym. But you can lock off the entire ground floor and upper floor levels, so that the access would be only here from outside. So when you're travelling, when we can travel again, the helpers in the house or the people living in the basement area still has access to outside. We thought about every little detail, so it's very, very well-lit at night with awesome warm lighting. So we have downlights, but we also have wall washer lights and uplights here. So for me, personally, it looks even more beautiful at night. So this is it. The same tone type finish that we've used in the Skypod, love. And there. Even the house numbers are lighted up. And the pool even has accents of lighting. So no stone was left unturned for this house. It's really complete. Yeah. If you're interested in the house, I'll put links down below. You can visit our website and inquire there. And that's it. That's for the tour. I hope you like it. I hope you enjoyed it. - [Kryz] I hope we can move there soon. (laughs) - Let's choose now, love. There's like 30 houses. Let's choose where we want to stay. And that's it, guys. Hit like, subscribe, and I'll see you S-later!
Channel: Slater Young
Views: 2,776,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6LwouwFkFZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2022
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