Our Full Collection of Rainbow Friends Plush!

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what's up everybody I just wanted to show you all of our rainbow friends Plushies that we have now we have quite a collection and some of them were in Max's room and I know a lot of you wanted to see them for our live stream and he didn't get to see them then so you get to see them all now all together this is everything so we'll show you guys each one you get to see them all and that should be fun for both of us uh let's start up at the front shall we so up front we have our tiniest littlest baby plushies these are all the tiniest little Rainbow Friends plush let's bring these over here so you can see them check them out look how tiny they are guys so most of these are different color variants of blue so we've got black blue purple blue light blue blue regular blue yellow blue and pink blue and then we've got regular green and silly green green and pink so that's our little collection of tiny plushies there and then on each side of the tiny ones we've got gold which I call Gold I know it is a version of yellow but I call it gold or her or he whatever it is so there's two different versions here and they look very similar they're just a little bit different colors here so this one has little plushy little things around I'm going to say her because I think it's a girl I'll just say her because I always want to say her anyway but little plushy things around her head and this one just has flaps of fabric that are very soft so I'll try to remember where I got all of these most of these were they were AliExpress I would say most of them and then the rest were Amazon or Ebay so I'll find out I'll put all the links in the description that I can find for you guys so yeah this one's head is just a little bit smaller that one's just a little bit bigger and same with the body size so they're both pretty cute let's look at all of the purples that we have we have five different purples so let's grab this one this one this one and this giant one and this one there's all our purple plushies I'll show you this first one because it's probably the coolest so this one is pretty big it looks about three feet tall very tall and I think he's got wires in his body let's see so yep he's got wires so he's wait no does he yeah he's got wires but they're not very strong so yeah he's a little bit bendable but not too much but the main wire is in his body you can feel it in this top body but he's still he's just a little bit bendable not so much but he can at least sit up like that and I'll show you the coolest feature of this guy this is my favorite thing about this purple watch this you open up his mouth he's got velcro and you can open his mouth like that and he's got the teeth how cool is that and this one is on Amazon I will put a link to it in the description hopefully it's still there sometimes I'll put links up and then by the time you guys see them it's the the listing has changed and they're no longer available so hopefully that doesn't happen to you guys so this this is the first purple and he is probably my favorite and I think he's Max's favorite too and then here's the second one the second one is giant purple and look how big he is so he stands probably just as tall as the other one but he's really firm really packed he's got wires I can feel the wires in his body and that just kind of it doesn't really make him not adjustable or bendable it just makes him so he kind of holds himself up better and this one is a giant one very big I think he can stand he has a hard time standing oh his arms aren't that strong but his neck is pretty strong so he can sit up pretty good there so you can sit up and he looks pretty cute when he sits so there's this big awesome one now we have six different purples because there's purple in the vent right there that one counts okay so there's two three four five six so six purples and then here is the next biggest one and he's just a plushy floppy guy I don't think he's that bendable he has wires too yeah he's bendable but again The Wire kind of help him hold his shape is all they really do they aside from they make him a little bit posable but not that much he can sit up too and he's very cute he's got big old hands and feet oh he's a cutie you like this one and then this one is the really bendable one he's got wires in his whole body and he's really lightweight and skinny so he's more posable so you can kind of pose his body more so you can bend his legs better make him bent like that you can bend his arms so this one's very bendable and posable and he can sit too let's put your hands down so you can sit better buddy there so he's just sitting down now he just looks very cute this one is one of Max's favorites he likes this one because he's bendable opposable but here's creepy creepy purple creepy purple and then the last one is floppy purple look at little floppy purple he's so floppy he just flops he has no wires in his body at all he's just a really plushy floppy guy and he flops and flops and flops so we call him floppy purple what did you say just crawls around in his vent yeah oh let's get purple in the vents and show you guys so here's purple in the vents this is what he looks like I think you can get him at either eBay or AliExpress or Amazon now he's probably available everywhere but he's just cute little purple in the vent so you can really see is his eyes poking out in his little hands poking out of the vent and this is the grate it's open so he's getting ready to climb out and get you and he's a super soft and fluffy he's like a pillow he feels like a soft fluffy pillow so this one's great it's really cuddly here's the back of him you can see how just how fluffy this fabric is it's so soft so this guy is just probably the cuddliest of all of them him and floppy purple are really cuddly there's that one now let's get all of these different Blues out of the way we have so many different color variations of blue let's get them out of the way and show you guys really quick all right guys there's all our Blues we've got more Blues here the big ones but here's all our middle regular size Blues you can tell that we have the most Blues so here's all the different Blues we have and they were all from different sellers I think they're all slightly different like this one you can tell I think this one this one and this one all look very much the same this one is a little fatter and has a big old head and a darker blue color and this one is just a silly little drooly guy he's so cute and now let's switch these so then we have three greens here and you can see the difference this one has kind of that weird egg-shaped head and that one's a little fatty and that one's just a silly guy so you can tell how the makers make them just a little bit differently and there's pink blue right here and red blue and here's brown blue here's two yellow Blues so this one I like this one the most he has such a cute little face and then this one has that kind of like not egg shaped but kind of the front protrudes quite a bit there so I like this one I think this style is the cutest and then here's the purples so then we have one of the egg-shaped heads and one of little silly Cuties which is my favorite as you can tell that one's way cuter here we have the rainbow colored ones so this is the regular rainbow blue and this is the plushy fluffy rainbow blue and he is my favorite I love him so much he might be one of my favorite Blues he's so fluffy look up close at his fluffy fur look at that he's so puffy and fluffy you guys I just love him he's probably my favorite and then we've got two whites so you got the little cute white this one's my favorite and then this one with the weird kind of front side of his mouth and here's the two black ones same thing one of this style and one of the other style and then there's brown blue wait we have two Brown Blues huh I forgot there's two Brown Blues one with the Pokey face one with the regular face so here's all our Blues let's get one more shot before I throw them in the other side of the room and now let's look at all the different greens we have and we'll show you the giant plushies last we'll save the giant plushies for last and let's just get the greens here so here's this one this one and this one so you can see that they are all just slightly different this one is a darker green got his little tongue sticking out it's little floppy arms and they're just floppy they don't have wires or anything they're just floppy and comfy and cuddly and this one's silly green I call him silly green he looks like an air dancer it looks more like an air down than the other ones I think he looks like he's ready to just dance at a car dealership oh yeah moving oh the lighter green and his tongue is just a little bit bigger his teeth aren't as open as this one his mouth and his eyes have bigger black pupils so there's the greens and here is brown which is not a real rainbow friend but it is a spin-off character he's pretty cool I think he feels he feels like he has wire inside I think he does have a little bit of wire but his head is still floppy yeah he's got wire for sure it's just bent this this weird way there there we go see you can bend him any way you want I think he's pretty cool looking looks like a little flower I like gold next let's do orange I already did show you the giant purple so we'll show them to you again with all the other giant ones I was getting a little carried away with myself okay so here's the oranges so this one's my favorite because he is the most orange of them all Max likes him the least I don't know why sizzy's got a big head he does but he's cute he's definitely my favorite there's this little body so is that orange and then there's this one which I think Max likes this one no he likes this little one the best but here's this middle one and he's really fluffy I don't think he's got any wires there's his head and then here's this one and this one does have wires and he's very very bendable I'll show you you can have him hold on to things with his little arms his arms are really bendy and his legs are bendy too so but he looks pretty cool from the side angle I think this one might be Max's favorite just like some for some reason so I think he can even sit up if you balance him correctly maybe yep he's sitting up he's a big boy guys look he's sitting oh what a big boy all right let's keep the cringe to a minimum level today Julie okay so here's lime here is another oh shoot side character that someone created and this is lime that was the back of him he's got a mouth on the back of his head see his teeth and there's the front of him he looks so innocent and flips around not so innocent now let's look at the two babies so here's the two baby blues look how cute they are look at these little guys so we have baby blue and baby pink blue or pinky as I call her they are pretty cute I got these on Amazon I think I'll find out and let you guys know in the description so there's the two ones there's cute little girl hi oh they're crowding around you guys they want to see you hi hi hi everybody hey all right babies go away we're trying to keep the cringe down here now let's get the Reds so here's the two different Reds here so this one actually has a jacket on him see you can kind of Max is pulling it off I think you can take it totally off see yep you can take his lab coat off and see his little suit underneath or if you're feeling responsible you can put it back on and make your mama happy here so there's this one which is my favorite because he's got the lab coat and then this one is bigger and really soft and fluffy but his clothes are just kind of part of him so these are the two together so this one is just like a little brick brick red color kind of this one is really bright red and this one's bigger and this one's smaller obviously but yeah this one's my favorite we have uh two pinks let's go pink so these are the two different pinks we have and this one is really floppy and not as well made and this one is really well made and this one is my favorite I think it looks most like pink and pink is an offshoot character as well I think I think it's the most popular of the side character or the ones that people created um outside of the game and I love pink I think pink is awesome so I'll check this one out and then you can compare it to this one how different they are very different there you go there's those two and then the last one is yellow yellow ducky and we used to have two yellow duckies but we gave the other one to cam because he didn't have one so now we just have one and this one's got the two rows of sharp teeth inside baby very cute very soft and cuddly okay so now this brings us to the giant ones and then let's bring giant purple back here's giant purple back so oh giant purple let's Stitch you up there so here's all the giant rainbow friends and they are huge very big as you can tell so you saw a giant purple so let's just put him back over here there's giant Yellow ducky and he's kind of his head is really floppy look at that he could barely hold his head up oh so I'm gonna have to put some wires in his neck I think to hold him up better but there's his face and then you can see how big they are compared to regular ones I think they were 80 to 100 centimeters each which centimeters is hard to tell I I can't convert it into inches properly or feet right now but you get the drift so there's giant Yellow ducky here's Giant Orange and he looks just like that other little orange that I like that's like it just a little bigger very big very intimidating and now here is a giant blue but he is the smallest of the three so let's show you all of these three this one is definitely the biggest it's like four feet guys let me show you this giant blue look look how big he is look at that and then here's the other big blue let's put him on this side so you can see the differences so this one is the small this one might be like 60 centimeters that's just how they had them listed on the listing I got them on they were all from AliExpress oh yeah that one's the smallest like 60 centimeters I think this one is 80 and this one is a hundred so yeah this one that I I do know that's about four feet tall that's as tall as like a kid if you have this thing walking around the house it's about as tall as a kid for sure but he does look a little bit different and um his face is a little silly looking I think he's pretty cool his Crown's pretty tall as well but he's gigantic and he's just like a big old pillow and then this one has got this face and this is my favorite just because he's big and fat and he's so fluffy Max loves cuddling with this guy he definitely has him on his bed and likes to cuddle him and he also likes to fight with him and beat him up too so there's the big fat gigantic blue them in case you were interested so there's the three giant Blues you'll have to let us know guys of all of these which ones your favorites are when in the comments be sure to let us know we'd love to know that here's giant red and I'm super glad that this is a giant version of that other one that had the lab coat on so so this red has his lab coat and I think it can come off also let's check it out it comes all the way off yep you can take his lab coat off and then he's just a gentleman ready for work and we're ready for a dinner party actually dinner so this is pleasure the dinner party and then business all business with the lab coat on so he can turn into either a pleasure red or business red and he's pretty cool and that was an AliExpress purchase it's pretty big that was definitely an 80 centimeter so I'm thinking it's probably like three feet maybe almost three feet and here's gigantic green gigantic green is awesome he's got big old floppy arms and his little tongue sticking out and he's big and floppy and squeaks squeak squeak squeak squeak squeak here's the back of him if you're interested there's big old whoa sorry green I just tossed you like a sack of potatoes and then do it again okay so that's the pile we've shown you so far and the very last one is giant Pink which is I bet 60 centimeters he's not as big as the other one I mean he's giant but not as giant as some of those there's giant Pink and I think he looks awesome look at that or she sorry she's the girl isn't she so yeah pretty sure that Pink's a girl right let me know in the comments what you guys think but this one's awesome and I'll show you kind of the side view how it looks oh here's giant Pink that just about wraps this video up guys there's all our rainbow friends plushies right there all the ones we have so let us know in the comments guys which ones were your favorites which of each did you really like and which ones didn't you like we would love to know which ones you guys like and dislike so let us know in the comments guys thanks for watching happy Friday [Music] two three
Channel: Circus Maximus
Views: 957,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poppy playtime, poppy playtime unboxing, poppy playtime plush, poppy playtime toys, mommy long legs, huggy, huggy wuggy, kissy missy, fnaf, five nights at freddy's, bendy, bendy and the ink machine, trevor henderson, trevor henderson creatures, scp, scps, scp foundation, circus maximus, circus maximus family, halloween family, scary video games, fnaf security breach, rainbow friends, rainbow friend, rainbow friends roblox, doors, doors roblox, project playtime, roblox doors
Id: JjUNGv1v278
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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