Our DISASTROUS Trip To The Maldives

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ooh the males a sunny Paradise with white sand beaches on remote Islands perfect for a relaxing vacation or a stormy dystopia with nothing to do as soon as it rains well actually it can be a little bit of both and this video is about what happens if you end up with the ladder after traveling to over a 100 countries together a goal we've been slowly working towards since our first trip to Italy 9 years ago few places have come close to the Maldives when it comes to relaxing Beach destination since we've been before and had amazing experiences at Resorts we wanted to try a different side of the country this time and stay on a local inhabited Island we chose the island deura a narrow stretch of sand in the South ARA tol with a population of around 600 people the location is one of the best in the world to see whale sharks and since it's been our Dream to snorkel with them for years we thought this was the perfect opportunity to finally cross this off our bucket list we tried a whale shark Excursion previously from a resort without any luck and since the price of the excur exursion from deura is about 1/4 of the resort price we thought we'd have plenty of chances to see them well the universe seemed to have other plans but as quote unquote dry season began in early December we flew into the capitol Mala where a representative from our hotel was awaiting as soon as we landed we met up with our representative from a hotel and they are organizing the whole transfer to the domestic terminal and everything so oh I'm I'm almost losing my back yeah so they're making it super easy to do the transfer to the domestic criminal cuz we were a little bit like how are we going to do that when you say s they will pick you up and take you to the SE plane terminal then it's like of course Very seamless and easy so we weren't sure how it was going to work now but it's really easy so far most places will accept C and there's an ATM itself on the island okay I'm just wondering is there any food in the domestic terminal yeah that is a food that you can get after you got checked in all right sound [Music] good [Music] we just left everything we own with the airline because we weren't allowed to bring our carry-ons onto the flight they say they're too big I know they're not but they were insisting so I was like fine we took out our laptops and now everything else is checked in so we hope for the best now we just need a quick fight cuz our flight leaves in an hour so hopefully the food comes very quickly here we can have some late lunch SL dinner and then head for the very intricate not m-step journey to get to our hotel so really the process isn't that difficult but it just feels like yeah there's many different steps in order for us to actually get to the hotel we're staying at so first we obviously had to fly into Mal transiting on to a domestic flight which will be our first ever non sea plane flight uh in the MDES which is really interesting thank you so much it's a very short flight about 30 to 40 minutes then once we land we need to walk with a jetty to get to a shuttle that is somehow going to take us to the harbor and once we're at the harbor we need to find the correct boat that's going to take us to the island we're going to and then the speedboat ride is going to be like I think about 20 minutes they set so the airport we're flying to is obviously on the nearest Island where there's an airport uh where real planes can actually land because most of the air traffic within the Maldives uh is just sea planes and they just land on [Music] water yeah we just had to walk through the whole airport with our laptops out like this but it's time to go to Mommy G island I do have a feeling though that this will be the easiest Security check that we ever go through I've been through easier I've been through easier when I have nothing with [Music] me this is the bathroom in the domestic terminal we just realized we don't need to hurry to stand in line to uh board because we don't have any cabin luggage so we don't it's such an amazing feeling because either we have lot of luggage where I'm recording every fight so it have to be first yeah so now for once I'm like oh my God you I'm B last that's what a revolutionary [Music] experience it feels amazing but it feels like I'm forgetting something I'm like my so apparently we're stopping in one place along the way so we got two takeoffs and two Landings and most of them will be on [Music] beautiful as you might already know Dan is an expert at using points to book flights to fly us around the world for much cheaper than usual often in business or first class some of our best memories are actually having movie Nights In First Class eating popcorn on tickets we paid like 25% of the retail price on the point is that flying and traveling like we do is attainable to so many people it's just that they don't take the time to learn about miles and points and the thing is you don't even need credit cards you don't need to fly to earn the points and anyone can really learn quite quickly from scratch if you want to change CH the way you travel you can get started with Dan's free video course to buying and reding points on one of the world's most popular award programs you can find that link at the top of the description so you can make 2024 the year you finally start enjoying every moment of your [Music] travels all right were on the ground for our first off a few people or well a lot of people got off but then a few people that weren't actually supposed to get off tried to get off and I just felt for them I was like if they get off here and then the flight leaves and they realize afterwards that they were supposed to go somewhere else I would not envy of them let's just do that time for flight number [Music] two it feels so weird and like mysterious to land here at night in the dark it's like we just look out there and there's nothing it's like where are we right [Music] now okay so first of all that airport was a very interesting thing to see you can have an immigration there yeah it's like very um what's the word communal no not communal local another thing that I'm a little apprehensive about is the fact that we haven't seen our luggage yet and now we're on this bus going to the like Harbor I'm praying that we actually have our bags with us [Music] still yes hi luxu this is so fancy look we have water these cfor seeds this feels like uh we're about to go out in the French Riviera the Diana I know we are so dehydrated after today so well needed each tool just had water like Oscar said when we landed it's like pitch dark over the water so it's kind of crazy that we're just going straight into the darkness into the Unown wait this is our ride got our ride to the hotel I love it okay off we [Music] go okay I'm actually below 108 this hotel is $125 a night with that before tax it's like 133 with tax this is such an amazing experience we got sentent tells when we arrived we got coconuts it's such a nice Vibe and the room is great it's amazing I can't wait to see like how the overall experience is with the island and the diving because maybe we'll never stay at a expensive Resort in the mes again look at our cozy little modern beautiful room I'm not going to look out the window until tomorrow cuz it's just dark let's check the bathroom I'm going to close this so we don't get any insense but amazing look even these cute little I'm going to have to say that Dan is being a little overly enthusiastic about this what what what about the hotel no just feels like your inner Diva would not be this enthusiastic about wow after 9 years you don't know me that the most important thing for me is value for money that's what I care about the most so for me thinking we're in the Dives and we're paying $133 a night for this it's insane it's so good and I'm really happy with the so we're starting out with some smoothies mango Pion fruit coconut and soy milk and something else it's amazing I mean yeah it's like $85 even here so it's not exactly cheap but so good and honestly the fact that they even have soy milk here to substitute with is amazing so considering we are basically in the middle of the ocean the only thing missing is a ro it doesn't get better at that all right we had a nice little dinner here at the hotel and I just got to say about the boat ride earlier it was so amazing I was just sitting there like enjoying the breeze in my face Dan doesn't like that like we have this thing where I love like the wind blowing in my face and Dan hates it I always want to do those things where you feel that and Dan doesn't sleep with a fan yeah exact I love sleeping with a fan like I was going to suggest putting this fan on yeah that's not happening tomorrow is going to be really exciting there is pretty much only one reason that we came here to Duda specifically we could have come to any local Island really but there's one very specific reason we came to this particular Island so we are very excited about tomorrow when hopefully the dream that we have is going to become a reality so stay tuned for that so it's raining we've been waiting for about an hour and a half but we're going to go out despite the rain the wind has calmed down so we're excited manifesting see so to give you a little hint other guys I'll be looking for it also I swear it's just called fish not fishes yeah optimistic despite the rainy and stormy weather throughout the night and that morning we headed out in the hopes of spotting the whale [Music] sharks okay we're about to head out we made it to the harbor yeah I'm I'm just so happy that we're actually getting to go out cuz it looked really Grim there for a second but doing it changing everywhere isn't it thank you yeah got to prepare chewing gum I chew the gum earlier bracelets on my SE bracelets acupuncture I'm I really really don't know if these even work but maybe the placebo works it works for me when I'm nauseous to press press yeah yeah so I'm just trying to place them correctly [Music] there all right the winds may have calmed down but it's very choppy so how's this going to go it didn't take long for things to go south some see yeah so far not great so after over 2 hours on the boat no signs of any well sharks everyone in the boat was super seasic apart from one person Mr D this was not how we planned for our first day to turn out it is what it is it's been raining quite literally all day ever since we got back and uh I have quite literally only like been stuck on this bed I just feel terrible so hopefully tomorrow is going to be better I'm feeling better few hours of relaxing did been good but yeah everyone who's been here for a few days already has told us that it's been like super super good weather for those few days uh and it's only today that's been that so hopefully it gets better so we've now tried four different dishes at this restaurant every single one has been good so way about expectations all right good morning it's a new day we still don't really know what we doing today it's not raining now and it doesn't seem very windy but it's still kind of like it's cloudy it's quite dark so we don't know what the prospects are quite yet well our Monte Excursion which we were also really looking forward to has been cancelled due to the weather this is supposed to be the sunny season damn you climate change and yes I realized that climate change ruining our vacation is not quite as bad as the other consequences Oscar and I have really been trying to be very positive about things recently and like you're gratitude and stuff like that and this is a challenge like I'm really really trying to frame this as oh this is how it was supposed to be but we literally only came here to do this to see the well sharks yeah and the thing is we could have canceled it so we were like deciding should we cancel this part or should we not yeah and then we're like ah let's do it even though it's shorter you never know what's going to happen beforehand obviously but I'm just trying to be like okay this is a an experience as well although it hurts we'll see them when we're supposed to see them yeah okay at this point like I hate to complain when we're in literal Paradise where everyone goes for their honeymoon or people dream of going their whole lives but it's just like this is really the final sign on our last trip of 2023 that we just shouldn't travel anymore because the number of things that have gone wrong or been cancelled it's chipping away at my positivity I'm not going to lie the one thing we can do is watch out that we don't get a coconut on our head which would be the icing on the cake there's so many huge palm trees with like literally 50 coconuts each in them they're just trying to avoid getting killed or something okay now we're at a neighboring Hotel yep heading to their restaurant for a change most of the restaurants here on the island seem to be to which makes sense cuz they kind of go together and it's not a big place and especially if you're like cering to the local population which is 600 people there not a lot here it is that was easy our first elevator ride on this island I wonder how many elevators there are here yeah this is the chest building three [Music] floors I feel like this guy over here is just adding insult to injury he's like mocking us right in our pieces so what we didn't realize before for coming here is that whale shark excursions don't happen every day it's like every few days they also are never on Fridays which we happen to be on a Friday over 3 days here we only had one chance which we missed so we're leaving tomorrow and we were trying to figure out if there was any way to do it in the morning with tomorrow there was supposed to be a well short Excursion then now that we've made our plans based on that so we're leaving tomorrow afternoon like go yeah we can so that we're doing a full day Excursion so you can't do it and we're like so so tomorrow we just here in our tiny room again in the p and Rain who knows if the Excursion will even be able to go ahead I was thinking we would do two excursions a day to see everything we end up doing one Excursion the rest of the time we're in our room cuz we can't even be on the beach all the money we've spent all the time it's like better luck next time but I don't think there will be next time which is what so it just feels like with every single thing the universe is telling us stop what you're doing change what what you're doing we're trying to look at it with a positive frame of mind and trying to understand what is going on obviously we're still here in the mives it's amazing in that sense but you can't really enjoy it when the weather's like this and when we had certain expectations coming into it and uh yeah it's just a shame this could have been US during our Excursion well not quite like that but all right just had lunch we're going to try going to the beach if anyone's swimming emphasis on try yeah I mean it's not hard to get there it's just that question is what we do once there is it useable that is the [Music] question so the thing is this island is so incredibly beautiful it is even in this weather you can tell but it's just like I don't know expectations versus reality not the same Vibe one huge takeaway so far is that if you're coming here and you specifically want to do what we wanted to do try to book at least like a week at least honestly if you can book as late as possible because the problem is the weather forecast hasn't really accurate here but at least it gives some level of indication what it's going to be like so if you see just rain then you know literally no point in coming yeah we're trying to make the best of it right so we're just walking along the beach there is a sandbank at the sort of Southern TP of the island so now we're just like let's just walk there maybe it'll be pretty if we only knew what was waiting further down the walk [Music] this is the closest to a marine animal we've seen this table that looks like a jellyfish all jokes aside I am really enjoying this walk and it hasn't rained for like an hour and a half which is the longest period it hasn't rained since we got here I think the closest to a whale shark we've seen whale sharks guys woo the first times we were here I think were like more conscious of this but every time I'm reminded I still think it's the coolest thing about being in the moldes to just zoom out and be like I on a tiny little piece of sand with a few trees in the middle of an enormous ocean and we made it to theoda response to the Hollywood Sign we've reached the point where the island is thin enough to just literally well skinny enough I don't know we can literally just walk across to the other side here that's pretty cool and we are almost at the sand Bank oh this side oh my God this side is like a [Music] swamp it's just like I didn't want to make it a thing but it's really hard not to make it a thing it looks like you know where the the vultures are in lion K like it's that like they're sitting on top and just like looking for it quite literally looks like there's been a zombie apocalypse they all just had to like take up and leave look at this Fork there's one fork right here yeah it's it's just I don't even know how to describe this guys I'm so shocked they haven't used this Lagoon here to market the mes like this should really be the one the main attraction right obviously we're exaggerating this a little bit but since literally everything seemed to be going wrong on this trip this whole scene just felt like the icing on top of the turd cake okay guys we made it to the sandbank and the Sun is kind of sort of coming out can you imagine that I think we walked on the wrong side cuz uh now we need to like cross all these dead trees so behind me is the tip of the island well yeah sort of the tip and now it's right there behind you [Music] guys all right I just want to show you so this is where we are now Duda we're at the very end and so this is how the sandbank goes so it kind of goes all the way to the next Island which is where Lux Resort is but yeah it's like I don't know if you can actually walk but pretty cool another thing we have to mention too is it's crazy to think that this is as high as the entire Island gets the highest point of all of the mold is I think 2 and 1/2 M and this is already probably 1 1 and A2 yeah this is pretty close to that record actually it's just insane like ocean ocean tiny piece of sand one of's call is peace all right all right we w all the way back the sun actually came out a little bit the weather got a bit better took about 45 minutes each way so it's quite a long [Music] [Music] walk so just wandering around town a little bit now town is a bit of a exaggeration but here is a local store so it doesn't look very open but it's says it's [Music] open wo look at this tree I don't know if you can tell in the video but the leaves are huge they look like prehistoric like from the dinosaur age or something we've entered a really Charming part of the island here apart from the Crome [Music] [Music] there is a lot of construction going on here at TOA they're building a lot of new hotels it seems like the population isn't really increasing rather the [Music] opposite [Music] all right bye-bye room it's time to leave considering how much they're building right now in Deo I'm pretty happy that we came here now before it turns into like the pet of the males or something yeah I would say there's like probably 20 hotels under construction yeah on this tiny Island and the problem is that the whole point is you're supposed to be far from civilization and it's not supposed to be crowded so once all these hotels are built I think actually the resort yes there's more cheap options but the resorts will have even more appeal just because there it's never crowded and also like the appeal of coming year was supposed to be like oh you come to a local Island but then if there's like more tourists than locals then it's like yeah the point also it's kind of crazy the tourists are just colonizing this whole country wherever they can and the locals that have quite a conservative culture are just like losing everything and they'll just become a tourist if want to be [Music] the rest of our time in the motives of the resort was mostly incredible although it continued raining and being cloudy for several more days we could at least enjoy the villa and other activities in the end we got to amazing beautiful sunny days and honestly those are the days we remember now looking back at it we were able to enjoy this amazing Resort that usually costs at least $1,500 a night for a very discounted rate thanks to using points if you want to learn how you can do the same check out the video description and finally would we stay on a local island in the malds again well yes and no if you want to do diving or snorkeling excursions for a fraction of the price compared to the resorts this is the way to do it but like we said earlier book a longer stay so you're guaranteed to save the marine life if you want the excursions don't happen every day and given the unpredictable weather you want several chances to make it happen also while December is still said to be dry season you never really know and finally don't go to a local Island expecting what you see in advertisements or in social media expect to see the local Island lifestyle and be respectful of the local culture the beaches are still beautiful but they won't be cleaned and manicured the way they are at the resorts overall keep your expectations realistic budget more time and don't expect it to be sunny weather every single day even in dry season and if you want the quintessential mold's experience the resorts are of course always there again check out the video description if you want to see how you can stay there for cheaper thank you guys for watching our last travel experience of 2023 as we've hinted toward in previous videos we're taking a new Direction with our lives and this channel in 2024 we'll share more about that in the next video so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any coming updates as always thank you so much for watching you guys and until the next one see you around the world
Channel: Oskar and Dan
Views: 149,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oskar & dan, Oscar and dan, oskar and dan, Oscar & dan
Id: GURDyHk20lg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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