Maldives On A Budget | 5 Nights on Dhigurah Island (Whale Sharks, Manta Rays, Fun Facts, Drone)

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[Music] [Music] where Jenna and Jeremy Travelers creators and digital Nomads we've made some crazy Life Choices that have led to some of the most fulfilling years of our lives and you're thrilled to share it with you follow our adventures as we explore more of this incredible planet Earth don't forget to hit that subscribe button and you can also find us on Instagram Facebook and Tik Tok at quench your adventure now on to the good stuff we arrived in the malds yesterday at 630 in the morning we went straight to our Airbnb that we had booked for two nights even though we didn't get there until the following morning we got some sleep we did some work we did some planning and now it is day two we are at Jetty number one here in Malay and we are off to digera Island about to hop on the inder express speedboat to get us there for reference the Maldives is located Southwest of Sri Lanka in India just north of the equator before this we were in Egypt for a few weeks and we had a connecting flight in Bahrain flights were only 268 per person one way and then afterwards we flew to Thailand for 275 per person the Maldives is the smallest country in Asia with the population of around 522,000 people comparable to the population of Sacramento California the area is only around 116 squ mil that means even if you could cram together all 1,192 Islands here you'd have approximately the same size area as the city of Orlando Florida the inheri express speedboat will carry us the 99 kilomet or 62 Mi to digara which took a couple hours and cost us $100 per person round trip by the way to get to most islands you have to return to Mal first which isn't the most convenient but it is what it is it's worth mentioning that you can also take C planes but I think that would have been over $300 per person and I believe there'd still be a 30-minute boat ride we were met at the digoda harbor by our host from Royal Beach dig do you have to be rich to visit the MDES the answer is no we are Frugal Travelers we want to show you what $61 per night will get you here we've got a nice big mirror with a desk a drawer a cushion stool there we've got all of our stuff sitting here which could go in the closet there's actually a pretty decent sized closet space here with hangers we have these windows that look into the dining area by the way breakfast is included here two end tables with lamps a big king bed with really nice welcome Decor we've got these maybe Swan towel decorations and we've got the AC running it is pretty warm here onto the bathroom this is kind of unique here ready the bathroom is actually outside or at least you know open air which we don't mind it's a little warm because we're outside but we have we have a shower we have a toilet we have soap we have everything that we need and again $61 a night a total of $36 for the five nights that were here on dig time to get you oriented to the island which like the country as a whole is not very big so wherever you stay you won't be far from the water the word diura literally means Long Island and it's very narrow they say it's like a needle or a falling raindrop the coasts are also Facing East and West so you have sunrise and sunset the time how long it takes to walk from the east side of dig Island to the West Side 1 2 3 go look at that 2 minutes and 57 SEC seconds at a casual Pace to walk across the island of digara the width is only around 250 M Max or around 820 ft and the length is around 3 km or less than 2 mi which pretty much all the civilization is grouped together on The Wider portion of the island only around 600 people live here and they're mainly into fishing building boats and tourism of [Music] course [Music] a where's that coming from oh I see it there it is hey birdie something I did not expect to see here bats I believe these can be called both fruit bats and Indian flying foxes apparently they're some of the largest bats in the world weighing over 3 lb with wingspans of four to almost 5 ft these Mega bats also have the largest brain to body ratio and might be as smart as dogs they're mostly nocturnal and enjoy ripe fruit bye bats if you walk all the way to the southernmost part of the island you can check out the long sandbank great spot for a drone flight and some sunshine it's important to know especially if you'd like to stay on a local Island like this one as opposed to the private Resort islands that the mives is an Islamic country and there are some local customs and cultural norms to respect there are only certain spots on a beach where bikinis are allowed be mindful and you can always ask people for advice everyone we interacted with was very friendly and most small deviant speak English no problem which is very impressive huge Dead Sea Turtle here always sad to see a dead animal sadly there's a big crack down the shell here and we're thinking it's possible it got hit by a boat it's an unfortunate reality that with more tourism the likelihood of these kinds of things happening increases at least it's a big turtle with some Barnacles on it so hopefully it lived a long life swimming the beautiful Indian Ocean at the end of the sandbank you get a glimpse of the private resort island just south because it was low tide we could have actually walked all the way over but it's technically private property so I just took a quick look from the Drone this is where we watch the sea plane land with those great sunset [Music] colors [Music] hopefully we're going to see some whale sharks in the males today let's go bucket list [Music] item sadly after a lot of searching and partnering with other boats the whale sharks must be busy on an Excursion of their own they're going to bring us out again tomorrow for a reduced price and in the meantime we still get to go for a lovely snorkel while we're [Music] out there's also great snorkeling right from Shore I didn't bring the GoPro out for this so I could just be fully in the moment check out the huge school of fish I captured from the [Music] Drone introducing the world's largest fish their average size is around 12 M or almost 40 ft but have been known to grow up to 20 M or potentially 65 ft they can also weigh around 20 tons they can live to 150 years old tip for using the GoPro I had this funky trifold selfie stick when I should have probably used a GoPro floaty device or something for better stability it's also kind of intense trying to swim fast enough to keep up with this thing still so cool to capture these moments there were definitely quite a few people and it was a bit hectic but the shark didn't seem to mind and I imagine it could have swam away pretty much any moment the boat was also taking a group of divers to dive to a cleaning station in order to see manta rays and we got to hop in to see them briefly as well I would have loved to be down there with the tank on my back and I did manage to get some videos from the [Music] divers [Music] a tell us your name yeah my name is Ahmed and my older friends they call me ezy is my nickname izy just gave me some Malian nuts there's something a a little bit like an almond yeah we call kadu is an name will be called kadu where are you from I'm from diura you are okay and what do you do for work EAS is my job is diving and what do you do for fun diving my anything else you'd like to share with the world yeah I would like to say to everybody come in here and to see how it looks like the moldes nice perfect this is my word to say it is beautiful thank you bye that wraps up our five nights on the Long Island of digara time to take a speedboat back to Malay and then to Gul Island thank you guys so much for watching please like the video leave a comment subscribe to the channel and stay tuned for More Travel [Music] videos
Channel: Quench Your Adventure
Views: 1,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, adventure, maldives, dhigurah, whale sharks, paradise, budget, manta rays, fish, snorkeling, scuba, vlog, drone, dji, facts
Id: VgAT40NqMn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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