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so when i was around the age of 14 i believe i got an electronic keyboard to like practice music on i'm very much self-taught i just kind of learned sort of your traditional organ style of playing and even that is pretty basic i learned how to manipulate the keys to get the certain pitch that i want however it was kind of a staple in my childhood growing up and i still have it to this day many many years later the way i would have my keyboard playing it would be on like this foldable stand like kind of a black metal foldable stand that looked very much studio music studioish didn't really have a homey feel to it so i wanted to change it up and make something custom and that's what this video is about [Applause] if you're new here my name is janine welcome and yes i don't normally sound like this i've got a really bad cold i'm just getting through a stomach bug so i'm not feeling the best and i'm sorry i look the way i do but i do want to make this video so i apologize you have to listen to my raspy voice so a little while ago we redid the room that i am sitting in and this is what it looked like before there's nothing really spectacular it's just sort of an odds and ends we call it the desk room and i really like how we transformed it it's much more homey um we took away the big old desk that was sitting there and transitioned it to a little bit more of a sitting room so when we have more people over there's more room to set as well as my office space here with a standing desk and this has turned into one of my favorite favorite rooms i work here quite a bit i love this desk which i want to talk a little bit more about later and we transformed the room if you want to watch that video we'll have it linked up here somewhere so my keyboard was sitting in the corner in the old version of the room on that on that foldable stand and i did not really like how it looked and so i started searching online for some ideas on how to make it more homey or a little more of a piano type feel you know like the big old piano sitting in a room and i saw this one idea that i liked pretty well and i decided to take the picture to have a cousin that has a woodworking shop and see if he could make something custom for me sort of like that and he came through he got all the measurements and i was very happy with how it turned out in my mind i kind of like more of an open floor plan and putting this keyboard back into this room kind of took away from that which is sort of a bite but i did want it in one of our main rooms so i did sort of want to up off the floor so that the floor underneath is open and i decided i hadn't really seen anything done like this but i got some custom brackets made at our local welding shop and then we mounted it to the wall but i'm pretty happy without turnout there's a few things i wish i could change but i think for the most part it looks really nice especially in comparison to what it had looked like before so i may just to show that to you and their whole process through that before we jump into that i wanted to tell you a little bit more about my standing desk it's a different time someone will message me and have questions about this desk so i just wanted to let you know there's a big sale going on if you are looking at getting a standing desk i do highly recommend this one i have fallen in love with it if that's the right term to use so i really like about this desk is it's very minimal it kind of still keeps the open floor feeling in the room not quite such a heavy piece of furniture and also i can work standing up when i wish i can set this to four different custom settings so what i did for the four different settings just in case you're curious i have one setting that i like how it is for when i'm sitting and then i have the second setting just a little bit higher so i can actually push my chair underneath when i'm not using it the third setting is exactly the perfect height i like for standing and working and then the fourth setting i actually went and bought like one of these smaller desk treadmills i can just move it in under my desk and then thus it needs to be even higher yet and i can watch something while i walk so that's really handy i have tried editing and walking and it's just really cumbersome it's really hard to do so i don't usually do that but for other types of work you can actually work and walk and i really like that so now when i had ordered this desk i wanted the wooden top and they were out so they actually sent me the white top and i switched it out for a wood we made our own custom wood top so if you do order online it'll be similar to this but the wood might look a little bit different because the one that we have here we custom made simply because we wanted a wooden top and they didn't have one at the time so if you're interested in getting one like i have it's from a company called flexi spot and the one that i have is compar all-in-one standing desk wooden top you can get various tops if you don't want the wooden top and i also got the white they're running a promotion here over the thanksgiving season you can get up to 60 off if you buy on the official flexi spot website during november 26th through the 29th of 2021 so that's four days you get the chance of getting it 60 off so you would save like 140 off this kamhar all-in-one standing desk if you buy between november 26th and 29th 2021. another really cool thing is if you decide to get one you could actually get a chance at getting it for free and by doing that you need to be the first to check out at either 9 a.m or 2 p.m pacific standard times i'll repeat that if you're the first person to check out right at 9am or right at 2pm pacific standard time on the 26th or the 29th you'll get your order for free and that's pretty incredible now have this info down in the description in case you forget anyhow let's get back on to our little project that we're doing so hello i'm definitely usually not the one running the camera but today i am these brackets are for janine's keyboard as you can tell they're rusty and uh they need paint so i'm just gonna sand them up i got a couple rattle cans and we'll see what we can do [Music] [Laughter] i'm not helping nolan much number one i'm not really presentable we've been having the flu and a sickness going around so i'm still just getting over that so i'm just filming nolan and i'm in his hoodie i look a wreck i probably have like dirt in my eyes because i just picked up the camera i didn't even look in the mirror because you know what i don't even care i'm just drinking my vitamin c water xander here is just getting over his his hung around for like 10 days i don't know what it is but it's just nasty bounce bounce [Music] ask me something any question i'll answer best i can cause i don't want one thing to ever be between [Music] you took me by [Music] uh [Music] it's the strength and grace [Music] yes oh a couple coats of paint on the top edge and we have a little bit of bracket challenge yeah what do you think mom i wonder if we have enough wood to move that over a little that's a good three-quarter inch ah man so we made a miscalculation no one found studs at each end of the the wall and we brought them in as far as we thought we could go and then we went and put the piano thing on top they stuck out further than the piano so we're trying to figure out what to do it doesn't look that great oh man why are you kidding me i'm convinced that that's why it wasn't making that squeaking noise oh no is it laughing plaster through there something's holding but it doesn't quite i don't know though we are on try number two no one thinks he found that he can move it over a bit more and still get wood or something strong mouse will be in there man hey thanks buddy [Music] awesome yeah that looks lovely xander just let go i'm gonna fasten this box to the brackets now okay i'm gonna do it with you just anywhere don't you ask me [Music] it's the way [Music] it's is let's see if it plays good in [Music] here i'll try something try something dad move [Music] so initially i had really wanted the brackets to be in just like maybe even just an inch from the outside just for the sake of aesthetically pleasing i don't like the brackets right at the edge but that's what we had to do to be able to get into a wall stud thankfully it did work out and they are set in just a bit but not much at all so once no one got everything finally figured out and we got it up um this is how it finally looks but i want to say one more thing i have kind of this big wooden rustic bench that does not fit with the whole theme and that is not my plan for keeping it there i want to get a really small stool or like a small piano bench to stick under there so it doesn't look like the big bench is taking up so much of the room i still have to find one yet so that's the plan so this is not going to be the final look i still have to find that a piano bench but keep that in mind as you're looking at it so i do have a video of it without any bench underneath i really hope you enjoy that i'm guessing some people will wonder what we paid to get that custom made it was about 650 dollars which is a little expensive but for the quality of the wood it's very sturdy and it's going to last i'd say the rest of our life and so i think it's worth it and it kind of gives a much more homey feel than what it was like before and i'm really hoping that we can be more of a musical family i've often enjoyed music when i was young i can tell xander really enjoys it nolan loves singing and we haven't really done much of that together as much as we'd like to and once dana gets older i'd like to have him take some kind of lessons and i think it'd be neat if we have a family that grows up singing and playing instruments so this is kind of the first step moving on to pregnancy how have i been doing i'm sorry i'm sure it's just monotonous listening to me i just feel like oh you know how it is when you have a cold so i feel like a dead zombie i will be around 16 weeks when you watch this i'm currently 15 but pretty much 16. the first trimester wasn't actually as bad as it could have been i didn't get like super sick but i was extremely tired and nauseous but not like overbearingly so but the extreme fatigue i mean i just had no motivation no energy my hormones are kind of all over the place and i just slept and slept and slept and slept thankfully i my son xander who's four um is old enough that he could sort of entertain himself and not and let me take naps and that type of thing so i don't know how these moms do they have these one-year-olds and two-year-olds and they're pregnant and ah my hats goes off because i was just like existing for a while but thankfully once i started getting into my second trimester that started wearing off and i'm feeling much more myself compared to my first pregnancy i hardly even know i'm pregnant except for the fact that i'm just getting bigger and bigger and bigger if you want to see my baby bump it's getting definitely a little bit more pregnanty i definitely have more of a pregnant look and uh i was hoping to be able to be in my normal dresses for a little bit longer but they are starting to get snug and just pooling in places and getting too tight so i just decided i'm gonna jump straight into my maternity dresses i have a friend that's helping me sew because right now i just i just do not like to sew she does such a good job i have so many other things going so i'm like if she sews for me perfect i gladly pay her to do it so she's a really good seamstress and she's making me quite a few more so anyway kind of off topic but um speaking of this pregnancy compared to my first i was really miserable throughout most of my pregnancy with xander the midwife had said that my stomach muscles were so tight that they just weren't loosening very well and it was just making me super uncomfortable um so now that i've been stretched out it's much more comfortable this round obviously i popped much quicker i also started much heavier than i was then sadly but it's been going really well yeah like i said besides hormones now and then i just hardly know you're pregnant um and it's just been such a blessing and as far as my health issues um that has been going really well so thank you for your prayers a lot of you been telling me you're praying for me for this pregnancy that it's healthy because i've struggled with various health issues so i just i'm just so grateful to god for how well it's going because there were so many fears and i know i'm not through it yet but with my ulcerative colitis if i go into a flare while i'm pregnant it just it's not a good thing to be in for sure if it continues like this i just have so much to be thankful for xander is quite excited he is constantly asking me now how big is the baby now how big is the baby now when we first told him he could hardly have it that he had to be five before the baby's here um i told him it has to first snow and then snow has to leave it has to get warm because i'm due in may so um yeah that's kind of the update sometimes i'm like am i actually pregnant i mean i yeah i'm definitely starting i just feel fat then i go to the midwife and there's a resounding heartbeat so praise god for that anyway thanks a lot for watching hopefully next time i won't be quite this croaky i'm hoping i'll get a video out next week if i still feel this gross i'm not sure if i'm going to push for one i do have some freezers that need cleaned out that i'm terrified to show you all but they desperately need cleaned out and do some organizing there so if i get the energy to do that and get the video edited before next week i will try to do that next week is thanksgiving and have a bunch of family around so i'm going to be quite busy getting ready for that um so we'll see how much time i have and hopefully i get over this sickness soon so i can get going again but anyway if i don't see you guys next week i hope you all have a lovely thanksgiving full of lots of good food and family and friends so we'll see you guys later thanks for being here bye
Channel: The Mennonite Mom
Views: 19,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the mennonite mom, mennonite mom, mennonite, mennonite blogger, mennonite vlogger, mennonite youtuber, mennonite youtubers, custom piano keyboard stand, custom stand, keyboard stand, wall mount stand, keyboard, piano keyboard, electronic keyboard, electronic piano, wall mount keyboard, pregnancy update, piano stand diy, piano stand setup, keyboard stand build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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