How to Pre-Make Meals for a Camping Trip

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hey I'm Nancy with the hanging with hery crew and today I'm going to prepare food for when we travel okay Ed roll that [Music] intro first off I'm going to cook our bacon and I do it in the oven I line my cookie sheet with foil to save on some of the mess hopefully and um then afterwards I package it I roll it in paper towels which you'll see here in a minute but anyway and put it back in the freezer so let's get going so the reason I do this is because when we are out traveling if we're like on a road trip or even just like camping when we were at the last rally um you just take this out of the fridge and uh put it on the black stone and heat it up or if we're road tripping we put it in the microwave and um we can have it for breakfast we can have it for our salads or we can just have bacon sandwiches if we've had a long day and we just want to eat quickly uh it's just I don't know it's just easy this way so I get it all laid out here [Music] and the noise you hear in the background is our granddaughter Abigail cutting our grass being grandparents sometimes is a real bonus the boys are playing baseball today we were at a game last night until 10:30 so we decided not to go today all right let me wash my hands so what I do is I put my oven on four 25 and put it in there and by the time the oven is preheated it's done and then when it's up to heat my bacon will be done while that's going on I'm going to make some meatloaf and I put them in muffin tins and then that way and then I put him back in the freezer and then we can pop two out at a time and we can either eat it here at home or on the road at Costco I get like the big thing of hamburger and all of this will not go for meatloaf just part of it so having our own chickens I have fresh eggs all right so two eggs and and a/ thir cup of ketchup well see if we can't make that [Music] easier so you put that in and then we need a half a cup of breadcrumbs let's see what's the measurements okay and then we need um onion get that see a professional on TV would have all this done and in bowls and then just show you but I'm not a professional I just cook for my family all right chop it up and put that in there all right let's see what's next all right then I need a little bit of salt here so it's one teaspoon of salt one and a half okay so that's what this is my handy dandy old Tupperware measuring spoons all right then put it in and get it [Applause] mixing so when that does that I'm going to get the muffin pan ready so my muffin Pan's all ready my handy dandy uh Pam love that stuff and then we'll just get it here and get it ready to go all right now I'm going to turn this on high [Music] all right I think it's ready all right so I just used my hands and dig it out of here and fill my my muffin tin fill it to the top that way you have a nice big meatloaf muffin I try not to overfill them cuz then I don't want to mess all over my oven then I have to clean the oven and that's never any fun oh I keep dropping the onions all right so I'll have enough for another batch so now we're just waiting for our um bacon to get done all right let's check on our bacon so it needs to go just a little bit longer so what I'm going to do is put it back in the oven is still at 4:25 and I'll set my timer for five minutes or yeah so and then we'll see if that does it all right I think that's going to do it so we'll take it out out we don't cook it all the way because like if he puts it on the black stone or even in the microwave it'll cook more so you don't want it really crispy so then I'm going to set it over here well come on PO holder move with me tilt it up so that all the grease will run to one end and then move my bacon up to the top and then just let it set and drain all right now I've got to set this at 350 and we're going to put our meatloaf in it's ready to go and I do believe it bakes for 1 hour all right now while that is baking and I still have some more that I'll have to make when this is done but now I'm going to fry up the rest of the meat so let me show you what it looks like because tomorrow we're having the kids over after church for lunch we're going to have tacos so I even do this not only for travel but for our everyday life so when when I'm done with this hamburger I put it in packages fre freezer bags lay it flat and then put it in the freezer stack it up and that way doesn't take up a lot of room so I've got four of these out to feed seven of us tomorrow so now I'm going to fry this up and put it in the freezer for next time so with doing this you can use it for all kinds of things spaghetti sauce uh tacos nachos taco salad um chili uh Manwich or um like Manwich sloy jokes that's what I want to say anyway so I put a little onion in it and then just add my meat and fry it up all right she is starting to sizzle here and I have this little helper in the floor I don't have to worry about spilling anything or dropping anything cuz he takes care of it for me don't you hurt huh are you you helping mommy cook you're a good helper I haven't dropped anything yet so I don't have any today but usually at Costco I get um the rotisserie chickens and I strip that down and do the same thing I put it in a Ziploc bag flatten it out stack it up in the fridge and with that I can make um chicken alfredo um uh we can have season salad with chicken on it chicken salad which I do have some I'm going to be making chicken salad here in a little bit and it just makes the chicken salad is wonderful to travel with cuz you just I crawl to the back of the van and make our sandwiches and come back up and we eat as we drive so there you go so here's how what my chicken looks like I get three rotisserie chickens and from the three chickens I can get eight of these bags so they're really handy to have on hand when it's all fried up I get out my strainer so I can get the grease off and I get out my big metal bowl and put it all in to cool so then I can put it in the Ziploc bags and then put it in the freezer so set that right there and then I can drain the Hamburg Burger put it in the bowl let it cool and then I'll show you how I bag it up cuz I have this handy dandy little Gadget that my dad made me probably 35 years ago I guess it is and so it's really handy now you can buy them on the market but my dad made this before they were ever on the market so I'll show you that in a minute okay the bacon is cold and so now I'm going to wrap it I usually lay cuz Ed likes three pieces and I do two pieces so I lay it out here and roll it up and then I'll put it in a freezer bag I have to hurry and package this because our grandon is out finishing cutting the grass and he likes bacon and if I don't package this up it'll be gone so the last one I only have four so there you go and then I have freezer bags come on just like that put it in the freezer and it's ready to go now I do believe our meatloaf is finished let's see for sure looks pretty good I'm going to drain off some of the grease all right then I top it with I take like ketchup and brown sugar oh I already have a spoon and then you glaze it all right then we're going to put it back in the oven for just a little bit longer now the rest of the hamburger the meatloaf mixture I just put in here obviously it's not filling it up but I'll bake this and then cut it in half put it in the freezer and then we'll get it out and Ed will Grill it if you've ever had grilled meatloaf at uh Weber grill it's delicious so that's what we'll do with the rest of this when those are finished all right here's my little doodad that my dad made me and you just clip the Ziploc bag in here like this and then spoon in your hamburger as much as you want like for whatever meal that you're doing I just fill up the bag and then I get all the air out put a little more now normally when I do the hamburger and make don't make the meatloaf I get about eight of these so I just flatten it out really good get the air out like at that then I'll do the rest of it all right we got to take a break cuz our meatloaf is done there they are and we'll let those cool and then I'll package those and I'm going to put this in all right then when these cool I'll package those for the freezer all right back to hamburger and just to reward his patience all right here's here you go so one will be tacos and I'll just add taco seasoning one will be spaghetti add the marinara Sloppy Joe's or um even Cony sauce to go with um hot dogs or make chili whatever and then whatever I want to do with the last one so there you have it four meals ready to go all right I'm going to take them out of the pan so that they cool a little faster so I get this kitchen cleaned up today all right there we go now we're going to let them cool and then I'll package them up for the freezer so I saved out some of the rotisserie chicken and I'm going to put a couple handfuls in a Ziploc bag because one night this week here at home we are going to have um a Caesar salad chicken Caesar salad which is really good okay now I'm going to make some chicken salad okay so the chicken salad is for road trips and let me show you my handy dandy little tupperware container that I put it in because it doesn't take up much space in the refrigerator in our in our camper so I put it in that I try to get little bowls like that of Tupperware because it's easy in the um refrigerators all right so I just put mayonnaise and relish in mine I know other people put other stuff but this is me and I um I get this seasoning over in Ohio to craft show my daughter and I go to I put a little bit of that in there all right there you go and then I just add it to the container there you go now now all that's left to be done is to clean up this messy kitchen all right so these guys have cooled and I'm going to wrap them I put them in uh wax paper two because they're pretty big and two will fill us up I usually only eat half so Ed has one and a half and [Music] so so I like putting them in wax paper because um they come off easier like when it's frozen it I don't know I have more trouble with waack with plastic wrap uh I guess you could use foil I've never done that before just I love wax paper anyway um so that's what I do wrap these up they are so good so good all right and then the last sheet is for remember the little bit that I had left over well I am going to um I'm going to cut it in half now I'll put this in in the freezer and one night this week I will get it out and Ed will um Grill it we'll have it for supper one night super good grilled and then when we have it what I usually do is make up some more of the ketchup with brown sugar and and um add a little more so there you have it and from a morning's work I have 10 meals all ready to go well I guess even more uh 13 meals if you count the bacon that I I did up so I did up a pound of bacon and got three different breakfast for that and then I did the big thing of hamburger and I have four bags in the freezer to do whatever with and then I have three four things of meatloaf and then the chicken for our Caesar salad this week and chicken salad so there you go it um takes me half a day to get all that ready but now I don't have to do any cooking for the rest of the month and we are going to uh Nashville Tennessee here in a couple weeks and the food's ready to go for that so there you go okay thanks for watching and um ask asking for this video I uh was shocked that somebody wanted to know how I did the cooking for our trips this is it and now I'm going to clean up the kitchen and uh we'll see you Wednesday for the update bye now [Music]
Channel: Hangin with Herky
Views: 1,236
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Id: awHA3thqpTE
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Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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