Our Biggest Youtube Project Yet | Building a Sci-fi City for Filmmaking | 1/2

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a year ago we tried V production for the first time in this studio we made a little living room we had a window and we projected a forest outside the window using wi production and it was quite cool uh but you guys commented that uh there was a lot of work for just a window scene and it kind of agree on that so we made a new project with nerd Force we created this castle and we we uh tried to use the same technique and Aaron our set builder also builds parts of the castle in the studio then Aaron had this crazy idea he wanted to share with us Aron oh hi Anders have you you come to see my idea for the Sci-Fi set I've been thinking we build like a Sci-Fi Street look I was using AI to generate this stuff and I've got some designs for the fence I was thinking we need about 80 aperture lamps and then we can use this old box to turn into a shipping container and we can build this all in the studio Do you want to build a Sci-Fi Street in our studio yeah I mean look at it it's super simple I think it'll probably only take about two weeks okay you have two weeks okay just two weeks okay let's [Music] go oh wow look at what the how did you everything's mess we pretty far behind this is like the low point of the project two weeks Aaron two weeks this is magic so basically AR just wanted to see how far we can push the limits of the studio how big of a scene can we make here can we make it look like a city and shoot a little scene here where you don't need to go outside is that possible is it like it's not very big in here but I think together with Iron we were thinking that if we are a bit creative we can trick the brain of the audience to think that we are in a city so the idea behind this project was to take Aaron's uh skillful uh set building and then extend that street that he was going to build with uh a green screen Universal production and all that was going to happen in real time so we can see on the screen when we're filming the whole city behind that street oh W and then I think we might also have to extend it with another single one which I'll make here so for this project we decided to use Ai and show that it's not actually stealing your jobs it's helping you as small filmmakers create a more complex and interesting world so we've generated a whole load of AI images that I'll use as reference to then build the set what do you think about this project it's kind of crazy isn't it it sounds like a lot to do in two weeks yeah I don't know how many is actually going to to work and from what I understand it's it sounds crazy yeah but I I'm confident we might even finish two days early I don't think you are all our faith is in you like we had all dependent on you now so we have promised a lot let's see how it how it turns out now it starts yeah plan is get the materials get the tools and then we're going to start laying out the blocks and then hopefully by the time Anders is back Monday he'll have a rough L of what the space look like [Music] should we just take him in the band as well yeah I think so yeah buddy this project was a big risk for us because it meant we had to close down the studio for at least three full weeks for both our own shoots and also for renting it out how far does this part of the streets go out except the few images Aaron sent us I did not know what to expect are you going to use this kitchen area lose access to the sink I think before I was going to build it forward and then I was actually like actually we could redesign it build it into the kitchen so there's four main components of the set there's the miniature bar with a robot inside there's a robot Workshop a restaurant and the fence I estimated that each of these things would take approximately 30 to 40 hours each so coming in somewhere between 120 hours and 160 hours for the entire [Music] build does I think it seems quite wasteful the size and the of this basically what we're doing is making pretty generic shapes so that can be reused for multiple projects and stored in the cell this better for the environment but also allows more flexibility in the projects that you guys [Music] do okay so you may remember these blocks from the previous virtual production episode we are going to strip off the Pham from them and use the frames to make some chairs for the Sci-Fi set and the flats the Ws and wheels that we've been using so much in the studio was also going to be a part of the whole setup one went into the restaurant set and one went into the robot Workshop these flats are a lot thicker which meant that I could attach things and cancel e things off of them all of this is extremely simple to build it's pretty much just assembling the flats and then adding details I just miniature Flats with holes cut in or details added on this is to create a more sort of 3D texture and something that will look a bit more interesting than just a perfectly flat gray wall this bit's always super fun cuz whatever color the flats and the bits of wood were before start to go away and you start to begin to see how it's going to look once it's all painted up makes it a lot more uniform and sort of hides a lot more of the imperfections that you're seeing also without the different colors you can begin to see how the lights going to affect it obviously we're going to have like neon lights going on but you can see like oh there's going to be Shadow here and you see a bit more of the three-dimensionality of [Music] it now we're going to mount the corrugated iron to make them look like containers so so that's the metal part of the container pretty much done up next we're going to cut down the foam seat bits and we're going to use the Stone outers from the last V production thing you can sort of see how this has gone from Stone from a castle into something super cyber Punk Without Really any [Music] waste I've cut down all of these little strips just here they're like 1.5 cm and then we're just going to nail gun it all up around the curve you'll see and then will give the curve look but there'll be loads of little gaps and we'll fill it from the back with tape and then fill it with [Music] filler oh wow look at what the how did it did do all this this weekend yeah wow so cool Aon is so quick like put up the whole thing in the in the weekend well not the whole thing but at least big parts of of the setup CFE oh yes please so the robot's going to go in here pretty much where you standing and bottles and stuff here oh yeah uh yeah so I'm going to have to get all you guys bring a whole load of like um Spirit bottles and oh we have some we have our own brand VI Spruce so this we can [Music] have yeah yeah a whole load of different bottles I think cool cheers good morning good morning we knew that we needed a lot of light cuz we have Neon Lights we have sweet lamps there's so many places we need lights in the uh set design and since we have been collaborating with aperture for so many years now I think it's almost 8 years uh we asked them if they could lend us some lamps or well not some it's like 80 lamps to put inside the set design everything from u f bars to bulbs to small MC pros and all of these can be adjusted by an app the side is link app so I was so looking forward to install everything and start adjusting the lights with app I was that's what going to be really exciting I'm just curious like how would you mount mount this like because it's magnetic right yes yeah so we've got some metal plates and then as you see they magnet on really strongly okay um so yeah of course oh that's perfect to use for uh for set building that you can dim it that much down so one thing is a set build but we also needed a city to expand the whole set into this big city oh w we had Dar our friend to do this and he would use unre engine to make it look credible that actually when when a set build was done that the city we were looking at in the green screen and new engine world was a part of this set build so we are here at the kitchen uh not doing a kitchen show but uh actually looking at some ideas for the unreal landscape the green screen is going to be replaced with Unreal Engine uh landscape and Dy hair is uh going to help us out yeah yeah I'm going help them not Aaron has planned to have like a real fence and that's where the green screen virtual part starts M and then it will be great to have a big view of the city so here is the studio person looking out and this is green screen then because we don't have a lot of time or budget we were thinking of buying this cyberpunk gigap pack from the marketplace and it seems to have basically everything we need flying cars and people but we have to run this at 4K 60 mhm real time [Music] yeah so for the chairs we're going to get leather that's going to cover them we've got these two samples here and we had to light up the green screen behind just to sort of see how they reflected I see it now actually one this one is this one really catches the green doesn't it yeah um so we're going to go for the gray which is slightly more matte getting this Reflection from the green screen will make the keying very hard of course fake Le we don't use real leather hair to and if we do it's human leather that's very true that was uh that was something okay so we're going to make the two it's pretty late okay I love how it's always just the stuff that goes wrong that gets caught on camera what's not right about this one uh it's like a little bit twisted might screen that M's not looking I'm coming through they want to see what I'm about yeah I got skills do it for the thrill I'm on to pay foric the want to see what I'm yeah I gots do it for the thrill I'm on a p for rout exra extra read about I'm todayy how long were you up till last night uh last night was a bit I I went to bed a bit earlier I finished at 2:30 rather than 3 so I was working and I turned around and I thought that I saw a whole load of people and then suddenly all the people disappeared and it was just Kim from views and then I said oh hike him and then he disappeared too and that was the sort of Mark where I was like I should probably go to bed [Music] now how's it going on I don't know Prett pretty badly everything's a mess we're pretty far behind I'm confident we might even finish two days early yeah this is like the low point of the project but the project is so big that I feel like there's going to be like quite a few more lows before it's then the high of finishing it it's just like loads of little bits take slightly longer and that adds up to like a lot of delay I was a bit concerned about Aaron on this project because it was just working so hard and working that hard is not good for anybody so throughout this project I was kind of trying to to hold him a bit back but Aaron he was a man on a mission the thing was that we had to finish it up within 2 weeks because we had other shoots after this in the studio also we had now invited people to the studio to uh for this big opening of the Sci-Fi Street I think it looks great but uh who am I yeah no I mean it does but it should be like further ahead to have it finished in time for the deadline of course it doesn't feel good when things are not going the right direction and but I think sometimes you know people say trust the process but also one other thing is that if you have people who have not been a part of the project to just show them where you are now it can really give you a big motivational boost I I assume you can get a little bit blind because you're like so into this all the time well we have this student who's here every Wednesday and today is here so I thought let's let's show him the set build and maybe that will give some some motivation that how fantastic are you honest now yeah this is like it's far from done but I can see the general outline already it's like something out of like an an animated film or something not here there'll be a practical robot be there just casually like yeah there will be a practical robot over there that's amazing it can only do one thing so it's not like don't expect 100% honestly I love this it's it's a world you're creating a world here all right set design is Magic magic honestly cuz this this is Magic if it was like metallic and then like maybe a light or something and we have like as Aaron was working on the build it was not like the rest of us were just chilling uh we were also working on this project uh and different aspects of it so one of the things we had to do was to create the visual design for the three shops the the restaurant the bar and the robot Workshop we created the logos we created menus and we got them all printed on this special uh film papers so we could have some RGB lighting behind them and create a really cool effect you know Martin had some ideas I had some ideas Emma had some ideas if you just see someone helping you know it's it's h it's a boost for everyone so we really want wanted to create a whole experience out of this street so it was not just the build itself there was lots of small details uh that you could look at and I think you could be walking around the street for a few hours and still find some new details I got an idea because we have a projector what if we avoid it hitting the green screen we turn it on and then we use a mirror to reflect the light into here and then we can show the menu for the restaurant from the projector we could create some really nice animations people people are going to like where's this coming where's the light coming from scary part of doing so many different things and upload it to YouTube that there's always experts in all Fields who can watch this like there's a mirror expert just's like no we shouldn't do this we do our best oh yeah this is actually quite story using U Fusion in the to uh be able to make the shape so we had some extra space on this wall so I thought why not make like a security camera or something to get another angle of the set so I attached the black magic up here long HDMI cable feeding from the camera into here where I put a small a small ultimat that's also connected to a hyper deck black magic hyper deck uh which is going to feed it a pre-rendered video a lot of cabling yes all of the big pieces the flats and the overhangs are in place and base coat painted with either dark gray or light gray now we're going to go through and add details both physical things and also painting to divide things up for the grebles we used a whole load of parts from an automotive shop including stuff like plastic pipe wires vents all that sort of stuff and then we also grabbed a whole load of grebles from inside the studio such as air conditioning unit parts this could work to add to the set to make it seem a bit more alive we decided that the theme of this street should be Oslo our city 50 years from now so in 2074 so we put in a lot of uh futuristic details so one of the things we wanted to do was to create a news broadcast from 2074 you know kind of humoristic things that could maybe happen 50 years from now and then Mi and I uh we filmed it and made it into new segment [Music] this has been a long time coming but the country of the Netherlands is now officially history what used to be the highest peak in the country the vassberg was today covered by the ocean the Dutch refugees have already fled the country many years ago most of them live in new Rotterdam and RV spots high up in the Himalayas in Nepal the Norwegian Film Production Company VI has bought Disney plus after in addition we made some uh commercials [Music] there was a local design student called Paul who wanted to come and help out so I let him have pretty much free reign on the robot Workshop Paul what's your thoughts behind this creation of yours it needed to like tell a story everything has a has a reason function follows form so this is a Square producer for the robots exactly if you need a square you go to this uh machine and get the squares you made the story so it's more motivational it needed to have some background to why it's shaped like it is cuz it's now it's it's odd but it still kind of makes sense the base is wood but the most things that you see is cardboard everything I'm never prepared the other part of gribling was using the off Cuts both from the tabletops and the flats to make paneling and attaching fake rivets to them that then add just a bit of three-dimensionality rather than just having completely flat Flats [Music] so as you can see we've lit the top bits with the tubes and as well we've mounted some tubes onto the back wall piece there just to make it look a bit more sci-fi futuristic it's quite cool to use them both as lighting things to make these interesting objects but as well just put them on their own and they're actually like part of the gribling and detailing since we have so many lights here now I think almost over 8 lamps we should adjust them wirelessly because a lot some of them are like inside stuff there's even one inside here which I can't access now what we going to turn it on afterwards and there's so many sections in this street to the okay let's say hm I want the fence to be blue so we connected them to the sest link app and then we made a group called fence if I press there now I can see them I'm going to flash and then I can also add effects for that group I can play around there's so many customizations so fun the set was done the lights were on we had adjusted the lights to make it look cool we had the props we were just finished in time and it looked so cool [Music] [Music] so now only the first half of this project is done now it's time to put it all together and put some life into it damnn so the cool thing with these ones are the when you zoom you also Zoom dig to in the unreal SC same with the focus look at that this is the future oh my God look at this this is crazy it's only 2 days until the opening where people are going to come from the industry to look at it we needed to install the VIS production we need to put in the city and also we wanted to shoot a little scene uh to show everyone who was to come here that what's possible to do here we need to fix the latency oh time flies a little bit late probably we started inviting people to the event how how is it going so far is a shoot tomorrow can we see the Cien I have the fight action they were were setting up the robots because I was going to serve futuristic glitter beer and now you're Str yes people are coming now now now so this was the first video out of two in the next video we'll show more of the V production side of it if you want to see that video and if it's out it should pop up somewhere here you can press it or there's a link in the description if it's not showing up it's not out yet but it will come very soon so subscribe and thanks for watching h [Music]
Channel: Andyax
Views: 16,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9KDoPVMij3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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