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yeah happy Monday to everybody who burgers having a good day sorry we're a little late today we're with family my family was visiting and it went a little bit longer than expected but and then we had to go buy our tickets so we got some extra special tickets today guys so make sure you hit the like button we already got 57 likes you guys whoa-ah let us know if you're here looks like snooker cue is here Brittany is here our wonderful friend moderator Jason sensation Jolin before we started we did get a couple of donations which was amazing yes super kind throw time and Brian thank you guys so much you guys are awesome Denver John Miller's in the house Keisha Christie's sister Sara's in the house everyone sent Keisha a huge little part cashews absolutely amazing give her all the love in the world she really deserves it cosmic magic is in the house Karen and Galloway did you meet some people yes there some people let me see right now that Jake I've got Daria we've got Mr Bryan thank you so much for donation Bryan we see you've got to resell a shield man Amy Brittney who is absolutely amazing mind over matter Jason Hawk IEP funders jolly uncle Jason oh hi Uncle Jesse I'm HAP son uncle Jason for AJ's but Mary Alice Montclair as man cosmic magic Jimmy ruby keeler my daughter matter with the one pound thank you guys you don't have to donate to have to channel at any point just please see like the video just know that we do appreciate each and every one of you you know donation or not thank you so much sir yeah please do hit the like button guys if you haven't already if you're just coming in we got 68 likes we got this really nice strawberry culatta today Donuts so good Tiger turnout we actually met with Tiger Tony yesterday and that was just so fun you got the power also sent your package out right yeah our packages have been delivered anybody that bought anything are from the deep huh diamond girls in the house mercy is in the house drew through some bisects Allyson ours in the house got so many amazing things you guys are awesome you might put your deep up again ready okay hang on we're gonna offer stuff for sale for just today and today only okay cool cool galore we got dr. who we got my little pony we got pac-man we got squirtle they're from from Pokemon we got Rick and Morty we got Donald Duck we got drastic Park we got you name it we probably got it guys Fraggle Rock look at that pile I mean come on and then we also have some Funko pop figures and whatnot we got tons of Funko pop figures we got different things like there's a bobble head very cool and just all kinds of cool stuff so you guys are interested in purchasing anything off of our depop today will be the last day these items are for sale yeah I think we are leaving for England guys that's why that we're having this live stream is our last one in America are going away party here the next time we'll be live guys we'll be in England it probably won't be till of this next weekend here because Thursday is the day we're flying so we won't be able to doing a live stream Thursday Friday we got new videos coming out and then probably Saturday we'll do a live stream over on Christie's channel so if anything looks cool you guys want to buy anything that's not even all the plush that I have that's just what we what we brought in I've got two more bags still everything's brand new with the tags I mean you name it I probably have it as far as that goes so if anybody is interested and then we do send you like a signed card if you if you're from the chat we'll send you a signed scratch card that we scratched and assigned rkg I've got Pro card and we usually add a few little extras in there to give away with the deep pop when Christie hits 10,000 subs there you go when we do 10,000 subs we can do some sort of a giveaway if we hit it while we're in England we'll have the D pop for all England people yeah anybody in the UK that wants to buy something we don't have any of those items for sale because the shipping is like $25 just for like a small item to England so once we get over there though we're gonna offer stuff up for the UK people it won't be the same exact items it'll be items that we've won over in England so but if you guys aren't interested in anything the D pop link is in the chat let's get 280 likes we're all set 80 likes already and then we'll show you today and then we'll show you what kind of tickets we got today guys we got some really cool ones guys so be excited any Deadpool ooh Deadpool I probably wanted that pool before but I don't think I haven't also guys none of that pile of plush I don't think I listed on the deep up so if we will keep showing you the pilot plush you know we do it'll get rid of all if there's anything that you'd like please do messages or just saying the cap hey do you have this any of that I can go to our PayPal message me Instagram send us your details you know and we'll be able to get you that poster you want signed and all that fun somebody donates a tenner she'll go jump into that pile of plush guys don't get on the video anymore Game of Thrones I only have the two game of thrones pop figures yeah this one too I had yeah unfortunately we got 86 Lex let's show them what we got here today this is something you guys have never seen us do before on this channel yeah the deep up shops closes tonight guys last chance you know buddy pop tomorrow we're gonna be busy okay we're gonna be busy packing so we're not gonna have time to like ship any of that kind of stuff out so do you pick something up today if you do we'll put you on the white board and we'll put I'm gonna check to see um you want good jumper look okay okay I think you know what it looks like this was it the square one okay that's what I thought yeah not all of our stuff isn't on the D pop does only the stuff that she got listed we didn't want to spend like too much time listening every single item because we could only list it for like a months and then we have to take it down and but basically I'm gonna be listening that stuff when I get back probably I'm like eBay you found it no you didn't yeah I can go look real quick no okay just muster on Christie on Instagram if we find it we'll show you well we got these classic jackpot whole tab tickets guys so basically we've been doing the same scratch cards every livestream and we got bored of them and so we decided to go to this gas station where they have pull-tabs if you guys don't live in Wisconsin Illinois Michigan there's only a few states that have full tabs but basically you pull the tabs on the back and if you reveal a value amount like three in a row it'll tell you how much you won right down there and on this one you can went up to a thousand dollars look at that we have no scratch cards up to a thousand dollars so we have never won a thousand dollars on a ticket or anything and this one it says so there's over 5,000 $1.00 winners and then for like $5 winners there's 8610 dollar winners there's 48 75 dollar winners there's $1,200 winners there's 15 $250 winners there's 15 to $500 winners and four thousand dollar winners so out of that many winners basically out of like I don't know call it 50 call it 5400 out of 5400 winners for those are gonna be $1,000 two of them are gonna be 500 and so on and we got we got a hundred of these guys or not a hundred of them we got 50 of these guys so I have 25 of them Christie's got 25 of them so we spent 50 bucks so we're hoping to get one of these decent-sized winners that would be amazing a lot of times you just get $1 winner after $1 winner but it's better than just playing the same scratch cards and last time we spent 50 on stressed cards and only got $11 back so if we get more than $11 back many times people been asking yeah everybody's been asking first Erin rhinos or MBA or Power Rangers mm-hmm I think I might have some yes thank you so much for your donation Aaron we will have thank you so much I'll go take a look Aaron's we are only shipping to America America oh yeah we're only ship to America so if you're in pounds and you're probably in the UK once we get over the UK anything that we have for sale will go up on the D pop yeah so then we can use it to make more videos and stuff going on our kids I mean in a bit guys we will do a few pull tabs and then we'll have a dig through the plush we'll show you the plush yeah because a lot of people have expressed an interest we've gotta get out there as you find it and they're not actually like yeah because Darren we're not able to ship anything from the UK from here thank you so much thank you so much that's so sweet Andrew Cornell is awesome yeah see everybody's in England so is that a watermelon smoothie no this is actually a strawberry it's called a culatta it's not really a smoothie it's more like how I see kind of like a mix between icy and a smoothie I guess done that so far thank you so much have you ever been to Dunkin Donuts they have them there but you're not in America you don't know about nothing on it some some City scratchers is in the house what's going on yes in the scratches you shouldn't scratch UK what's going on some scratches are now patter so we sending all our love to you all right let's get to 100 likes guys and we'll start I'm saying I'll do five pull-tabs unless Christie wants to do the first five once we get to 100 likes I'll do the first five pull-tabs guys soon see scratches on Cydia with the $1 thanks guys go in go in subscribe soon see scratches really really deserve it right now we've done so much of our thoughts and prayers with sunset scratchers and everyone else in our patter that's all I'm saying about it just say it yeah thank you something scratches we appreciate it go subscribe to something scratchers video Dona Maisie with the two pounds Donna Maisy is oh my god thank you so much thank you for the two poems that's so amazing guys every true is our top don't eat her right now with the 5 shut the [ __ ] da oh my god Brice a KB Curran with the 20 New Zealand hyojong scratch rice current you don't invite him on this side yeah if you want and then put over here top donator thank you so much Brice wow thank you [Music] your winner winner winner hey we said it we tell me only a 10 we had to jump in the palace so you gotta go jump in there I'll get you on video I mean aunt deal's a deal Christy okay thanks guys this is a fire hazard on the sick come on do it how'd that feel pretty good man plush oh my god I won that at I won that at round one let's have a look ooh show me that gizmo there that's a big gizmo look at that gizmo guys that so in his ears are bendable and everything that's licensed plus oh we got Smurfs we got Yoshi Mario here's a football one somebody's asking about football that bears we got cat dog got a look at doctor Care Bears ooh that's a Rugrats isn't it or no that's Ryan Stimpy Mama's really cool almost yeah there's my big Mario right there yeah you guys know what that is Adventure Time oh it's rock oh yeah that was Rocko's Modern Life Allison knows yep there's a big blue Yoshi you got it yeah yeah we missed the donation holy crap five dollars from Katie Fraser oh my god Katie Brittany likes the llamas I had a llama collection so I've got like buy 12 of them they're all different the plush are all different colors thank you so much Katie we mix it check your PayPal okay hang on hold the phone whoa we have I'm guessing we have a one panda nation on my paypal thank you thank you so much mainly let me know if it with you let me know like your first and I saw second initial and write down what was the name well I'm not saying out lockers Oh might not want their details the first name you can put I'm just gonna like yeah okay thank you we appreciate you and Jolin Brown with the $1 we really do appreciate it every single that helps yeah we're getting to England on Friday and then we're gonna be going to Blackpool like I'm following Monday yeah we're gonna stay there for a couple days and then we're going to Christie's sister's getting married that may be like to 12 13 14 something like that yeah we're gonna be in Blackpool and then we'll be we'll be living our best life in Blackpool look today we have so many people in the chat please hit that like button guys around 100 so I'm gonna do five pull-tabs we're gonna see what we win and then we're gonna just take our time with these pull tabs because we don't want to blow through them too fast right Chris okay cause me thank you so much for your donation it really does help guys every little helps I'm not pressure Oh anything like that yeah the movie it is coming out the second version the second I'm not excited uh because the original is you can't compare to that little bit okay so she's near London about an hour mm-hmm well we're in Hampshire okay ASA all right guys give you another look at these classic jackpot slots you can win a thousand five hundred two fifty one hundred seventy five ten five and one put your guesses in the chat I have 25 dollars Kristy has 25 dollars who do you thinks gonna win more money on this video and then we'll get started and see how much many we win back here we've been doing so bad on the scratchcards we can't do any worse on these so yeah I got these off in the same row and the row is getting low so I've won a lot of money when the world starts there is a pool top video coming up soon and there was one the other day if you missed it yeah I believe Tuesday Tuesday's the one we filmed in Michigan I believe yeah thank you James Pickers for something by Shannon Scott the $4 man have a safe trip love Ron Shannon and baby put them all on the board thank you so much for the four dollars all donations and contributions to the channel will go to making more videos when when we're in the UK would be nice to do a live streaming like the Blackpool we did last time I was there on my channel and then there's tons of like fruit machines there hopefully there's gonna be a carnival carnival games you can play so it's gonna be awesome alright let's go ahead and start these out and I could keep you guys waiting here so I hope this thing doesn't go blurry hopefully you're getting like three in a row and then if you get three in a row it'll tell you how much you won so like three ball three bars in a row is a dollar but what happens it'll put it like a dash through it so you'll be able to see does anybody like this as ASMR or whatever they call does it makes that noise alright see if we get a winner here guys we're out to motley happy 5th birthday t8 Alison you know what I hate - it cringes me out i have misophonia hit - the sound so you get three of these seven three sevens in a row then it's like ten bucks that's not a bad one let's get a big win here guys make sure you hit the like button sometimes you can buy a ton of these and not get like get like 2 bucks back out of like 20 bucks or something but a woman in the shop last time that you went along yeah I've had people so they wanted like 500 thousand dollars out of the same machine so they are out there it's just a matter of getting lucky enough to get ya and I've won $500 on a pull-tab before him that was an Illinois not in Wisconsin but everybody else hate the song yeah alright I didn't get a single winner that's sucks okay let's wait till we get like 125 likes so far we haven't won anything but it's funny cold five tabs yeah you guys want to see what's gonna win on these guys make sure you hit the like button we just need 125 like some chrissteele do her five this is so good if you were gonna dunkin donuts someone said there's a dunk notice in not england yeah yes mr community to pop stop by yeah good one you have to get three in a row you you'll know when you ain't it'll just tell ya basically yeah we got a hundred 25 likes man you guys are awesome today you guys Christiane is going to do her five and win $1,000 right here guys this would be our biggest win and you don't have to claim them at like a lot off so you got my nail varnish I tried to like peel off and it didn't work coming up coming up I hate on me because I'm too lazy to give an F about my nails come on check out a slush puppy in UK who's they got slush puppy in UK dude are you course we do okay okay at one point in my life I lived off slushies and I would spend like 20 20 pounds a week on slush cheese because because I used to live next to a shotput asalto she's yeah and they were really cheap and in the end they knew me when I went in a shop there like John another /i oops like absolute check and I did okay let's get our first one here Christy come on don't disappoint the viewers here what kind of cool out it is just a strawberry one we've had the different ones Christy's had that one no she's made like syrup this is like legit it's delicious yeah it's really good addicting come on first win we're yeah silver wings at $50.00 on Michael tipps that would be awesome ah I've had the UM one have I had the lemonade one or the there's one with like pink and blue yaki shut I'm guessing Kisha that you watch out Bobby Lewis's right video yeah all these losers lining us up for a big win Christy I'll see it right here come on is our ninth ticket here ah duck on it pull tabs if you guys have seen any of our videos of a student pull tabs there there are a lot of fun sometimes you can win a lot of money on these sometimes you don't win much of anything on them it's just all random buckle to draw up pretty much weekly live streams with y'all yeah we'll be doing live streams but it's just gonna be in England we'll try to do like they have lottery tickets over there it's called National Lottery basically this is like totally random but anyone's watching from England and you know tangle ice blasted those slushees that you get in the cinema they're nothing like normal so she's basically there's a petrol station or a gas station right by Justin's house that sells them so in this anyway like they're like seven pounds of seven pounds for one like that which is like ten dollars right they have them in the gas station and for one bigger than that it's less than one pound it's like seventy pen and it's tango ice blast yeah that's huge like 70p it's so cheap they call them free teas awesome oh I see I see I see yeah and they're not better than slush in fact they're not as know but it's like fizzy slush if you think these pull tabs below they don't they're actually pretty fun and we win a lot of money on these it's just like I said completely random sometimes you can have ten or twenty losers but sometimes you get one big win and it makes up for everything so let's get to 135 likes guys we'll do another five full tabs here and what we're doing that I'm gonna shut everybody out that donated can't you said what's the best okay did America I'm not gonna say what prize we won yeah video I'm just in time sooner we wouldn't such a cool prize yeah but really like yeah every year kids is different so while we went to an arcade called Outer Limits and it was like area 51 theme song hmm might be the right time to check out nice so I'm ready that donating you guys are awesome all the money will go towards our trip around the UK making more videos doing live streams stro time Brian R M om mind over matter Erin our true sea Sun City scratchers Donna M beaker in the top donation with the 20 you're awesome KDF cosmic Jolin and Shannon run and AJ awesome in Sun City with another dollar we support them so each and every one of you haven't yet subscribe to you couldn't see the dunes are pretty they do exact cut we're doing so yeah we haven't been to a 7-eleven yet no because it's just basically like a convenience store they do have they do have slushies they're like their own no somebody asked in the chat oh let's get two more likes guys and we'll start doing some more pull tabs here we just need two more likes I don't know if we're coming back to the east coast of England again we don't really have it in the funds right now we're going up to Blackpool because we missed a lot of like that was gonna be there and then Kristy sister lives in like the Midlands so we're gonna be going through there but I don't know if we really have it in our timeframe and budget to try guy said it's good from scraps cards any suggestions okay this is a suggestion yeah whatever you do don't get the Green Bay Packer scraps card yeah unless you get the $10 ones worth it don't do it save your money scratch cards are wasting money but we got a hundred thirty-five likes let's go ahead and do the next five tickets here guys you guys are awesome well Keesha I'm actually my feet were sweaty last night thinking about this like south coast but I'm thinking of going on the big one my feet may be doing the big one what do you reckon hmm actually Keesha can you actually find out how tall you have to be to go in the big one okay but you might not be big enough yes we are traveling to England together this week yeah Justin's channel we do have one yeah some people haven't seen just this channel which is crazy oh my god something you with the $2 send some squatches positive vibes to the victims Justin what's that all those beautiful people that got cousin on Texas all right guys here we go we got these pull tabs we got five more we're gonna get our first winner of the live stream right here right here right now it's gonna happen what's 1.22 what do you mean 1.20 so about how tall you have to beat one big one one theme sounds like 122 I have no idea what that means I like so how tall do you have to be to ride the 132 centimeters how much domini feet is that yeah oh one meter 22 meter is like three feet three inches so I'm thinking 20 would be like seven three two that's like three foot that's less than four foot tall she 4 foot tall pretty shirt before yeah she's she's tall yeah there you go and she fruits off her age to a dollar when we got a winner winner winner winner winner winner there it is so they tell you they went on there guys so you got three bars in a row it says $1 right on it so you know you want good job holy crap we got our first winner in the lead it only took us 12 scratchcards or sorry 12 full tabs actually get a winner here we got a winner one dollar one dollar one dollar if we win like a thousand I swear we're gonna like talk about food here what are we doing for 100 we got that pizza we got a coach we just are not for Brett yeah we just went for yeah we went for a brunch no winner on that one guys yeah that's how much you know but sometimes you'll see the lines before see the money are you like oh what is there yeah man no win okay so far our one dollar winner out of 15 tickets this is our 15th one actually hopefully we get another win here come on three bars see yeah that's going towards the trip all right $1.00 win guys one day so maybe tomorrow we're gonna flock like the whole of delia about packing our bags where we bought our suitcases how do we Phoebe plunder and safe travels thank you so much eebee plunder subscribe because they posted our really cool content at the moment and storage lockers and whatnot if that like tickles your fancy I mean just in watch lots of those videos thank you so much Phoebe's Ponder's yeah also we appreciate you shoot you don't know I got it I got it $2 donation jumping so much newbies plunders I'm just keeping the board up there sorry oh let's get to 145 likes and we'll do some more pull-tabs guys so far we've gotten $1 back weird my one dollar winner go did you piss oh you put it up there okay cool cool alright right there yeah because because it's stock basically you know we just want to be happy in the chat we don't want to talk about anything bad so you know Jenny that's amazing talking to the TV eh you guys that's fun hi hi hello we see you there sit trip back thank you Matt we will we need two more likes guys and we'll start doing the next five pull-tabs we're gonna get a big win on these guys I feel it but we need your guys's likes on the video and we will win big money it's gonna happen we have done it before on pull-tabs and Michigan I've won 200 bucks a couple times Catherine got a full UK card today very awesome holy crap right 152 what the heck happened holy crap hold the phone it's my turn cut jackpot Christie's gonna hit the winner here are we ready to see the jackpot right so don't talk about my nails cuz you'll be timed out [Laughter] all right now I had a winner Stuart what's going on thanks for joining go big or go home with the 279 Canadian [Music] go home yeah thank you so much we'll put you down any and all donations are gonna go to playing the lottery and playing slot machines out in the UK and making videos yeah making more videos for you guys it's all about the content and live streams where we do these crazy things like bike pull taps and try to try to win big come on Jimmy John let's get a win here seems like everybody wanted us to do these pull tabs on the live stream so yeah we decided to do this instead of the scratch cards because on the scratch cards we've been winning next to nothing back so if we're gonna go big we might as well go bigger go home oh my god Keesha it's a good show isn't it tee shot no spoilers but thoughts you can cry did you cry here we go this is the one Kristy you're gonna get your winner right here I feel it it's gonna be big snooker cue have a good night we'll keep you guys updated we're gonna vlog our trip back there my fight won't be up until next week and then we'll be live hopefully this weekend okay oh my god she got a winner right there marine or Wiener wiener so it's gonna be this thing yeah the same three bars in a row is the last ticket as well the last ticket looks exact same yeah I'll show you guys it's the exact same ticket right there everything's a Jason sensation 500 yen I believe oh my god that's crazy Jason sensation I'm not sure that's cool thank you so much we never ever in our lives received a donation in yet I don't think so no that is awesome yeah we still have to go is that that's Japan right Jason sensation thank you so much for the yen 503rd well 500 yen is about five hundred dollars so five dollars I mean yeah so he's hey he's on the board thanks so much he's awesome Jason sensation how did you do it we can talk donations still okay what are we waiting for here hey I'm keeping it like that I'm keeping it let's get to it let's get to 160 likes guys yeah 160 likes 160 likes and I'll do 5 more of these pull tabs guys so far we got $2 back out of 20 so 160 likes we just got like 10 people in here so 3:20 p.m. and Denver is it really that's what time it is here huh that's weird oh he was asking what time it is Denver asked I thought he might was 320 in Denver I'm like wait no that's not right pitching a scratch UK 510 7,500 to 5,500 our south yeah you can win you can't win as little as a dollar and as high as $1,000 guys 420 yeah it's 420 in Orlando two more likes on the video guys we'll do another five of these puppies right here so how is everyone today everyone having a good day I've been having a good night kim senator's son was begging remorse stranger things I didn't think I liked week later we just watched the last one open your season yeah no spoilers because it's addicting it's an addiction show we need just one more like on the video guys and we'll do the next pull-tabs here one more like on that video why do people fancy steep so much like see you Karen Kim in it's that pretty boy swag you just got good isn't it that's his name right it's it I think so yeah did you watch the show or was it just me alright guys we've got 160 likes you guys are awesome yeah we got the strange things outfit and Justin didn't want dwellest about fit and guess what he must have called them ahead of time and told them to like hide it cuz imagine how cute just would have looked in this deep out there oh my god you keep at supper alright here we go let's see if we win that thousand dollars right here on the live video guys when I won 500 was just like hey I just won $500 it was like so cool five hundred yen is four dollars 71 cents okay Jason hey hey we appreciate every dollar man we appreciate every end you're awesome yeah every young and again and again and again alright let's get another winner here oh we got we lost a few likes there you guys are killing us every single little help sort of trip guys I know I was bang on about it but we really do appreciate it you know don't be LeBlanc he said money dog eyes oh my god I got three gold bars hundred dollars holy crap oh my god I knew it I told you yes five hundred dollars we just won five hundred dollars I'm sorry if you got headphones on guys holy crap three gold bars I knew it was big but I wasn't sure holy crap we got money for England trip five hundred smackaroonies oh my god what are we going to do to celebrate holy crap that was our biggest win ever on the channel guys hit the like button five hundred dollars holy crap three gold bars right there dude that is great I told you I've won $500 on these before guys $500 let's get it to focus there hi oh my god 500 freakin dollars we've been doing the lottery tickets to win big freaking livestream before we go to England we got spending money now guys holy crap five hundred Keith Keith is awesome Tiger tonnison hooked to the Internet Katherine so your screen made my baby jump out of her skin oh yeah John said do the moonwalk her jump in the plush you wanna get me doing the jump in that pilot clothes get in the bush oh my god he's dead he died all right wait let me do it let me do it yeah don't you go backwards you don't you gotta jump into it you don't fall into it there's a place like home there's no place $500 yeah parking and gas money for England for sure $500 holy crap I can't believe it $500 Christie we just won we just won all right all right let's keep let's keep keep the ball rolling here guys holy crap we'll just give you another look at that guy's somebody take a screenshot of that three gold bars I knew as soon as I seen these three gold bars I'm like well wait a minute that's not the three bars how much money is that right in the middle yeah I won the challenge though you could hit I what if like whoever like printed them out and they'd like mix them around and stuff and there's like maybe there's more like $500 winners like in a bunch or something like that you know I mean Joe didn't have to mom this is crazy guys this is nuts that's the most we've ever won on the channel guys on anything $500 winner of to take a picture of I could still win I mean imagine if I win a thousand as well thousand as well I mean 500 as well all right here's my last one man imagine all the numbers we could go Nando's and Greg's that's all going back into the channel guys make more videos that's five hundred dollars that we can make more lotteries ticket live streams we can make more fruit machine videos we can maybe do like a ten thousand once we have thousand subs we'll do like a big like video who knows guys let's just keep this right here and just look at it thank you to everyone who sent me a screenshot I just received about 20 messages yeah I appreciate you but it says you got money 50p that was Somalia that was from earlier okay yeah all right Jolin said I'm still shook yeah me too five months it's like I got that I got the three bars and then I'm like that's more than a dollar what is it write it right in my head I'm like wait is that like five dollars a hundred dollars like what is it and then it's the second highest amount like dude there's there's less $500 winners in here than there are a thousand dollar winners so like that could have been a thousand you know I mean let's get a hundred and seventy likes guys and then chrissteele do the next guy yeah I wouldn't say it's better odds than $1,000 scratchcards it's just we got really really lucky but it's better odds than all all those grass cards like all the other scratched cards like dogs cats cards $10 like this this was all those cards so Louie see uh thank you so much Louie COC usually they don't say yeah he's always one getting the $500 winners $500 okay thank you for being an arena women we just had 170 likes get one more like guys some Christy that's Matt it's not a claim er I mean you can't claim the pull-tabs but all right we got 170 likes Christy's gonna start on the next one that was in said I can't even believe Katie said she's all congratulations thank you so much Kate and donations thanks for coming oops zooming into park now you need to get a big winner here I got my 500 workers Wow there's gonna be crazy hopefully I have the cash at the Etem are you thinking that yeah we got to go there afterwards and get that money thousand right right whoever thumb down the video that's funny yeah as much oh my god maybe I could get my nails done our biggest win on the channel today guys five hundred dollars we're gonna have to like take a picture of the thump that and put it on the thumbnail or something fo sho yeah and it won't be cooked at this time you right can everyone just stop what they're doing and type 1000 an attack take 1000 yeah $1,000 yeah oh the vlog of getting the 500 uh well we're not I don't think we would really blog that yes everyone's putting it in the chat 500 I'm so glad we went with I just knew that like Justin name I was like I'm gonna go to that gas station and we're gonna win big on that and I just was like this this ticket looked good and there was like us a row that was getting down towards the bottom that's what happens when you have good vibes I'm like that's the one that's the one we're go and I was like yeah I get two different tickets or just this one you know I'm just gonna get all 50 from this one so we got better odds this is my last hour we are doing scratch offs we just wanted to do pull-tab something different and this is what happens when you use something different guys 500 dollars so I can't complain whatsoever for the last video in America yeah Gorem each I took or name it gourmet Chinese food Britney was really nice yeah that was really good I wait all those wings she gave me we got 20 tickets left guys let's get to 180 likes yeah sandy has a good feeling about Chris he's gonna get five okay if she got a 502 that would be like a one-in-a-million shot even if she gets like a Oh Sam's just messaged me five hundred dollars is 400 pounds we missed a donation oh my god boom go big or go home thank you Tom by the way thank you oh go home scratches with the one Canadian dollar thank you go big or go home it's awesome we appreciate I see it now we're too busy jumping in the plush pile and going crazy over a five hopper window we didn't see it you guys are awesome Christy what's your Instagram name same as their YouTube name I think Britney has a link to that she can post that in the chat you can just click on the link no one's gonna want to leave it's pretty easy to find Sam as her and her Instagram and YouTube channels are the same right come on just saying I don't even care at this point getting when your $1 tickets were the same I'm not working sure - what oh yeah those were identical yep we need two more likes guys and we'll do the next 500 from Jason was I an ominous good omen we need more pep said when you get that comp sheet yeah that's old school man you've been here a while yeah oh geez we could still hit a thousand so - fifty hundred I mean there's so many different values here that it could happen right now but if you guys are just joining that's just happened guys that just happened I'm not mad either cuz I literally spent the last dollars out of my wallet not these cards right here all of my money is gone because we're going we're going inland anyway but all that money I put in my pocket now is converted over to the pounds when I get there this is crazy guys right here this is real life this is real freaking life this is real life like I'm gonna start on the next five here put this old 500 up in the corner here all right here we go we make $450 we're four hundred fifty-two dollars profit profit yeah four and $50 profit so far keeps going blurry I do apologize annoyance keeps wanting the legs maybe I'll zoom out a little bit because it's notine maybe it's this right here it's just like alright well zoom out we don't need a zoomed in all the way yeah just keep smiling or like cuz it's a pull-tab it's it's this yeah just be careful got myself right there we got no one okay let's keep it going here ah thing just keeps like going in and I don't know if it's the lighting do we have like a lamp we can put down here let me go grab my land guys lighting is just a little dim get more light on it you should like take away the fuzziness just keeps going in and out of focus get annoyed got it okay here we go all right that should be better cool cool all right here we go guys let's get another win here be nice CompTIA is definitely from the beginning yeah Britni knows your time you missed you missed row time what time is it it's time to win $500 on the livestream - $2 500 - so far that is crazy man but we're still going here we still got some more pull-tabs hoping to win another big winner here okay I got two more left here and then Christie's got 10 more and I got it still another five after this dude if we freaking crazy I'm just hoping they have enough money at the gas station to give us that money because we're gonna be leaving here no time with the dollar stroke time is awesome yes mental rebel we did win you're seeing it correctly we won $500 we got three bars I did I didn't know what it was at first but you can see the three bars right there $500 and we got one of them yeah it happens man we've been telling you guys from the start these pull tabs are no joke we probably made all of our money back that we've ever made a video with pull tabs yeah we just made a profit on that right there could Carson making a website it's on my plush it's probably not a bad idea but then it would only be advertised to like the people that watch the videos otherwise you know what I mean I wouldn't be able to joy gas with the $5 you guys are awesome let's get you up let's get to 190 likes guys 190 likes and Christie will do her next five pull tabs here and if you guys just joined we did win 500 smack ooh nice on the chat on the video right now guys we won five hundred dollars so if you guys can hit the video just for that just for joining in and wait witnessing channel history here as this is our biggest win ever on the on the channel guys so everyone know you're getting all excited over a $2.00 win it's like okay well okay we screamed our ears off because we won $500 Hot Tamales I don't know if she is we are both going to the UK guys we're both gonna be going over there we're gonna be doing videos doing the slot machines doing the strap cards we just made enough off of this card here to do a bunch of videos over there at least probably 20 videos Tamales Jillian said mark mark McGoldrick with that $20 Canadian wishing you a safe trip with lots of wins thank you so much mark mark is awesome once you go jump into plush for mark mark mark and beaker in are now the two tied for top donator spots right there thank you Mark for being such an awesome supporter mark you did it just don't hit your head on the VCR sorry guys as soon as I walked over here we came out of connection there refresh your page guys we're back we're sorry about that if upon me it's all for sale you might jump in the plush again there Denver said we missed a lot of donations stro time with the $2 thank you so much we got marks 20 we got joy Goss I'm not seeing any other ones you want to check your phone yeah there's something I missed here Thank You scro time we appreciate you go jump in that pile again the thing froze out right as you jump in the board said Brian loves mark you know it's Brian and Mark yeah Christie will put her perfume all over it no I'm just kidding well you jumped on it and now you're all the plus guys yeah I feel like a Salesman there's a NASCAR like number one Mario Luigi yeah you name it cosmic sorry I just want a Harley Quinn I think we do have that one yeah let me look for a real quick okay we need four more likes we need a hundred ninety Justin's gonna look for Harley Quinn that was one we do have two big yo she's got big Mario's I mean I know this is a fire hazard like legit I know but um we might do me in Greece in England I mean if you meet us we'll greet you oh that may have been the one the rock always in on deeper message me an Instagram isn't it's over towards the door I think message me yeah on Instagram guys and then you can just send money by paypal rather than paying fees to dude I swear down we did is there any dogs or hamsters we can't bring any plush to England because unfortunately my suitcases for both my over extra suitcases are full yeah tiger Turner came to meet us yesterday at the at the arcade and we all had Burke on fries after which was really fun so yeah alright 190 likes that so we can do no we done oh my god you guys people are gonna watch this video later on they're gonna be like man these guys can and get a hundred ninety likes and they just got a $500 winner you guys are you guys are our people right now you guys gotta show the love here we did go to Fox Don we show everyone who's the coolest channel on YouTube no I'm just kidding it's your turn yeah alright we got a hundred nine you guys are awesome no they it's like right on you volume all the way the head you better like the crap out of this video guys look at that five hundred freakin dollars right there it's never happened on the channel first time ever all right don't lose that I'm not gonna lose it I got five more after this and then she'll have five more after after my five so we still got some pull tabs here to win and on asleep only a winter dollar or two more I'm not gonna cry about it I am we see a Johnny will good guys I mean Instagram it's easier than D pop because D pop takes a lot of money a fee so we end up charging more the plushies we usually charge like Matt like maybe like $15 shipped it depends on the size if it's just a teeny weenie plus yeah people say it was cool to see that on the live video that's why we do these live streams guys and we've done I don't know what like six or seven pulled out videos so far in the last couple months and that's the first time we've ever won like a huge amount come on Jimmy John let's get another one this is it was just crazy cuz I seen those three bars and I'm like oh my god what did we just win yeah cuz I it didn't look right away I didn't want to look at the thing I wanted to like keep pulling it until it yeah I seen what it was come on Chris - Lisa I buy those in everyone now you just never know what these you name we're gonna be visiting the southern part of the UK the Midlands and black dating it's updating alright since you guys are so awesome if we get to 200 200 likes we'll start the next poll two apps here yeah so basically we are we're starting off our trip in Hampshire I'm sure yeah very quickly after we England even a little bit yet lab we are going to Blackpool will be in Blackpool and then we don't know if we have time for Wales right away but we might be heading up there stro time $5 donation stro time knows what time it is oh go subscribe this no time thank you so much so time if you follow my channel we got a new video with Stroh time tomorrow it's gonna be a smile nice okay I'm done he said is that tomorrow that is tomorrow time video tomorrow's video no guys and we have been everywhere in England so we might not go ever again like sketchy might not go there again $500 we need one more like on the video and we will do some more pull-tabs for you guys my giveaway already happened we already got the winner I'm in communication with the guy right now to send out his he got a Nintendo switch that the video is up on my channel still if you want to watch it but blacks in the chat with determined of like so thank you daddy but Blake is awesome hi Blake winner winner winner winner winner $500 get that out of the way hi back I'd like we want to know oh my god our biggest win ever on the channel Blake $500 we couldn't believe it yeah Jeff where's my cards cards awesome got the fire me all I'm saying is definitely haven't shares parts myself Hunter yeah Hampton and definitely Coventry Birmingham or Tamworth yeah and definitely Blackpool anywhere else in between it's unconfirmed that all I say we don't yeah yeah everyone's asking if we're going here we're going there and we just I honestly don't know followers on Instagram and there's a $500 winner right there boom Shakalaka if you follow it Sydney Randolph with the $2 winner winner chicken hi-oh I'm gonna start on these next five full tabs and that put the weight and she's gonna write Sydney on the on the board oh my god we got another winner winner winner winner winner winner $1 I'll take it I will take it we're all in the profit right now submission it everyone was team Christy at the beginning but I think they're kind of regret I see toys it's if we did we win anything yeah take a look right in front of you eyes on the prize okay nothing there okay see this all the time and thank you so much for your donations don't forget to subscribe to our time we're doing good Joshua thank you always draw tiny 7 Sokka Sokka said I'm still Christine okay I got two more here and then Christy's got her five man are we going to England yes we're leaving for England and a couple days here our next live stream will be in England another dollar see these doubt these dollar winner these dollar winners are like so common that you just constantly get what dollar ones but I'll show what I won I won fifty three yeah yeah bragging about five hundred and three dollars holy crap and then Kristi so far has won $1 so we're gonna see what her last five are here guys let's get to 215 likes and Kristi will do her last five here you want to do like a one-minute shout out or something yeah that's in here wants to shout out just put one in chat or say hi or whatever and we will shout you would be to Brighton Pier before um Britney's in the chair guys let me show these people out so we've got Britney Vanessa Allison cosmic magic se toys Jamie sandy racing local clubs Emma Jackie Jacques ooh I see toys FC Phil Denise jolly and Kim Jon wretch or Kirsty Rebecca Patrick Asian butters Michelle mummy Bryce B : Sarah - you guys are so many what Kim Jonathan Jason we see Jo scratching Chloe anyone got Durrell Haley Thomas I whisk around Tygart honest in the chat Keaney Barney eight years ie caffee is in the chat you know everybody is in the chat so many saying I thought you guys are awesome just in the country psyllids in the chat and hi Julian no it's not 500 times - it's that's just how it is it just looks a bit way about Julian and Keisha are the most beautiful couple I've ever seen in my life besides me Justin be so much come on get that thousand dollars in the top bread it's in the chat hi Jessica come on Christy I know even though Jeff Linda cause hey ya just need four more likes on the video guys and we'll do the last five pull tabs here Christie's got the last five could have a thousand dollar winner five of all time yeah until we're back in America then we'll do more we made a profit on these pull tabs for the for the summer guys that was crazy and we got to make a lot of cool videos out of it that hopefully you guys like to watch and I think this is one thing that's gonna be the coolest one to watch but it's gonna be an hour and half long probably yeah where did we get these from we got these from the gas station like walking distance from my house they have a pull-tab machine they have three different ones in there and this classic jackpot was the only one with $1000 $1000 top prize the other ones the top prize was 500 and this row was like getting lower down so I decided to go with this row and that's the one I went on so you just never know what these things we we are doing the travels like a thing yep I need to start the memory at my phone cuz my phone just hates me and just let me film a lot and record and stuff and but we're also doing a vlog of like packing our bags what would you include yeah that'll be all I think many people would like one of us I think that'll be the vlog was just like someone showing the bag like blown up and then show it like squish down and what can you pack in your own flight bag what should you pack like eunuch yeah what is it like going going through skew in whatever last time was like really wait I think about this I got basically when you go through each QE you not allowed any bottles with water nothing you only know like a certain amount of like liquid there has been a clear bottle in a clear bag so when I went through Saku I forgot that I had an opaque bottle of energy drink half up and in my backpack so we went through security and and there was like bottles of water that people have had to like dump and the guys I've got any liquid now it's like no no no because I totally forgot what dudes rq8 went to get this wouldn't up my back and realize how my drink in my bag and I didn't even check which seems a bit like did you really do your job but I mentioned that in my last vlog yeah just a live and go and pick it up live I'm not really sure not to miss you got the video of us that's good I want that um we got 215 likes we just hit it so Christie you want to do the honors no the last the last five pull tabs right here in the world right now this is our $500 win right here so you guys witnessed that thank you for being here it was only a matter of time before we got it man and we did way better than if we would have got scratched cards I can guarantee you that all right let's see what we got here come on Jim John yes they have these in the UK too so we'll have to do them over there yeah but they're just wait where's your what's this that's just I'm just gonna use that to take a picture to show the [ __ ] oh I gotta brag to everyone Wiener Wiener Wiener wiener come on Krista you can get another dollar you've only won one so far right out of your 25 peanut could I not you know I read could you got come on hopefully if you get something like besides a dollar that would be really cool come on Jimmy John let's get a big win here hashtag big win have you won 500 yes we did win $500 right here if you missed it Kass left key she lots amazing key she keeps sending me gear bragging rights that's funny oh she made gifts out of it oh when I jumped into a pile that's good [Laughter] honey one dollar just since one 500 yeah 503 oh man wonder what they're gonna say when we go catch that in five hundred dollars you can give it to me now or I can go ahead and take all the food you got oh my god Christie won a dollar back but hey guys we're not crying look at that $500 winner you want to show everyone show everything we got it's a lot of $50.00 have we not won the 500 we got kind of a kick to the nuts but I'm not gonna complain whatsoever four dollars and then a $500 winner winner winner winner winner make a move you open in the pile winner winner that's funny that's a good one alright guys hopefully you had fun here today we definitely had fun we can stay on the live answer some questions you guys have yeah let me clear these things out of here cuz this is amazing yes that was so crazy what did you think when I pulled it back and it was 500 I was just like what was I didn't I didn't know what's a thing yeah I don't know I saw I mean I like to watch it back and see my reaction right yeah that's crazy man see a case you can get the first yeah this is like crisis real life guys this really just happened good besides that photo this is like a bitmap yeah like oh my god you get $4 back yeah I was gonna pass out like I screamed so much and then I just like to lay back oh damn real life-like I glitched out for ya as much money as we spent on these pull tabs we spent 50 bucks before I got back yeah so wine or 12 or whoa we've done that so many times I've hundred and four five hundred four dollars it's real they're out there they're not fake a an odds of winning that out of however many tickets was a work that was the lowest odds that whole day was to win five hundred a thousand was there's more ass than a thousand that mean by me jumping in that's so funny but yeah what do you guys think of the video if you have any questions we are leaving for England sorry we're leaving for England in a couple days here our next live stream will be in England we're gonna be doing some hopefully some lottery tickets some national lottery tickets once we get over there we're gonna be meeting up with Kisha in the chat that's Kristy sister hopefully do another live stream with them and have a big party live stream Jolin Tsai still show shook I know right it's like it's not real until you like just second time in my life I've won $500 on a pull-tab we always literally just talking about right before I pulled this tab it always seems to work that way it's like you're like talking about it and that's like oh my god it just happened again so that is crazy but thank you to everybody that did donate we're gonna use all that money towards the UK trip as well as this right here this will go a long way travel expenses do get pretty high so you know we're not trying to spend our entire bank life savings don't forget guys right today's the last day to purchase a plort Oh a prize yeah we John assume that man gonna push again ah they don't need to see it I don't have a mountain of license but guys yeah yeah whatever doesn't sell which it doesn't look like a lot of it's gonna sell I'm gonna list it on by my eBay and then I'll just advertise about my channel I think we should do that a mystery box of plush toys should be like toy doesn't make an all licensed plus like huge mystery box like what is in the plush yeah I don't know what do you think we've solved a mystery box the large mystery boxes no you still have mystery box on my teapot yes making gifts of Christian charging my phone Christy gets her Nintendo switched now good one yeah don't say good no I found something else I want Brittany you knew monopoly tickets are better yeah we want to do a group book when we get over the UK - so we'll buy like a full book of tickets if they have them or get like X amount of tickets like 30 like say 30 10-pound tickets and then everybody will pitch in 30 pounds and then we'll split the winnings and try to win like a million or whatever Christy no good HP sprocket instead Britney asked about something I don't know deirdre what's going on yes I said safe travels this is I'm like no we need to just I know like sometimes too much caffeine makes me sleepy which is weird yeah so what should we do you do like a quick like 10 minute Q&A yes you want to ask questions or anything Jolin Brown with the $1 we appreciate you guys donation at the life last donation of the night Jolin be Kern and mark you guys are awesome top donators everybody else that donated we appreciate it gonna go towards our trip thank you everybody for being here ask the same questions about are you kidding anything Oh quick 10-minute Q&A ask us anything yep tickets just commented how long he beans got back so we've been cover since October October 11th both non each of us for like a year over a year now yeah where do you I'm being but when do you plan on being back for live chat when do you plan like for a live video like this hopefully on Saturday yeah yeah how did we meet so and I started watching Justin's videos and I just coming into luck so far it's really cute and basically and that's how it happened we've got to message in yeah and yeah what what do you do for jobs so we do all sorts of different stuff but yeah YouTube doesn't pay as much as people think just stay in and what do you like to collect mmm I collect them in go somewhere I have pokemon cards I have a monopoly collection yes what bouncy balls yeah just a lot of stuff going on record movies Sun City scratcher thank you so much we got you down no subscribers on city guys I have several touchies what's my eBay I don't really post my eBay it's just all like pokemon cards and sports cards and I'd like that right now once I get back from England I'm gonna post up all those plush and then I I'll link my eBay with them kiseop when we be here on Saturday we live you the plush or whatever what do you mean Keisha um when will you be here on Saturday well that'll be the following Center will be with Keisha but I mean this Saturday will be your house yes possibly doing a livestream Christy can't wait to get to the UK kind of sorta yeah so I mean we're probably know what we're gonna do oh wait i'm dumb i understand service in the chat thank you for being here although some england oh wait sorry do you know Thank You Brady for being here huh we had to get up kind of early I couldn't sleep last night I was not soup oh when you're gonna be down Thursday Thursday what do you mean okay she's house Oh next Thursday yeah yeah when are we gonna be there well whenever we leave but like Blackpool or whatever we can get there um how old are we old enough jo-lynn with the watch Joe and another dollar once again the last donation we appreciate you draw then Wow Sunday that's amazing America like like out here i will miss good well the market goodwill is just like the most amazing shop it just has everything treasures and you know I feel like the little moment there's gadgets and gizmos plan in that job and I the better what about my comfortable bed that's pilot elements baby pass Wisconsin besides Justin I don't know what else is sir besides just in thank you guys for lifting my spirits means a lot thank you so much to do I feel like I'm picking up just since accent not at all but there's certain things you have to say so people understand like Justin didn't understand what Hindu was so I had to like try in my head I was like what's a translated like bachelorette party he's picking up my accent I don't think so I have to think like things today like the Dells oh yeah like gas station like the Delphi yeah those chips means chips is crisps and stuff like that yeah hmm do we plan on having kids nah no no plans I think you're gonna want to that yeah I wasn't going to answer that I thought it's personal but um I love your shirt I will join it I would Van Halen or the dresses this is design noise from yeah a little more I don't know Bonnie hi maybe Bonnie will be on the live scene talk about that because people couldn't be really mean in the chat yeah yeah could me just not because I really can't all the lies you make right now we took Christy to a on Walmart yeah I have a super Walmart by my house but Justin's Walmart we go there all the time yeah hey thank you Joe then yeah just be super nice and the truck guys always yeah get a Tesla I may if I could afford like if I could have bought a Tesla I would be buying way more of herself right but I'm learning to not spend money so it's that's good um yeah [Music] target auto say turn target yeah I like target but it's not my best they have amazing toys in target but yeah Barney oh you know like we're probably gonna put a mystery box together for Bonnyman when we get back cuz we have so much stuff we're gonna vlog that and then like when she opens all the stuff we can do a video of that too yeah we'll do that kind of oh my god Justin's mom shot moms in the chair Sean Sean mom want one after we left goodwill we went to the gas station got some full tabs $500 winner five holy crap winner winner winner winner oh I wish I could show you I'm not saying bye packed away and hello Kate let's talk about oh yes smother that are we all ready yeah yeah we got money for spending in the UK now 500 bucks yeah that was crazy yeah I do miss England I don't miss the weapon one a bit I do not miss the weapons I can't wait yeah yeah don't miss that one bit I mean if it's an America whether in England I wouldn't leave hi Paul how's it going yes a target not targeting the weather in England my son said it smoked ate some lives wanna call me from me my mom surprises we were yeah Christie was like screaming my ears I know you believe it crazy yeah these pull tabs are good I used to do them at the bowling alleys back when I lived in a lucky shot to millions now I won 500 Wisconsin so oh my god it's need better not I think we're gonna get off here soon guys my nose go catch our winner in and start going through our luggage and maybe get rid of these plush some clothes to fit well because quite frankly I have too much and I'm just gonna do the Marie Conda and does it spark joy no yeah if anyone's like buy a bundle of mystery clothes or somewhere soft just hit me up guys I'm throwing it in the bin yeah I think I'll Instagram this for my story that'll be cool take pictures of it those videos of us like freaking out um Thank You Joel and we appreciated it like I said we'll be back on some we got a new video coming out tomorrow do we have a live stream this week your um a vlog video or did we post all of our blogs yeah will vlog a trip back and then that'll be up like next week yeah I try to be sponsored when I still got mice well um Saturday Friday we'll have a new video and then Saturday we will hopefully be live in the UK maybe it might not be too late cuz we're gonna be like pretty tired from all the and stuff mm-hmm but we will be live hopefully hopefully the internet gets up and running within a day I'm fine on flights do anything make my book it cuz I like you know you just like don't we just don't like when it starts like shaking and like the lights go off cuz it's like uh what do they call it where it's bouncing around turbulence yeah you are American and she's from the north yes good skills yep good observation yeah but we're gonna head off now Patti and I play me yep we'll leave this video up because um that $500 winner we're gonna have to make it's like we do appreciate that and yeah we will no longer be in America next time you see us we will be in Mike Queen's England and we will be the different location next time different surroundings so yeah but we're gonna get off for now we appreciate you guys being here we had a lot of fun this is gonna really help on our trip across America right here we're sorry a trip across the England going to Blackpool hopefully we make it to some other cool places while I'm out there and thank you guys for joining it and stay safe have a good weekend and we'll see you guys I say have a good week into this Monday I have a good week and we'll see you guys next weekend all right bye guys
Channel: Kristie Burton
Views: 13,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wisconsin pull tabs, wisconsin lottery, lottery win, biggest lottery win, biggest pull tab win, pull tabs, pull tabs win, lottery, wisconsin lottery win, wisconsin lottery big win, pull tabs big win
Id: vbObRlYMMto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 5sec (4805 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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