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like a hellcat [Music] what's up everybody jeffy also back again with our video right guys we had a request to do some fast plays uh tickets so i got 15 of this uh fast place tickets and i got 15 of these instant poo tabs all right so we'll see which one will get more back all right so i got um ten dollars worth of this uh treasure chase ten dollars worth of the treasure chest and then i got five dollars worth of this one dollar piggy bank box all right then i got this 15 one dollar poker studs all right i know some of you guys already seen these videos or this instant put that but let's see what we can do with this uh fast games or fast plays all right um all we're doing is just matching numbers and that's it and um over odds is one in 4.12 right so what we're looking for is 6 to 12 and that's a negative eighteen and seven nope looking for a 20 and a three match match 20. yeah so we got one dollar back eating 10. nope eight and twenty and negative all right so we're gonna go one winner on the the piggy bank box now this is the two dollar treasure chest okay so all we're doing is matching the coordinates to the puzzle and if you collect four coins or more you win the price and the odds is one in 4.22 right this way all right so a5 uh b3 d2 a4 we got one coin a2 is c3 d1 b5 d5 and a1 [Music] alright sorry guys i'm back so b2 and e3 b2 and e3 right so one two three i got four coins awesome four coins two dollars nice so that's three dollars back so far one two three four yep three dollars nice all right so b3 e5 e3 e5 e2 and d5 e2 d5 b5 and b2 d3 and c2 e1 a3 a3 d4 and b4 all blanks we only got two coins over here omg all right but pretty cool this uh i like i like doing these kind of games right here it's like treasure hunting there are three dollar tickets but uh i can't find those anymore so e5 and c2 e5 c2 d5 b2 d5 you got one coin c4 b1 b1 there's two coins e1 a2 e1 a2 3 coin one more one more one more d4 a4 ah all right okay b1 and b2 b1 b2 nice 2 a1 a4 a1 blanks d4 and c2 d4 c2 b5 and c1 c1 e4 and d3 oh boy all blanks e3 and b3 wow three coins we needed four yeah all right last ticket okay c2 and b5 c2 b5 e1 e2 all blanks c1 and c5 you gotta be kidding me e3 and d4 e3 d4 we got one coin e5 and a3 two coin blank b4 and c4 one two damn it three coins only miss one by one omg all right so we got three dollars back from that um fast play session so now i'm going to do this instaputev and uh i know one of somebody asked what was the odds but it's hard to overall odds are in one in seven point three zero seven point three zero so i got 15 so hopefully i get two winners right bam back it up okay so that's not a winner oh hey bam oh i got a dollar sorry all right so there's one dollar back so the fast play session i got three dollars back and then so far i got one dollar back for the instant boot negative hey oh i got auntie oh that's three dollars so he's tied up three three right now nope so i got the two winners out of 15. oh no come on bam negative bam nope nope bam got a dollar and the instant potabs pulls up front with one dollar bam oh negative not bad we got three wins and just uh last one come on come on last one what is the top price top prize is three hundred dollars come on let it be three hundred dollars bam ah negative so out of thirty dollars that i spent [Music] i got three dollars back on the fast plays and then i got four dollars back from the instant pool all right guys a special request uh to do a fast play so here it is all right and i just added in state pool y'all for watching and uh please don't forget to like comment subscribe and see you all on the next video alright
Views: 3,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0hWOK6cmMKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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