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[Music] already guys we are at the pull-tabs machine at the bowling alley we're all gonna do $20 in pull-tabs we got Justin we got Blake we have my dad and then myself so we have so that's $100 Oh 80 bucks for people I'll get four people so you have $80 it just gave me for $5 once no way wait did you put money yes yeah I put four en it was actually pretty funny okay so then okay sorry let me figure this out okay so then if we have this okay so then it will do um okay that's okay that sounds good actually might is honestly then mines will do a lot of yeah other these other these yep I think we're gonna go finish it out with these we're gonna win big are you know American pride you aren't you all okay I got for $1 once we'll go with them first okay yeah yeah that's good oh yeah we already hit nice three stars that could be good dude that could be it there you go we got to bow to bowels here we go and then three flags is a six grand oh we almost got 2/3 of them yeah almost nothing okay last last one guys we already got a winner though so far so that guy was nice Oh almost got three hats would have been insane that's awesome nice all right Justin all right yeah I got the first five in there so it's okay I've got four winners here hopefully something big look at this for reference you can see well yeah right away so you got three pot of gold would be fifteen thousand Oh Josh would be partying tonight every time you get a multiplier at the bottom it's really cool every rainbow is like 50 bucks cool thing about these is you can get more than one winner right that's true got like a $15.00 winner and then a multiplier times 3 or something [Music] they've got three more days for me anyway we're gonna let your dad do okay yeah yeah three times man okay like that okay oh man okay this is interesting okay here we go okay oh yeah nothing nothing nothing [Music] no three times nothing times three love that a lot more nothing than usual times fine we should chase this car down it's gonna be a big yeah something's coming up maybe don't when we got three more multiplier is not okay alright so we got three more okay see what happens loot oh come on we already got one win today we gotta get another one below Cain come on man ooh doesn't even matter about the most that's times five though that have been good oh one more to go we go with 15 grand on this [Music] clover it's so close to got three and three I know our two and Stu last one not a single around those ones it's so weird yeah okay yeah do two of these and then I'll try their ass so I'm gonna bad three times it's time to win online but that would be nice does it be least five Bob oh yeah oh yeah insane how did it get wet I must've found like a puddle or something not that one that was suppose to bars other than 75 okay yeah okay then do this one oh man okay come on now okay there we go that's 75 bucks I know nothing okay something's gotta be it's gonna come off we gotta hit Oh 750 G's and not the man oh we got a winner here you go cherries is it three three three cherries 100 bucks Oh serious are you serious are you kidding me are you serious holy crap holy crap I can't frickin believe it that was the second time oh my gosh that is insane what the heck okay nothing there that's awesome dude yeah oh my gosh dude that's awesome yeah wait I want to see that corner where is it look at that oh my gosh $200 win it on the three cherries 200 that's insane yeah there probably wasn't that many at all okay perfect wow that is awesome I can't believe it so we reach 50 bucks a person 50 bucks off that's off 50 bucks eat plants and see me out $30 each $30 profit Wow yeah there you go so way to go go go with the ones that are more money because then you're gonna win $3 win low nice it's probably gonna be another two bucks here another three bucks that's silly and a 15 we got that nice that's another slot one Wow I see three four five six seven nine ten and then that was five bucks so it's 15 total 15 total what we do we'll do a little bit more we'll do the two toxic that once since we haven't written one imitating something's gotta happen hit with their yeah for sure this is making money guys it's awesome yeah that's ridiculous every time I come to Michigan cold okay alright they're probably gonna be weird because Oh dollar a dollar so at least five then oh three dollars three dollars sorry so that's five dollars hold on five bucks total there you go - dude - 22 now holy crap that is ridiculous nothing there big money nothing there nothing there and the bars would be nice and nothing we got two twenty two right through each pocket 50 bucks okay with the 22 bucks back in and get 11 those green ones yep let's do it yeah let's do it he's gonna be a winner on this already guys so we just got the two hunters cashed in yeah and we decided on the lucky loot because we didn't win on any of them yeah so you guys do you guys do free all right yeah perfect I feel like we're gonna get a winner here I really do something there it is service to our winners who dollar winner but the other multi multiplier to all the multipliers forgot about that yeah yeah it's always times one but could be a time stand review times ten times one still oh nice yeah all right I got a winner go to the next person okay Blake's going to rainbows that would have been fifteen dollars [Music] and there's the times ten almost two beers nothing hand for [Music] if we would have one more we're dead 157 ridiculous all right Justin it could happen man I'm in Michigan okay this could happen yeah once we dollars we don't know that yeah okay oh man nothing I want to see that Jimmy nothing okay Justin the last one Robert for good luck for good luck to box all right it already set it in the corner I wish they kind of didn't do that yeah yeah okay we got four bucks 22 bucks really one for kind of strange but we're gonna get two more and hopefully somehow get another one you want to do them right here yeah ooh come on it's weird okay last chance still that's awesome 30 profit that was awesome already guys well if you like this video leave a like check out Justin and Blake's channels so thing guys watch this video if you enjoyed leave a like take your time and I'll see you guys next time in the field everybody hands go up [Music]
Channel: Ticket Time
Views: 86,952
Rating: 4.4688001 out of 5
Keywords: Lottery, winnings, beating, odds, how, to, win, lottery, scratch, off, ticket, fun, cool, winning, prizes, gold, bars, matched, number, one, million, cash
Id: t4Z__Vvb_3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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