Our Biggest Transformation EVER!? $100,000 Porsche GT2 RS Customisation

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hey guys the bill from turpas hope you're doing well today i've got an epic video for you and it's the gt2 rs now we have already launched this car people have already seen it on the internet and it's gone absolutely bananas everyone wants to look at it everyone wants to see the video everyone wants to see the process so this is now filmed retrospectively and it's one of those things where i want to show you every single detail we've done to this car give you a bit of background what is it that we're doing to this car this gt2rs is a brand new car one of our good customers which we've done a few of his cars already and he brought the car in and said you know what i wanted to match my other cars he's got a ferrari pistol but he wants it to match and he's also got a coloring that he wants it to match two and um it's i think it's gonna look absolutely amazing it's radical it's never been done before and the internet has really everyone all you viewers have really really really liked this and i really am proud to show you this whole process from start to finish now the whole process is going to be a lengthy one this is going to be a lengthy video because i think it deserves it there's a lot of things going on in this video there's a lot of man hours that went into doing every single part of this and the original car was obviously gt silver with the red interior launch spec uh with the gold wheels and or champagne wheels i think it's called and now you're gonna see it being something totally different so without further ado make sure you keep your eyes peeled for this one and i'm going to catch up with you right at the end but yeah make sure you like [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] what can i say you've seen the whole process and i'm sure you're dying to see the car in its entirety right now and it's right here behind me honestly it's one of those cars that is a true one of one and what i mean by that is the oh i mean the amount of detail that we've gone into to actually get it to this stage is phenomenal and this is exactly what i want to go through with you right now detail by detail i think what's the first bit let's start with the paintwork i think that's probably the biggest part of the car so as i previously mentioned paintwork-wise the car came in with gt silver the launch color really cool color it looked really nice especially with the red and the gold wheels you know the champagne wheels it looks very very nice but obviously the customer wanted to have in this color verde british racing green which is a ferrari color purely because he's got a few other ferraris and wants it to match perfectly in the set and i think right now this will fit in very very well so solid color as you can see it's i mean the depth of it the way that we were able to get the color is fantastic we use the same manufacturer that produces the paint for ferrari to be done on this car as well so it's exact match although the ferrari color is actually very similar to brewster green which is a porsche color but again the customer wanted the exact matches ferraris let's go through the detail of actually the difficulty of doing this so obviously at the front here on this amazing gtrs you've got the carbon that mat that goes all the way around that it's a pinstripe with basically what the original color is and you to enable to get a seamless finish an area where you don't see a step is a few few stages that take to make sure that it looks exactly like this as they have done it from the factory so again small details like that you could never ever tell that this was done post factory it leaving and we've seen a lot of g2 rss we've done a lot i'm sure you've probably seen it on instagram channel and instagram on our youtube this is uh it looks exactly like oem which i'm very very happy about the final result so moving on from from the actual color let's go on to small details so we were able to even have on the naked arts the same color as we did on the bodywork and i think that just adds almost the essence of luxury and to match the interior which i think the first thing you see when you see this car is the interior but before i get on to that let's talk about a bit more about the green shall we the elephant in the room it's got green wheels yes it's got exactly the same color wheels as it has on the body work it's worked out beautifully i think the way it looks is amazing the finish is phenomenal and then obviously as you can see behind it we've also changed the color of the calipers so this has been changed to a ferrari bronze and the ferrari bronze is actually the same color as you'd get on the ferraris as well so again to match to match what he has already and i just think it looks absolutely stunning and then you have also on top of that we've actually etched in the porsche logo there to make sure that it's actually done like oem so we're done with with the wheel itself the design side of things this car is a performance car it needs performance tires and performance shoes and we actually with our friends from mantai racing in germany they sent us over a brand new set of michelin cup r's which are a very very unique tyre because the tire itself is what makes this car go even faster on the neutral outfit yes tires do do that so that's also been put on and actually the car is going to be going over to mantai to get a setup done and potentially the fuller conversion we'll see we'll let you guys know about that and i'm sure you'll see it on social media let's look at now the interior i can't begin to explain to you i mean you have to see it in real life to really appreciate it but i can't begin to explain to you the amount of leather that has been put into this car now we wanted to make sure that the leather finish itself is as oem as possible hence why i've mentioned before it was sent all the way to germany to do the interior at the guys who do some of the porsche classic work and i just think it's absolutely fantastic i mean the detail that we have gone to with this from the stitching to the leather the covering of the leather on every single piece that you can think of is covered with leather apart from the bits that you regularly touch or that illuminated because we thought it wouldn't look so good but i mean it's just fantastic the contrast between the green and the coyo again this is a ferrari leather so it's called a ferrari colored leather and it's called koryo and again it matches his car perfectly look at the footwell look all the way down the bottom you'll be able to see there's leather all the way through and all the way through underneath the seat to the back even the roll cage has been covered in this fantastic leather now you may be thinking the center of the seat is got a couple of greens there is a reason for that and there is a method behind the madness and that is a slight nod to the 964rs which has this gradient style finish in the middle so again i just it's just this car's blown me away have a look at the vents i mean again this is a porsche option that you get from factory when you're looking at the vents and when the vents are color-coded or this has just been wrapped in leather it's just fantastic absolutely amazing the detail on this is phenomenal the workmanship is actually amazing so really really happy with that even the clusters look at the clusters inside the way that the back of the cluster has been dyed it's the exact color match to the coil leather and obviously when you're painting a plastic or whatever it may be the color will slightly be different too when you actually have a leather so it's different textures but they were able to match it perfectly another detail we want to talk about is the piping as you can see this again is contrasting green piping that is there and it contrasts perfectly with the coil interior i mean have a look at the details i'm blown away by it honestly every time i look at it i'm like wow i can't believe it the buttons that that put up or down the seat are also covered in leather the the the stalks the indicator stalks are covered in leather and they've got the stamps exactly the same as what they use at the factory the in i mean the inserts on the on the steering wheel are green to also match the contrast with the green piping everywhere and if you look at the stitching and if you look closely it's actually a shade of green that matches perfectly with the exterior of the car and the wizac logo on the headrest is also this is again a one of one because the actual logo the track is in white which is a very nice touch look at the back back section of the car the back area where there's so much leather there the surrounds of the speakers are also all the leather there's so many details that have been done on this car let me show you the key have a look at the key look at it it's absolutely amazing it goes all the way around from side to side and then finally whilst we're talking about the leather let's look at the front every part of this front section has got leather on it from the tool holders on the side to this warning triangle that has obviously one of one here because it truly is a one of one and even small details like this first aid kit has leather and the stitching and alcantara inside i mean how cool is this this was your gt2 rs you'd be over the moon with all these small details and all these small touches so i'm going on a bit about the interior you can tell i'm really excited about it just phenomenal and that's basically the car that's basically the project this has been a a relatively fast project but also a lengthy one in terms of the amount of work that's gone into this car and it doesn't end here there's gonna be a chapter two when it goes to manti racing to get the final bits but i think it's um yeah it's one of those really really monumentous moments for oursel topaz because to be able to transform it from what it was to what it is now is a huge congratulations to the team every person that worked on this car should be really happy with themselves because the final end product is fantastic really is we've also gone to the extent of having every single part of this car painted the areas that you don't see are also painted in green the areas that you do see are painted to green i wanted to make sure that if this goes into a porsche center and they lift it up and they look underneath and they look everywhere in the car they will not be able to tell that this car was silver before so it's a very very important part and to be able to get to that stage obviously you've seen videos and photos of the car we've had to basically strip the car back down to the shell and that's the only way to do it that to do it properly and to do it in a specific way where you get this final result being so amazing let's also talk about what we did after we painted the car so obviously we the car once come out the spray booth it will have a certain level of orange peel paint distortion we level that off and made sure that the car is 99.9 orange peel free and the reason why it's 99.9 is because the panels themselves have some distortion um even when you put paint on top of them and you just can't sand down the panels essentially so it looks fantastic now the reflections are are very sharp the color is very deep and enables you to really appreciate this stunning ferrari color we then apply paint protection film all over the whole car every single area of this car that has carbon or paint has got paint protection film including obviously the dots door handles any area that has a gloss surface has had paint protection film on it as you would expect us to do with someone spending you know a good amount of money on this a good amount of time making sure it's absolutely perfect now if we look down the side of the car as well a small detail has been put onto this and you'll see small reminiscence of this all around the car is that the car is called the gt2 rs pl edition and it's pl because that's the customer's initials and it's honestly it serves that being there because the amount of time and effort he's put in with the team here with mazin it's just been phenomenal so going to the back of the car the car doesn't sound quite standard and the reason being is because we've decatured this and then we've put obviously the original back box on there and it's which has made our titanium phenomenal exhaust system anyway from porsche but the d-cap just helped it made that little bit more noise and that little bit more grunt so i hope you've enjoyed that video as much as i have seen the transformation happen from when it came in to when it when it is right now about to leave us so and i hope i hope we'll be able to give you some more of these really cool projects anyway i want to sign off make sure to like share and subscribe and i'll catch you on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Topaz Detailing
Views: 362,046
Rating: 4.9014521 out of 5
Keywords: porsche gt2rs, porsche, gt2rs, gt2, 991, respray, british racing green, ferrari, leather, retrim, customisation, manthey racing, manthey
Id: RUFA1z9Gb7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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