Our ABANDONED "Honduki" 750cc Quad Preps for a FULL SEND! Exhaust Build, Clutch Rebuild + More!

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[Laughter] all right let's try that again what's up everybody i'm john i'm isaac and today on cars and cameras we are back working on our honda 750 cc swapped suzuki four-wheeler deemed the han dookie in the last episode we got it running for the first time but just barely it was running like garbage so in today's episode we have a carburetor rebuilt we have new points and condensers and ike is going to be looking into the clutches while i'm building exhaust mounting battery and we also need to figure out a permanent place for our oiling system so there's plenty to be done before this is going to go on a proper test drive but hopefully we're going to have it done today the first time we worked on the honduke we realized that two of these carburetors weren't getting any fuel so we did the quickest dirtiest carb rebuild clean out we could and it kind of worked but now it's time to go back and do a proper rebuild so i'm going to start things off by taking these carburetors off dismantling them so they can be soaking overnight while we work on other things so while i am working on these carburetors ike is going to start the fun job of removing our clutch assembly trying to figure out why it doesn't work odds are they're all rusted together right that's right i'd rather do the clutch job than that uh carburetor rebuild this is just gonna be tedious it's right up my alley all right oh what's up when the bolts broke off yikes get a hammer i don't want to rip the gasket please be okay gasket looks okay clutch throw out seems to be working like it's supposed to these carburetors should be ready to come off and i'm going to take them over to workbench start on the teardown okay thank you there we go oh man my pants already smelled like gas these are now my gas pants are those the same paint yeah i washed him last night [Music] all right so i got most of the first carburetor apart and then we stripped this phillips screw which allows the whole carburetor to be separated from the rest of the rail which is extremely unfortunate and then it dawned on me the engine is running poorly but it could be from things that are not the carburetors it could be the points which we're going to replace it could be the lack of a real exhaust which we're also going to complete so i'm going to put this carburetor back together reinstall it and then work on something that we know needs to be done and if we still have running problems then we're going to rebuild it also i don't remember if i pointed it out but i bought the wrong rebuild kit for the carburetors so i ordered a new one but it's not going to be here for a couple days either so i'm going to put this puppy back together and then work on either the exhaust or the points but the good news is that isaac managed to get all of the clutches unstuck and he's working on reinstalling the basket oh and don't forget to take advantage of our merchandise sale right now there are three days left you can get 15 off select items like this one here our rat rod wagon long sleeve tee or this one over here our mini bike hoodie so 15 off there three days left uh take advantage before it's too late and uh also don't forget to set your reminders 8 p.m tomorrow night april 1st april fool's day except this isn't a joke we're uh shooting our first live podcast episode ever where we are going into all the details on honestly the most asked question of all time on cars and cameras which is how to get a good deal on a go carter mini bike how to find them how to negotiate what to look for all that stuff we're spilling the beans on our podcast which is airing live right here on the cars and cameras youtube channel if you miss it no worries you can catch it at our new channel at the wheel with cars and cameras where we're posting all our podcast archives all right check out our merch tune into the podcast i got this clutch free and going back together do you have the impact driver over there all right you gotta take it back apart i uh assembled it wrong this uh this bottom piece right here john yeah it fits one way you see how all the clutches are loose oh yeah all right turning it there it goes okay so i assembled it a little off all right whoops this is going to go together so fast you're going to be like wow how did you do that there we go there we go going back on oh this was so much fun you remember how these things didn't want to fit where them something like that yeah all right i'm not gonna pinch off any spark plug wires or anything are you i don't know let's see what happens another click give her another click i think we're there i think so yeah you only do one more click hold on hold on uh so if we think we're there we should tighten up the clamps and then take off the uh draft yeah i think we're there michael thanks for your assistance sure got everything tight huh ah yes [Laughter] all right let's try that again i'm so mad um okay for one thing the clamps are too far back gotcha they need to be at the edge yeah be closer what do you think oh no man i'm on i think i'm on i can wiggle a little bit more yeah that side definitely looks closer than this side also just tighten up the clamps and let her ride okay we're gonna touch him or no okay good job good job let's hope they don't need to get rebuilt well yeah because like that's the worst part of the freaking job i think it's in i gear try rocking her back forward with me all right she's in gear you ready oh i think it works yes yep clutch works sweet i could use a little bit more adjustment all right that's a big item right there yeah all right so it should be in gear it is clutch look at that okay all right um so we got reposition our oil tank our battery our fuel tank points gotta put points in it i mean we don't have to would it help with it running though maybe i mean maybe okay i'll go ahead and yeah i have them might as well um cut this off and test fit the rear we can just weld a pipe on the side of the frame yeah [Laughter] i think so this is that is that this is that the one peg we do have one peg we do have and that's part of the motor mount i'm gonna cut this oil thingy off okay waiting to catch it i think that's about how it goes okay yeah both hold bolt hole bolt hole bolt hole all right um this oil cooler looks like it can go in this triangle here yeah and if we can get it fit up there we can't let it go above the the bottom of the frame rail okay if we can get it fit in there we can cut a hole where we can gain access to the oh oil fill for the oil fill okay can we put the battery right here under the seat yeah i think we could as long as we can get a battery that'll work for us all right dude i'm going to use this paint pen to mark which line goes on this uh which line goes where yeah that's a good idea um and it appears that on on this oil tank it's the most forward line goes in the most forward place so that's one way we can remember but i'm marking so we shouldn't get it wrong this is pretty cool oh you like that i mean like two cannons side by side yeah do you want me to get some glass packs while i'm out or or use those this might work what do you think i mean it worked for a cross cart it did it's kind of the same engine bam man it'd be cool if we just found some bad dumps some dumps some dumps like you know like old 70s corvettes and stuff oh-ho-ho the side pipes those are cool those are cool what if we just do four into one and where it goes out the back and you know how charlie put his exhaust sideways on his like right here and just across the you know we we have one one uh exhaust system come up yep to the back to the muffler and you're gonna mix up okay well that way that sounds good uh so we gotta go to the muffler shop we're undoing our uh sketchy oil lines because we're gonna go to store and try to get some new ones so we can relocate this oil tank wow these things really got on there would you like to cut them old oil lines be gone feels so wrong all right that's one that's one it looks pretty gross yeah it's pretty bad for having less than an hour on it i'm gonna take it that we're just gonna change the oil we're changing the oil all right boy i'm going to take these lines with you here i'm going to take one all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to cut off this switch piece this yeah and then i'm going to get the line off and it should have a like a barb a barbed nipple on there just reuse that just reuse that both ends on it or something put a hose clamp on yeah that sounds good first glance this looks like it's just gonna fit perfectly but it's gonna need to get trimmed or modified or the plastic is gonna have to get modified not looking so good so it's just a big nipple stick a new hose on it and put a hose clamp yep both uh all four ends are gonna be the same nice so it's not too bad don't need to buy new lines with just the hose it's it's not going to work for us anyways so it's way to do it cool i mean i can get it to fit in there better but this is going to have to go all right how about holding it there and i'm gonna sit on it yep and see if it interferes with that rotor yeah are your arms gonna be all right uh probably [Music] i think we're gonna be narrowly okay okay get off of it not yet we got to have room for the lines right so this is nothing right is that overflow or what is that that's probably overflowed okay well if we have any overflow oh we don't have rear brakes anyway so it doesn't matter yeah if we had overflow but we could put an extension on it and get it out of the way so nice this is close to the uh the rotor we should be okay as long as we can you know aim it away uh-huh well it actually is a uh it's aimed yeah aimed a little bit out of the way so that should be okay yep do you wanna try it uh see what you can do dude okay so i have my bolt for testing purposes in there i need to weld the nut onto the chassis and then i can build a spacer and that'll be one out of three that'll do it all right we have two of our hangers tacked in the third one is gonna be a bit trickier because it comes around here so i'm betting it's not that strong i'm betting i can tie into this place here where the body mounts maybe a piece of flat bar to join right there so i need a three inch tube as a spacer and a 2 and 7 8 tube as a spacer [Music] [Applause] [Music] you get what you need man man i built a thing my biggest concern is how floppy that is but floppy you know the body mounts to it yeah yeah yeah plus so it should be okay yeah something like that just need to get some better fitting bolts and tighten them up and that'll be it cool oh my it's not the exhaust is loose here so i still don't have the right length both so we're going to use uh spacer for tests and purposes oh wow did you mean oh wow like you're above doing something like this get that judgment out of your voice oh [Music] that can get trimmed off [Music] the oil feed and return fittings have been trimmed and i'm working on putting the new lines on that was a nifty trick taught me by cutting outside off and you're left with a nice barbed nipple for new hose so our oil sump is completely mounted and the new hoses have been plumbed and they look a whole lot better than what was up there so i'm going to put three quarts of oil in the 750 and uh we're gonna see where that gets [Music] us don't judge me it's a new meaning to wi-fi oh yeah she's wiped it's got it's going to have three y-pipes on it powerhouse powerhouse it's all right it doesn't need all 70 horsepower it's not pretty but it's gonna do the job and uh the battery's gonna be on charge for the next few hours but it's going to sit somewhere around like that so we just need a couple more pieces of flat bar to tie into this part of the frame right here so we got this exhaust figured out and and we know this is not going to flow well the two into one i know but this 750 doesn't belong in this four-wheeler and i'm trying to keep the heat away from the suspension the way they had the the header run and it was right up against this rubber bushing on the suspension and the tire and you know that it's not gonna work for long so two into one it's still gonna have plenty of power for this four wheeler and we know that the carburetors need to be synced up and all that stuff oh yeah you know we don't have an air box uh it's just we're working with what we got which ain't much it's not much my battery box is welded up now i'm gonna fit this plastic because i know i'm gonna have to trim our oil tank i'm also gonna figure out where the battery box is gonna sit i don't see why you would have to put the battery way forward like that okay let me just i'm just giving you as much room as possible for that exhaust well i mean look at the oil tank and stuff oh man i don't think this looks incredibly stupid yeah why not oh dude yeah and your pipe is even facing the right direction and everything it has to go like this deep really the battery's very tall [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] done all right so i can make some brackets something that comes off the muffler up to this point here and we'll start with that test fit plastic and go from there yeah baby yeah you like my bracket might burn through the muffler where you weld right here i mean this is a seam right so that seam is going to be the strongest yeah it's worth a shot sure it's close to the chain oh thanks bottom of muffler is hitting this sprocket a little self-clearing action [Music] self-clearing it'll be one of those exhausts that gets louder yeah we can just kick it out a little tad yeah so just rotate the bottom up just a hair yeah you know that's about to break well yeah i'll just kick it out all right that looks cool [Music] yeah that one's a good y one that's the less good wire one this is more like it's a little sharper a d that's all right yeah that one is very nice that one's a little sharper but dude i didn't have enough pipe uh this is what it's all matched it's all matched up and i didn't want to use it so i had a short piece so i couldn't make a white make a y it's gonna run in it [Music] well the issue now is that the battery box is now moving you might want to take it off really yeah why well you know the rubber mounts that we got for the engine mount put one of those in there put one of those in there or we could just see what happens i think we should see what happens it's the honduke i mean it's i'd say it's a c-minus a-plus would be like no movement at all this like barely passes well i mean no car exhaust is solid they're all rubber mounted yeah that's true this tailpipe section has to get trimmed off rotated and welded back on because right now if we get mud or rain in there it'll slowly make its way through the exhaust and potentially into the engine so chop it twist it weld it back up street sweeper style [Music] we got tail pipe bud cool it's really coming together our to-do list is getting shorter and shorter and it'll soon be time to ride the honduki hopefully with a little bit more power than last time um i have the muffler welded on so as soon as ike finishes with the runners up here he can connect the two and that'll be a big item checked off the list but while he's doing that i am going to replace the points and the condensers uh they're cheap parts on ebay and they're pretty easy to replace so it's just a little bit of uh you know go ahead and replace them while you're at it it could help it run better oh well it's on there i thought i got it so that's one condenser and one set of points i'm going to do the other now that i got this side right i thought that side was right but it's not ah now it's not seated it's not uh i didn't get the flange in there deep enough dang it it is what it is oh it's a lot of cutting and redoing it no no no no no it's called a hammer oh okay yeah yeah these wires seem to wrap around each other twice okay so i'm just gonna put it back exactly like how it was i would and just assume honda knew what they were doing you rotate it where the points open up at the widest point and then you set the gap and then you set the gap at that point okay that's easy enough oh it's pretty straightforward it's uh the worst part is when you go to tighten up the uh adjuster screw it'll like tighten more and it always either loosens the points or it tightens it up so yeah uh you're going to get a little frustrated is that to adjust timing that's to adjust the timing so we can advance or the timing that is pretty cool isn't that cool so if we wanted to turbo charge it we could just we could just dial it back on dookie han turd dookie dookie man hold on this one's not even right all right that should do it let's watch this one more time it's blue is on the top and green is on the bottom it's amazing how uh it just falls into place when it wants to yeah dude it's probably okay 13 inches for me that's within spec just a little bit loose i tighten the screw and it feels like we're still within that 14 thousandths which means we're definitely within 12 to 16 thousands which means i'm going to put our new used points cover on and that's going to be done i've always hated adjusting points because it feels so arbitrary you just kind of adjust it tighten it and see if it works but what i learned today is that there are little grooves right here which are designed to put a screwdriver in and make minuscule adjustments that made the whole thing so much easier so be sure to do that if you're ever adjusting points skip the guesswork starting a new fashion here fashion trend fashion trend right here so i gotta say it's a it's not too heavy it does feel a little strange i've never had any uh large jewelry hanging from my ears yeah you still haven't because the condenser is not choking oh i was like what did he put on me [Laughter] this blade needs to be replaced oh it's bad thank you sir exhaust now we're talking dude it's finally coming together yeah it's getting there okay so it's got to join somewhere before there nah at the end here oh at the end okay this is going to be so nice dude nice here we go cover [Music] it's the ugliest welding i think i've ever done uh-oh i'm sure there's going to be some leaks there but it's up there it shouldn't move just leaking horsepower that's right ike has the exhaust run for the left two cylinders and it's a little trickier for the right two because it has to join back here in order to go that muffler and we have to go underneath the engine which is tricky because there's i don't know it's a dry sump system but i'm still going to call it an oil pan under here and we can't go any higher here because it just kicks the other side down and it won't be able to join to our muffler so what i'm going to do is just weld it right here and this is going to be the lowest part on the four wheeler which it'll probably get mangled but it's better that this exhaust pipe gets mangled than our oil filter housing which is fragile so in a weird way it's like protecting it uh on the back here i was gonna do a little slash cut where the two pipes come together so they can fit inside of a two inch yeah that's that's what i was getting at oh so you weren't talking about the front no no yeah they're back there so that sounds good i'm going to try to unbind unbend some other pipe for this piece right here you can work on that piece cool yeah and if i can't unbend it i'll just do the eye cut all right i'm wondering if if it's the same size as this you see how it downsizes there if we cut it there i might be able to slide the pipe in okay yeah that makes sense yeah buddy dude uh i have to trim it a little bit more i think uh-huh and this might be right there uh looks like it's gonna be right there buddy so i'll try trimming i don't know maybe right there wham bam it's supposed to be a quiet muffler but as short as it is we might have a little bit of a sound coming out of the back that's all right a little bit a little bit is good yeah i think it's going to sound like acidic i hope it doesn't sound like a car with a clogged up cali converter you know that pissing sound yeah that was sick well we gonna find out real soon all right so we might have a little hissing right there but look at it it's definitely the back backyard special isn't it this whole build is backyard special yeah but it doesn't look stupid i mean okay okay yes it looks a little silly with that big muffler there it's car exhausted but i mean it could have looked way worse oh it could have been worse could have been way worse we're making progress people and it clears all right yeah i think it clears yeah i think it clears i mean you can't fit a piece of paper down between that's super tight buddy you want to just like put some gas in the carburetors and here cranked up real quick i say we put a bottle on it and crank it up you got to hook up the battery yes that sounds good yeah that's all right i mean once i trim it it'll put that on there it's looking good man not bad not bad you want to hear it oh yeah where's my special gatorade bottle with the hose on it's a pet peeve of mine having these pee bottles out here but no ike likes to shut off his pee bottles i don't like having those gas bottles around we just haven't had a place to put them you need to be more hydrated i'm not going to hydrate myself that's more what you need to be looking like but even that is not that clear [Music] here we go [Music] sounds alright oh oh stop got it all right there she's full the oil let go on the puddle yeah well we got fuel coming out oh wow overflow all right it it's not as loud as i was hoping but it's not quiet yeah it's all right it's kind of it's kind of deep isn't it yeah yeah it doesn't sound like it's got a lot of exhaust leaks either yeah so we're kind of hung up until we get a carburetor that's what it looks like but it'll be fine another thing we got to look into is a fuel tank oh yes i don't hate it so between the nasty weather and the fact that our carburetors still seem to be acting up beyond just needing air filters um we're gonna have to wrap this one up here so stay tuned to the han dookie build subscribe to cars and cameras press the bell to receive notifications from us every time we upload oh yeah we also started a podcast at the wheel with cars and cameras go subscribe to our second channel they will air live on the cars and cameras channel and then we will upload the archives if you missed the live show on at the wheel with cars and cameras on youtube so be sure to follow us there we talk about a little bit of everything uh our favorite builds our least favorite builds upcoming builds some things that ike is working on behind the scenes some things that i'm working on behind the scenes so uh be sure to join us for that um but on dookie you know we got a good amount done it's coming along we're chipping away at this monstrosity of a project that's the best way to put it dude yeah pretty much honduke i think we should put a turbo charger on it because i yeah i know it's the comments are you know ruined now but hear me out then we can call it the han turduki so we can get two poop jokes in there how about how about the just the han tuki anyhow we got the exhaust finished up in this episode and you know it's rough but it's functional right and it doesn't look points changed or the oil tank moved the battery moved the battery moved points cover so yeah we got a few things it i had i spent the majority of the day on just the exhaust yeah like yesterday too on the exhaust so yeah pretty much a full day on exhaust all day it was a pain oh we got it it sounds pretty good uh so next episode we're going to be rebuilding the carburetors we're going to be going for a proper test drive we need to find fuel tank a fuel tank might be putting a z50 fuel tank on here i don't know i don't know or gatorade bottle it works too uh we need to find a foot peg as well so uh thanks for watching this episode everybody leave a thumbs up if you want to help support our channel uh visit our website carsdashcameras.com and pick up and it'll be fine hack let us know in the order notes if you want us to sign something for like a birthday or something we'd be more than happy to do so just let us know in those order notes uh facebook at cars and cameras reviews and instagram at john underscore cars and cameras for sneak peeks behind the scenes on the show and our new podcast go ahead check me out at isaac it'll be fine on youtube and instagram that's right let us know honduki is it going to be the number one around the grand prix i doubt it i doubt it but maybe thanks for watching we'll catch you next time it's the honduki that's pretty much his excuse for everything his excuse our excuse pretty sure you're the first one to use that as an excuse
Channel: CarsandCameras
Views: 312,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HONDA 750 4 wheeler, motorcycle engine 4 wheeler, honduki, fast 4 wheeler, sport quad, 4 wheeler build, quad build, Suzuki quad sport
Id: AgpUMV8tpG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 24sec (2544 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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