E85 Predator 212cc Build!

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what's up everybody I'm John and we are cars and cameras and we are waiting on some parts for the cross car right now so we're putting that on hold to do an engine built that we've wanted to do for a long time and that is doing e85 powered 212 engine so I personally don't know a whole lot about e85 I know we are gonna need about 30% more fuel than conventional gasoline going through this engine with 85 and I know that in some applications it can make a ton more power than regular 93 octane fuel we're gonna find out today using a stage two Tillotson 212 CC engine from go power sports.com and Sunoco racing fuels hooked us up with their e85 our fuel we've heard rumors through friends in social media that you 85 does have a place with small engines but we're gonna find out just how much today we're gonna be using Sunoco e85 are on this build Sunoco racing fuels has been sponsoring our channel for the last two years they hook us up with their 95 octane Optima that we really like for our projects because of last forever and it performs really well alright so we're not a hundred percent sure that this is gonna make a huge boost in performance if anything cuz it really varies on each individual application but I'm willing to give it a shot you ready to build mention yeah third we are gonna be installing a stage two performance upgrade kit from go power sports calm on this tilts and 212 CC engine now the stage two has changed since we first installed it a few years ago we have a 22 millimeter mikuni carburetors a fiend valve springs a billet rod stock length a really really cool-looking gold flywheel that we have not used before a thinner head gasket and a side cover gasket a racing spark plug and the 265 hot cam engine teardown ready set go our guys zakat Sunoco sent along a message of what we can expect from a 85 85 R will absorb twice as much heat compared to gasoline from its surroundings when it changes from a liquid to vapor phase our air intake temperature is gonna be lower meaning the denser fuel and air going into the cylinder which means better performance the 85 R can handle higher boost and compression than many gasolines without detonation pump e85 can vary from 60 to 85 percent ethanol depending on the time your PA t5r is exactly 85% ethanol ethanol will easily absorb water from the air so in these small engines would be good to drain or seal the fuel system if it will sit for more than a couple of days some we're gonna have to look out for whoa we've you know we've never this is the first time we built the coalition it's already lined up so cute not this one did you notice that there's looks like it there's a lot less of the you know on the printers how we take them apart and just the bottom it's just absolutely full of hay that's true I've never notice that yeah yeah this is a lot cleaner way cleaner yeah yeah and the blocks are reinforced right here as well yeah that's what I like about these so what's the difference between hammy and non hammy on Tilton's do they not come non hammy I don't know these rockers are definitely different boom out of the way that this is truly the first time we've had a hit off yes are you putting a rod on right yes I guess I will take this piston out hey you got it yeah let's stop the clock sure twenty minutes forty seconds dude make sure you get this washer right here actually mm together after you take the governor around factory new one it's like a third of the thickness yes so we're not doing any head work on this build but we are installing the supplied thinner head gasket that's gonna be like shaving the head we're bumping up the compression all right so the engine is torn down and it's ready for reassembly Ike is gonna start with the rotating assembly crankshaft rod flywheel all that good stuff and so we were told that he 85 would work on any engine I mean we can make any engine run on e85 but we'll probably have a bigger performance difference on the more modified ones but for right now we're doing stage two because I don't know I didn't feel like risking a stage 3 years to h4 if this e85 experiment works out for us pretty well today we might consider it on a more modified engine to see if we can get bigger gains out of it but right now we just want to make it run see if we can tune it properly sprocket can probably get knocked off and that's for the governor this is for the governor and I've never tried it before do we really want to try it in this video I don't think so dude well and so we're picking up what may be horse power and this is basically like putting a lighter flywheel on the engine right it's just less rotating mass less rotating that'll help the engine spin higher look at this flywheel is first time we've it's beauty miss one of these on this has 34 degrees advanced timing cool cool beans we're gonna have to double check the clearance on that coil yes to the flywheel we have a predator Hemi flywheel and performance kick or a tilt 10 to 12 and apparently they don't mix we didn't know that in fact this is the first Tillotson we've ever tried to build but we happen to have a Hemi predator 212 that we can use for this build it's pre used we've we ran it before just as a stock engine but uh well inspect it make sure everything is good and in a second here as soon as I snap my fingers will have a predator 212 apart on the table ready to build ready here we go BAM here's a bigger predator 212 block Ike has already tapped the hole or the governor arm went in and we play fine thread bolt in it and we are doing the same to where the low oil cutoff sensor went in the side of the block we're tapping it and putting a 7/16 by 20 fine thread both in there and then we're gonna go ahead and blue loctite no red loctite the breakable stuff we got some red loctite yes we make sure that these bolts never back out once we get these done we can go ahead and assemble the engine and yeah it has some goop in the bottom of it it's pre run but it's a seasoned blah it's a season block and like there's a little bit of wear but it's nothing to be concerned about I mean it's a pre run engine hey man I can see the dam so it ain't going anywhere there we go and we already do the test fit so we know it's not gonna interfere with the rod or rotating assembly all right cool good job the wrist pin Oh now with some assembly Lube you know apply a little bit to all the contact points on the new rad thank you we go together like peanut butter and jelly yep now we're gonna install some assembly Lube so before you install your piston and rod make sure that your rings are equally spaced for the final time hopefully there we go going on if this beautiful flywheel do yes and it should work this time because we have a Hemi predator 265 hot cam have we ever use one of these yes we have we put one in the monster truck BAM gasket comes included with the kit and I just found out this engine was actually made in 2012 this thing is like a grandpa get steroids oh I'm alright yes in the gym click it's hitting the case what's hitting in case I've heard of this before we hadn't run into it yet but the rod is hitting the lobe on the camshaft see that hard spot rather yes check this out it's right there at that magnet let's make a revolution know you're picking stuff up a get it lightweight that's one revolution yes and you see everything's fine yes on the second revolution we're gonna hit it BAM right there do you think is hitting the cam lube it has to be because the cam shaft rotates one full turn every two turns of the crankshaft back apart see what we got damn we sure are and this thing we're running into isn't like a problem or a defect with any of these parts it's just what happens sometimes when you install aftermarket parts and stuff like this it's just the first time it's happened to us so the cam is back out and we put some assembly Lube on the camshaft so we can reinstall it and then as we rotate it it should make a clean spot and the lube so we'll be able to see where exactly it's coming into contact with the rod assembly of course it's we're gonna have to use paint but there's the mark there's there's the grease right there see yep there it is barely hit merrily alright so turns out it was hitting the rod and the crankshaft so right there on the lobe it's coming in contact with the crankshaft and that red paint came off the camshaft lobe we're good and can you imagine cranking that thing up with that uh that knocking there's the gasket yep that's gonna bump up our compression so I just read on go powers towards website that the hot 265 can actually makes power to 7,500 which means that it's probably not safe definitely not safe or stock flywheel stock rod we put it in our monster truck and it's been okay so far but we don't have a lot of time in it so we need to go ahead and put a billet rod and billet flywheel in that at some point they must have seen us have a hard time with the valve springs and previous episodes dude because they sent hate spring compressor that is awesome it was always a little tricky getting these new valve springs in because they're a lot stiffer than the factory ones but these 22 pound ones shouldn't be too too bad it's like the the 26 was a pain in the butt in the higher ones I can't forget to put your caps back on all right so our 26 millimeter mikuni is installed we probably could get away with the 22 when especially when you consider that like it's not air volume we need more of it's just fuel volume at least that's what I think but we're just going straight to the 26 because that's gonna have larger jetting too so we have a choice of headers to go Powersports sent us like for headers they sent us more but for different types of headers you think all headers are made the same but they're not if you look closely this one is just round this one is more basic it's round and you can see there's a lip on the flange you have this one which is an upgrade over the previous one where it's been ground down to fit the the serve the mounting surface to the head and then you have this really really trickling with a thick gasket because the the shape of the of where it mounts to the head is actually tapered to the pipe this one's cool this one's going on our one of our upcoming builds it's gonna be like an all-out stage for you guys remember that 20 horsepower engine we built last year well we're gonna build one that's gonna top that and this headers gonna go on it anyway today we're gonna use the second-best flowing one alright dude this thing is all together 26 millimeter carburetor stage 2 it's time to fuel it up this is the carburetor stock 26 millimeter mikuni we have not done any jetting to it at all we're just going to do this baseline and see if it'll fire up the way it is and then tune it from there [Music] [Music] [Music] we need big surprise right of course the one time we really really really need Ike's precision drill bit set we can't find it so we went to the hardware store and bought some consumer-grade stuff the goal we're looking for maybe fifteen to twenty percent larger than what's in the jet in that twenty six millimeter right now the rule of thumb is thirty percent more fuel however this carburetor or the stage two kit was designed for a twenty two millimeter mikuni where as we're starting with a twenty six so we're not going to need 30% bigger jet that's kind of our the way we're thinking about it so I started by drilling out the main jet with a 1/16 drill bit we're also going to adjust the II clip on the needle on the carburetor and we're also going to written up the idle the idle adjustment so you move the clip all the way down right because all the way down lifts the needle up which basically lets more fuel in everywhere it lets more fuel in and all this idle is just the plunger up and down oh shoot really yeah and I'm gonna go one full turn out which should rich in that idle up ready to give a shot let's give a shot [Music] [Applause] we with the way it's acting when I when I gag it and stuff yes it's acting like it's not getting enough right I think we're getting we're taking a step in the right direction with the rejecting oh definitely you know yeah so we just got through running the engine it's running better than I expected it's running yeah but I think it's running a little on the lean side I've never dealt with ei t5 before but if this was regular gasoline with the header getting as hot as it did as fast as it did makes me think it's lean the 85 might be different popping and snapping while accelerating and letting off and stuff gasoline engine tells me it's a little on the lean side the dead spot when I when I gave it full throttle it had a bit bog it had a dead spot so I again I believe that's a lean condition and I think we got rich in it up a little bit alright so you just drilled out the idle jet a little bit just a little bit and now you're drilling out I'm gonna drill out the emotional tube okay yeah just get a new dish I mean either glory or insanity awaits yes da-dew this one this it's wanting to put itself through [Music] I do yeah we also have these tiny holes in the side you want to make sure that they are free and that one wasn't so before we drill the main jet out again we are going to give this a shot with just the emulsion tube drilled out about 15% bigger than it was we are using the American Express 2.0 chassis available from go power sports comm for our eighty-five project today um if you have the chain hooked up and all that stuff so we're gonna see if it'll run right [Music] [Music] yeah looks pretty good either I forgot how peppiest stage 2 was or like this is the can idle it up how can you get on it and I'll just tweak on the sure how does it feel to you though feels really good yeah like I had my doubts on e85 even yeah I would think yeah I mean I wouldn't think that these results would be noticeable yeah you sure sure it's all toasted I didn't think that it would be noticeably different than like a stage two I mean maybe the stage 2 xored just beefier these days but and it's been a while since we've done a stage 2 probably with that size sprocket yeah yeah it feels really strong it's a I think we ought to maybe try it against something else yeah I think that's a great idea we got this little 212 running on Sunoco Z 85 are pretty well considering that we just dialed it in with tools from like a hardware store on the stage 2 kit from go power sports is as mean as ever in the 85 R it seems to be like it's witchcraft this thing it feels really really really strong so next time we're gonna be comparing it against a very similar go-kart with a very similarly modified engine just on regular 93 or 87 octane pump gas 95 95 octane yes Optima fuel so thank you for watching this video guys I think if this continues to go well we should put EA t5 to a stronger more modified engine but I think right now like the results have been great I think we I don't know it would be cool to get like an o2 sensor and really fine-tune it and see how close we got with our kind of backyard eyeballing jetting if you're thinking about doing an e85 build on one of these small engines check out go power sports performance upgrade kits and of course Sunoco cat5 our racing fuel Facebook and Instagram check us out in between videos at cars and cameras reviews support the channel and pick up a t-shirt at cars - cameras comm leave a thumbs up this is exciting we got some good stuff going with this e85 thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: CarsandCameras
Views: 516,666
Rating: 4.8925538 out of 5
Keywords: e85 small engine, e85 predator 212, e85 build, e85 go kart, carsandcameras e85, e85 carsandcameras, e85 mini bike
Id: ybpraPH9R-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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