15 Things You Didn’t Know About Suleiman The Magnificent

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this is billionaire Mondays every Monday we present you with another billionaire today we're looking at 15 things you didn't know about Suleiman the Magnificent welcome to a luxe calm the place where future billionaires come to get inspired hello a lack sirs it's time to flip through some history pages today those who paid attention in history class might remember who Suleiman the Magnificent was but if you don't know well you're in the right place Suleiman was born on the northeastern coast of Turkey along the coast of the Black Sea his birth date is not 100% accurate but most people believe it's on November 6th 1494 at 7 years old he was sent to study in Constantinople and later at 17 he was already appointed as the governor of the first kapha seven years later when his father died he took the throne of the Ottoman Empire as the 10th Sultan he was one of the most respectable and long reigning Sultan's of the Ottoman Empire for 46 years Suleiman perfected laws he invested in education and he led his people into one of the biggest expansions of the Empire he was loved feared and well known on three continents from the Seas of the Mediterranean to the Red Sea and through the Persian Gulf but let's just dig in and learn shall we here are 15 things you didn't know about the greatest ruler of the Fallen Empire if you're new here welcome be sure to subscribe and follow us on instagram at a luxe number one he ruled over 25 million people the Ottoman Empire controlled southeastern Europe Western Asia and North African regions between the 14th and early 20th centuries their influence and culture is still found throughout these regions in various areas such as music art language food or customs as the world entered into the 20th century the Empire slowly toned down to be the country we know today as Turkey during Suleiman the Magnificent's 40-year reign he ruled over 25 million people on three continents his empire was rich diverse and always expanding he wanted to take over Europe but unfortunately the Asajj stopped at Vienna for good number two the laws he passed remained active for hundreds of years after his death being the Sultan for such a long period of time means that he went through all sorts of problems and challenges every new ruler wants to leave his print and legacy but most of their reforms are quickly forgotten or improved upon Suleiman was very active and involved in the lawmaking process of the Ottoman Empire his administrative reforms allowed some critical changes such as putting together the Ottoman code of laws mercy and more rights to Christian immigrants better taxes for traders and importers and education Suleiman built schools and invested a lot of effort and money into culture his legacy as one of the most important lawmakers remains intact over 300 years after his death his work as ruler of the Ottoman Empire was so immaculate that his followers didn't feel the need to change it number three he was a poet and an art lover although a lot of people think of emperors as being cruel and bloodthirsty it's not always the case and even if they're conquerors and always on the battlefield that doesn't mean that deep inside they're not still human historians have a way of telling and twisting the facts so that some people appear to be larger than life or more cruel they're telling stories and stories often bend the truth Suleiman was a very different ruler he was artistic a poet and an art lover a lot of his poems and verses were used as proverbs by his people he was fluent in Persian and Turkish and while he was the Sultan art and culture were acknowledged and supported his palace must have been a museum number four he befriended and made a prime minister his slave while studying in Constantinople Suleiman received a slave in the name of Ibrahim a Christian immigrant from Prague unlike most people they got along and became close friends as Suleiman became the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire he took Ibrahim with him and made him Grand Vizier or prime minister as we call them today the two achieved great things together and were on good terms for years until Ibrahim grew a little too large for his safety he took advantage of his friendship with Suleiman and manipulated him to kill certain people and trust him with battles in the end Ibrahim is conspiracy against him came to light and he was sentenced to death and executed number five his net worth was unknown as Suleiman became the Magnificent he also became very rich but how rich well the amount of money gold and possessions he owned as the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire is unknown there aren't any records or estimations of his fortune but we can assume and speculate based on what we know for sure how our estimation places him in the billionaire status because he ruled over 25 million people in around 10 countries he built schools mosques and palaces he went to war and had a fleet and as lifestyle goes he had a big harem several children and a lavish lifestyle so he wasn't your regular king also the ottomans used to get taxes from countries that were under them so the Sultan always had money coming in number six he planned to turn st. Peter's Basilica into a mosque having experienced great success in battles Suleiman wanted more ruling over the Middle East North Africa and Eastern Europe was not enough for him he wanted the whole world as he conquered land by land his plan was to get to Italy and then conquer all of Christianity his fleet was very successful and ambitious but as you might know his plan didn't go as he wanted it to the Christians were more powerful than his army and fleet and managed to stop their invasion Suleiman's plan was to invade Italy pose Islam to everyone and turn st. Peter's Basilica into a mosque it would have been the biggest hit for Christianity and Europe but fortunately it didn't happen I guess some things were just impossible even for Suleman number seven he married a woman from his harem one of the most outrageous things Suleiman did and remained so in history was his marriage with one of the women from his harem Muslims are known to be polygamous and back in the 15th century harems were very normal especially among powerful and rich men keep in mind that harems consist of multiple women such as wives concubines mothers sisters or children Suleiman had a harem - and one of his concubines from it rose to be very powerful he fell deeply in love with harem a beautiful redhead Christian immigrant she was in fact polish but brought into the harem at the age of 15 she got under his skin so deep that he broke all the rules and married her he only had two wives but she was the most powerful and his favorite number 8 he killed his elder son as mentioned before Suleiman had two wives and multiple concubines he had 14 children which is quite a generous selection for his throne half of them died very young though due to disease and other problems so only seven were left to become the next Sultan with so many heirs Suleiman sent his firstborn away to rule over far-off lands a common practice for that time in fact he sent him away to make sure his other sons of he and her m have better chances at the throne he loved her more so naturally he wanted those children to be at an advantage this plan worked out well because haram and others conspired against Mustafa the son they sent away and got Suleiman so suspicious about him that he killed the boy this just goes to show how sneaky and manipulative Haram was and how afraid of his sons Suleiman was - in this family being sultan was more important anything else number nine coffee shops appeared during this time real coffee lovers know all the diversity and brewing techniques one of the most flavorful and special coffees is Turkish coffee you can find it in different places but it doesn't compare with the original one of course this recipe is special because it uses finely ground coffee and sugar while boiling its original from the days of the Ottoman Empire but during Suleiman's reign coffee shops started appearing throughout Turkey what's even more fascinating about them is the dried fine grains of coffee left on the mug were used to tell fortunes older women used to read the future of those who drank the coffee a tradition that some still used to do years after the Ottoman Empire disappeared number 10 Suleiman lived in a lavish palace because every Sultan is a worthy of a palace when Suleiman took the throne he was immediately checked into topkapi palace or the new palace as they called it the palace complex consisted of four main courtyards and many smaller buildings that were homes for the Sultan's harem the Grand Vizier and other officials it was also the palace where important meetings and decisions were made of course the palace had the best view in the city overlooking the Bosphorus high walls amazing gardens and a lot of history it used to hide the imperial treasury and all the wealth of the Sultan today the palace still holds the great architecture and some remnants of the era it's now turned into a museum and a Luxor's speaking of leaders and conquerors have a look at our video the top 10 leaders who wanted to conquer the world there are some great and controversial men listed there so you might want to check it out by clicking in the top right corner number 11 his death was hidden for two months the Sultan in the ottoman empire was the second most powerful and important man after all aha suleiman being the 10th Sultan was also head of the army and present on the battlefield the most important battles were won in his presence but he was so important his death was kept a secret for almost two months Suleiman died on the battlefield in a tent due to age and illness however in order to keep spirits high the news was hidden from everyone it happened while the Ottomans were assessing Hungary his body was buried back in Istanbul but his heart and main organs were buried in Hungary under the tent where he died at 71 years of age some claim to have found the remains of Suleiman in northern Hungary but his official tomb still stands tall in Istanbul number 12 turkey produced a massive successful TV show after the Sultan's life soap operas and TV shows are big right now everyone is binge watching several shows on Netflix so what about a historical show about Suleiman the Magnificent of course that show does exist and it's a massive success in Turkey Latin America and some Eastern European countries he's also featured in historical documentaries and video games but the four season soap opera that was broadcast all over the world was the most successful it had over 200 million viewers and ranked very high in a lot of countries the show grasped over 750 million dollars worldwide and is now available on Netflix if we've made you curious enough number 13 he had Barbarossa as an admiral for his large fleet Suleiman had the best men in his army but since they wanted more and more lands he also needed a good fleet he found Herod and Barbarossa a brave man that secured all their naval battles across the Mediterranean Sea his nickname was in fact inherited from his brother who had a red beard and it stuck with him too he had a successful career as Admiral for the Ottoman Empire under Suleiman his name was well known all over the world as a fearless fighter and the name that everyone associated with many military operations he's even mentioned in video games movies books and chips number 14 Suleiman and his women wore the finest clothes monarchs usually have special wardrobes that allow them to express their status and wealth they wear the finest materials expensive jewelry luxurious cars and everything is custom-made it's always been like that even in the 16th century being the sultan of such a big Empire it's obvious that his outfits and those of his harem would be extra special they were always wearing silk caftans gold and precious stones they only used imported silk from Persia or other parts of the world and had a special dressing dedicated to them even after their times ended the Topkapi Palace still holds a museum with all the dresses and accessories that they were wearing back then as for Suleiman you can see in all of the paintings and depictions that he was always well dressed and always looking his best just like a king number 15 he had a four tiered crown made just for him when Suleiman took the throne at 26 years old the Ottoman Empire was just starting to get bigger and bigger he was the 10th Sultan and had great plans for his people his empire was rich and prosperous so he could afford a few updates to his image most kings and Sultan's wore some sort of crown but he had a different view on that Suleiman ordered a four tiered crown to be made just for him he could have a three tiered crown but wanted something different more opulent and something that would make him bigger than the Pope he was very competitive and ambitious a little like Alexander the Great who was his role model for more than 500 years the Ottoman Empire was indeed one of the greatest powers in the world they were experienced sailors warriors architects and traders what they built still stands today in spite of everything that's happened in modern history the Sultan's that followed Suleiman were not as great or magnificent as he was men like him are all too rare but a Luxor's we want to know what you think about him now that the facts have been laid out let us know in the comments now because we wanted to shed a little bit more light and as a reward for sticking with us all the way to the end you know you get a bonus here it is number 16 most Sultan's from the Ottoman Empire were not 100% Turkish Suleiman was born in Turkey and took the throne after his father died however his mother may have had other origins possibly from Genghis Khan as some claim just like him many other Sultan's were in fact born from mothers that were of different origins most women from the harems were brought in from other countries that were conquered by the ottomans so over 30 of the Sultan's were not 100% Turkish these women were converted to Islam and their past erased just like harem Suleiman's favorite wife that was polish a lot of these women come from Serbia Greece Ukraine or Bulgaria the ottomans didn't care so much about royal titles or ethnicity when it came to women and they never had a problem with the origins of a sultan so their dynasty became quite diverse unlike other royal families thank you for spending some time with us a Luxor make sure to subscribe so you never miss a video if you want more we hand-picked these videos you might enjoy or head over to Alex calm for the 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Channel: Alux.com
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Keywords: Alux, Alux.com, luxury living, fastest cars, fine living, new life, extravagant things, Suleiman the Magnificent, suleiman the magnificent extra history, suleiman the magnificent documentary, suleiman the magnificent tv show, Suleiman the Magnificent net worth, Suleiman the Magnificent battles, Suleiman the Magnificent conquests, Suleiman the Magnificent wife, Suleiman the Magnificent children, Suleiman the Magnificent palace, Suleiman the Magnificent death
Id: hJxxH2Zs-Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2018
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