You Need To Use These RuneLite Plugins

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chances are if you play old school RuneScape you probably use Rune light and if not you've definitely heard of it as about 70 of players online right now are on runelight now as a twitch streamer I get asked every single day mammal how do you set that plug-in up how do you get your Rune light to look like this and I figured if I'm getting asked these questions on stream every single day chances are there probably are people that could benefit from this information on YouTube as well so I'm gonna make a video now first and foremost uh there are a lot of fake Rune light links if you just Google roon light so I am going to put a link to the runelight website in the description of the video in the event that you don't have room light already it is Rune light dot net please be very careful because people get hacked like this all the time so the first thing I want to talk about technically doesn't have to do with Rune light specifically but I think that this is really under known at this point and it's a shame and that is the jagex launcher now I'm not I'm not being like paid by jagex I just think this is really really cool so with the jagex launcher you can one click log in the same way that you do on mobile if you played osrs mobile before you would know all you got to do is type is Tap Play now well with the Jag X launcher you can do the same thing and use runelight one click play now you're in the game once again I will put a link in the description to the Jag X launcher download it's on the website once you've downloaded the Jack X launcher you can actually use either RuneScape 3 or old school RuneScape from there you're gonna click on manage accounts and you can add every single one of your accounts by logging in once you've done that it's going to show a list of all of your accounts and then you're just gonna click on Rune light or official client if you want but obviously I'm using Rune light and then you click on play and it will launch a client once that client has finished launching launching that's it you're done all you gotta do is Click login no need to type your password again it's it's a game changer now some of these features I tell you about in fact a lot of them are going to be on the plug-in Hub now I wanted to quickly explain the plug-in Hub contains tons and tons of plugins that are not default to roon light they were created by players now Rune light verifies that everything on the plug-in Hub is safe to use like you're not going to get hacked you're not going to get banned from the game by using it however the only thing they don't verify is it could cause like instability could cause your client to crash maybe or something but all of these are totally within the rules now in order to get to the plug-in Hub you're going to click on this little well I guess it's a plug-in isn't it you're going to click on this button in the top right hand part of room light and from there you can type in uh whatever it is you want and find it so if I say it's on the plugin Hub just click on this tab right here and then type it in if it's not on the plugin Hub then it'll be under this wrench icon under the default plugins the first plugin I want to show you and probably the one I get asked about the most is Bank tag layouts to set up Bank tag layouts you're going to find it in the plugin Hub and from there open up the settings and the really the only important thing you need is on this section that says Auto layout uh you want to set your auto layout style to presets zigzag will not do what I'm going to show you you want it to say presets once you've done that you're going to open up your bank and in the top left hand corner of your bank you're gonna see a plus it says new tag tab so for the purpose of this I'm gonna do we'll just call it Slayer okay and when you make a tab it'll appear at the bottom of this list on the left left-hand side of your your bank so with this little Spade icon this is the tab that I just created once you've done that you're going to click on these two white arrows preview Auto layout click on the green check and there you go you just made a bank Tab and it's got your gear and your inventory laid out exactly as they are separated really easy to work with and take out I think this next one is really under known and will be helpful for a lot of people so on the plug-in Hub there is a plugin called tile packs once you've installed tile packs you're gonna see an icon in the far right hand side of your room light open that up and you are going to see a massive list of bosses tile markers are used in a lot of ways to help make bossing easier now if you ever watch the Youtube guide that you know uses tile markers I know when I used to watch guides I'd be squinting trying to copy what tiles they have marked with the tile packs plug-in you don't need you don't have to do that anymore so if I'm at Bandos right now and I wanted to do the 6-0 range method with a crossbow there's a little thing that says general drawordor 605 tick click on the plus and looky there all of your tile markers just got imported no need to try and copy them from a guide and there are so many bosses listed here tile packs is a big one if you're getting into pvming and you need help getting your tiles marked have you ever scouted a raid and a bunch of the rooms are unknown well you can fix that this next one is called raid reloader it's located on the plug-in Hub and once you add raid reloader on the far right side of room light you're gonna see a little refresh arrow click on that and all you're going to get is a Reload raid button so do you see how it says tecton and the rest unknown if I stand on the correct tile and click reload raid it should now tell me what everything is yep there you go now here's the tricky part okay the raid reloader only works on certain raids and you have to be standing in the correct spot uh so if the room the lobby looks like this you need to stand on this tile right here right behind this big purple flower and then the other reloadable layout is this one if your lobby looks like this where it's nice and long you need to stand right here as far north as you can go next to the entrance of the raid click on reload and it should work um again there are a there's a few layouts with some unknowns that you're not going to be able to reload but as long as you stand in that right spot most of the time the reloader will work be careful though sometimes this one will disconnect you you'll click on reload and then it'll just log you out of the game I don't know why it happens but just be aware that it does sometimes so this next one is pretty Advanced and I'm just going to show you an example of how I used it at Commander zoyana it's called a custom menu swaps and it's located on the plug-in Hub now I think you could probably do some pretty crazy stuff with this uh I can't take credit for it my chat told me how to do this so all I can do is pass forward this example so if under custom swaps what I have copy and pasted here is attack comma commander zoyana and then asterisk comma attack comma Starlight asterisk I would assume you could swap commander zolyana and starlight with any other NPCs in the game you wanted to and it should work the same way but what this will do this will make it so that I will always have left click priority on zoyana commander zoyana and starlight will frequently stack on top of each other and what you would normally have to do is right click and then click attack on zoyana but with this custom swap I am always able to left-click zoyana it'll always take priority and again I want to assume you could swap out any NPC in place of those two and it should work the same right so let's show it in live action as you can see even though Starlight is standing on top of zeliana I can still left click and it'll always shoot zeliana I'll have to wait a moment for them to get realigned so I can show you again like I said under normal circumstances you would have to go right click left click attack zoyana but I will always be able to left click and it'll always hit zoyon I'll even try to click on Starlight like I I'm gonna go out of my way to click on the unicorn and it's just not gonna matter it's always going to left click on zoyana I would consider the next plugin a must-have for a lot of pvm in this game and that is NPC indicators NPC indicators is a default room light plug-in and there's a lot of different settings to play with here but I think the most important thing is having the tile highlighted if you have the tile highlighted that can be very Vital Information for a lot of bosses such as is the corrupted hunlef it's really important to know exactly what tiles the hunleff is occupying because now I know where I can safely run otherwise you could risk running underneath it and getting stomped now this can apply to a lot of bosses in a lot of activities the hunt left is just an easy and clear example to show you but NPC indicators isn't just useful for bossing you could also use it for Slayer so if I'm doing let's say a gargoyle Slayer task right now what you could do is you can highlight these gargoyles and check a box that says show respawn timer if you have that box checked whenever you kill a monster it is going to show exactly where it's going to respawn and when so now that I just killed that gargoyle you can see the tile that's going to Swan on and there's a little timer in the middle showing exactly when it's going to spawn this could be useful information to know if you should move on to a different monster or if you could just wait for the one next to you to respawn this next one is massive quality of life and it is called log out time logout timer is a default Rune light plug-in and if you open up the settings you can change your idle timeout to up to 25 minutes that means you can do absolutely nothing in AFK for 25 minutes before being logged out the only problem is is the number doesn't go higher than 25 minutes sadly so this one actually isn't a plug-in but I think it's great General Rune light knowledge to have if you didn't know you can reorder what the left click option of an item in your inventory is so right now obviously the left click option for these bracelets is where however if I wanted to dismantle a bunch of these bracelets I'd have to right click dismantle and then hit yes well there's a faster way that I could do it and this is a good way to show you how useful this can be so if you hold down the shift key and right click an item in your inventory you can swap what the left click option is so I'm going to swap the left click option on these bracelets to dismantle now if I left click it's going to dismantle as the left click option so I can just hold down the one key and spam click these bracelets that's obviously a specific example but just know that you can swap the left click of any item you want to whatever options they have and the sky is the limit really as an Iron Man this is one of my favorite plugins I've used over the years and it is called Bank experience there's a few different variants of this one but I guess I've always used this one it's got a blue logo with the gold text once you add Bank experience from the plugin Hub you'll see an icon on the far right hand side of room light if you click on that what you are going to see is a drop down menu with lots of different skills and it's going to tell you exactly how much xp you have banked in that skill and it's very customizable so if I click on this molten glass right here you can tell it what you are going to be blowing with that molten glass so we can accurately tell you how much xp you're going to get and then you can see it says total banked I've got well if I put this on there 24 million XP baked this can save you a lot of time with your calculator trying to figure it out yourself oh and while I've got it open if you're an Iron Man and you're trying to calculate how much molten glass you need make sure you get this right if you click on giant seaweed make sure you set to Super glass make 18-3 pickup assuming that's what you're gonna do if you have this set to like normal soda ash the amount of XP it's going to tell you have is way way less so if you're using the super glass make spell to make molten glass make sure you select sgm which is super glass make because that'll actually tell you it correctly next I'm going to show you guys how to make your screen flash to let you know that you've gone AFK this can be really useful if you're doing something like wood cutting and you're not paying attention it's not exactly straightforward so there's two things you have to do here first of all you're going to turn on idle Notifier idle Notifier is a default Moonlight plugin if you go in the settings you can customize exactly how long you have to be idle before it'll start letting you know so I'm going to set it to 50 milliseconds will be fine okay so I've got that set up however you want it to be now that is not going to be enough if you stop there it's not going to work from there you have to type in Rune light and go into the actual client settings themselves and what's important is you go under notification so settings and you select Flash and then I would do flash until canceled if you want you can even go further than that you can have it trade notifications turned on which will give you a little notification in the bottom right of Windows you can even turn notification sounds on if you really don't want AFK now once you've got flash turned on what I'm going to do is I'm going to start wood cutting now as soon as I stop wood cutting and I go idle for at least 50 milliseconds like I set it to my screen will start flashing red alright so as you can see I've stopped wood cutting and now my screen is flashing red this can also come in handy because if you take a look again on the idle Notifier you can also okay yeah yeah stop flashing you can also you can also have it uh notify you when your hit points has dropped below a certain a certain threshold for example so a good example of that is if you're afking at I don't know insert Slayer monster and you're not paying attention if you're getting too close to death well you can let yourself know here's one that I get asked about all the time as you can see I've got an easy clue scroll in my inventory and it's got a little blue W by it now I wish the W stood for Wombo sadly it doesn't it stands for Watson with the Watson clue tracker plug-in it will let you know whether or not the clue scroll that you're holding is already being stored by Watson or not this comes in handy if you do a lot of Master Clues like I do and you can't remember does Watson have a hard clue for me already I don't remember well this will let you know this one is a bit specific but if it saves somebody a bunch of time then I'm happy to put it in the guide this one is called the core End Library plugin the cool red library is a default rule my plugin Once you turn it on you're gonna see a little pink book icon on the far right hand side of room light if you open that up it's gonna have all the books and Scrolls of the library listed but it's going to say unknown in order order to change it from unknown what you're going to have to do is find a book so it start searching the bookshelves under these white squares until you find a book once you do it's going to narrow it down a little bit but it still won't know exactly so find a few more books and once you've done that it'll give you all it'll have all the information it needs to know exactly which algorithm you're on so I think the next book I find which should be here once I find this one yeah now it knows exactly where every single book is so when you're getting your archaeus favor and the guy says I need you to find me soul Journey you can look at this and say okay that's Northwest Middle floor it makes the core End Library so fast and easy if you're not the brightest fella like me and you don't know how to play Sudoku this one is a lifesaver after you complete the feud Quest you are able to purchase runes from Alien Morrison the problem is in order to see his full stock of runes you have to complete a Sudoku puzzle with the Rune doku helper plugin it will tell you exactly what to do so on the left hand side you're going to see these runes it will highlight where you need to place them each and every single route so simply click on a rune and then just click on all the green highlighted boxes move on to the next Rune so on and so forth and once you have clicked on all of the highlighted boxes you open casket and that's it that's all you gotta do if you are forgetful like me there's a plugin on the plug-in Hub called thrall helper that is a lifesaver if you're doing a piece of content where you're constantly using thralls the thrall helper will let you know as soon as your thrall has expired you need to summon a thrall without this I'm not even sure that I would ever have a thrall summoned I just always forget if you plan on spending any time in the wilderness taking on the new bosses I would consider this a must-have Wilderness multi lines is on the plug-in Hub and it will literally draw a line on where is multi and where is not now I guess technically there isn't a way of knowing like which side of the multi-line you're on except for checking obviously I'm not in multi right now I cross over this line and there's a little multi symbol there is another thing you can turn on as well called show spear lines if you check that box it will show you which is a safe tile to stand on to get de-speared and not if I cross over this line I could get D spear specs all the way over into multi so if you're planning on doing stuff in the wilderness and you don't want to get D speared or pushed into multi and smited this is a good one to have and last but not least you know I had to end on a fun one if you go to the plug-in Hub you will find the fashionscape plugin once you've added fashion Escape you're going to see a logo on the right hand side I don't even know what it is a dummy maybe this I'm telling you is the most addicting plug-in I play around with this so much so you can either specifically set items what you want now of course you're not actually wearing these items it is simply a cosmetic overlay you can individually select all the items you want so if I wanted to wear a status plate body well I that looks like I'm wearing a status play body uh the best thing to me though is the randomizer so if you click on the little dice button towards the top it will select a random outfit for you and I swear to you I have sat here for like 20 minutes straight ones just clicking just just just watching to see what I get because it it's so entertaining honestly um as far as like practical uses go I mean I've used this to make thumbnails before like you know right now I'm in the wilderness but I'm not actually wearing this it just looks like I am and if I'm doing something like a thumbnail what's the difference it doesn't you know what I mean so uh this one is a lot of fun to play around with obviously not actually useful but like I said man I've sat here for like 20 minutes one day just clicking the button seeing what I got uh bro on that note I think I am going to uh call it a video I hope you guys found this video to be helpful I just know that you know while I'm live on Twitch I get asked constantly how do you get this plugin how do you set that up and so I just figured this has got to be helpful to somebody right surely if you guys did enjoyed today's video feel free to leave a like and I will see you all soon
Channel: Mr Mammal
Views: 339,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Runescape, Oldschool Runescape, OSRS, Mr Mammal OSRS, Odablock OSRS, B0aty OSRS, Settled OSRS, Money Making Guide OSRS, OSRS Money Making, How to make money OSRS, Iron Man Guide OSRS, Iron Man Money Making Guide OSRS, Runelite Plugins OSRS, How to Use Runelite, Bandos Tile Markers OSRS, Zammy Tile Markers OSRS, Mr Mammal Guide OSRS
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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