Osgoode Hall Law School in 358 Seconds

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this is where I start my days this is old Osgoode Hall it now houses the Ontario Court of Appeal and apparently has a great restaurant for lunch I mean we don't really come here as students anymore except for the first-year photo but when you're a real lawyer you might come here to argue with the court of appeal or the restaurant welcome das good Hall Law School it's a beautiful fall day out here it's crisp I've gotten a cardigan but we're gonna go inside and check out the school so come on Osgood hall just completely reimagined it's building on the York University campus there used to be not a lot of windows but now there are lots of windows Osgood hall is the most course offerings of any Law School in Canada and attracts top professors and practitioners to teach it has all the classics constitutional law criminal law and contract and some really unique ones like film in the law or on psychiatry or maritime law I didn't take that last one it's important though school has beautiful new library the backside of the Oscar was on it's got lots of lines they work that's great if you don't like to study at home oh look there's the Dean look a chocolate later the school also has a glorious new feast row with its own chef Rodolfo and of course lots of coffee I think they usually have four different varieties here I'm partial to the wild savanna oh you don't want the Peruvian sunrise that one's decaf beans when I walk down these halls I feel like this is definitely not an old building oh look there's Lawrence awesome Dean of Osgoode Hall Law School oh hello I'm Lawrence awesome Dean of Osgoode Hall Law School Canada has many great law schools but none as great as proud and as vibrant as Osgoode Hall Law School what makes it such a remarkable community is the alumni network the graduates who have come out of this institution for the past 123 years or so so for me I came to Osgood I got to be Dean which there's just nothing cooler from my point of view than to have this opportunity so come to Osgood be Dean be a professor be a lawyer be a judge be a change agent via social activists do amazing things and know that Osgood will be incredibly proud of you as you do Osgood also has a leading intensive program where students get hands-on legal experience through clinics like Parkdale which is actually not in our life belt building it's at Queenan Dufferin you could spend a semester at Parkdale helping the community on issues such as landlord and tenant disputes Immigration and Refugee law or social assistance would you hire a student for Parkdale I would hire her she's really good oh that was a good one we're back on campus after seeing some of the things that I was good asked to offer around Toronto and now I've got to hit the GCR to bang out some of that class work I've been neglecting when class is over that's when the real fun begins at Austin whether you're happy artist over book work you're among friends you've got every kind of Club yeah The Lodger got a subpage of Law Students Association they got a great acronym or mock drama which is a big acting singing and dancing affair for all those students who can't get enough of the senator own voice in class as if it's not enough to be at one of the top law schools what makes always good even better because the vibrant community students here create for one another and when you're at Osgoode that'll be you like if you have something you like you can make a club about it like the ukulele club I don't think anyone has started back yet this is my Osgood what's yours going to be like if you have something you really like you can make a club about it like the competitive hot dog eating club at like the knitting club or the extreme sports enthusiasts club or the sensitive teeth club hot weather ballooning club bifocal wearers club ah long hair hammers Club mullet Club the wheelie bag enthusiasts club golf shirt club so do you probably started
Channel: Osgoode Hall Law School
Views: 21,261
Rating: 4.8509316 out of 5
Keywords: Osgoode, Hall, Law, School
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2012
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