OSEE Mega 22S First Impressions

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behind me I have a new production monitor from OC it is the Mega 22s it is a 21 1/2 in 10bit production monitor which is pretty cool now full disclosure they did send this out to me to test and review and I've taken on a job with me so I've gotten some field experience with it as well but be rest assured that this is going to be a fair review they don't have any input into what I say about this Monitor and there are some good things and there are some not so good things about this Monitor and I just want to cover that from my first impressions point of view from taking this out on a job with me and just testing it here in the office and at home and all that stuff so this isn't going to be a super text speec Heavy video you can go look at all the text specs on the website and I'll leave the textback in the description and throw it up on the screen as well for you what I want to do in this video is just kind of talk about like my overall experience with this monitor talk about some of the the features of the Monitor and things that stand out to me and then talk about some of the things that I I don't like about this Monitor and there could be some deal breakers for you depending on what you're looking for in a production monitor so yeah let's let's go ahead and jump into it so let's talk about just like generally General features of this monitor it's 212 in 10bit 1920 x 1080 monitor capable of 1500 nits of brightness which is sweet now on the front you have a 3.5 mm Jack for headphones for monitoring you also have a usba input put which is good you know Ed for firmware updates and also loading up Luts you have a source button which allows you to toggle between the sdi1 sdi2 and HDMI input and then next to that you have four function buttons which you can toggle off different different tools for your page and you can kind of customize that depending on what you want to have on there then you have this like multi-function scroll wheel toggle button thing that helps you navigate through the menus and we'll talk about that here in a little bit later in the video and then next to that you have a power button that's all on the front on the top you have a carry handle which is nice and then on the bottom you have these feet that are mounted so you can lay it on a flat surface like you see right here on the back you have your inputs so you have two SDI in which you can also Loop out and then you have an HDMI in the SDI in are 3G SDI so they are capable of HD resolution and then the HDMI is capable of 4K 30p resolution now also comes with the battery plate I chose vmount but you can get gold Mount if you prefer that and then below that there is also a monitor mount for a stand which is really cool that they include that and then there are just a bunch of different mounting points all throughout the monitor for mounting different things you can relocate the battery plate if you want to and put up like a Vasa monitor mount which is probably what I'm going to do cuz I have like a a nicer Matthews face amount for baby pin which is probably what I'm going to swap over to this and then there's also just other places where you can mount like a cheese plate which I think they have a cheese plate on the website but I'm pretty sure I saw it was like 80 bucks which is like highway robbery for a little cheese plate so you can probably find a better solution I used velcro to mount my wireless monitor to it but there's a bunch of different mounting points and then you have your power switch and your power input if you want to run it off of AC power but me personally I just prefer to use vmount batteries in fact the last shoot I used a a core shark fin adapter and put 150w hour and a 98w hour battery on there just to give just so I had knew I would have enough runtime for the shoot when I set up and had plenty of juice left and now I have like a small rig 212 like a new really big battery and when I mounted it on there the little indicator said it had like 7 hours of run time so that's probably the battery I'm going to use going forward to power it that's what's powering it right now and then lastly just under the io I forgot to mention this there is a USB C in and that is where you can put your calibration tool to calibrate the monitor all right so that's a general overview of the monitor hopefully that was helpful to you but if you're looking for more specs and stuff like I said head over to the website and you'll get all the information there now I kind of want to shift gears and talk about some of the things that I just really like about this Monitor and just from a user experience standpoint using it on an actual project and then some of the things that I don't like about this monitor that could be a deal breaker to you depending on what you're looking for in a production monitor but let's start off with the good and first thing is the size I think this is the perfect size of a production monitor for a client Monitor and that's like my intended use for this typically is for a client monitor I'm comfortable enough looking at my 7in monitors on my cameras but that has like all the information overlays focus peaking toggling false color all that kind of stuff that the client doesn't need to see and might even just be like more confusing and distracting to the client those monitors are fine for me for operating but for a client I think it's nicer to give them a bigger production monitor to to view gives them a better viewing experience and honestly like I think it just shows that you're going the extra step to make sure that the client is having the best onset experience as possible and I think part of that is giving them a really good viewing experience and I think this production monitor does exactly that next up is the pre-cut foam for the pelicon case I think it's really cool nice touch that they have the foam cut out for a specific case I went on Amazon and found a warehouse deal on a pelican 1600 for like 120 bucks and for me I think that's well worth the protection and the investment and most of my other all my other cases are pelican cases anyways so I trust pelican cases they're really sturdy and it's just is nice that you know it's pre-cut for for the case and they actually have some tape on the bottom some some sticky tape on the bottom to be able to like actually secure it to to the case so it's not flopping around and everything next up is the included battery plate like I said I have the vmount battery plate but you can get gold Mount I just think that's nice that you can power the whole thing off vmount batteries and not have to worry about using house power or anything or just even like if you're running like a wireless system like holand or terter deck or something you can have it completely cableless and mobile and like I use it on a rolling stand so we could roll the monitor wherever we wanted so that was pretty cool and that wouldn't have been possible without powering it through vmount so it's nice that they actually include that vmount plate next up are the function buttons on the front I love to I love the fact that you can just quickly toggle on different tools that you'd use I really like that you can calibrate this monitor that's just another piece of mind that you're you can calibrate it before your shoots and just have really color really accurate color representation on set and that's really cool and because you can calibrate it you could technically use it as a you know quick color grading monitor or reference monitor um you know it's not going to replace like dedicated reference monitors but in a pinch especially if you're out in the field you could use that to do a quick grade or pass or something to send over to your director or maybe send over to the client and see if they like the final look um yeah so uh there's that and then also just like how they prioritize more SDI inputs over HDMI SDI is certainly a more professional connection than HDMI but it is nice that they did include one HDMI at least because some cameras like the cinema camera 6K that I'm using right now from Blackmagic has an HDMI out so it's nice that I can just plug directly into that and not have to fuss with any kind of converter box or anything like that right so those are some of the things that I really like about the monitor now I want to shift gears and talk about the the not so good because there are some things that at least in my opinion I think are pretty big misses so number one is just navigating through the menus and using this little multi- dial wheel thingy I think this is super poorly implemented in my opinion so basically this this scroll wheel dial thingy whatever whatever they call it uh there are a number of different ways to use it you can use it as like a a dial like a roty dial like if you like turning the volume up in your car stereo you can do it like that you can push it to the left or to the right and you'll like hear audible clicks which is cool and then you can push it in which is like kind of like enter the problem is is it's super sensitive and every time I go to like push push it in to like hit okay or whatever I almost always knock a to the left or the right or up or down so that's super frustrating and I also just wish there was a back button and like a set button like and then the rotary dial thing or whatever the thing's called that would make it much more user friendly I find myself always just fumbling through the menu system and forgetting how to like get out of the menu system like it's a really poorly implemented menu system in my opinion and navigating the menu system isn't necessarily poor it's implementation is just not very intuitive and like it it's more complicated than I feel like it should be so that's all I'll say on that the next thing is it doesn't have picture by picture or any kind of multi view which I think is another another huge Miss especially I mean this isn't an inexpensive monitor at least at the time recording this at basically $1,400 us um I I think it should have come with some kind of multi- View support now from my client viewing experience it's not that big of a deal because typically the client would prefer to just see like one camera angle at a time like for you know camera a for example that's typically the the picture that you're going to give them but I've been on shoots where the client wants to see all three camera angles all at once when things are going on and you know that's just not possible with this monitor but also if you to use this monitor not as a client monitor but as a a like director or maybe like the DP or somebody wants to see all three camera angles all at once that's just not possible with this Monitor and I really wish it was because I think that is a huge selling point and something that with like production monitors that's something that I come to expect with production monitors I don't know if that's something that could be added through firmware or anything but I do think that is a huge Miss with the mega 22s so that pretty much wraps up my complaints with this monitor but I felt like those were worthwhile Enough From my experience to share with you so if those are deal breakers for you then you should certainly look elsewhere for a production monitor but if not then then this is still a really great Monitor and if you know if you don't care about picture by picture then I think this is a really nice monitor navigating through the menus is kind of a pain but once you kind of get things set up then you don't really have to use that dial wheel all that often so at least that's a plus you can use the function buttons which is typically I'll like live on a page and just use the function buttons to turn different things on and off but um yeah that's all I kind of wanted to mention about the monitor The Good the Bad the Ugly all that kind of good stuff if you found this helpful uh let me know down in the comments below be sure to subscribe to the channel and uh appreciate you watching hope to see you in the next one peace
Channel: Tyler Edwards
Views: 915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xfvQkUvroyc
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Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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