BEDROOMS to Recording Studio (Home Studio Build)

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this video is sponsored by black panther  system they make modular music stands and   we'll get more into that later in the video if  you're new here my name is Andrew Masters I'm   a producer audio engineer and musician I've had  the luxury of working in commercial residential   and project studios in Los Angeles Las Vegas and  now Nashville Tennessee now here's the deal my   family and I have lived in this house for the  last 2 and 1/2 years I used to have a kind of   awesome Epic home studio up in the bonus room  above the garage but we bought a new house we'   moved out and now this entire house I'm taking  over and converting into an entire recording   studio this is you know aesthetically pretty  much there this is basically what it looked like before terrible in this video I want to show  you how I'm taking two of the bedrooms regular   bedrooms and converting them into tracking rooms  let's get into it all right so let's walk back   here we've got the control room which is going  on the right here we've got a bathroom and then   in the back we have these two bedrooms these are  literally bedrooms we got 9t ceilings and each   room is about roughly 11t by 11t I'm just going  to say that to make it simple D but the idea here   is to turn both of these bedrooms into dedicated  recording booths so let's get started all right   so let's start with this bedroom this is going  to be the drum Booth the ideally drum kit and   maybe the space to overdub one other thing and  the cool thing about this room is it actually   used to to be my son's little home studio setup  you can see the holes on the walls where we had   some panels in here but first things first is  we want to kind of renovate the room and paint   it and make it a comfortable more professional  feeling environment to record in so we're going   to start with paint so to kick things off  I brought Jack in to help me paint his old   Studio I thought it'd be a fun little fatherson  thing uh we went with the be premium paint this   is a the color is very Navy and it's a flat  finish so if you get a good solid two coats   on there it just looks so so nice you can see  when it's wet here it it does not look that   great but after you get the second coat on and  it dries it looks just absolutely amazing all   right so I'm going to put some treatment up  in here this is what it sounds like with no treatment so up first is putting up these twoot  X 4T 2 in ceiling panels and then we are going to   throw up these 4in wall panels and some of these  have their own diffuser faces that hang in front   of them we have this old like bedroom LED kind of  cheap light we're going to take that off cuz it's   in the way and we want to put something in here  that's cooler and perhaps even provides more light   so I got this kind of weird medieval cheap Edison  bulb what's it called um Chandelier Chandelier so   we're going to swap it out okay so we got the  ceiling panels up started putting on the rest   of the wall absorption panels each one of these  absorption panels also has these cool diffusion   faces that hang right over the front of them  and you could just hear the room coming together   as we're putting the stuff in now as for this  bedroom here's what we're looking at we've got   one window in the corner absolutely no acoustic  treatment all slightly damaged White Walls   uh in this very small closet here So the plan  is to turn this into a functional usable cool   recording booth SL keboard room so this all  needs to be cleaned up we need to run lines   we'll probably put Keys along this wall or  these two walls or something like that maybe   bring in a chair rug paint probably is going to  function as a microphone closet once everything   together we'll see if it winds up being that but  otherwise yeah it's it's not ideal when you bring   clients in you don't want them to experience this  this is the next phase of what we're going to be   doing which is installing line we're basically  going to be taking these stage boxes which if   you're not familiar this is where you plug your  microphones in your microphone cable goes this   this is going to go all the way up through the  ceiling between rooms back down the ceiling into   the control room behind our patch Bay so what  we're going to do is carry this sucker and this   one will go into the drum room this is actually  a 100t stage box and the way that we're going to   run it is going to be through this closet here so  if you're doing something like this you want the   start in the room that the box is going to be in  so the box is going to be in this room probably   somewhere over here out of the way and we're  going to take this snake cut a hole through   this ceiling somewhere pick a spot that doesn't  have a stud above it this is actually what we'll   run up through the ceiling I'm going to use  two things a stud finder to make sure I don't   drill into a stud and a whole saw bit which  is this guy and we'll just make sure it's on   there tight and then once it's ran through we're  going to stuff some insulation back on that hole   to try to our best to seal it back up whatever  is up [Music] there w [Music] [Applause] [Music]   h [Music] [Music] okay so live rooms coming together we're  going to be running lines to mics today   Trey is getting the headphone system  set up for those who are curious we've   got the second rig here um if you are  interested maybe we'll do just a video   dedicated to that um but we've got lines running  through coming through the ceiling from the other   room down here we've got stage box 16 inputs  for our mics ethernet going to our headphone   distribution system and ethernet sending so  we can control our control room computer from   this room so yeah this starting we got  this cool light fixture it's very yellow all right let's talk about organizing these  keyboards this stand that we're using here is the   first stand from this company black panther I've  ever used just take a look at it this keyboard   stand has this beautiful open area here this is  the two tier version of it it's called The Sedro   basically the difference is how many tiers years  you get on your stand and the crazy part of this   company called Black Panther systems there they  have a whole stand system so you can essentially   keep adding on to your stands that you get they  have add-ons that hold studio monitors they have   add-ons that hold iPads laptops like a bunch  of different things I'll put a link to their   website down below they're sponsoring this video  say they they just sent this new stand that we're   going to check out this is the para s and it's a  three- tier version of this guy comes perfectly   organized like this all of the pieces are very  very heavy duty um metal extremely durable and   balanced and just strong it's like a over  engineered system it's very simple to put   together essentially you can see on here we have  two of these feet and then they're connected   by this centerpiece and you can see the  different holes on this allow for a lot   of flexibility so that you can essentially  design it however you want we'll pop this together you can tell this is just like a beast  of a stand like I can literally climb on this   thing and well I won't do that our base for our  base keyboard we'll have the base and then we'll   have two add-ons now the other thing I love about  this stand is you can get this power strip rack   so when you get the keyboards on there you  can mount in the back this rack that holds   power strip if you want to check them out I'll  put a link to them down in the description big   thank you to Black Panther systems for sponsoring  this video and helping get this keyboard over the   booth put together all right now we're going  to start to make this thing look like a room   we're going to get some paint on the walls here  you can see the stand completed this is the para   s keyboard stand with three tiers up next we're  going to go ahead and put on some acoustic panels   now I have some panels that I could put on the  ceiling and I could kind of get carried away   here but here's my mission my mission is to set a  deadline with a session and that deadline is now   so my goal is to just get these rooms close  enough to where I can actually do a session   and use both of them because let's be honest we  can tweak on how we have our rooms set up until   the end of time but at the end of the day the best  way to find out what you really need to do in your   rooms is to do a session find the holes find the  weaknesses figure out what's there that you think   is going to work and then what isn't there that  you're not even thinking about so we've got the   drum room set up for both drums and then we've got  an area to do focals we've got this B room set up   for Maybe guitar overdubs or keyboards or  anything really I mean it's just going to   be a matter of getting people in here and putting  these things to use so I'm officially moved in the   rest of the house is just going to have to slowly  come together as it can but in the meantime it's   time to get a band in here and actually start  recording lucky enough to get the Skeleton   Crew band here in Nashville a bunch of killer  session players who just write phenomenal songs   got to have them come in and put these rooms to  use and it was just absolutely so much fun uh I   I'll maybe I'll do another video where we kind  of break down a couple of the cool things that   I took away from the session and I'll give you  a little bit of behind the scenes if that sounds   interesting to you if you're working on a studio  of your own and you have some questions about   just the process or anything that you could do  a little bit better you can feel free to go to   Andrews and you can actually schedule a  consult video call directly with me this is one of   my favorite things that I get to do throughout the  week is chat with you guys see your studio setups   figure out what your plan is and accomplish your  goals easily and on budget you can book a call   today at Andrew Masters if you have  any questions or comments leave them down below   I'll do my best to answer each and every one  of them if you guys like content like this hit   the Subscribe button smash the like button for  the YouTube algorithm thank you to our sponsors   I'll put links to them down below Below in the  description and we'll see you in the next video [Music]
Views: 16,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recording studio, recording session, andrew masters, studio setup, how to record, audio engineering, nashville recording, epic studio, mixing, hybrid mixing, home studio, solid state logic, ssl bus plus, antelope audio, audio interface, hardware inserts, hybrid mix, studio build, moving studios, tips for moving, Black panther stands, black panther system, keyboard stand, home studio build
Id: AQ2MIpbkrnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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