Oscar De La Hoya - The Golden Boy (His Speed Is Lightning)

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opponents oscar de la hoya the golden boy tonight he is the challenger the former junior lightweight former junior welterweight former two-time welterweight former two-time super wilder way and former wbo middleweight champion of the world the golden boy he's a hall of famer he fought and beat some of the very best of his era there could be instantaneous fireworks [Applause] here oscar is not dancing amigos [Applause] and oscar went in to apply the finishing blows big shots and that is it just step in [Music] wake up early in the morning ever since i can remember i'm talking about 3 4 in the morning time of the day when one 17 year old high school senior has already been training for two hours he would train at four in the morning before heading to school run around my neighborhood streets go to school go to the gym and go to bed like most who make their living by rendering other people senseless he came from hard circumstances one week before we met him oscar was held up at gunpoint east l.a was notoriously tough crime was just a part of life they were a poor working class family on food stamps his father instructed him in fisticuffs you know he wanted to become a champion he never did he wanted to be you know a gold medal as he never did oscar was a natural here's a man who was pushing me every single day people around the sport of boxing these days are singing the praises of an 18 year old from east los angeles by the name of oscar de la hoya oscar de la hoya has run up an amateur record of 196 and four he hasn't lost a fight in the last four years oscar was america's best hope at olympic gold in boxing after oscar's triumph for the goodwill games he promised his mother on her deathbed that he would win the olympics for her so she starts telling me you know son i'm dying and when she said that i just felt like destroyed oscar made a promise to his dying mother that he'd fulfill his dream and bring home olympic gold and that was the story and that was the story boy was it a lot of pressure um i still don't know how i did it you should know as he has lost only one fight in four years he has lost it to his opponent marco rudolph [Music] standing eight huge left hand by oscar de la hoya has kept the promise to [Applause] abort his mother's dying wish was fulfilled i was such in shock that i could swear i could swear to my life that my mother was there [Applause] when i took the gold medal it was the most exciting moment he had his gold medal on and for east la he was a symbol of pride he was one of our own oscar returned home to tremendous fanfare a fantastic fighter he's a good looking kid he was friendly approachable sign autographs he was the hottest star in the sport reminiscent of the great sugar ray leonard he had groupies well before he was old enough to have groupies wow that guy is really gorgeous his movie star good looks drew in crowds of teenagers who swooned for boxing's newest star tonight he is making his professional debut welcome to the ring the golden boy in his first pro fight oscar de la hoya showed he could make the necessary adjustments to the pro ranks oscar de la hoya opens up in dramatic fashion trying for the knockout in the first round there's no question oscar was a world-class amateur fighter whether he could be a world-class professional remain to be seen bob aaron told us the kid was great so far he's been better than that now he is on the threshold of what appears to be a tremendous boxing career in the professional ranks he was a cross-cultural idol a star unlike anything seen before outside of the heavyweights olympic champion oscar de la hoya in his second probe out 19 year old oscar de la hoya as the crowd starts to rise in anticipation of the 19 year old from east los angeles oscar golden boy [Music] [Applause] maybe a little bit more huh picks out quickly de la hoya with a quick hands it's all over and this one's shorter than the first one well they're going to be short for a while because i was the type of person type of fighter who okay would win fights could put on this smile you know the the golden boy but inside i was just miserable i was miserable with myself because the shame that i had inside of me how old were you when you first really started drinking 13 14 i knew how to hide it back then too to cope with his new lifestyle oscar turned to alcohol and women 19 years old the plan is to fight once a month keep him busy he fought the less than three weeks ago [Applause] 14 men have won olympic gold medals and then gone on to professional titles names like ali fraser leonard foreman and oscar de la hoya would love to join them in his fourth pro fight he battered curtis strong until the ring doctor called the fight de la hoya in the white truck goes down as this fight just barely underway tries to wave it off is only a place knocked down but as evidence the compact power of oscar de la hoya now alex this is a smaller ring than you normally see it's 17 by 17. and again pinned up against the ropes oh the doctor is stopping the fight the doctor has stopped the fight and curtis strong is very upset his record now four-and-oh four ko's the pride of east alley the golden boy oscar de la hoya de la hoya showdown with the great julio cesar chavez [Music] firing out again the left hook look how red that ear is of mike gravel drawing the comparisons to say the next sugary leonard the next muhammad ali that's way upstairs the image was the golden boy and both in the ring and out of the ring he's been less than perfect would you also consider yourself a sex addict did you become a sex addict as a result of the drinking and the cocaine i don't consider myself a sex addict um it was i've been unfaithful to my wife i mean here here people people are seeing the golden boy and this and winning fights and and fame and money and this wow he must be happy inside i was lost celebrities were already attending every de la hoya fight it became quickly revealed the skills of a prodigy most notably a natural and effective left hook undefeated moves to 7-0 [Applause] what other fighter do you see 16 17 18 year old girls going to the fight tim i just can't find any faults in him i've watched a lot of tapes he seems to be able to do everything he can box he can punch he puts his punches together he was the biggest box office draw in boxing and he just rocked dorsey with a left hand already dorsey is busted up the blazing speed coupled with the power and precision to end any fight at any moment look at those short combinations look at those ones the right eyebrow right on the corner of the and in fact the referee mitch halpern is not going to let him come out for the second round and so it is all over highly successful handsome charismatic fighter and then he brought in this huge latino market which is obviously the fastest growing market in the country oscar was knocked down for the first time in his pro [Music] my career hit him with a right hand and it wasn't no ran it was a short right hand and that should serve as a wake-up call he quickly collected himself and one in another first round knockout [Laughter] and he's in trouble well he doesn't want [Applause] it's over [Applause] oscar loved what being a celebrity brought in was it just alcohol and were there drugs involved as well there were drugs i told you dialed 10-10-321 to save money my drug of choice was cocaine he was seen with new women every other day and of course cocaine [Music] my life was a big mess okay when you're fighting at the real top level of a sport you start taking drugs start sleeping around you'll be a little bit of a fabricated image but nonetheless there is a definite image that has been sold to the public it's paid off you know madison avenue has come running star studded crowd here in the grand olympic auditorium here's johnny and billy crystal check it gary chandling i should say boom perfect timing 20 victories 13 kos the number one ranked contender in the [Applause] world took him out in three rounds but he was an absolute beast during this time oscar stepped up and wait to contend for the wbo lightweight title here in rochester and these people came out here to see one person tonight and that is oscar de la hoya and now ladies and gentlemen man your battle stations this is a battle of champions 12 rounds of boxing for the bacon wbo lightweight championship of the world boy but it looks like the total package doesn't it yeah no unlimited potential really fun to watch you're right you can see what does that say in the hair sedalia i believe it says on the head of oscar or rather jorge pious of course he won the gold medal in 1992 at the olympics in barcelona he destroyed paez in two rounds the right hand it may be over and is he'll never make it here i have to juggle this image you know the golden boy being the perfect father being the perfect husband being this that wow and then knowing that it's not true the golden boy had become a gold mine he was the guy on all the commercials in the billboard magazine covers he's absolutely gorgeous he's a strong fighter he's a hard puncher de la hoya and as larry mentioned he moves up to 140 pounds for the first time tonight you can even see it in his face jim he just looks better he looks like he's really growing into his body against daryl tyson oscar moved up in weight again his speed was tremendous this is something new i've been hurt there by de la hoya [Applause] with body blows george oscar he leaves no questions unanswered for me this guy's got the whole package well here you have this kid good looking nice smile great fighter coming up in the ranks and basically coming down to a showdown with this great mexican champion pappas already had 99 prize fights behind it with a record of 97 1 and 1. oscar's pretty boy persona caused mexican fans to turn away from him they felt he was too american and didn't embrace what it meant to be a mexican fighter [Music] the chavez fight was oscar's attempt to change that oscar's first punch opened a cut over chavez's eye beating and humiliating an aging legend was satisfying to de la hoya the fight lasted four rounds before the ref stopped the fight the win over chavez put oscar into a different stratosphere he was now without question the face of boxing despite his success oscar had many critics who felt that he hadn't fought enough quality opponents that is that's when he got called chicken de la hoya a super fight against purnell whitaker was made in a battle for the top rung on the mythical pound for pound ladder 23 pro fights 23 wins 20 kos world championships at 135 and 140 now he tries for another one at 147. camille wittekah was a phenom one of the greatest defensive boxes of all time whittaker demonstrating with his body language he believes these moments belong to him the professional record 40 wins the one lost to jose luis ramirez and obvious bogus decision and reigning pound for pound king the defending welterweight champion of the world purnell sweet peace [Applause] is a boxing legend and at the time he was the best boxer on the planet i mean these are good wins here people these are not just cream puffs the fact that he's got a jab that he had a left hook too that he had a right hand the fight was a seminal moment for the career of oscar de la hoya and oscar de la hoya boxed a beautiful fight both olympic champions so similar in so many ways the fight went the distance the wind catapulted de la hoya into the top pound-for-pound spot in boxing and earned him his fourth title out of the ring oscar began donating money to churches and urging kids to stay in school oscar spent his fortune in tremendous ways he opened a cancer research center in his mother's name a charter school de la hoya's first defense of that title he won from cornell whitaker and these are back to back to back to back top class fighters that de la hoya was taking on it's always nice and refreshing to see that certain fighters can bring this out oscars fans were notoriously enthusiastic with the banners and they await their emperor fans are already on their feet and the chant is up the crowd is into it which means only one thing that the golden boy is on his way in [Applause] and here we go [Music] [Applause] at the end of round two scintillating exchange [Applause] a tremendous second round and the golden boy has come through he's some kind of character i'll tell you if you like entertaining borrow a little bit from wrestling this is the macho man i love to watch him fight oscar destroyed hector macho camacho winning every round from start to finish [Applause] his knockout ways returned against rivera [Music] hmm boxing experts seemed certain oscar would reign atop the boxing world for a long time to come a couple of years ago nbc sports developed research that indicated more than half of the audience for olympics telecasts was women i wonder if the same would be true for an oscar de la hoya fight [Music] by this time oscar had been drinking daily for seven or eight years i thought that the quartet fight was a glorious celebration of oscar's good quality he was also using cocaine regularly all this while he rolled over opponent after opponent to be an alcoholic it's it's it's a 24 7 job i i was always lying to everybody including myself it was just i mean it was it was literally a living hell you got every girl in the planet wanted to sleep with him nobody could know of my problems i would i would keep everybody away from from what i was feeling i just knew how to hide it see all the contentious incidents in de la hoya's career started when he moved up to 147 and above because below that nobody could really touch it a packed house of more than 12 thousand fans some having paid scalpers up to seven thousand dollars a ticket this fight has generated thirteen and a half million dollars the largest non-heavyweight gate in boxing oscar would take on fellow undefeated champion felix trinidad the fight brought out all the celebrities celebrities here it is indeed a star state of affairs so crazy someplace else we're all stocked up here green is good [Music] two fighters who seem to like each other less and less every day round one begins oscar de la hoya versus felix trinidad this was a huge mega fight at the time by most accounts oscar won the first nine rounds easily i remember leaning over to the guy next to me sort of in shock and said de la hoya is making trinidad look foolish de la hoya believed that he was so far ahead in the fight that he basically decided to coast you tell me do you think that de la hoya has won the fight the way he's fought the last several rounds i don't think so i think he had the fight in control and now he's leaving in the hand of the jesus in the 10th 11th to 12th rounds he backed up he ran away he gave away his advantage regardless the fight was a lackluster one for the winner by majority decision de puerto rico [Applause] i did feel as if i won i felt like the winner you know um i know i want you know he's a great fighter i thought i put a boxing lesson of my life i felt kind of hurt because i felt as if i let down a lot of people there were many who thought of de la hoya trinidad as a fight that might rescue boxing instead it only compounded the problem and left many shaking their heads wondering exactly what happened and why did it happen that way in a lot of people's mind he won that boxing match but this night he's got a focus on what could be the toughest fight of his career you take that ghost into the ring with you you may come out of ghost yourself he's got to let it be oscar rebounded from the loss by knocking out daryl coley in the seventh round two vicious body shots one with each hand referee wayne kelly looking in on coley he doesn't want it he doesn't want any more and oscar de la hoya makes good on his foul i'm gonna be a destroyer he said and a destroyer he was [Applause] after making quick work of daryl coley oscar faced off with sugar shane mosley oscar was so mad about the fact that he had backed up and run away from trinidad that he vowed publicly to go in and slug it out with moses have two young fighters who are personable good looking well well-spoken and vicious lethal muhammad ali put it who will dare to be great who will be bolder and who will be tougher [Applause] perhaps the most important thing that's happened here so far is that de la hoya has been hit by some pretty sharp punches [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's another thing de la hoya don't get enough credit for is how many great fights he was involved in you know de la hoya was involved in great price this was perhaps both oscar and sugar shane's greatest fight both men went forward determined to stay aggressive right uppercut by mosley landed on the point of de la hoya's jet oscar fired the right hand but this was a tremendous fight right the freightly and hoped for it lived up to its expectations it thrilled the fans and brought a new level of respect for both fighters i fought 12 rounds i fought hard i gave an exciting performance who says that if he wins this fight he'll be headed up to 154 pounds to seek a title there and people were doubting de la hoya at this point in his career because he's taken a couple of losses and they were wondering where he was going to go he stepped up to 154. oscar rebounded from the mosley loss and the town comes in from gotti's corner and de la hoya has a fifth round tko hector arturo gotti's trainer had seen enough the new thing was for fighters to question oscar's heritage fernando vargas called oscar a fake mexican questioning de la hoya's toughness mexicans want to see a fight you know he says he's mexican so let's fight you know the golden boy is golden once again the golden boy savaged vargas i loved feeling sorry for myself you know a stormy few months saw oscar's entire world change he changed his trainer once again and left his promoter bob arum his wife left him both was you know substance abuse and infidelity jaina filed a 62.5 million dollar palimony his cocaine abuse oh god were you abstaining because i remember used to have that thing oh no you gotta hear that was coming up the whole training camp i was drinking really yeah yeah it was a big problem and it's never a good sign when fighters start recording cds he got into training camp late for this fight concentrating on recording a cd it's impossible for oscar's lifestyle not to cause physical erosion over time meanwhile all of this occurred while oscar was stepping up in weight to take on bernard hopkins in a battle for the undisputed middleweight championship shopkins for his part signaling that he would fulfill his role as the executioner this is the one we've all been winning for the much anticipated unified middleweight championship of the world the size difference was evident a guy who started his career at super featherweight you know this is a guy who was not a real middleweight at all he really whacked him with that left hook reacting oh he's not getting up after this after the hopkins fight de la hoya's career was effectively over he was knocked out for the first time in his career oscar was now a big name with fading skills the perfect opponent for floyd mayweather it was the pay-per-view star but finally mr mark anthony can you it was the sports showdown of the year de la hoya was the biggest draw in boxing [Applause] he finally chooses to leave his dressing room and instantly the crowd inside the arena sees on big screens that he has donned a mexican sombrero and will apparently walk to the ring accompanied by mexicans so many of the guys that mayweather was beating on the way up were guys who de la hoya had already beat mayweather was fighting a lot of de la hoya leftovers mayweather lust after de la hoya's stardom de la hoya lust after mayweather's status the chance is oscar oscar oscar you can expect a lot of that as long as he's still in the fight [Applause] [Music] it was a close fight and you have to give credit to de la hoya for making it so close when deloitte was really at the end of his career of floyd mayweather he's so quick and slinky with his right hand [Applause] mayweather said he's going to get tired he's going to get tired he'll get him later in the fight mayweather's win over de la hoya earned him his sixth title and smashed pay-per-view records [Applause] [Music] and the crowd appreciates vote [Applause] oscar made a fight of it but mayweather won the split decision [Music] oscar de la hoya had been the biggest earner of his generation pacquiao jumped up two weight classes to fight oscar de la hoya who is a natural welterweight commands at all times above all protect yourselves at all times let's go the pac-man would be the final nail in the coffin dominated from the start that momentarily shocked oscar the later oscar de la hoya would say of manny he was the greatest boxer i ever faced just dominating going to the body going to the head taking everything away from de la hoya that's it let's finish it that's it his boxing story is one of incredible success and self-destruction i was a 10-time world champion i lost world titles i won world titles in professional boxing explosive power combination punching ability boxing's newest young sensation the man whom bob aaron says has a chance to become the biggest of all the big stars in the sport boy but it looks like the total package doesn't yeah no unlimited potential the golden boy i was born to be a fighter i was bred to be a fighter that's that's the bottom line nobody brings it home like it's nobody make it so
Channel: Joseph Vincent
Views: 280,332
Rating: 4.9268227 out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Sports, Film, Comics, Fights, Highlights, Spin, Truck, Juke, History, edit, diving, leaping, catching, one handed, dunk, slam, jam, alley oop, jordan, lebron, vincent, bored film
Id: QGfXf0gTTFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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