Orphan fox introduction doesn't go to plan...

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Oran season started at Wildlife Aid and it's a time of year that we get really excited about but we have to remember that it's also quite sad because the reason that we're getting these animals in is because they've lost a parent or something's happened to them one of the biggest problems that we have is when we have a single Fox CB when that happens they have a real risk of becoming imprinted on humans so we always do everything we can to find another animal for it to go with I think I actually heard it yeah I'm Lucy we were lucky enough that Lindsay from East Sussex wildlife rescue and ambulance service also had a single CB on her own so it was perfect really because we had our Lonely Boy they had a a Lonely Girl and so we decided that we would introduce them see what she thinks of our little chat this is our little guy he's been on his own for it must be a couple of weeks now so um hopefully they'll get on yeah so there'll be no need for the heartbeat Teddy anymore your girl is definitely much more lively than our boy yeah she's raring to go right so I guess if I get our Chap and you get your girl we do it try them together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] try that again go there go I am never seen it happen in the whole time I've been working at Wildlife Aid it it was a very very bad introduction such a shame I'll calm down a minute we're going to have to think of some way around this they've got to be together well we'll get them set off in a bigger pen and they can see and hear and smell each other yeah thank you very much for bringing her over no worries thanks for taking her [Music] well because they're not really getting on um the plan is that we're going to put a board so that they can see and smell each other through the bars of the cage um so Simon's designed this amazing Gap I'm going to put that between them so that they can see each other other but they can't get to each other um so hopefully it's like a Kinder slower way of introducing them to each [Music] other well it seems a bit cruel to be kind at the moment I still want to put them together but we just can't risk it so um we'll just see how it goes over the next 24 hours or so and then try again with them together so the plan today is that we're going to raise the dividing wall between the two of them um and then hopefully get them together um without any fights that's the plan anyway [Music] [Music] well a little bit of rough and tumble is completely normal they need to work out who's the boss amongst them it's absolutely normal I've got a really good feeling this is going to be fine now well if you want to watch more of them together then just click on the fox [Music] Cub if you like our videos click on the Subscribe button every new subscriber means we can save more wildlife um
Channel: Wildlife Aid
Views: 757,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fox, foxes, orphan, cute, awww, cub, baby, babies, fox cub, pup, kits, tiny, fluffy, renard, vet nurse, meeting, encounter, introduction, feisty girl, lonely boy, friends, fight, fighting, kitten, wild, wildlife, animal, wildlife aid, wildlife sos, Funny, gopro, GoPro (Award-Winning Work), hero 3, wras
Id: CejafeNTcKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2015
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