Wolverine Attacks Guide....WITH CUDDLES

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[Music] she was born five years ago parents both sets orphans from interior alaska and my veterinarian when he held this little furry treasure five years ago now remember that five years ago of all things he named her after the egyptian goddess isis before the islamic thing i can't change your name now it's too much too much kids know what's going on in the world this wolf has freedom she runs free here most of these animals that you'll see at first you can cop somebody's missing but we always see mr stewart there these animals don't miss a thing they know what's going on to her you look like a herd of caribou right now but after we talk for a little bit you'll feel that you're a wolf uh i have some carrots organic lily uh this silver color uh kind of changed the world because russian fur traders saw this fur and the athabascans and the klinket people had it here and they then came she's going to calm her down just a little bit just getting very feisty so she is about um steve how old do you think she is 15 weeks crazy this year is the year of babies we've had so many babies with different animals that's crazy uh you know who jeff well he was here the other day and we went down on the river so funny he was afraid of the meek and it was running around on the river um but this little mink we had down on the river and it was catching fish and it was having so much fun and i can barely get away from her she is my baby this is a hugely problematic issue but thanks to the mink we know about it linux and he stays here for a time for uh presentations but 52 acres we move them around they go in different places these animals and a free freedom so important uh there's a reason why this lynx is thinking of something else the other day we had jeff corwin here and we had another animal in here that is it's mortal enemy and the scent is still in here and it's concerned the uh the rain has brought it back out but get these natural pictures in this group how many of you have seen olympia they're the links of the wolverine are mortal enemies uh the real will okay the of walt disney he loved wolverines and he included a wolverine as the villain in a show about links years ago called lefty the dingaling links oh anybody see that movie those callaways nobody in this group has seen a wolverine mario see this is why we keep doing it all these years [Music] 36 years of working with wolverines this is baptist wolverine bamf and his brother jasper born here eight years ago the sixth litter of wolverines that i've raised in 36 years not very many mario no they don't breed in captivity now this creature early taxonomy i had no idea what it was little because of it i follow how they talk i follow how they feel very important if you do that you dance around a while make sure you'll be fine but apparently i'm the only one that's ever worked this closely with wolverines no this is a world exclusive i'm absolutely correct uh there's been others out just go file your teeth down are you gonna i'm leaving you behind okay you're leaving me by myself okay here you go come here here's one there we go um this creature can bite like a sewing machine i gotta tell you and she's cute if she gets in the chicken house she'll kill every chicken there anything in the barnyard she'll get it incredible predators this guy is her name yeah just when you see it it's quite stinky um actually it is a mustelidae um and this creature there's a taxonomist at the smithsonian institute and he says he's done the calculation he said if this creature weighed 60 pounds there would not be one single living mammal species on the planet they would have killed everything a long time ago it's a good thing that it only weighs 6 ounces because it eats its own weight in meat every 24 hours it has to eat every 20 minutes its heart rate is 900 beats a minute that is the fastest heart rate of any mammal on the planet what is this creature it's a namesake it's a namesake it's the namesake for the entire weasel family it is a it's a trick question yeah it's a weasel this is a weasel yeah this is a weasel and the weasel uh is actually known by the name and very interesting here's the name uh master is the genus that's the family stinky ones that carry mice the uh the species name and this is what and guess what that's my grandma it's too big now because it'll be he'll get he'll go crawl over that and grab my hand okay okay so if it jumps down and you guys got to be kind of up here a little bit more jumps out this lady's going to get it all right it's actually going to leap over and by that guy's camera who didn't see it no i can't come on i don't want to do it or you could call it uh grizzly or you could call it a kodiak all the same bear i'm gonna use the scientific name this is that's exactly right so the poles are named bear and no bear the arctic and the antarctic um now this creature uh she came to us eight years ago uh and she is the result of an archaic trophy hunt which still exists here in alaska you can go out and pay an exorbitant amount of money to the state of alaska about 25 000 and you can shoot one of these bears to hang its head on your wall and in this case the guy shot he was supposed to shoot a male
Channel: Paradox_XZX
Views: 11,510,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolverine, Bear, Lynx, Fox, Attack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2016
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