Death Guard vs Tau - Titans Tournament Round 1

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Definitely not looking good for Tau.

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/vontysk 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Game ended up being decided by a few small but critical mistakes combined with some good plays, defiantly worth a watch!

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/TheRealAsmonbald 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

absolutely love their content! btw: they had more than 2000 viewers on the live stream.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/DrTaran 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Go Death Guard!! 😎

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/FilipAltDelete 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

The way people roll 🎲...

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/notanotherlawyer 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Oh yes please go deathguard

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

That army matchup is a Dead on Arrival for Tau.

They don't even need to play that game

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Lethargomon 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

Can we get lists posted with the video?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/fuckyeahsharks 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome back to tabletop titans for game one round one of the tabletop titans tournament it's happening excited this is of course the tao against the death guard this is our first gt pack mission yet on the channel and uh we're both uh actually kind of this feels like a very different game for us yeah absolutely because we're both really trying to put um uh all the tactics into this really precise movement we built very precise lists um and we're gonna really see how far we can push these two factions against each other and really try to show how the the tournament competitive play side of ninth edition is working absolutely yeah it's gonna be really exciting so why don't we just jump ahead and take a look at these very optimized uh lists that we're bringing today so for my tau of course is my competitive army of choice most of the time um they've taken a a bit bit of a hit in ninth edition but i think they're still super scary what i've done is a far sight enclaves army here i think they're by far the strongest got four commanders three enforcers one cold star the enforcers all have quad ion the prevalence of invulnerable saves in the game mean that i'm going towards the quad ion instead of the advanced targeting systems i've also got a cold star um because he's great he's my warlord as well and he's got the pure tide chip on him just to get some cp back and actually the pure tie chip works really well on him because it gives him that one free reroll with his fusions that's great and uh it's for hit wound or damage so i could actually have two d6 rerolls in that one phase with him um he's got quad fusion so that's great they've all got two marker drones with them just because the shield drones are a little pricey i'm experimenting with cheaper drones and uh marker drones are good for backfield so i don't really i don't need the marker lights in this army so i don't really care but i'm trying them out um what i've also got is two riptides now uh yes the riptides are still great damage output but i'm taking them because they're some of the best character blocking i can get and so i have one with the burst cannon and because i have so few drones what i'm just going to be doing is i'm going to be using the branch nova charge every turn right to up my gun and my shield if i ever ran out of cp i would just stop the shield and leave the gun and then the other one has the ion and it's taking the accelerated ion cannon from the signature systems this is interesting because this weapon does not require a nova profile it doesn't even have an overprofile and so what that means is i can always have my shield up so i can have both of them with shields up and guns up and also it's a good weapon it's great it's d3 plus three damage flat six shots it's great it's fantastic um unfortunately there's a lot of involves on your side of the field so it's ap5 doesn't matter um only the shock attack your entropy cannons have five as well don't they uh four oh okay so um then what we've also got on them is uh counter fire defense this is the first time i've ever run this uh in ninth edition so i'm rerolling all overwatch makes them not super desirable to charge because they reroll all their hits in overwatch and ones to wound they're pretty scary that's great um and then i've got two devil fish each with two five-man breacher squads inside and then two gun drones they're just there to hold objectives get up field do actions you need you need infantry then i've got three piranhas with fusion um they're really just there to zip around the board um play the game they're not really fire support they're just uh there to get secondaries and actually they carry two drones each so they're little drones or drones they're baby transports yeah so uh that's the army it's got speed it's got output it still has a lot of durability um it's um i think yeah it's got a bit of everything yeah totally yeah i like it i think it's really scary list um i'm definitely nervous about it and i really like the use of that relic there um i'm curious to see how the durability of the riptides kind of carries through because it's always been one of the features of rip ties that you kind of hope you don't need to use because you have drones but it's easy to forget they are actually super super tough they're super tough two upstate just flexible too two up safe three at pinbone they're basically a terminator yeah that's at t7 and uh you know 14 wins exactly so uh it's a good little terminator that's great all right so what do you have today cool so on the death guard side um i am running pox mongers of course my personal favorite um i have three plague verse crawlers one of them is going to get the accelerated entropy and this basically buffs um itself and the two other plague brush crawlers if it's within six uh makes their entrepreneurs minimum flat damage and makes them plague weapons amazing uh so just super super nasty uh basically plagued dark lances essentially yeah um so i've got that i have a demon prince with the relic from the relic sword from psychic awakening which probably won't see much play here but i just i really like it in all of my games as this just really flexible choice makes them hit super hard turns it into a play weapon all that good stuff this is actually the only way to get a play weapon on your demon prince so things like um blades are actually they really pop off there um he is arch contaminator so he's gonna be running around giving full re-rolls to all my flag weapons yeah so those tanks now hit on fours re-roll ones yep and then wound almost everything on threes yep rerolling all wins pretty good it's pretty good it's okay it's all right um then troops wise for my death guard detachment i have two units of identical playgrounds both ten mans with a flail a flail in each uh that's it they're they hit super hard they have plague knives and they're also very much a transport for those plague flails which are just devastating i have a single uh 10-man pox walker unit there's extra troops a coup um another body unit basically just super cheap um i paid 10 10 more points um over cultists just because they're um they're fearless and i can tell you how many times that you just have one left or something and that pays off um let's see i am also running a malignant plate uh plague caster and he is taking he's the one with the iron claw furnace that's the thing pox mongers are known for it gives um demon engines in this case the uh the three big vehicles a four plus in vulnerable just fantastic these things are already legendarily durable right um because what they're toughness eight yeah three up safe five and then a five feel no pain and they're twelve wounds right yeah so it's a lot to get through they are super tough yeah so he's got that um spell wise he's taking um uh minus one to hit yeah and then he's also taking p putress and vitality plus one strength and toughness on an infantry squad usually the plague marines yeah um they're gonna be coming up supported by a ton of characters this is death guard of course right so i have tally man um with the uh he's my my actual warlords the warlord trait to do an extra rent against infantry again not such a big thing here but i wanted to bring in listen are these against each other right this is we're going to be playing the same armies all the way through the tournament right so this is what you would see in the world well then a lot of other lists do have plenty of information you expect that so that's that's the way it's going to be at a tournament you bring things you they have to they have to come on your list and um so you know that's that's the way it goes right so we've got him i have uh mr blightspawn uh so that you'll fight last time but he's in this game he's gonna be a really scary flamer that can get close to his uh piranhas and tanks um i have a terax drill very interesting which i'm super excited to do it's been a lot of fun and i also have a chaos you know for chaos spawn both of these units are getting contaminated monstrosities yeah for the five plus female paintings that's just one cp and it gives them 500 feel no pain it's great it's amazing it's actually fantastic so good uh so basically in deployment i have a unit of ten plague marines and uh the uh mephitic uh the grenade guy yeah inside of the termite so they're underground somewhere burrowing beneath the tower as we speak and then the last choice that really has made this army tick for me i've played it in this number of games thus far is a nurgle demon detachment um it's just a patrol i have three units of nerdy links five five and four and a single pox uh pock springer to be able to buff things like the demon prince um the nurglings with the pre-game deployment is so so important um again in this game didn't really use it very much i used it to kind of create a line just in front of my deployment zone um and then this one right here for a cheeky first turn charge in case i get it because the nurglings are very susceptible to your weapons so that's a kind of a worthwhile risk i think okay um that's what we're looking at that's me okay honestly we both have no idea i think we're both terrified of each other's arms i know so that's pretty nervous i'm super nervous too yeah these are these are very this is a matchup where we actually have no instincts i'm sure people in chat have opinions on which way this is going to go yeah i think this is going to be a crazy tight game bridger has a prediction that like we both have really good intervals and one of them one of us is just going to fail all of our dice rolls and then the one army is going to crumble um that's totally plausible i've been saving up my good rolls though we've been playing these casual games i'm ready for this tournament for the tournament time um maybe this is when i actually turn on mike i take off my weighted clothes i go to and it's just it's time to actually go yes all right so let's take a look at the mission uh today we're playing gt pack mission 22 which is battle line so there are four objectives you want to point those out yeah we've got one two three four four uh there's no special rules on this mission and the primary is hold one hold two hold more okay cool deal i like it do we wanna talk about terrain at all or the train here is fairly self-explanatory in the sense that we have several ruins we actually have one two three four five six uh obscuring ruins very important in any game but certainly in competitive play to have lots of blocking um and then we have other bases that are runes as well but they're not tall enough to be obscuring so we have this one here we have a few pipes over there yeah another one here another one here yeah and then the middle of this essentially oh this one too okay is it ruin as well okay great so um so that's that's basically all the terrain we have on the board it's basically all ruins and uh a few pipes yep it is worth pointing out that the ruins in the corners although they're on very large uh foam bases not the whole thing is obscure just the chopper just the upper ruin yeah because what you don't want to do you actually don't want to create ruins with massive bases because it kind of makes them unplayable exactly anywhere you're standing on or in and around them you end up being visible yeah this is like a 10 foot wide slab of rock that you basically okay if i step on it you're completely invisible it does nothing unless you're just popping out and shooting so yeah so that's it cool secondaries adrian today is taking engage on all fronts while we're saying we fight and bring it down so engaging all fronts i actually was a bit nervous about this one to be honest um i see myself playing the three table quarter games in this and this one definitely not all four um but again it's kind of it's relatively um consistent and stable um then i also have while we stand we fight i love this one especially with this list i'm running it has to be the demon prince and then the next two are two of my play burst crawlers and of course i'm being cheeky and making it uh the two that do not have the accelerated entropy buff so brian can't just double down a thing he obviously just wants to kill that's very smart because if i kill that one tank he loses the plague weapon ability and the min damage so normally that would be my first target right but can i drop all three in a game i don't know i could probably only drop two yeah so now you've made it's either i'm denying you points or i'm denying you kill efficiency and a wonderful bad choice you've given me that's what you really want to do get your phones bad choices that's right that's right and then i also have bring it down brian does have a good amount of vehicles that can score me about 12 points um this is something that i again i know i have things like the tanks in the back i have the termite that can pop up i have a decent amount of killing ability and i also know that these are tools that brian's going to be using to hold objectives to kind of harass me throwing the magic exactly so this kind of lets me do what i already want to do um and and not have to kill and you've got tides and you've got great weapons for taking them down yes so the two the two um devil fish are worth three points each the three piranhas are worth two points each that's right um and that those are the points he's going to try to pick up right the likelihood of them getting a riptide is unlikely it's probably not even worth putting shots at them well do they even have the monster keyword they do oh okay cool i just like completely didn't even think i could get them so i could actually get uh i have 18 potential points obviously max out of 15. yeah but in my mind if the 12 points for the devil fish and the piranhas those are like the doable ones if i kill a riptide that's nice but i don't want to count on it i've put the three up involved and my ability to heal it um it's not super reliable i have a lot more cp than normal exactly all right let's take a look at brian's secondaries he's taking deploy scramblers while we stand we fight and line breaker okay so um i'll take scramblers and linebreaker together so i could take engage on all fronts but you score that fairly slowly whereas i could get 12 points in three turns with behind enemy lines and i have lots of small throwaway units so i'm gonna try to get things in your deployment zone you have a relatively big deployment zone and you can't afford to keep everything in it you have to move up on the points so um while i'm back there though i can also get one of my deploy scramblers um and then it's described deploy scrambler is actually gonna be very easy in this game for me but it's just maxes out of ten whereas i think we're mostly trying to get around 11 or 12 with most of our secondaries but a guaranteed 10 it's not guaranteed but a very close to guarantee very close to guarantee 10 is always nice yeah um and while we stand we fight is my two rip tides my cold start commander he won't get the cold start unless i give it to him and the two riptides is kind of bait it's like if you shoot at these you're gonna waste your whole game's efficiency that's right and then you're not killing my tanks and you're actually going to lose out on killing the riptides and killing the tanks and so it's almost like if you managed to kill a riptide you probably had to put way more into it than the five points you got out of it that's right so it's kind of like go for it dude if you want but at the same time like i want to keep my riptides alive anyways because they're my my backbone exactly that's kind of the inverse of what i did kind of letting you play the way you want to play yeah regardless of what i'm trying to do that's right um but you can see both of us tried to pick secondaries that don't give the opponent much room to counter yes right like if i tried to pick for you um aboard the witch to go for your psyches or assassinate um you could have played very cagey in both of those and uh and denied me those points even though those actually on paper looked like they might have been easier yeah um even similar things like you you didn't pick attrition correct but i could have put all my drones into transports and just denied you several turns keeping them super back you can kind of target in a targeted way try to take out things that were flexible at killing your your small squads and hiding things like that so even if we're going to score only around 10 on our secondaries um it's better than scoring zero if your opponent can deny you at all that's right so that's that's what we were thinking here yeah all right well let's roll for first turn so who wants first starting i think we could both do something with i think we could both do something with it um yeah so we'd both take it is what you're saying i would definitely take it i think yeah you've seen demblin so i think i'm pretty hidden you have indirect which is cool um i'll i'll say this i don't i'm not super scared of going second yeah but i would i think i'd rather go first that's fair that's a that's a great one respectable totally i have no problem with that role oh so first turn for you take it yep so this is death guard turn one all right putting it to the test let's do this okay well settle in uh find a nice comfy spot on your couch or maybe your chair i'm pretty comfy behind this obscuring terrain yeah that's my that's my happy place brian and adrian are going to be zoned in totally focused today so let's have some one-on-one time chat uh thank you maxie what is your opinion on the faux blade tanks you the best uh so forge world space marine super heavies yeah the fel blade's too many points for a normal 2000 point game um it's got pure style points so go for it if you want once in a while but in a 2000 point game it's almost always a liability yeah there was a time where these strays with iron hands was uh good not just like okay it was actually pretty good yeah um but that was an exploit and kind of lame to play against i got like battered by one at lbo um yeah i won the game but like it it was a it didn't feel good um thank you michael stayed up late last night watching an epic battle i can't wait for this one i haven't played since third edition you guys are getting me back into it well thank you michael uh i'm glad to hear we're getting people back into 40k that's like one of our goals no but i can see you with commanders that's it thank you martin i'll use this window hey titans i noticed adrian didn't include death guard terminators in his list also i plan to run plasma inceptors in my dark angels army to back up the two invictus any tip on running plasma inceptors this way uh so in terms of adrian's list not including death guard terminators i think it's i think um so there are several different viable death card lists right now and you don't necessarily want to mix them all up in one list same thing with custodies these factions that are super durable and have a bunch of different viable strategies they don't have counter fire though okay um you you don't really want to mix all the lists um so you want to like pick a thing and go for it what he went for here was uh the plague burst crawlers and a little bit of plague marine spam and in terms of running plasma inceptors my advice would be just because they can deep strike and move really far doesn't mean you should you essentially want to be max ranging to keep them safe be careful of your uh sight lines you know they're super valuable uh plasma inceptors cost a lot of points so just keep keep them alive uh thank you martin hey guys great content keep it up although i won't be watching live today as i'll be playing my first game of 40k this year question how are crimson fist compared to other marine chapters in ninth um their chapter tactic got nerfed a little bit going into ninth i actually can't remember when it was nerfed but it used to be too strong and gw was like nope get out of here uh they're fun cool as a chapter but i don't think they're particularly strong compared to uh some of the other space marine chapters but they are still space marines so they're still good um it's just like they're not the strongest space brains thank you uh justin g'day from australia what is better for space wolves using aryak and a lord with wolfenstein to get plus two attacks on blade guard terminators versus using wolfen um it's a tough it's really a stylistic decision i think wolfin are a lot of eggs in one basket whereas if you take blade guard they're not so i don't want to say they're not as fragile because they have a worse involvement but um it's just three wounds per body instead of i think wolfen have two and they actually have a two-up terminator armor save and uh they're cheaper like for a squad versus a full squad of wolfen i think if you want to all in if you want to go crazy you take wolfen and if you don't you take uh leg yard bets or terminators also good but a bit expensive um thank you alfie super hyped sadly won't be able to watch live so dropping by early my friend is a tao player he's bringing two rib tides and an incoming 1k point battle as craft worlds what can i bring to match that that's a big yikes uh two riptides in a thousand points is like mean so brutal um your best tools against it are guidance whoa oh that was wow glad i pulled away from that someone's throwing up cool tricks did a little cool thing yeah so your your best bet is doom and jinx against riptides honestly though um that's gonna be rough two two riptides well they won't have many points for drones unless that's the other well if they just keep them on three up in one single game well that's where jinx comes in trouble yeah doom jinx uh fire prisms are nice because they can yeah if you matched him with fire prisms and then you had doom and jinx the game would actually probably be yours all right cool so we're all moved up so super cage you basically stayed hidden with everything yeah there's no reason for me to really pop my plate burst crawlers are not touching the ruin they're not yeah exactly they're not touching and i shifted over because i um you want to potentially be able to see between these two bases for uh to your tank is there a crack here because both of these bases block line of sight it's so close i'm not sure i could see that character that's it okay that's fine so if i moved over i could see the character in mind so there is a tiny little spot uh sounds good yeah yeah so so they just kind of shifted over so that basically brian the only way he can truly get line of sight on the plague burst crawlers is if he runs up to this rune or if he shifts over to this side so or that side uh well this whole thing is obscuring right this base yeah so no so if my riptides came over to here uh-huh then i would see this way oh yeah i said i said play first you're just trying to keep the plague worse callers yeah i played with yeah i couldn't see them yeah yeah it sounds good um actually i need to yes you're right only coming coming over to the right over here would be my only choice yep sounds good so he's moved up his knurlings um and the hope here is that uh you're going to try and charge through it's like a six or seven inch charge or something it should be a four inch because i was nine away and then i moved my five okay and then just an inch down yep uh sure sounds good yeah it's 908 deployment and then the charge uh and then the nice thing is of course they are they are short so that uh although he can see it through the top window i'm close enough that's that's the reptile that's right so actually all they can see here is my indirect weapons and then my one commander exactly and so um that's enough to get in a good a good striking position exactly yeah all right cool so let's go to psychic uh not a ton we do want to play and you're not putting a cloud of flies up or anything uh well that's during shooting phase how was it yep oh okay um it's during your opponent shooting phase yeah no it's the end of your movement phase fireflies sure uh i will cloud a flies uh the plague marine squad then okay um and then see if i get it back i need a seven on both dice nope so i'll see if i get it back that sounds good and yeah let's go for it so let's see so we have miasma um we have uh putress and vitality which i'll probably will still use to make something a bit tougher um let's see let's see let's see let's see we'll do putrescent vitality onto the pocket walkers just make them a bit more annoying to get through and they will be able to block for the marines that's right so let's see that seven looks good so now they're toughness four that's basically the only change um and then miasma um this one's a bit tougher you definitely can get through a lot of the stuff to get to my plague marines yeah but you also um hmm i actually will put it on them because you could on the peg marines yeah you could throttle it yep so let's do it looking for a six looks good so minus one to hit on the plague marines exactly plus one strength and toughness on the box walkers and cloud flies on the plague marines he just really doesn't want to lose his specimens exactly exactly uh cool that's it um i do have a couple other casts but it really doesn't matter um so let's go to shooting shall we bring it so really the only thing we have is of course the plague burst crawlers with their uh mortars that ignore line of sight yes so we're going to go for taking out one of these piranhas i just need to start that sooner than later that's right uh so i'm just going to go for this front one right right here the further stop exactly so let's do the back mortar first so this is d6 shots five shots great start excellent excellent so hitting on fours here re-rolling once you have no more move and shoot penalty i know it's great so the threes are out the one is a re-roll and it's right here so you can ask for so strength eight winning on threes yeah full re-rolls because it's a plague weapon and i have arch contaminator so threes we roll the two okay so we get minus minus two so um let's see it these things actually have a four up save oh so there's actually these three three three and how many ones do they have six six okay almost almost so one win left sounds good uh we'll do the next one into him as well so d6 shots one yeah yeah yeah oh on a four got a hit reroll the one oh real the one so he actually rolled a one on the table as well so it's four once in a row okay that's okay last one all right last one into him well let's see it so number of shots six shots okay this would be more stressful if uh he had to get a kill if it was itc or yeah at the end of the day this is icing on the tick on the cake but uh if i leave them with one move fours uh so twos and threes are out rule the one from the demon prince looks good okay and then now freeze it with the three rule i think you got my point yeah i'd say so so i just need four four sixes you got this oh i tried that's pretty good so um does it blow uh i don't think they have the exposed keyword oh roll four and then we'll check yeah they probably don't because only six wins yeah but i do have two drums and neither of them die sounds good so the two drones will get out they could take a ticket freeze blood does nothing it makes me feel good about myself that's what matters all right popping out the drones keeping them in three of the piranha okay and that is uh two points to my what's it called bring it down for two points to gryffindor gryffindor all right all right so then lastly of course we have the charge from the nurse how long how far did we say this so if you're nine inches away you moved five yeah it should be four inches four four plus one five and we're doing an inch for these yeah sounds good so i need a five search um and what are you declaring again uh just this riptide just the rip type yeah okay so we'll do the sms systems one two three four five six seven eight and then i'll just do them both together two four six so sms doesn't require a lot of sight so these are the missiles coming up and over through the windows you know i'll be honest when i was deploying i didn't at all notice that um there wasn't uh windows here so i should have paid more attention so you're i was i can find out when i'm standing here i see yours and yours has windows but then mine didn't oh that's sorry and so i just assumed my instinct so what i probably should have done here is just taking the drones and put them in front um totally and uh i just assumed i was unassailable because i thought there was windows right right so you gotta pay attention little things like that absolutely okay so here we are hitting on sixes yep re-rolling everything it's okay i could never kill this unit right like this is how many wounds uh this is 16 wounds yeah yeah it's impossible i'm shooting i'm shooting 16 shots i do have to survive your melee that's i love the optimism i no matter what the odds i will always be skeptical when i play you i'll be like yeah this is like 100 chance it's gonna work and then something happens so this is uh t t2 so two rolling yeah that's fine and so we have a five-up in volume first uh made one no two and then these are single damage so i do get my disgustingly resilient so there's a good chance you'll not lose anything now just the commander yep so we are going to overcharge because he is re-rolling once so so let's risk it okay so nothing mm-hmm again we're rolling the one so he takes the wind nurglings did a wound to a commander who did get a hit there i did i counted it and then the last one not the sony one hit two to win yep no because you're so um so one wound to me zero to you all right so you need your five let's see um i think you'll get it let's do it i will take my five brian said riptides have a two plus save because riptides have a two plus save i just broke your gun off it's not magnetized oh okay um right that's that rips i can't shoot anymore yep it's wait cannon is that a pun or is that just it is a cannon okay uh that's it um we'll do my attacks again from the nurglings into um so uh do you have any interventions or anything weird yeah i'm trying to decide do you want to electrify me no it's not worth it i'm just trying to see where you're placed um okay cool looks good yeah all right cool so we'll do the pylons and then here we go so it's going to be 16 attacks this is why knurlings are so good there's so many wounds and so many attacks even though they're tough too and strength like baby yeah they're just i mean them just touching this stuff turn one is huge because then i can shut down the shooting from them so on fours no rerolls that one was cocked that's good and yeah six is re-rolling ones do it no just so one two up safe oh here i'm feeling this one all right you're good uh so i was mostly joking but i just want to double check how many attacks on the riptide four four taxis and they're just single damage i don't care about ats yeah okay cool so i will i will touch into this one and the devil fish okay brian got touched he been touched done got baby but one thing i actually will actually check two you're trying to see if you can get an engage in all fronts yeah oh yeah so that looks good so i can touch them and then i'll get engaged and the unit's wholly within uh it can't count for both so if you're trying to use one unit for both no i'm not the unit has to be wholly within a quarter in order for it to count yes so as of right now it's in two quarters that's 22 right there so this these two models are in this quarter those two are in that quarter okay so i'll touch the devil i will not touch the double fish but i'll touch that riptide you see that let me see so it's 43 and three-quarters uh-huh okay is that where the dueling tape measures came in it's 43 and three-quarters so then what we need to actually take it to is you know 21 and three-quarters i mean i only need to be with an inch anyway so they'll just go that way um i guess yeah so that would be out of range of the devil fish but i will lock that up there goes that gun again right there we go cool go ahead and do your slaps and your stomps and your spits and your straps here they are in five two heads and then on twos oh okay you're welding oh fives nope and fives so i got a base got a base got a vice so just to answer chat we are not using montcal as you fall back um that's uh it's not that we're not using that it's that that's not a thing it's just silly officially not a thing we're not playing nonsense rules yeah um all right do you have a morale on them uh they ship seven so they're good they have seven okay cool all right that's me i feel good about that uh are you good to go in the tau turn one let's do it turn one all right give you your command point thank you cool you deserve it brian okay thank you all right so um he was kg turn one which actually gives me the opportunity to also be kg turn one um which is good um because i'm stuck in combat so we're just going to move up thank you bansta just started tau in the for greater good psychic awakening book video can't manta strike and flamer with the hybridized weaponry but uh ms range is nine and flame range is 12 so you can uh do you understand what that was all about that was a lot of i don't know all of my brain power was put into turning those abbreviations into words um i am not super familiar with the greater good book uh manta strike flamer hybridized weaponry nine inch flamer 12 oh flamers weren't 12 when the book came out i think that's the issue and they will be 12 in some time so space marine flames will be 12. i don't think anyone has officially declared no but i think it'll be silly if space marine flamers are 12 and everybody else is we're nine would it be silly that space marines get an extra attack on the charge and extra ap also yes because they got that and no one else did that's a different kind of silly though angry assault um sorry if i didn't super well answer your question bandstep but i think yeah so right now you cannot deep strike and flame as tao boom done uh thank you jordan love you guys new to the hobby and quarantine tips on finding games in the bay area post covid i've only played against myself crusade is awesome well um post covid i'll tell you what there's a lot of great stores in the bay uh game castle in south bay is awesome they're also in fremont in uh they're in redwood city now too oh yeah the story's just opened up in sf there's quite a few good stores i've heard good things about game post and then in north bay if you just keep going north um there's a few stores uh well outside of city limits but you're north bay so uh there's games of antioch up if you're up in antioch area they're awesome they also have a store in concord yeah these are all great places um facebook is definitely the place to find uh especially events things like that almost all 40k tournaments are organized there um first and then put onto um esco's pairings afterwards so that's pretty much how we find about find out about stuff oh sorry before i move that transport these five guys were getting out no worries the good news is this is a very very active warhammer community in the bay we're super lucky to have that so despite what you see now thank you chat for filling me in hybridized weapons is plus four inch range ah so it lets you deep strike with flamers oh i understand yeah the problem is you're giving up a lot you're giving up all the um uh all the like being farsight enclaves for example you're giving that up which is a lot to get it's quite good right now but if you're not playing competitively and you like your chrysler suits and you want to flame go for it man yes correct if that is your jam go and jam on it i'm interested thank you no nothing i'm just disembarking thank you uh won't be able to attend this live today so hashtag bring back brian sweaters first time i uh i i brought the i brought the toque for y'all today just to keep it just keep it real uh i said stay safe good luck have fun and go death guard thank you on all regards we are yeah we are trying to stay safe there's a small chance that i will have to evacuate my house is like three miles from the evacuation line for the fires and the smoke is awful i keep muting the mic and coughing because the smoke is just like here no just like overnight oh in my house it's bad man it irritates my my throat's all messed up this morning if i sound weird that's why another advance nice thank you ariatha uh it's like this tournament is made for me you're playing my three armies orcs death guard and admak for papa orc messiah good luck have fun love it thanks man appreciate it we're really excited for this event thank you tomasi uh we should commemorate today's inaugural day by turning on the ac so you boys heat exhaust and we'll have all the sads oh so we don't heat exhaust uh today's not as hot the heat wave broke now we just have fires we just can't breathe it's like one one problem at a time we'll get to the fires now we solve the heat wave level eight of jumanji yeah exactly and once we solve the fires we'll solve covet and then everything will be better no problem okay let me explain what i did i basically built a screen around my army yep um and all i'm trying to do is keep you out of grenade range of things like riptides and stuff like that because that's the main way you have a chance at dropping a riptide is uh the mortal winds that's right um but you could definitely come in and grenade a tank or something like that um which is good you need to kill those anyway sure um but you'd be happy for me to do that happy's not i wouldn't be happy but i don't know so and basically what i did is i put piranhas on both objectives cool um sounds good you're gonna kill them both anyways yeah um because you need to but uh at least you know i have a chance um of uh a chance of sticking it out all right good i like it so now i do have some shooting basically okay i could have stayed in combat and shot you with my riptides but i would have been out of position right for the next half of the game yeah i have four commanders here and and uh i think we're gonna be we're gonna be a-okay looks good to me um and if we're not a-okay something bad has definitely happened so what we're gonna do is deploy scramblers uh with my um my breacher unit here so that means they actually actually can't shoot right um it is tragic i feel for you just in case you guys know don't know with scramblers he has to perform the action with infantry once in his deployment once in no man's own and then once in my deployment zone uh and so that's why he's starting with allen okay we're ready to go yeah let's roll man so um let's take it into the shooting phase yep um i have marker lights but i don't need them um but i'll uh so let's just go let's do it so we're gonna go with my uh fusion commander first um because he could just make it go away there you go you just need to make these five ups five up in bowls no problem okay okay so the first one takes five and dies yep and the second one takes six and dies all right so one base left sounds good okay now i have commander number two and um i will uh overcharge okay so the first three hit yep second three hit mm-hmm oh dang nice okay and then the fourth so twelve twelve 3 i think they're dead they have 12 guns it's crazy 9 12 on twos are you rolling my ones okay so five ups this is what you call a good time and they're dead that would have been the whole unit there um okay so the earnings are gone yep um they did their job can uh can i see a talon or anything from here unfortunately i think so yeah okay they've got so many limbs it's hard to hide all of them so here's a melta oh dang that's right that's right you can't take one um and then here's the uh the gun drones yep um so on fives because i advanced sounds good and i'm outside of 12. let me just double check there it is no i'm in so i've got a one re-roll go cool doesn't matter and then what's the toughness uh t5 so two ones nice so this is uh this is no cover right yeah so fives okay and then disgustingly resilient all right one take some wounds oh we gotta start some got him on the ropes now you gotta start somewhere um can any of these tanks see uh well this whole thing is obscuring right i meant over here oh there yeah so this is also obscuring yeah you wanna double check from fish so well this gun is technically on this base cool want it to be so i can see you what what this these doors are now all open then oh sir you're saying that he's inside this train yeah okay then here because you're still hanging like yeah that's the flyer stuff right okay um i understand what you were trying to say actually yeah you can still see here cool sounds good yeah so it didn't really matter but if we're gonna and i'm outside at 12 there yep sounds good so i just have 12 shots mm-hmm five twelve shots hitting on fives that gives you advance too yeah he advanced so one string four uh strength five oh everything's out okay so then this is five ups okay oh come on i want to keep a spawn oh i got you i got a sponge that's cute that was so weird um nothing else can shoot that i'm aware of uh can is that guy with an 18 invisible to anything uh nope that's an interesting question to ask your opponent can this get can i just shoot what can i shoot right so no so the thing is um i can't see the pox walkers i can't see the nurglings and there's cloud flies on the plague marines so um uh unless i'm obviously missing something oh yeah i did uh want to tell you that i spent a cp on my branching overcharging cp oh and then did you and you took a wound i can't roll for it so i have to just take them yeah yeah sounds good to me okie dokie and volume both and for your secondaries oh um nothing sorry i didn't spend a cp you didn't all right i just overcharged because i wasn't going to be using my gun correct that's what i meant to say that's fine snip snap snip snap joe yeah thank you the unit they couldn't shoot would not shoot so yeah all right so let's go to the score screen and see that not much happened turn one shocking excellent and let's go to death guard turn two sounds good all right so uh you're on one objective i'm on one objective five points on the board oh yes there we go let's do this thing bring bring it yeah thank you david head sweater's still not a sweater brian it's it's closed it's halfway i'm halfway or i'm a third of the way whatever however you want to say uh thank you xp is overrated seems to be a lack of chaos space marine factions on the channel and he plans to do an army of everyone's favorite heretic space marines the dark angels man after my own heart uh yeah at some point we don't own dark angels um so uh we're not there just yet but um one of these days we'll get the dark angels for sure okay so i have a few things i'm thinking about right now um i need to my best bet for this turn is to get brian off of objectives he's very tentatively on them right yeah i'm not i'm not strongly on them no yeah you just have fire warriors you have the piranhas they do have drones this one has drones inside yeah so this one had to dump its drones in order to um uh essentially screen my backfield yeah exactly because the terrax drill coming right here would have really sucked yeah exactly would have been actually game over in the back if you came right here i would have lost the game yeah yeah you you started moving and i was like oh well yeah depends where the drones go but uh you know so you're here yep that's a nice nine and a little bit yeah because it's got a big base so you actually don't have to be all the way nine um yeah even here this is like nine and a little bit it's like you can't fit it's a massive you want to be efficient and if i want to get out and throw grenades it's even bigger it's a huge space yeah because the truth is the tarax is tough against most opponents i can kind of bully with it but you have the tools to do it you came up with in so yeah those are the things i'm mostly thinking about i definitely have line of sight here with the plague burst crawlers so we do have some tasty entropy shots that we could do um but i have to be a bit careful so i pop this he gets out my drones come back on the objective and then you've got a very very it's a very long charge at that point yeah um so that's kind of what's going on there conversely though if i charge here and i kill it in melee then you're you're oh you don't have optic on the drones so that might be the way to go honestly because you only have two drones there if i kill two in overwatch then we're then we're gonna get spot hey man you killed one already you never know yeah thank you joe monge hello from lincoln england love the channel what do you think about the warhammer competitive subreddit the deleting links to your content uh i had no idea that they were doing that so uh-huh i don't know about the competitive uh one but the main 40k one i've had some issues in the past where they're like yup this is self-promotion and i was like well isn't anyone posting any models that they painted ever self-promotion but that's cool well this i mean we didn't post someone else posted yeah people have been posting our stuff on the comp subreddit and i guess they've been getting banned because maybe we're not competitive or something i don't really know but it's so funny because like we are competitive i don't think we worry about it too much they can have their closed door community they they can be gated i don't really care they're weird all right so we're gonna scoot over this a plague burst aroni and throw some bridger went kind of nuts with the moss on this board which i love yeah mossy city i'm just going to be yeah the name of this board is mostly like singing so we've got to do it just put moss everywhere it kind of creeps me out thank you matthew uh hope you guys have a great game really looking forward to this no offense to brian and his space manatees but i'm cheering for the smelly boys in this one may never be generous with his gifts love it love it i'm trying to line up some entropy shots for this this boy because i can take him out i'm feeling relatively confident about this and the entropy is coming from down here it's going to be coming through this little little gap this uh alley um and then i want to put the mortars into the fire warriors to just try to get me off that back exactly so um two things i did there one of them is i if you remember i like forgot to do it and then i told you and the thing was my whole plan was to get them onto the cover right which obviously when you do things fast to make mistakes that would have meant that they actually had a decent chance of survival right um but uh now that they're not in cover and there's only five of them uh we have to hope that he rolls badly hey you never know it is me it can always happen it is me thank you ikbard going to test out my kit bashed squat imperial guard army with aqua on shield custodies protecting my squats daca wish me luck i've been seeing a lot of people taking the banner to protect guard um and i think it's cool i think it's not custodies i don't approve of it but you know you you buy your models you play with them but i would not have custodies protecting imperial guard they're just not worth it their lives are expendable exactly all the guards should be protecting custodian that's how it should be yes absolutely laying down their life for them exactly thank you mason pulling for the towel in this one really looking forward to see how the list performs uh yeah i think we're all curious to see how uh tau works in ninth cause the army took quite a few blows well as you can see i just got tagged first turn and no i've never fit in there and i couldn't fall back and shoot so um i lost out on an enormous amount of firepower uh turn one uh so yeah it can happen thank you danny love your content and passion for the game is anyone touching did you consider mentoring or tabletop simulator tournaments a lot of us can't get out right now so we've looked at tabletop simulator um i know adrian i played a little bit and i actually commentated uh a tournament for tabletop sim or one game at least um it's getting better they're adding a lot more utility and mods and stuff but it's still very cumbersome i'm not really a fan of tabletop simulator um it's just too slow too clumsy and it gets so it takes away all the things i love about the game which is the physicality of it and um like warhammer is a pure game like just take it make it digital or abstract it is not a very good game it's cool as like a an entire thing like this where you've got this epic board all these great painted armies you've got friends that's what makes it great but it's like just a pure rule set i don't think it's actually very interesting like if i was gonna be playing a computer game there's a lot better games to play so there's a comp 40k subreddit mod in the chat saying that they didn't ban it i i have no idea what anybody's yeah we don't know we've we've thanks for not banning it i guess we've definitely posted things there before and it's been fine can you throw me another advance sure two good enough uh thank you typhus ooh uh quad fusion commander coldstar xv8 in manta strike or foot slogging behind bigger stuff asking about taos since i know everything about death card i almost uh i almost always start with uh one i almost always start with my um cold star on the board i never deep strike him his key ability is that he has movement so he can almost always get into better position through movement than he can through deep strike and uh once you deep strike it means you can't fire first turn which the board's smaller there's almost always a target to hit first turn um and often when you end up deep striking you're not gonna have defense form up the board and so you're gonna end up deep striking back where the rest of your army is anyways and since he's faster than the rest of your army i like almost could never see a scenario where you would deep strike him that's fair all right cool we're all good here okay shifted around you moved up with these guys yep they moved here for a charge um i have my marines kind of shuffling around i moved the knurlings have always been in front i moved the pox walkers kind of around to be in the front as well obviously you have angles that can make this work regardless um and then i also have the uh flamer get within range of the devil fish and the smite get within line of sight obviously in range uh here i positioned these two so they can shoot down this alley at this uh piranha and the mortals will hop on over and we'll see all right lots of lots to do yeah exactly so we're not bringing out the terrax because you're still screening that's great there's no good spots to bring it exactly yeah uh so first off let's go ahead and do um i'm sorry are you doing cloud flies again oh yeah cloud flies on the uh on the marines so do i get it back i do not it's one cpm mr bridger and i don't get it and um yeah so let's do my asthma onto the marines looks good good let's do futures and vitality on the marines that's good are there t6 uh yes they are yes they are we're gonna do a smite from him into the devil fish let's see it that's that'll do it and we're looking at a single damage okay nice that's a star nailed it um don't need to do any other buffs no point in perils in because we all know i will yes so we're good there all right let's go to shooting shall we okay um so let's start with the flamer yeah the devil fish um how many cp do i have right now burger this let's run i've yeah because you've gained two and spent two you have a flamer strat which helps you uh you should be at seven i have lied yeah i it sounds too high um yeah it lets me reroll the strength that's your role and the number of shots and the numbers it's real good um you have fireworks in there yes okay i'll i'll i'll pop it so here's the cp do i get it back nope um another cp yep i don't get it so here's the strength nine which okay with that you don't want to be wrong i'm good with that thank you number of shots which i can also reroll two three one yeah you know right four hey man listen that's a big difference it's good yeah so you can one shot this tank uh yeah that's true yeah well they all have to go through but it's possible i think you're fine i actually think the odds are decent at one shot this is on threes rerolling ones this one yes so so minus two uh minus three minus three three and three so i have to make one six or i lose my tank uh yeah man this guy is bonkers oh brian poland okay so i take nine damage got two left looks good that's really crucial because it means that he doesn't get the efficiency of all his plague marines just going right into my exactly my my exactly um okay so we do have just these three play marines that can see it so and let's see [Music] yeah so we'll do these these three plague marines into the devil fish okay and then they have the other seven six because of the flail um more like five because these these two are kind of back so five into here okay three piranha sorry into the prawn and then three into the devil fish here's six dice so we're gonna do the six shots uh for rapid fire yeah it's a double fish this is on threes um no re-rolling ones okay and then on five on five so you can do it it's possible no not this time uh cheeky so then it was five guys so 10 shots um potentially we have are these this is a unit of did did they move uh they did they shuffled okay so i appreciate the attempt though so these two are in rapid fire so this is two four this because the army rapid fire's at eighteen at eighteen exactly um so you have seven two seven uh no it's it's six dudes okay two two with rapid fire all right my brain was just no no you got it six seven eight this is into the prana all they can see i just wanna hit i wanna get some wounds off if possible yep um just to make sure the spawn are actually pretty scary but uh just one all right come on four up all right take a screen down five cool looking good all right so we're gonna hop over here to entropy cannon town bring it first one into the prana baby shots also into the piranha stubbers you're saying the uh heavy slugger slugger little slugger and then the um mortar into the um breachers yeah preachers that's it so here's the d6 into the breachers nailed it excellent excellent uh hitting on four reeling ones nice on a two and three roll cool so minus two i'm good oh oh no sorry i thought they would be you're good you're good uh so here's one goes down entropy into the piranhas this is fours we're rolling ones you would have failed if it wasn't for it i know man you're getting me off the objectives now i don't want to break your groove here yeah but i do have to interrupt and say we have a new record over two thousand viewers oh my god that's awesome amazing holy crap thank you guys over two thousand that that that i think gets us into the territory of the most watched live game in 40k history that's amazing because i think like the lvo final game was only at like 2000 or 2100. let's just keep pushing everybody text you tell your friends your friends we can get us to like 23 2400 that'll be the most watched live game in 4k history i think tell your mom yeah cool thanks thanks guys so let's see cool well that was really efficient so that's great so it's a good start yeah geez okay i'm just thinking about this thing did you drop it with the uh the entrepreneurs do i try to drop it but then i'm more likely to so what's the charge right now um i'll just let you measure it i need to kind of decide these odds because if i kill it now the charge will be longer right and then i have to kill the drones that are on the point five five yeah within five so you need a four that's so feasible and there's strength five your tip miss five start winning on fours okay let's do the easy thing this guy actually it's not so easy because i don't know if you can no he can't see him so i don't think so right no this is not obscuring but this angle and this and he's short so we're going to do just the mortar and then the battery doors yeah creatures so here's our firewares fireware breachers oh really yeah i didn't even know that so this is hitting on fours oh gosh darn it and then a two two good and then i need a six you thought i would get it i know i i'm honestly shocked you didn't okay um yeah that's making me nervous now better you're not gonna get them um unless you go real high yeah okay what do we got so um one one plague burst crawler left yeah we're going to do one play wrist crawler basically the thing he's deciding he only his entry candidates can only see one target it's here yeah and he's deciding whether he wants to shoot it or charge it yeah exactly if i shoot it i think i lose that point so i'm not going to shoot it i'm going to do just the mortars mortar into the devil fish yeah so here we go d6 shots four okay on fours oh that could have been an odd car yeah that would have been pretty much guaranteed now this is on freeze re-rolling okay well that's still pretty good so four at minus two fives one of the things is uh vehicles don't get covered anymore i know which is running harsh i think it's a good rule vehicles shouldn't get covered i don't know i think raiders should get covered just lane raiders so i die got him does he blow um please stop come on okay and i have five dudes inside one or seven because i have the drums one two three four five six seven okay one two three four four die wow uh how do you feel about that it's quite good i mean you can make it two drones it is going to be two drones um attrition but uh oh oh my that was my goodness um so that's fine i don't know if that's f worthy in chat but only because brian that's pretty if it were adrian that would be effort i think so that we just hit the record number of viewers but i think that was a record number of people that died in a disembarkation yeah four out of seven and the other ones were like twos too let it not be said that my roles are unreasonable totally fair uh thank you famous oaks one cp for brian's beanie also what would you take to complement three tanks in a taos sub list i have 300 points spare and i don't know what to do with it uh long strike do you have long because you should have long strike if you have three tanks and if you don't have long straight you take a third like a fourth well that's long strike isn't the only way to go uh you could go custom sept with your tanks as well and it's pretty good so um so everything's already shot so the only thing i should be afraid of is a charge and this corner is obscuring the corner is obscuring yeah i might have a pistol like a plasma pistol from the teleman wow this is a strong wall of f's this is the biggest wall of f's i've seen on the channel it's definitely f-worthy so what he's trying to do is he's positioning for scrambling i think i assume you're are you thinking this might be a good point good time to try to get one into my deployment zone i don't think so because your deployment zone's right back here so i'd have to advance yeah so i'd have to take my full here let's see if because you get out three now and then you can do i have to i have to be holy within do you have to be holy within yeah so 18 your deployment zones here yeah so i have um nine inch movement essentially and okay like i guess if i put right on the edge but then you'll just charge me yeah that's why you see what i'm saying yeah yeah so that wasn't a beat but now now that yeah what would you charge me with like the knurlings or something yeah but i can can you still fall back can you fall back into an action or no no actually uh bridgette do you know can you fall back into an action yeah uh i don't think so i don't know just normal move i can check is it is it an urgent well this is a check right now but will begin the checking procedure just opening the book you're trying to find the checkaroo your plague mines are more vulnerable if you charge up but not really because you could just string them back right yeah what would i string back to to to cloud flies if you were to charge oh yeah i would not charge with them charged with chad is saying you cannot and i agree with them but i just want to make triple super mega sure in the book yeah gonna get out there yep good call cool so my tank goes down yeah and uh the two drones i oh sorry i didn't roll for these two drones as well oh there's the two drones inside yeah go for it so um two more ones maybe yeah so hold on i actually realized they can i can pull them instead as well okay so they're fine so actually right i'll kill them because they can't take the action yeah so you'll have your full fire the infantry is more valuable yes 100 um i like it even though the drones are faster the infantry is more valuable right totally yeah chad's saying no fallback in action makes sense okay that's the intuition but you know i think it's just normal move or no move in action okay so i did it looks good that is it for shooting let's go to charges we've got chaos spawn into uh the prawn and you wanna paint over watch me i don't have to pay these overwatch for free they do have um but it's a vehicle right no so it's not that so even even uh double fish have it it's the storm surge that doesn't and the town hour i think that doesn't um but i did look it up just a few minutes ago and the um hammerheads don't have it the hammerheads don't but the devil fish do which is weird oh really the devil fish have it wow yeah i always have to do with like which cast pilot there is that's the only explanation right now but anyways that's fusion you let's do it look at first six rerolling ones one two three people shouldn't have the re-rolls you don't need it you just you just roll um okay rolling ones okay two running on fours because d5 yep right five up five up of course double ones so we got a wound and uh we've got a five inch charge that's it you got it and i like the yellow dice i'm still yellow boy so five that was so cool it came out like the back five oh yeah every time he's pushing it i'm so bad so he's fine he's got it yeah exactly so we'll go here like so deep and then they're gonna they're gonna activate first so i'm gonna use my three inches to kind of rotate on yeah so he's jumping up on the point oh sorry yeah you know where they are uh and uh let's do you can move the moss age i generally have been but they're gonna move again so so here's the the buff is i just want to do it right you have to roll the number of attacks or i feel the number of attacks but i also have to roll their they get a random buff oh a random buff yeah and one of them is like plus two attacks one's real two wounded ones minus four ap attacks they're all pretty awesome they're all amazing so here's the chart come on four is grasping pseudopods plus two attacks cool so they get uh z6 or d3 it's d6 plus two now that's pretty sweet so three six plus two yeah that's how you roll plus two plus six plus two each let's do each yeah so yeah so this is uh four 10 12 19. 19 attacks from three of these boys is scary and they're all uh strength five minus two for two damage what they're so good i love them so they'll shred marines yeah that's that's why that's generally what they do okay um so let's see that's five ten fifteen sixteen and nineteen are they do they hit okay or do they hit on four i wanna say it's yeah it's just fours okay that's the one one thing that's the one downside is there any way to give them re-rolls um i don't think they get yeah they are death guards so you could potentially with the lord or something yeah so on forest devil fish do not have greater good uh the drones inside dude oh the drone's inside okay the attached drones have it all right so it's running four you have anger charges i ate in your charge yes you have to have a data sheet well let's just see if i can kill you this is without anger charge so minus two you killed me cool good tuck excellent so two drones one dies of course um so i'm gonna jump a drone out this way don't kill me come on chat you can't call it hateful assault it's anger charge this is chaos marines so they're not excluded that from that huh usually marines have anger shoot they have anger charges no no but not everything in the book got it like the coldest don't get it so cultists don't get it and be called a specific exclusion normally because i'm saying the the chaos bond didn't get either i i am being told by a lot of people that they have it that's great okay uh that's everything i got but i'm super happy with that so my one drone's morale yep it can fail on the six which i really really come on come on [Music] um it's not re-rollable so he just dies so he just dies that's horrible yikers i actually really needed that drone yeah that was really nice yeah geez louise okay so to tally up your bring it down so you're at nine right you have six from am i six from two four six seven eight nine yes you are wow okay go on quick it's going quick uh and then i do have engage in all fronts i have this one i have the character and then everything else there so that's two points okay again like i said i'm going to be looking for most of the the two points on that each turn if i get that i'll be super happy all right i think that's it for me go to tow turn two all right brian how many objectives are you i'm only on one two so just a five same as you yeah i know we got ourselves a game here oh dang okay so uh let's keep uh let's keep it going um i can advance into uh into uh transport and transport right i think so i think so but i don't know it's fine i'm i'm good i'm not going to thank you sean uh hey love the show can you run secretary hoplite squad in ninth and are they good ooh i haven't tried them yet you can there are a lot of good options for admak and i think uh in in your home games try everything like if you own it play it ninth everything changed um competitively i don't know like their infantry i would stick to um the plasma the cataphrons i would stick to caterpillar destroyers because they're amazing and then rangers that are cheap if you want just opsec yeah um not to say that you can't run the secutary hoplites i just think that they might not be the best option but i haven't i haven't explored it i don't know how their points shook out i think they were a little bit pricey before to me but uh the cool thing with admik is like they're in such a fun spot where you can play super shooty mega everything but i think the the best way to play them is this very balanced kind of build that let's be honest it still hits really hard but um yeah it's not just a gun line so we've got double fish coming in here thank you marcan uh hello from poland i might have pronounced your name wrong i'm sorry uh first time managed to catch you guys live and it's tao vs death guard two armies which i own i'm super excited these are great two armies to own yeah they are thank you jeff death guarder yucky tower yucky i just want blood would a smash captain be useful in raven guard or should i go with shrike painting my raven guard is alpha legion for the effort your captains there's a lot to process and what you just said i really like strike personally i don't i don't play raven guard very often but i honestly don't know why he's not taken um but having said that smash cap is not bad well i can tell you why he wasn't taken before yeah it's because my baby boy because he wasn't lying scissors he wasn't assisted on and my sister was amazing because he was just always tired yeah yeah um so strike is is good i think he just wasn't taken before because he's not elias and now that you can't take elias oh yeah yeah sounds pretty strikes like good man i i don't like seeing it but he's kind of better than torgardon um you martin just want to say thanks i love the show your good mood and friendship are as infectious as nurgle's rot somehow that didn't sound very flattering i think it sounded very flattering it does i understand the sentiment i'm going to take a wound on both my riptides and i'm going to spend a cp and i get it back so never mind uh thank you rick henry nice evening to you all from germany amazing content what is good at killing a squad of six aggressors with death guard or necrons grenades are really good well death guard have the flat 3d flamer right they have the flat three which is we just used um cannons are amazing because he can transhuman but you still are rerolling your ones twos and threes and those are men three so good those would be like kind of my two tooth necrons i think it's tough because you really get hurt by trans human you have a bunch of like strength 10 guns but they're not high volume they're like random shots yeah although if he's running six then you're min 3 on your on the ddas doomsday yeah i'll tell you what i would still just use the plane strap and i would just laser them with mortal wounds and move on because that stride is still so good it's so good but we'll have to see you with the necron codex itself yeah um thank you space kyle alpha that's a cool name i noticed you guys don't use devastators with space marines do heavy weapon squads suck no uh especially coming up when they get two wounds i think devastators are gonna be great um we started a lot of these space marine collections during eighth when devastators were fringe viable uh and now they're going to be more viable i think we'll pick up some more devastators i'm working on some for my fists uh both grab and heavy bolters um the heavy bolters are really not great and they're not worth running right now for devs but once once they get two wounds um and once we get the new heavy bolters i'm super excited uh but uh they're all they're all great it's obviously great for salamanders iron hands has always been kind of the thing the grav bomb um so yeah thank you nathan any chance of doing some ninth edition how to play videos for beginners to 40k we definitely discussed this a lot um a couple of months ago and then i think just our lives got crazy yeah it's just a lot going on it's on the docket in theory um we just so what we want to do for that video is we really want to make sure we do it uh really nicely um for you guys so it takes much more planning thank you uh mod maddax gt i think maybe uh guys time is short in i'm from the future from down under and the new model is a necron gunslinger yes also uh quickly shoot erebus before heat i love it that's amazing i i'm so excited for the uh the color morph uh necro he's so cool yeah that was the best reveal of the day okay i finished cool cool let's talk about what i did i rebuilt a bubble this way yes so that um basically because he's got to be out of nine and he can only grenade 12 i don't want him grenading again my riptides and so that's cool great great and um you have to come down next turn so basically you're going to come down probably over there um and with nine inches you could probably be on the objective but it's hard to tell yeah uh yeah yeah nine inches so you could come down on that objective cool that would be good for you um yeah it's probably the easiest way to get on it i've brought this over here just so that you have harder line of sight um and that once you pop my boys they can jump out into cover that's great um that's a super big thing guys it's like setting up next strip steering so that when guys get out they are fully immune things like that that's correct so um that's where i'm at i'm going to do the action in the middle of the board here um sounds good and they're all totally just yeah that's fine yeah cool so we're doing the action uh uh so we've got it twice now we're just gonna have to do it one more time which to be honest is kind of all all but guaranteed um he's i've got ten models still left in there yeah um so it's gonna be really hard and i've put three units on this back objective yeah so that you have to work a bit harder to get me off and then this one is definitively mine you'd have to grab riptides or whatever yeah um okay so it's time to shoot um i also did get both of them in line of sight of your back your back one which is the accelerated that's not the one that's worth points for me right but it is the one um making those things kill me yeah so um maybe i'll change my mind at the last second and shoot the other one but i haven't decided okay i like it um all right so let's go into uh the what do you think shooting face yeah for sure okay so um i'm just gonna shoot these guys first maybe it's like a feel good moment yeah you know what i mean i want you to feel good about this brian thank you no i don't like to see you in batmoon just a generous oh it's so considerate you know i try all right let's shoot them so uh here's the fusion commander because you don't have uh i have no involvements yeah these are not demons t5 i don't like t5 ah real ones so two words man you converted the other ones too so they go straight through yeah right so first one five damage okay uh and this guy's only got how many this guy has three left five ups nope he's dead and next one six all right brian who's this five yep so here we go you got that's good another one he goes down that was good he tried that's good uh really doesn't matter it doesn't really matter yeah i have three more commanders i'm going to give myself cover oh oh nice are they infantry um oh entry beasts i think they're beautiful so here's the next uh commander yeah i'll do it half and half so we're oh my god what is that dice okay so those all hit uh-huh i'll just roll these two in first sounds good and we'll take it from there yep so here you could see if you survived that no so six seven damage sounds good and then were you overcharging i was so overall the other shot yeah yeah exactly you got them cool so i do have to technically roll the other shots because i could take a round yep totally oh my spawn they did their job okay cool so now all right so cool now what we're gonna do is uh which one should i kill i'll kill the one worth points this is a points game um because ultimately here's the thing i've reduced the efficiency if i kill that one of the two right but if i kill one anyways they're reduced efficiency overall it doesn't really matter yeah that's true so um we're just going to go for the one and we're going to put one marker light on it for one cp you already got a cp back yep aerial spotters yeah so that's it um and then what we're gonna do is um uh re-roll all wounds with uh this particular riptide here yeah uh for another one cpu so if you want to drop me another cp another oh my goodness brian's going crazy here yeah cp wild yeah so let's go with the mega ion gun okay let's see what it can do yeah this all comes down to whether my boy can make saves here like can you make saves you know i can't i want to see it you know he can't oh and what do you want your sms where do you want to go uh or the same so let's see my range uh string five but yeah string five uh so this one can't hit that front one so this one can so i'll decide this one in a second but the sms from this boy here will go into your pox walkers they're probably the easiest target at this point because you didn't buff them i did not okay they're weak boys so one two three four five six shots this is the relic one into the plague burst crawler and i'm using my overcharge profile i like it most excellent so only hitting on four is better it was one hit one wounds uh four pin volume uh this would be how much damage d3 plus three i'll reroll it so here's the result oh no and i actually can't reach on that one so it's five five damage to this details d3 plus okay a lot worse that you were feeling the pains don't you oh yeah i forgot yeah i was going to say what the hell what four five here just five dice oh so you might only get three damage yeah three damage are you psychic well feeling up it's pretty easy to predict so your boy's down in nine wins down to nine okay and i'll do my sms one two three four five six seven that's the first time i've ever shot that gun so it made me super sad um i so here we are in the pot clockers um on fours perfect the average on threes so three uh discussing resilience yep so five votes okay okay i just want you to know brian if you lose this game everyone's gonna blame it on the beanie what the beanie they said was giving me power already blaming it on the venus the beanie's giving me power so the um uh the devil fish will go into the uh pop stalkers as well sounds good um i'm too nervous to go to the uh to their other riptide and see if it can actually do that so here i am going to shake it out a little bit check it out so it's on fives because i did in advance sounds good um and uh am i within 12 uh maybe of course there was two ones in there no no you're okay so uh two wins okay so fives ooh okay one more goes down thanks nice place all right all right all right so uh the next riptide will put everything into the plague brush crawler yeah because even if we don't kill it um uh we can wound it and uh bracket it and that'd be good all right so hopefully two four six eight ten twelve fourteen sixteen eighteen good old faithful i know right old faithful don't let me down now oh people you let me down that was a bad roll no it's fine it's perfect it's the beanie brian no it's better sweaters in the closet that was higher than average i mean it's lower than average for you as a person but higher than average but so fast and i do re-roll all my film oh that's right this is uh how do you do them right so not enough to kill you two four six eight well technically enough to kill you but not enough to actually kill you i will try so this is minus two so five ups four ups uh four ups so he makes all one uh okay you gotta visualize it two four six that was really bad for me i'm just to start giving like rolling into that rolling advice because this is like the first time of exercise so this is the sms huh can you teach me how to roll in yeah man uh all four wins with the sms oh you know what's going to suck when all these stuff are you do hts yes so of course so two and disgusting one okay so that was that was bad that was pretty bad uh i put a lot into that and i was hoping again but they're tough that's what it we knew that's what they do um the thing is there was nothing more interesting to shoot at literally no i think you made the right call 100 okay yeah so um i think i'm done so for your secondaries um nothing right we got we're good nothing yeah right nothing because the scanners doesn't pop until it finishes yeah all right death guard let's go to death guard turn trace sounds good all right so we do have to bring the termite down brian's doing a great job of so he's on one one objective oh yeah one objective give me my five points you get you both of you are just gonna be five points all game well i think next turn he'll probably get ten i'll probably get ten but not fifteen yeah cause you'll as you said you you probably have to bring it there if you bring it you could bring it over here but it's like that's where i am and i mean my place just my home totally yeah i probably will um we're kind of in charge range for the nerd oh sorry sorry go four because i have to get up that would give me a five inch charge and then i could use that movement to get onto the point with the nurglings which is nice if i if i wanted the terrax to come somewhere else i don't know um thank you bobson welcome for adrian and brian one for each of you hurry up and do a crusade before bridger has too much cp to ever spend that's true and for the dreadnought game i'm torn between bringing a battalion or patrol and vanguard with custodies opinions um i would if doing a dreadnought game take the stuff you want like don't feel obligated to take custodian guard now this is not competitive advice this is having fun advice just bring the stuff you want and try to make detachments that fit it um because honestly your dreadnoughts aren't going to spend that many command points are there just just take the stuff you want and have fun yeah if you're bringing terminators though you need a lot of cp so um thank you thunderking hey guys hope everyone's well any tips for a new player who has his sights set on imperial guard as a faction bought the start collecting uh yes with guard um positioning is everything you have all these vehicles that can move a good jillion but if they get touched they're very sad you have a bunch of infantry they can move a gajillion but if anything looks at them they are sad so you have to be very careful with where you put stuff and uh you have to learn to roll dice really fast because guard roll a lot of dice too little effect yeah that's right totally fair uh and in terms of like what to what to buy after the start collecting box especially with guard you want uh infantry like you you want flesh out your troops before you go crazy with like a bain blade or anything like that uh although artillery is also good to start with for guard um and lehman russes are also good it's all good just be careful buying too much toys before you have all your troops yep totally uh thank you chad uh i don't see a message maybe if you're still in chat you could pop in uh thank you emperor of mankind i hate tao so much i'm uh our potting for my smelly son's legion oh rooting i'm rooting for my smelly son's legion uh i dig it tao really engenders uh strong emotions although i don't think the emperor would really ever root for moretarian he was kind of just mean mortarian all the time where tyrion was always such a grump that's right oh my gosh well i mean you can see why the ember was just when you're smelly all the time yeah when you're smelling and you can only like walk in in increments of seven you can only do everything in increments of seven that's right he's like he had the worst ocd of all the primaries he's like i get up in the morning i can't like do you know what it's like to not be able to have a single cup of coffee you have to drink seven every single time i feel like primarks do drink seven cups of coffee yeah that's true thank you brian love the content and super excited for the white stars debut next saturday we are too we are too yeah awesome uh thank you nathaniel love the show going from kill team to combat patrol in ninth what should i add to my stealth suits pathfinders and strike team get some battle suits man yeah um commanders uh rip tides broadsides those are all classy i really like the piranhas right now too even though they're all dead um but uh they were dead because he had to kill them right like they were they were things you had to go for and they're cheap and fast exactly um you coming to flame my riptide coming to flame your riptide oh fun yeah it could go it could go hot it could go hot thank you sean if abaddon and balisari's call had to fight who would win abaddon probably yeah carl's not a fighter but you would kill him and then find out it's just a robot clone so there's like eight calls yeah four and then one that's the five thank you spectre oh here here's sorry spectre hold on what if all the calls showed up to the fight you'd like eight calls against one avadon i feel like the real call would like you'd be fighting call on the planet the real call would actually be in orbit and then he would just just bomb the whole planet yeah that's right all right thank you spectre thanks for the best competitive battle reports in the world one cp to bridger how many hornets is too many for craftworld lr how does a house uh comentis castigator warlord look for ninth hornets are really cool i actually don't have any i'm thinking of getting some just because they're they've always been cool but now they're actually really cheap and just interesting uh i don't know there's no such thing as too many hornets if you want the hornets take the hornets yeah they're super cool and they they play the game they are a dedicated transport right so you could take like as many as you want hornets no no no no small facts they're little fast attacks but you could take them in squads right uh yeah yeah you could take up to nine you can get a ton of them yeah a ton so i think we're going on the offense this turn honestly um i gonna do a weird thing i think with the termite uh i'm gonna grenade you with this squad grenade too the riptide oh okay okay that's what you're going to do with the termite um so these because they're all touching everyone can everyone except for these back for three can see you okay um and then the 12 gets me to essentially i think these these ones this guy will have to okay but uh so you've got one two three three four five six yeah six the tournament can pop out the guy will pop out buff them instead of the other unit that's clever i think so yeah cool and then we have entropy kings and stuff he's trying to go hot on a riptide um between mortal wounds and shooting at it you're getting danger close and you have so much maneuverability things like like my plague marines if you wanted to kill them next turn you you could yeah you could pop over blah blah blah well they're already the closest to me well now they are i could have put you know you could have but you can shoot through that right you have plenty of commanders here yeah so i think it's the turn to play offensively there the nurglings again i feel good about this charge uh as long as i roll uh somewhat decent i can how long of a charge you need to get on to the point on to the point is that that is that what you're trying to do yeah but so it was a five to get two u right so uh actually you know what uh i need a six to get on the point okay because they're eight and a little bit away right and it's a three inches from from the edge make sure and then a one inch down uh well maybe okay yeah there's weird math right because i only need to roll the five to charge you that's right and then i can do i can kind of swing around with some of them yeah as long as you're not as long as you're not uh because you have to pile towards the closest yeah but it can be sort of like tangentially yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right yeah um so that that's the kind of math all right um yeah so i just have some shifting around here um and then we'll dive on in cool so we're good we nope keep going oh okay you're still doing moving face yeah yeah yeah okay thank you bart uh just started the hobby again after 15 years with some ultramarines any tips for them and for starting to play the game in general keep up the great content and cheers from holland thanks man ultraman's yeah all terrains are one of my favorite as well i love the style just plain intercessors are great with them as they are with everybody but i think even just one unit of aggressors is a good place with them as well some of union of three or you have six brian just you could paint up six and then sometimes use three sometimes you six i think they work pretty well um but man there's a lot almost most things that shoot work well with ultraman everything looks good in blue yeah everything yeah they're they're a really sharp looking legion on the table there's no doubt about that they really are uh these knurlings oh nice i like that so ten so nine because of the thing that'll i won't be on the point but i'll be on my way it'll be yours next turn definitively yeah thank you again spectre i see a hat why no sweater hashtag bring back the sweaters they're coming they're coming i like this version of the hashtag better because it's not a tongue twister bring back brian sweaters i struggle with every time bring back brian's sweaters b b b s uh thank you ian who painted the studio's death core of krieg army i'm getting mine this week and would love to see some cool examples as i haven't settled on a paint scheme yet um i did um i built the scheme and then i did maybe 50 i did pretty much all the vehicles and uh maybe a third of the infantry and then my friend anthony did the rest of the infantry and then a couple tanks actually mm-hmm i uh i basically was mid-painting so i'd done like 20 or 30 infantry and then i was looking at like a pile of another 90 on top of that and i was like uh no more i'm done i just rang up anthony was like hey you want to paint some you want to paint some more and he said yes not knowing what he was getting himself into i think it killed him a little bit but he did a great job that's amazing um we are almost done five nine no really good charges so i think i'm just going to keep the termite kind of back and keep the other squad inside because it also gives me movement as well as protection and the grenade boy is going to pop out uh just behind the termite within uh and you're keeping the other plagues inside the tournament they're going to stay inside why not yeah exactly we're good second phase not our longest movement all right uh psychic thank you thank you i should have taken the deny relic just just for fun we so mean we're 21.50 let's see if we can break twenty three hundred that's amazing amazing definitely now definitely tell not just your mother but your aunt yeah for sure turn on your tv if you're on your computer just go outside yell at your neighbors like hey tell them titans like what's the all right uh so psychic psychic psychic what do you got for me we'll start with the easy thing this guy's just doing a smite um on the drums on the uh no it's on the fireworks so he's around the corner is it him yeah this is obscuring right but the corners yeah the corner is there so okay um that's fine into the drone so you apparel uh he takes three disgusting yep yep saves two that's good and then you take i was ready for this i lose the two drones that's good yeah that's the thing uh so random okay over here um we're gonna do myasm of course the minus one to be shot at okay and that will be um actually no let's do um uh futurism vitality onto the marines make some t6 i know that one for sure so i want that that's gonna be a seven and then the minus one to hit um the problem is i'm hoping to deal with a lot of riptide shooting right now but you still have commanders that hit on twos so you're hoping to deal with it by like killing them is that what you're saying yeah okay do you think you'll kill riptide this term wow the mortals are that good i want to see it okay they're really good uh i'm gonna put the minus one on now on to the marines at first i wasn't scared but now nine it's so long so this is minus one to hit on the marines on the marines yeah okay all right cool um and then this boy i'm not gonna do anything yeah sounds good all right you're gonna grenade me now shooting time let's do it we're gonna kind of gene age you so it's what 3cp um yes i'm spending three cp so it's one first two separate strategies now it's well let me just walk through it so it's one to be able to throw grenades with everyone in the squad okay it's another one to increase the range to six inches okay and up to twelve to twelve and it's another one for vets to get plus one to eight oh okay so just three separate strats yep i don't get uh okay so i get this three times see if i roll a seven oh almost that thing oh no that's good and then it was one two three four five six six guys yep oh and then we weren't sure about this back guy let me see um chad's excited for the drill the drill well the drill kind of did his thing yeah i guess you you don't have your line of sight for the melters though i don't have any side with anything drill's not doing anything this turn sorry not this turn but next turn he's popping up so seven guys for seventy seven yeah so this guy was when he's touching the yeah he was always touching i just had to check the range yeah the range so here we go so 76 shots um the all the small let's see these guys that can't reach with grenades um they're actually not touching it so they can't see all right okay so here we go so you want this to be high numbers no that's fine it looks better 6 18 22 27 okay and you do mortals on fives and sixes here yeah because oh yeah yeah yeah okay i thought it was just sixes no i forgot that this one isn't unmodified like all the rest uh yeah i think death guard is because the blades they need everything to be modified for plates yeah yeah so how many did you get in total uh what did i say 27. um uh hold on let me just check something you need a minus one to hit yeah you want to drop two cp for me sorry hmm i don't i would have only rolled one dice for that so forget it um yeah and you're not in re-roll range right uh no i'm not i i should have but i totally spaced okay all right 12 18 18 18. you just got jammed adrian all right so we're hitting on fours and then fives through the mortals we're rolling ones that's where i actually messed up there's bringing them up house fatal mistake we'll see okay don't hit don't hit down here go on fours i can't tell it's too many dice me neither i will not say anything and it's one mortal wound each one each but they're also two damage the grenades themselves yeah because they need games as well and what's the ap on the grenade um i think nothing okay yeah it's the five three only ones that was terrible so arch contaminator four mortal wounds so far yeah okay no i just totally gosh so annoyed myself and then i don't think i even rolled any ones that was terrible so four saves oh man okay okay so six so i took six um look i don't want to take six uh but you're gonna re-roll the field stage i'm not because i'll save it for the um i'll save it for the entrepreneur oh sorry and then two two just regular saves because they don't trigger mortals but they are strength force and when you go on fives plus one new and so fours this is myself all right so let's do mr flame boy how many cp do i have i don't think i want to pop you have four i have four that's pretty good you have mail screw it i'll spend it on him so here do i get back nope stop trying to steal him strength seven re-roll yeah because you're top-down seven right yeah anybody know is it on one one dice all the dice because if it's one dice i want to you know what are we talking about so i have a strat here's a strat he spent one cp just yeah i use this trap that allows him to re-roll uh the number of hits and the strength or something yeah so foul gush cool rerolling until the end of the phase when rolling to determine the number of attacks made by the plague sparrow by the model roll 1d6 um and discard extra dice and then for the strength it's the same thing an additional diet so it was a six and one so roll another one and a two so okay so strength eight number of shots six okay you could no not that he could he actually is in a really good spot you could die here so threes three rolling ones and he rules wants to hit natively it's a plague it's a wound oh this was just one wound yeah sorry woof if i fail two of these i die yeah so then two at a time for you so if i fail one more i'm dead yep except for the command point oops okay command point okay he lives and do i get my cv back no geez louise so he's got one wound left one wound one teeny tiny little bitty one do one damage adrian right i can i can um not bad not bad not bad at all the back plague burst crawler let's see if baby guns and ranch head is um he's gonna put a mortar and the uh heavy slugger into him okay and then entropy into this one mortar and heavy slugger and they all have line of sight yeah yeah okay yeah yeah um yeah all right so here's the mortar three shots on fives now minus one or no that's just for me just for that one so fours all hit on threes re-rolling okay so if i fail any of these i'm dead i hate you so much and then heavy slugger uh rerolling the ones go ahead all right let's do it again entropy uh entry into this guy so fours and three three rolls good three up all good good sounds good um next boy over there's no way oh god i know right i'm like because these are the last shots of him right uh well i have two two more tanks that's what i'm saying the tanks are the last shots uh yeah yeah yeah i guess he lives he'll be on full profile that's the problem so i gotta put everything from this next one over all right into him i have to the greater good just needs to give me three ups for the rest of the turn let's do the entropies first the fours oh good start right threes with the re-roll okay oh come on this is so tense um the pure tie chip is it uh it's only hit no it's anything with insects but um it's hit wounded it's only hit wound damage not armor safe right i believe so yeah i actually haven't used it a long time so i'll just double check does it make a difference um i think it's only hit one image but so signature systems pure tide yeah just hit wound or damage so he does crumble uh nothing else i can do for that so he goes down you got a riptide yes and that's uh five points away from me eight point swing because it's three bring it down and five oh yeah nice so that that firmly puts the game in your hands right now thank you it's mine to lose yeah that's what it always is last tank is so i have to decide do i just keep going into him for now or am i being silly by not going i can't i can't kill all these troops if i kill this you're gonna pop out so that doesn't do anything for me i could kill these guys but it doesn't also do anything so i think i think i just do just keep going here honestly okay um and i also can't take you off that back objective now yeah so not with one tank not with one tank so yeah we're just gonna put everything into here okay thing um so here's the entropies fours and three three good okay okay d6 mortars yep four four mortars on fours oh okay roll the one all right nice nice fine threes all right okay okay ah dang you all right oops sorry and then and then the stubbers sluggers heavy slugger riptides don't explode no they don't they don't explode they just uh should they just fall down okay nothing that's the end of the shooting we got some charges we do have some charges um we have a the five inch charge to here okay two marker lights i don't catch it i like that that was good seven cool okay i'll take the seven so it's six so the one on the edge can move six yeah which will get him on the point oh okay great yeah remember i needed a six on the chart i actually don't remember at all i remember nothing you said fair enough so basically what he's using here he's using the charge at the drones to get his knurlings up onto the point yeah just actually and uh it's great it worked great because if you didn't do that i would have had 15 primary next turn now i only have 10 primary yeah exactly um and then here so who's in support range just one commander i say that as if one can't be i'm not just dating so uh so the tank sure uh this one commander tank doesn't have great grip yes it does oh no only the drones do right yes this commander is really close hard for me to tell one second so the riptide's definitely out this one commander's base is right there can you tell i can't i can't i can't see no because it's a vertical too if you're horizontally within six means you're not winning so just the one commandment just the one commander so what are we thinking here yeah we are we're gonna do the uh plague marines into just the fire wars okay i think well let me see what this charges first so it's a six so it'd be a seven okay yeah i'll do it okay if i can get you on this point that'd be up even better all righty so um i guess what one fire warriors can see you so two shots on sixes great on threes oh what minus two it wasn't on threes but you're good because they're t6 oh it's a string yeah six oh yeah i bought them then the fives don't oh five students it's fine i i rolled sixes and i rolled six or two yeah everybody no you rolled five five yeah it's okay it's fine everything's good keep going the commander's mandatory part uh so this is a ton of shots but you are only on sixes right yeah and nobody labels uh because i'm outside of twelve right yes so i'm not gonna overcharge because i'm not gonna kill myself so one hit on three i would have taken one wound would have been worth it sounds good and then this minus one minus one so four good one damage uh because you're not over charging that's right nailed it looking for a seven oh seven yeah he gets it so good all right okay combat huh we got one we do we do so this is good because that um again because that riptide is gone i thought that riptide would be my key overwatch support um but he got that riptide away um and so now he's able to swarm up um like it might look like i have a decent turn next turn but it's going to start falling apart very quickly yeah because there's still several turns left uh this was what your turn three three three so you still have two more turns left and uh you know that's the dream it's not looking great right okay so we'll go with them first obviously uh there's nothing weird you can do they're already on the points that doesn't matter so we're gonna go to here to here closer closer closer does that bring that guy closer to me which one this guy this one this one here um like that sure now it does let's see what you're saying uh we're just going to go up so did they get on to the point um no i have to wipe you okay we'll see all right how many are gonna be able to fight me um one two three four five six uh seven because the vertical engagement range okay seven of them including the flail let's do the flail first so three d3 attacks okay um yep okay whoa i think they're dead just to the floor they're just got to the flail yeah yeah uh so on threes okay and on minus two one two three four five okay so yeah yeah there's one left it's two no it's two damage each and it carries over carries over yeah right yeah so the point is ours so now he takes that point for me so i actually only have five primary that's my victory classic destroying i know i made up three whole turns without destroying it now you gotta put the moss back it's very important richard really it's really important to him it was tastefully plain i'll i will touch the um double fish the double fish okay looks good sounds good man look at that beautiful that was a great turn for me wow uh that was huge that was big yeah you did you did all the things you could ever dreamed of right um oh we have this fight here oh that's fine they could be oh you're only going to fight move one or two uh two okay boom boom so those ones have to get closer to me yeah they're moving closer oh really tangentially the same right like this if i'm on this side of you i'm on this side of you got it i can move a fraction of a hair closer um so we have eight attacks that's it four and four on fours not so much okay and then how many fives just one save oh you want to slap me back two hits two wins sounds good that's pretty good actually um yeah they're playing right there because you're te2 right yeah yep five oh come on knuckle babies nope next one it was two wins oh my bad five five takes two wounds this is like the battle of the weakest combat units in the game yes it is okay so that's the end of the round yeah it's the end of his turn the turn that's right and you are in three quarters now because you got those knurlings up yep is that right yep so we're up to seven engage that wasn't enough to go on the side and twelve bring it down adrian you're looking pretty pretty what's the score right now 29 to five oh i have five points you are now yes but you're now going to get five more ten more no i'm on one side he took me off this point here oh it's 29 to 10. 29 okay um you got to finish those scramblers yeah i'll finish it this turn all i have to do is walk over and do it yeah he's got that that's not a thing that's 10 easy points um so here i'll just do that for you so those plague marines are in coherency because they're touching their little bases together and their bases are less than uh two inches wide so they're still within range of two yeah yep yep uh thank you peter but not the falcon just just peter scott who looks very dapper in his photo uh not much gaming right now with kovid so you guys are feeling a big gap for me and thousands of others thank you best company for the plague marines for the plague marines um that's a good question so i think more terran's chosen sense that's what you were running right brian but they have the mega plague surgeon thing yeah i love that so that one's really great um i personally do still like pox mongers as well because the warlord trait which we're not again i'm not really seeing this this turn this game but it gives you an additional rend for units within six of the warlord um so then your plague knives are already minus one red it's really awesome uh so personally still kind of a fan of that but they're all they're all good good yes thank you orcs bit cool name uh love seeing the more competitive lists what armies are you each planning to take to tournaments once we start having them live again so for me it's uh literally this list or uh my harlequins which we will see next week i'm loving harlequins right now they're so cool and they're really good and so many tricks i'm gonna be playing custodies um well we'll see if if tournaments come back fast enough i'll play custodies otherwise probably blood angels yeah ryan i don't remember what he said he was gonna play where are you gonna play in tournaments brian um custodies or maybe space marines or something it's hard to say i like all i like all these death guard i love a lot right um death guard's been one of the armies i've been uh leaning towards an awful lot oh i'm just going to uh carry on oh shoot okay yeah that's mean thank you tyson uh will you be playing a nurgle demons list and how do you feel about narumoz and ninth i feel they could be good for objectives yes so finally neural mods aren't uh they don't cost as much cp right so the fortification detachment is uh one cpu or free if it's the same as your main faction and one of the reasons i really struggled taking narrow modes before was because they cost me a whole attachment and i was always like well i want my three battalions so yes yes i would always run them in a pure nergo list and yes we will run on one i'm just not sure when um but as you know we do have it and and love it so thank you geeky skippy head sweater aka beanie does not replace actual sweater torn between my white scars and orcs in the first round keep up the great work unfortunately they're paired against each other so i know yeah one of your comments about what orcs yeah yeah yeah yeah especially if you like works you like white scars and vice versa white cars are just like orc space marines that's right how's it coming brian um i'm thinking still moving all right thank you daniel absolutely love this channel i've watched every battle report more than once already quick question why no space wolves in the tournament um so it was we only had eight factions there's plenty more that we obviously like but these were kind of the the especially for the two of us like the four that we really know that we that we uh feel we can bring really competitive lists to right that's the rational explanation the real reason is that i'm upset because i lost yeah they they they did the business exactly yeah if that happened again in the tournament custodians lose to space wolves i i know what i'm talking about that would have been so hard oh my gosh okay so i did my deploy scramblers that gives me that 10 points you put that up i got my first behind enemy lines that's four points for that yep now you have to survive don't you yeah i think so let me just no it's the end of your turn really high enemy lines yes you're thinking of teleport homers which is in an enemy deployment zone and then you have to survive it's way better than i thought if that's true yeah yep sound of your own turn yeah oh that's great well we're not to the end of your turn yet brian that's true they could die is this so this is empty now you have one more squad inside i i have four two units of two drones and then five uh breachers that's a lot of stuff to kill i don't like that it's a bit it's not a time um okay okay so and we have that players crawlers at eight wounds eight wouldn't ridiculous ridiculous how much i put into that and got nothing right so you should do it again this turn right right i mean so uh here's what we're gonna do uh we're gonna go into i didn't overcharge this uh i didn't branch because i don't need to um so what we're going to do is um we're just going to start we're just going to start shooting yeah i don't know what else to say and then i started blasting yeah so anyway so marker lights here yep uh one hit it's good marker lights here yep oh you're minus one my asthma so nothing they have my eyes on them yeah okay okay none of the marker lights no markers for you um fun yeah um trying okay i do really need to kill them though um because i need to have you only on two points at the very yes most true so here's what we're gonna do we're going to put we're going to spend one cp and we're going to put aerial targeting on that tank back there uh i do get that cv back so all right just do nothing thanks and we're going to put my fusion commander into him yeah are you out of fusion range at least yes okay i'm like i need that so i'm hitting on twos re-rolling my ones so you t8 and uh um the marker light doesn't give it to you no no no i have cp yeah but i could reroll damage the problem is i don't know how many i'm going to get through right um i'm trying to make you take more saves here yeah um okay so three's already good i'm pretty greedy on this going for i'm rerolling it there it is nice paint off all right so we just need you to fill all four of these just give me something i could manage you know last time you made a hundred percent yeah so just make zero i'm not asking for all of them just like a reasonable amount which of course is not subjective at all you're an animal thank you seven one day and the pure tight chip four down four damage it was the one that you rerolled they got through though brian yeah yeah for sure hey look at that so i did bracketed finally you did actually breakfast oh my god you made three out of four i hate you um yes um also i never did tally man for my uh my flamer strap cool cool still nothing um so we're going to come over here we're going to do these uh commanders into your flag marines you know what else are we going to do no i think that's the right call at the end of the day this is where are you overcharging yeah i don't care about taking wins i can't kill myself in one go yeah it makes it makes sense and um the one relic i wish i had um but i don't have the character for it is the five-up involved um which is great but you have to take it on the um lightbringer and he just didn't make it into the list hmm yeah and i've got i've got the calyon for the re-roll uh hits so good so threes re-roll yep so this is my first two so i take a wound let me uh keep that track yep okay and then i'll do the next patch yep okay okay so i take uh two more so i take three runes total wow this is reminiscent of a time where you overcharged all of your ions into me at minus one that's true every gun deals with damage right so threes to wound rerolling once oh and sorry i forgot to declare if you don't mind my for you need to have a station we don't have to do it on this one i'll do it sure thing sounds good um so all of those at minus one okay so these are four ups oh they're great okay all right let's do it let's do it they're all one wound so i'll just do them together i have yeah okay so you could do the two ones the two twos and then the one all right so the two ones these are five ups they're an animal here's the twos we'll just pair them the white and the yellow and so two guys three guys okay um which three does he pull that's a good question two and um i really want you to shoot flamey so we'll go like that right okay so um next what we'll do is uh let's put uh this uh devil fish into them as well no we'll go with commander's first because the commanders have less targets gotcha so yeah that's true that's true but just stop dying okay so here we go next commander same thing okay so he takes two wins um so he's taking two i'll keep track of that yep so he's taking three nope so he took three so same as the last i don't have a choice that's what i have to do yeah i mean he has to take the risky plays right now six seven eight nine all right so uh winning on three for rolling my ones good thing yeah okay and uh the six is an additional ap okay so so we'll do that first that's a five up five up okay okay uh yeah and then these are four and these are four ups you're an animal oh my gosh oh my gosh so three go through yep okay so here's one two and three perfect one damage takes it good two damage okay it takes ah three okay so three die what do you have left to shoot commander riptide uh and uh the double fish fell back oh it fell back yeah yeah yeah i forgot you attacked me no worries no worries that's fine that's fine i mean you can see though if they were two wounds you would have lost like nothing then yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my gosh two in playground is going to be gross they better go up in points it better be like 30 points 100 points i guess okay yep is this boy's tone coherency um no is he within three of this guy oh no but these guys are okay um right right okay are you doing a fancy thing where you break coherency because you know you're just gonna lose more models uh no no no i'm i'm not so this uh you're on top can we do top down real quick so this squad is no longer within three of this character but these pox walkers are and so because these guys are closer it actually blocks for this character using these pox walkers he's within three of them i dig it and and he doesn't have the burst cane anymore so he doesn't really have the shots to just kill the pox walkers that's uh mostly true yeah yeah that's fair so i'm going to put the big gun here down field into your tank i'm gonna try to drop it um oh sorry this guy is within two of this okay i see what you're saying yeah because i'm at five pi over less so i just have to be within two i don't have to have yeah the triangles yeah cool just making sure so you don't um i'm like well actually brian what i was trying to say was this um it's a good voice and then uh so i'm gonna put the sms into them yeah hope to go high mm-hmm and then i'm gonna put the big gun downfield into your four-wound tank yeah so this is where i could choose to get greedy i'm not going to but see because it's so weak it's like i could come i could leave it where it is bracketed try to go hot on a second tank um while i still have my boy um it's a silly decision so i'm not going to do it so i agree i'll just take the six shots um adam i'm hitting on fours and i'm re-rolling all misses oh yeah so you spent that cpu too no that's free re-roll all misses yeah oh because you're coming out i was like what is this black magic that just comes with the faction it's tom not the black magic okay so now winning on threes okay okay minus five four ups oh my god so he still could die but he's not going to um i mean i'll i should see pee it yeah okay here's the new result okay why do i bother and do you get it back uh it's only for death cards so i only did four wounds to you so it's not even gonna die it could okay i try man explode i try no i can't believe that okay i don't care how bad that was as long as it's dead yeah no no that was the the souped up one no that's a while we stand before you yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay one two three four five six seven eight on fives good so far so good okay and then uh your teeth five or six two six okay no wins um t6 is a high tea it's a high that's a lot of cheese that's even more cheese in this tournament yeah um all right dude well the last i'm gonna have to keep going into the squad so the last uh uh commander here yeah and i'm gonna burn one cp to ignore your cover yeah because now they're all in cover yeah makes sense uh i was really excited to roll those two ups too i'll be three ups right so first batch hits he's like oh why he's so pissed oh my god you can't take any wounds and they all hit and wounded right they haven't ended yet oh that was your second year i'm on threes are you rolling ones so the twos go out and it's honestly first of the two's already so okay so look at these one two three four five are at an additional minute you're in big big cup shoot shoot okay so these are five ups five apps and uh drop down and mix up the dice okay okay so you failed three three and then these are these are four ups oh boys so you failed five and you have nfl four no three the first one oh yeah there was one more yeah yeah i grew up so one two three four remember right so you've only got four models left as long as the flail makes it you'll feel morale uh i'll pay for it oh so two at one yeah so two at one okay now you've got nothing and then the twos so again yellow and white guys oh almost almost so you lost the third one so one more so [Applause] [Laughter] that was so close my god my god where does it double shoot straw when i need it right are you slendish it could be uh i'm i would i would join sun trying to get yourself to slender for a double shoot all right um come back here that's uh that's it that's all i got uh i've got uh literally nothing else in the cup that's the end of my turn um right it's like a score um nothing to oh you got line breaker it is now the end of your turn brian yes they didn't die so it is 29 to 24. adrian's picks up he picks up 10 points for the primary yep yep i'm in a really bad spot now but we're going to see i'm hoping okay so and this is i was like oh my gosh reinforcements okay death guard turn four i really needed this thing to go down one turn earlier yes yes you did um it was so close to living too i think honestly um so i have the the plus one to win a double damage for a demon on the pox springer which i like to throttle on the uh demon prince so i can do blades on other guys but i think maybe in the future i should take the healing d3 on a demon i can heal the tanks yeah anyways um i hear you just some using so let's see thank you big bamba how important is heroic intervention in obsec debating playing a black shield and death watch kill teams that allow the unit to intervene those are two of the best abilities in the game obsec wins games he's been winning making big strides with his offset his army adopts mine all day and that's a huge advantage and heroic intervention is a massive massive rule in ninth edition because the way you play for these midboard objectives um i could have done work with even just tao i could have done work with the heroic intervention strat that stopped him from tagging my first riptide my my second riptide the first game first turn all kinds of things so it's you could do so many cool tricks with it thank you matic hey guys big love from the uk the ttt will be the most or will be the best 40k show on youtube uh struggling at tournaments with my death skulls at the moment what are your must-have units for death schools um burn obama's um we haven't removed them from the game yet i keep i keep writing games workshop when i say please remove the burn obama from the game right um i actually like using you can use things like uh mega knobs and commandos because they all become obsec with deaf schools yes um i also uh i like all the vehicles obviously like the buggies the um the buggy with the jump buggy with the shock shotgun so you're hitting on threes yeah also the scrap jets on the scraps are really good with depth goals but particularly those those couple buggies there yeah so you have let's see so you have four drones yeah four joints okay okay okay okay thank you peter the falcon keep living your best lives i expect a scarf next stream slowly move that head sweater down [Laughter] yeah just one layer at a time yes oh my god if i was in here with like a sweater or parka a scarf no not all at the same time just like transition just change it yeah i'm gonna advance flame boy oh come on man shoot okay so because to get within three without getting up see i have to get to there so i would need oof an eight so oh that actually does it then i'm what i'm eight away and that makes me move six so i'm within three and six plus three is nine nine let's just move this and that's number weighing right now three you you need to get like right to that one so you can go i can go here okay oh okay so yeah three is like right at that corner there and so you need to be that's nine to get to there so you would have needed to roll a three on the dice wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what has you moved six right so you need to get to no move five so the three is right here okay right and then how far away from that are you eight and a half eight and a half so you would have need to roll uh three oh yeah sorry i you know what i did i added the three twice okay yeah yeah you can't do that um are you re-rolling we need one of three you need a three on the dice three or higher and you have a riptide here i sure do it's a riptide huh all right yeah i'm gonna reroll that's really nice to get those points so here's the new result here's my cp steel no tail cool so i'm turning off that point for you that's all that matters because he's not going to be alive next turn to hold it for you but i need to turn it off for you and this flamer is uh have you weapon ourselves assault oh i desperately desperately wanted to kill that guy last turn yeah but i needed more efficiency with one or more of my units the other option is i could have put the riptide into the unit but not dropping one of those tanks would just be lights out for me because i'm going to lose my ability to kill those tanks and that's 15 points at the end of the game right so so that's only a five which would be a four because they have to get back off the stoop because they're stupid yeah thank you loki hey folks thanks for the competitive content i loved your lvo prep game and i have watched it a few times now expect to do the same with these go tail yeah yeah glad you like them that's that's kind of what we're doing here is hoping you know not everyone's getting a chance to play competitive so we're trying to give some uh some insights to how the game's playing right now exactly thanks nikki nikki says go adrian however we all know you're winning because you are currently wearing one of brian's lucky sweaters as a loin cloth he has a long claw don't wear my sweaters like as a loincloth like they found my secret that would be uh still pretty sweaty right thank you simsini plus one cp to bridger what are the optimal target for the praetorian plate relic when a vexillus prater is wearing it a jet bike captain with orc aquilas an unstoppable destroyer or a cowardice assassin uh the custody the yeah i would go with the jet bike um i wouldn't even always take a calendar yeah i mean so you have a squad and two drones here right four drones i default to a collision is inside and two drones yeah no totally thank you brandon why plague burst crawlers instead of defilers play burst crawlers are amazing they're way tougher and they perform i already have things that come up the board my two uh marine squads and the drill the plague versus crawlers perform they have that back backfield support and honestly i do i do do um why we stand we fight with them a lot um because they're super ability you can see i had that one turn where i put two riptides buffed up into them uh with strats and everything and uh did what four wounds yeah um that's embarrassing exactly like that's enough to drop a knight how many cpu do i have bridger you have uh two you just spent one i just spent one oh yeah i did that was worth it you rerolled your advance for once i'm caught up on super chats i'm actually really proud of this good job everyone ah nice and we're flirting with 2200. i'd love to hear it just 100 more and we'll have reached the arbitrary goal that we have we'll get we'll get we'll get an official count later but um what we're talking about is that uh the most watched 40k streams in history to my knowledge and i actually asked some pretty knowledgeable people on the topic um was lvo finals this year lvo during the day throughout the whole entire day i think was at like 1500 viewers um but i think the very last game was somewhere in the low 2000s like 2200 23 something like that might have even been lower but i don't remember um and so that would make it the most watched live game and if if where we're at now is already in that territory we might actually already be above this might literally be the most watched 40k live stream in history that's amazing for from a game the most watch like stream about 40k was like the announcement of ninth edition right by gw i think that was like 40 000 viewers or something we're a ways away from that we're a little ways from that but that wasn't a game that was the announce of a new addition by the official company we're gonna need like dogs on phones watching yeah i was thinking that you were saying we would need like dogs on phones playing to get to draw that kind of audio for sure for sure at that point i did just get a new smart washing machine we were talking about how the washing machine might be smart enough to play um i think that would be a game to see that'd be amazing oh can you roll in advance on these guys sure can just curious it's the one just i think that's right the washing machine was definitely man so i really want to get this fusion commander as brian was saying this is one of his best tools to take out my tanks and he's kind of endangering to be able to like even go for my demon prints stuff like that so i really need to take care of him while i can wow yes but you also have such tasty targets here he's super tough this guy is is he being blocked by the riptide he's within three but he's he's closer than the riptide uh but these guys will block if you kill all this stuff yeah exactly so i think i kind of have to focus here yeah uh for this turn it's not what i want to do but i think that's what i have to share and uh i understand yeah this would be that so seven and go there okay that's closer to the tau commander i know right i dig it yeah this is dicey i um actually if i may you may thank you sir um yeah i'm i have no idea what's gonna happen here i really hope how many points is that terrax drill uh they're pretty pretty they're pretty cheap they're like 130 yeah that's silly and it's the fact that you get you can for the cp you just pay for that five up um how many times can you do that anything you want it costs two if it's on something that is 16 moons or more and you can't do it on titanic i see but it's great oh man on a night that would have been so sad oh so gross oh my god well they're not death guard but yeah okay uh we moved all right all right let's do this so psychic um smite my tank yeah we're gonna win armor of contempt i know right just parallels just perils okay was this the wounded tiger already yeah yeah so you don't want to re-roll that right i really don't want to but he dies if you don't and he could explode and do d3 yeah yeah i mean you could suck but i want to i want to grenade you i want to i need a cloud of flies next turn i need that oh did you use cloud flies already oh yeah so cloud flies i would have all right you know to be fair so now you're so i only have one cp and you could spend it here i'm gonna take it shoot three so he has what two ones left he has three wings so i need one five up he dies classic where is he he's right here oh that's a lot of more to win tank adrian takes one five up he takes it tally man takes one oh no let me roll it he takes it the marines don't do it take one stop it five up they fail it these are all bad grenade guy takes three five ups he takes one okay well that was that was fine at the end of the day is it a six inch or three inch it's a regular one which is does that does he get the terax drill then uh oh yeah totally and then does he get the demon from he does get the imprints so tarax takes one five up fails it demon prints takes two five ups makes one okay hurray so here hold on don't say anything they're all in my head terrax takes one i'm not gonna say anything crazy you and prince takes one i don't know how he kept all that in his head because they all took one basically they all took one and then the character took one yeah only yeah the so he's down to three how many uh and then how many plague marines did you lose no none oh yeah five double it yeah if it can happen it will happen i'm just that was like yeah called shot and it wasn't me this time so i'm cool with it you know um all right so that's that psychic um now we're gonna do blades finally from him onto them yeah onto the playgrounds adrian how many runs does he have left uh i mean he's got seven this is the demon prince so he's gonna take it takes two hurray five ups hooray going on atrium i told you this is my game so pre-game i talked to him about my game plan yeah do you remember my game my game plan was for him to explode with perils yeah do a bunch of mortal wounds and then i would kill all of his stuff with more exploding tanks so let's say that step one complete oh my gosh all right all right cool cool so cool cool that's uh that's the end of psychic um no no i have two more cats from here two more chances to perils oh okay so that was talk springer demon prince one plague marine did die what one plague okay sounds good so i'll pull this guy mama and then uh and he has one more cat and yeah he's going to make them t6 i'm sorry the marines t6 yeah which which goes off yep hooray all right brian all right let's do some shooting um we're gonna do flame boy into um the riptide i'm not gonna spend the cpu obviously so strength yes seven i didn't want eight fair enough number of shots one shot three okay listen it's fine we're both enough to kill me that's true that's true so i need fours we're rolling ones oh my god so cocked first [Laughter] this is horrible yes hey you know what you win something i need it i need this turn let's keep this gravy and you have what how many cp left one you have one cpu okay all right so just enough to use a grenade strap yeah so we're gonna do the not enough the veterans the melta yeah into here yeah no vets but i do have my rerolls now from my demon prince so when you use the stratagem if you roll a seven you'll have the cp to do a pro move yeah that would work for you brian i have had things like that right but not not all the time but when it happens it's amazing exactly all right so we've got i've got the tara so it's actually got really good shooting it actually does quite good shooting yeah so three shot melts or something it's a d3 shot melter into the devil fish yeah and we'll put the storm bolters into the um um fire warriors which i'm in rapid fire range so here we go here's the melted into uh the double fish three three shots what's its ballistic scale um it's threes it's a marine okay okay yeah so on threes ruling ones uh three one ruling ones okay um let's see some twos yeah no save and you're in melted range does it melt so it's strictly melted so first one more damage okay second one all right so i'm not dead yet sounds good to me uh then storm boulders into the fire wars and just to check it's two storm bolters so that's um eight shots all right all right boom boom all right on threes yes and then on threes again got it [Music] uh tally man's gonna do plasma into the double fish he's not over charging ah on a three ruling one wait yeah he's on a three he is on three okay i'm like i hate having to look that stuff up all those guys are on threes um okay okay cool how are we going to split it it's not oh yeah you have 12 there that's right what are you saying it's not worth using the grenade strat anymore uh the grenade stride is potentially for the stuff that gets out right right um but i'll pull you out of six inch range true yeah true true uh okay plague burst crawler yeah you still got two of them yeah you still have a lot of shooting i do have a lot of shooting so let's see we're going to do the back one [Music] you're going to just drop the tank or i think so okay just trying to think yeah see what happened that's it he's trying to see if he goes greedy on to like down field into the rip side or something yeah now we'll put everything into um stick with the original plan yeah entrepreneurs on fours let's get a three yeah you suck don't do it you're making it happen no good so go straight through so i'm in three i do not explode ah you suck actually i'm okay with one two three four nine five five and then six seven eight nine yeah [Music] come on yep so two died so what i'm going to do is pull one drone from each squad so you have to split your fire cool i dig it um it's my clever tactic yep excuse me sorry so what's next that depends where he puts the stuff so tense yes so you have to do like golf voice now ryan places his models outside of the devil fish exactly within three inches holy within three inches let's make sure i'm good on that just aj make sure yeah we're good he goes measurables of the game to brian confirm three lines wearing his beanie he says it's a toke but that's the wrong word tuque a tuque tuque a tuque that is love it love it love it okay cool so canadians in here know that this is a tube a toque all right so we're going to do the plague marines yeah all into this unit of fireworks just as a heads up adrian you are maxed on bring it down uh yeah yeah this is for the commander you done go and did it sounds good thank you thank you um and i said that wasn't possible so it's you killed one so it would be nine minus the flail so eight so 16 shots into the fire warriors are you only ones okay so three six seven eight nine ten i think the firewire's in trouble uh there is it okay so heading on three one more on threes re-roll and once they're within six yep okay so two out let's uh roll those back into twos right we just need all of them to live yeah you'll be fine it's okay i've got four upstates because you don't have doctrines or anything nope it's a tough life come on just kidding no i lost one two three four i've got one left sweet isn't enough to block exactly um even two wouldn't be enough to block so it's no point in re-rolling right [Music] so now we can put the plague burst crawler entirely into the commander good luck you know right i honestly you know what no it's not gonna work so here's the entropy cannons into mr commander you have no involvement correct oh no all right so this is on fours good d6 from the mortar three i can't believe they both twos and threes okay we're rolling the one nice uh on your t3 so three's rerolling roll that one yeah three at minus two so two to drums so the drones die and he takes one and so do three damage on him d3 sorry but he lives he lives and then the heavy slugger oh watch out oh forgot you have that yeah you're gonna get slugged heavily everyone yeah three ones if you're gonna fail though taylor all i all i ask is a chance there's a chance all right one hit uh this is strength five nothing okay cool beans all right awesome uh that's it for shooting charges we're gonna take what is it a 10 or an 11 to my commander it would be a 10 to the commander which is what i would have to do because there's no point touching well there is point touching him actually i'll take it back so it's actually a hair under nine so it would be an 89 to the to the to the the firewire so i'm going to take that so i need to touch the fire warrior yep okay so uh actually hold on does that thing have to go around the corner it's it's a longer charge anyway so i'm going to play greens okay plug mines first so uh i will um pretty good adrian's getting wiggly that's how you know he's winning no i know i'm nervous so there's two shots from the breacher and no nothing from the uh do you need a nine that's uh c like a three or nine it's less than a nine right oh okay i don't know sorry no no i i just yeah it's an eight so with my cp you have one one cpu and one cp left okay here we rolling it yeah cause i already clouded flies i didn't grenade makes it ham i don't get your cp that's amazing love it that's okay i just don't want the commander to die and he can't fight it so that's fine yep if he was able to fight my commander i think you should have taken the chance to fight him yeah um fascinating because fighting it's worth much more than touching it um true true true all right you want to remove that i were yep goodbye he's gone he's gone he's something oh man okay um and then nothing here you're not gonna charge me i'm good i'm good howard well that was not the best turn but we have also had worse do you want to take in more pilot and consolidate over there you kind of like freeze through that i'm gonna fight you i don't know that i actually do uh one wind sounds good um they're all hidden in there boom boom boom actually i will actually you know what i will because of scaring is a thing so we're just i'm basically using my six inches just get behind cool you did wound i did one three up okay that's it cool so uh and your turn yep uh engage on fronts so i get two points for that two fronts sorry three fronts yeah i think that's it right okay so you did stop me from getting ten primary so i'm only getting five primary yeah uh where does that put me at the start of this turn that puts you 29 to 44. okay it's not over yet no no it's definitely not are you gonna go to leadership here i don't know yeah no they can't be yeah sounds good um it feels good so i'm actually gonna keep these boys here um because i'm behind your lines and i need some more points for that right i marked adrian to zero as he was rerolling so that's why he was at zero when he rerolled sorry he's a proactive i just knew he had to reroll nice uh thank you dominic for units that resurrect can be placed with an engagement range of units they have charged and units they haven't charged no nothing being placed on the table brand new fresh can be an engagement range pretty much ever that's true and if you find a rule that lets you do that it's a typo yeah thank you jordan could you guys explain how mind control works in regards to if i took over a loan aggressor do i get to double shoot and do i get the ap for tactical yes you don't get tactical because it's your model it counts as your model and you don't have unless you're space marines also oh because doctrines break when you steal it that's weird oh yeah you're not a space well you're not a space brain so you don't get it just gets added to your arm oh that's weird yeah yeah does that mean you get like anger charge do you get anything well how does it work yes space brain uh hateful assaults is from the department not the doctors you definitely are first based in army so but you do get to double shoot there's no reason you can't because that's on the date sheet correct and you didn't move when you select them they can shoot twice yes so yeah you can double shoot no doctrines great question weird i don't like that let's just remove that spell from the game uh so sorry which one is your accelerated entropy again the one with the black carriage in the back that's your one this is your acceptance this is your march yeah marked one okay cool thank you chris uh this game is killing me as a towel player need brian to take adrian's gift perils from the warp and capitalize uh yeah i think i think he might uh well we might do something i don't know if we're gonna capitalize is a strong word um i'll get some camera thank you tomasi again uh wait does this mean drop pods can't come in on turn one no that's not no they can't they just can't come down in engagement range right exactly right right hopefully you're never doing but yes hopefully hopefully uh lauren yes there is a way to use strategic reserves to come in on your own board edge and within an inch of the enemy um that's the only way i can think of and i can't remember if that was explicit or it is possibly mistaken so that's why they make it explicit because it's an exemption right so what brian's saying is it's a mistake if you see it it's those ones where it just doesn't specify right it has to be able to say specifically you may be put into engagement range blah blah and in that case it's because it it's aware that it would be breaking the rules right there's a few things like the splitting at numerous different times pox walkers did the same thing where they were just like they didn't specify what you that you for sure how many secrets you know it's weird uh brian you have six cpu six um i'm gonna spend two at the start of my turn to just heal my riptide for two okay so and do i get one back i do so don't cost one so you're at five nice having command points thank you first last the emperor lives because orcs believe he lives fact uh correct and he's the biggest boss he has the biggest box that the humans have okay so i moved up um this is my turn three four this is my four it's not good not looking good i've got to drop your tanks um and then i've got to keep my while we stand we fight alive yeah um because that would give me 10 more by the end of the game um and if i can continue to hold some points then that's a that's something um definitely it's something yeah um it's not a lot but and so next turn is your turn five correct so the points you pick up at the start and next turn are your last points so you'll get ten primary because i'm not going to get all those nerve lines now so 10 primary and then the last thing you need to get is um an engage in all fronts which you'll get on that side but not this side um if i stop you on which side you won't get all four oh yeah i won't get i probably won't get there um so what's he at now he is at 44 points so 44 he goes to 54. next turn right just the start of the turn yeah so he goes to 54 and then you'll pick up another two 56 yep and then 10 if you don't kill them so 56 and then um so let's just keep you at 56 for a second sure so 56 and then what am i at you are currently at 29. so i'm at 29 i can get another four and then another eight that's twelve you need 27 so 15 to go okay and then i'll get i could get another 10 next turn on my primary five to go and then um i will have 10 from my bring it down or from my while we stand we fight so you would win if he loses all of his and you keep all yours so uh and what happens if i drop only one of his how much would you time let me tie so if i drop one of yours well that's for the 56 if you have to add five more to me which takes me to 61. no that's what i said i'm down five he's up five no because he you said not to add yeah the 50 60 50 66 keeps everything and adrian loses everything brian wins by five points okay if either of you if adrian's then we would tie if you kept one alive so the demon prince is likely alive so the the natural state of the game at the moment is a tie if i do all those things okay um okay it's cute it's something no that's good okay so let's play let's play some warhammer yeah good back to that um no it's it's a really good thing especially as you're getting towards the end of the match tournaments especially um you can make really simple and silly mistakes if you're not kind of just just calculating out where it's going to be especially you know like brian said we know pretty much i'm probably just going to get the 10 from my primary there's nothing that can change about that and kind of just just kind of get like extra extrapolating that out that's a really big and important thing to do so as much as i give you crap it's it's the right thing to do um cool so what's up brian did not get 10 points for primary because there's a plague marine you want to point him out that's right it's not plague marine it's uh it's about light spawn and i only had one model on it and he had one model if i even had like one more drone or something these are just little slip ups um but they they cost you games yep so uh let's start by icing this fool speaking of um we're gonna put this uh okay this commander into him okay you can overcharge uh uh yeah he's not minus one to hit or anything no but i have a two up save oh no yeah it doesn't matter he doesn't give you extra rent i'm sorry no no extra rent um but speaking of that i will put the extra ap on it uh in unity through unity through and i'll spend one cpu to ignore his cover wow he really hates this guy no i just have lots of cp he does all right let's do it so commander number one so first gun good second gun good uh oh sorry no worries you're good third are you rolling okay okay and the fourth oh good sounds good hooray what was your other bring it down you just it's the commander oh it was the fusion commander and uh that's why i was saying he could have picked him up i was just so worried about failing that charge threes rerolling once i love this rerolling it's like i have a lieutenant doesn't matter right so uh the sixes are minus two yep the rest are and your strength like seven strength eight yeah sounds good so minus twos are gonna be four ups five up sorry make one takes one and the rest are four ups uh so five d3 it could it could fail it could no so here's two here one here one here and one here okay i have an ecp pressure uh you have four oh wow look holy crap so he's taking four wins taking three wins no because he just took one from the oh wait what no that's it yeah whoa so yeah so is one left i think he's five wins so two left i'll check him out but all the dj characters are they'll tank your whole army that was vicious dude that's why you that's why you always roll your feeling pains always oh my god that was amazing so we're going to put the uh riptide into your marked tank minus one to hit oh it's minus one to hit man my asthma oh the marked one sorry this is my yeah that's what i thought sounds good yeah so the marked tank this one that's not the entropy uh buffing yeah and i'm gonna spend one on uh a marker light all right so you're down arrows bottom spotters yeah um okay so let's do it one two three four five six oh yeah he's only got four wins so he's down to one and then i'll put the sms into your boy rude okay so does he still have cover was that only for you well the sms norrish got right nice but actually i think it ignores it for just the one unit no just kill him with the following time so the tank i'm going to one-shot this tank with this router oh my gosh uh it's fine it's enough it's higher than average strength strength oh can we get sevens in chat can we do that that was awful this relic has been terrible uh seven eight okay sms um rerolling my ones get those twos out of there okay he's t5 fours fours my ones wow pretty nice and then you have ats there was a six on that one of those so one of them's minus two got it or so here's the save on that let's do it real quick so he dies okay he doesn't explode right now if he does that's gonna be cool um okay so i have two commanders left it does not um and what we're going to do is put um let's bonds four wins yeah yeah yeah we got that thank you guys though so um that's a lot of wounds wow the sevens just hit no it wasn't what that's a lot of seven thank you guys um i like it so we're gonna we're gonna try to kill the um fox walkers box walkers because they're opsec yeah so um we're gonna put this commander into them yeah yeah and uh they do have disgusting results so we will uh overcharge so three hits are you rolling six hits nine hits commander's so good we're good pretty good uh t3 wow okay so uh go ahead and do your damage yeah that's right i'm really awful at wounding up oh sorry sorry so i'm gonna grab some yellow dice okay so let's see the 1d oh wow this is pretty bad so and this is two damages and you just step back sorry sorry so here is uh these images five ups so three three okay um you just we could just roll these twice yeah that's right so i have to make these twice so six are down die and then this is your seventh the three damage so seven so seven go down so down to three what do you have left to shoot oh no seven go down three four five exactly that's seven in the squad no no sevens in chat no and so the last thing you think we'll go with your assault drill yeah it sounds good and i'm gonna spend the one cp i'm leaving with how many that leaves you with two perfect that's the math i want for re-rolling wins on the commander sounds good uh minus one to hit correct this is the unwounded commander who can afford to take the mortal wings right uh but he's rolling his ones so one fail um one more to win uh two more wins mortal wounds three mortal wins four mortal wins so he did four wounds to himself ah is he dead no were they at five six they're chunky boys this is not one that took three years no that's what he started i deliberately i'm doing my uh my order of operations intelligently this time so this is t8 so four's rerolling good thing this is a tense oh turn it around these are minus one minus one uh yeah so four ups so fours yeah wasn't one of those uh save okay was it yeah sorry okay so three four five six seven sounds good so two more here one more here all the dice five up disgustingly resilient not very disgusting or resilient so two four six uh so did we bracket the boy down to three yeah okay bracketed what's his a tax profile right now it's lower so it's numbers number of attacks he starts with six d6 and then his movement probably d3 eight six so he's at six right now okay he goes to four six movement okay okay uh listen i'm done um so i should have put the pox walkers in actually i don't think i can score it up so i got my four um and then that's it you're for linebreaker yeah okay all right adrian death guard how many objectives i have two objectives so that is ten points to gryffindor to gryffindor that's gonna turn five let's close this game out so the only things i care about now the the pox walkers was a really good move because i could have turned this off and that's my objective yes really big um i need to i in theory kill these guys this guy's pretty much impossible to kill um well start of the turn i'm gonna heal my riptide for t3 so just one more sounds good uh oh yeah this guy did take three right infusion new round didn't he yeah from the entropy or whatever yeah okay but i need to also preserve my two marked so i will note that your fusion commander is not character blocked right now oh is that true i didn't get them in range no okay yeah looks like you're you're right i was off yeah okay you have four drones yeah that's not it's nothing you can get through four drones i think so so that's a shame okay so i made a mistake there i just eyeballed it and i was off um okay so also i forgot to shoot here yeah go for it that's fine so anyways uh there's one that's also the tough part about like moving and having units like move up and then reform because minus two oh geez oh yeah cause they're breaches so fives what and these are one damage yeah and fives so three go down okay it's pretty good two three i owe you a leadership check oh they're fine cool they come back they're demons so um yeah so that's a huge mix-up so if he manages to kill that i'd lose the game um where honestly like the whole plane was to buff up this riptide and keep everyone within range so that's what you gotta you gotta be careful with those little little distances they'll get ya they get you oh you have to be kind of careful though okay this is exciting yeah intense it is i don't want to charge there that doesn't give me anything um i would like to storm bolter you which vehicles can they never get bolted drill bolts are disciplined just bolted they never get bolts or discipline but if i stand still that they i will rapid fire with the oh that is bothered just when you're talking they lost voltages they lost boulder distance i actually had to do within 12. thank you gotcha cool cool and for chaos i think it's called anger shoot anger shoots true that is very true um and then we're going to check my melta range it is a 12. so that's nice so i just want to get within rapid fire of the drones just a smidgen okay um all right bring the heat that's that yeah that's mostly it honestly um we need to do some shuffling here but that's yeesh that's the extent coming down to the wire here thank you kyle this is a great game uh res can be in one if on onboard edge whole one inch not sure i don't think that's what is he trying i don't think you can be with it i don't think you can ever res models within an inch of an enemy even if you're on your own board edge i don't think it matters um yesterday you said we could resurrect models with that pop carry we did that yesterday and our thursday in our game you know within coherency yeah you can't be within an inch of an enemy coherency and in within an enemy no we did that wrong no we did not do that no he wasn't next to an enemy the uh he can be in a position such that he can still fight he can be within an inch of an ally who's within an inch of an enemy but you can't res next to an enemy fair enough yeah that was always my understanding as well yeah thank you martin i had to go clay pigeon shooting so i only just joined hopefully that's awesome yeah sorry i'm missing out on my pigeon shooting that's amazing hopefully you answered my earlier question about inceptors but i had to donate to say omg brian has a sweater hat i'm so happy busted out i'm so hot with the sweater hat today we're under a lot of lights this this is it's like more than cafeteria lights right so it's the cafeteria lights what you know like yeah yeah like that's where we're basically in right now we're in some heat lamps these are like long ranges 40 inches 40 inches okay so i still need to just keep them wedged basically thank you emperor of mankind go adrian i'm giving you my blessing to beat those camping blueberries thanks man i don't think any of this matters here so i'm not going to bother that you're already in the uh other uh deployment zones yeah there's nothing there yeah okay sounds good the emperor would only give backhanded approval to moritarium you have to compliment and then immediately it's hollow yeah it's like more of an insult than that's right yeah it's like i expect you to beat these blueberries and if you don't i disown you all right yep we done this actually no you know what i'm just gonna move him to full i mean it's probably not full but he has six inches that's enough i was like i'm gonna melt to this guy which is totally dumb i'm gonna melt to him so uh when you moved up yeah and you weren't in melter range yeah i in my head did a little jig yeah all right but now you remember that thank you thank you that was just silly i i was like i'm gonna throw shots here i'm like that's it's dumb i just needed to kill this i need to do that that's all that matters all right everyone can see it looks good we've got a psychic face we have psychic we have what the demon prince please don't and where's the plague no the demon prince i don't think he's going to do anything because there's nothing that's useful the plague caster uh don't do me like this adrian no he's fine he can't he didn't take any so i i have two perils twice what are the odds of that um so my asthma minus one to hit onto um the one you want to kill basically sure oh maybe six goes off on a nine um we don't care about high tops it's nothing matters sounds good and then over here only two can see the drones the rest are gonna have to go into the fireworks oh no okay yeah uh because of this this movement here right i think that's everything okay so we'll start with them because they could lose on a site okay so we're going to do two into here rapid fire nice um and then the rest into you guys these firewires okay um so let's do the yeah into here so four shots how many drunks four shots four kills all right on threes oh and then on fourth come on nice one nice huh huh okay so far so good great so i um and good thing you moved up because you were just in 12 before you would have lost your rapid fire if you hadn't moved up well i'm within 12 of him no but if you hadn't moved up you're only just in 12 of the front drone but that doesn't matter i should be within 12 of this guy which means i'd be no i mean the rapid fire free stumble to my man yeah this is the same 12 inches he's farther back no you are now i'm saying good thing you moved up because previously when you weren't moved up all right that's what i'm saying i'm still not following you okay you don't get it no i get what he's saying now it's just really fun you're weirding me out i don't like it all right so oh yeah and the rest of the fireworks and it was four guys so uh eight bolter shots oh they know this doesn't matter oh the guy with my flail still has that bolter right uh no he doesn't but okay here you know that's fine okay i made one minute to make it uh cool so yeah i'm just trying to be very careful with the order here um oh geez oh boy he's hitting on fives now yeah um but the storm bolter can getting into this is is real tasty okay so all right we're gonna do him that's guard rapidfire 18 anyway does this thing oh the tanks don't get the trades the tank i don't know they don't get the trade it doesn't get it would be nice yeah space marine tanks get it chaos tanks don't cur uh correct count thanks get know the trades even thousands stuff because i still have drones to kill all right that's the thing you don't have many drugs to kill yeah you have a lot of guns if i'd even bracketed one of your tanks we'd be okay but right not at this point yeah yeah no actually um okay yeah we're gonna do the tarax we're gonna do the um storm bolters in here melted into the command okay sounds good so here's the storm bolters eight shots oh geez all right super good pretty good 50 5 right oh just one just one ah it's all you needed i know okay sorry so here's d3 into the commander one okay on a five get out of here oh all right that's fine okay um okay so now i know right oh you don't have direct line of sight at the drones well this guy do uh do you yeah the top of his mortar just use my antenna yep yup yup oh crazy it's like the most millimeter it's good so we're gonna do a heavy slugger heavy snugger yeah and um and everything else in here okay so here's heavy slugger this isn't looking good fours good and then on a three string five okay one drone save okay okay um here's the mortar so d6 shots into commander two shots fours both hit threes threes re-rolling okay so passing to drones minus what minus two for d3 minus two for d3 right and how many cpu does he have left one e is one you both have one oh i have one as well one all really oh yeah cause yeah hooray um i'm so nervous right now but you've also targeted me with entropy right and so i have a better chance taking the saves on my commander that's a fair point yeah um then the entropy yeah so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take one save on me and i'm going to command point it okay so you roll your d3 because it won't matter so he's dead that's oh huge oh my gosh so that's uh that's what you see it's a it's a blunder um whoa no you this is this is a game of inches and i was off by an inch and that'll get you oof all right okay um and then the the second one might as well go into the riptide yeah uh see if i get lucky yeah um yeah sounds good so we'll just do the heavy sluggers real quick on fours reroll one and then fives so one save on tied you have two up oh oh nice six okay cool uh let's do entropy next up fours and then threes we're rolling everything oh exactly so three up this is entropy okay good d6 from the mortar two shots oops fours all right reel the one demon prince nope and a three re-rolling good d3 three damage hey not bad not bad uh oh and then yeah we did heavy sluggers cool um and then i do have a uh plasma pistol overcharged oh no it doesn't really matter at this point right uh it matters for like being on the i mean i don't think he's playing around the point anyways right uh oh i thought he was nope you're right fine it's fine and you've already scored your primary there's no oh primaries left that's right i still can't turn that off okay charges um right here in here okay so overwatch yeah two four six eight zero zero thanks sounds good uh okay looks good okay cool looks good looks good and what else we got um i'm in charge of the drill sure i'll charge the drones with the drill okay nothing i can do nope nice you throw the dice so hard you got to throw with style you do part of the game style all right cool um in an inch of the trunks yep okay um all right let's do this so let me check i'm pretty sure it's d3 attacks for the drone for the uh drill and it's hitting on five or sixes now uh so what weapon skill always is fours oh it never goes down yeah it's really amazing the drill's so good so d3 attacks plus one for anger charge oh yeah nice gosh i can't even hit the table now i mean the dice tray oh you suck it no on the two all right so one one drone smooshed um oh man that would have been nice yeah would be nice all right cool so if that if he had killed it he could have piled into the riptide is that right yeah maybe yeah yeah exactly so uh you want to fight me actually i'm going to i'm going to re-roll it with the cp there's nothing better reroll why it was a hit roll it was a hit yeah because you wound on twos it was a hit roll yes okay i'm gonna re-roll it you hit you hit only once only once oh out of four yeah so i didn't cloud flies um are you gaining information because you know the second one passed already um i mean it was on twos and goes no because only one went through but if it had failed then this wouldn't be worth doing um that's true it's up to you you can have it you sure it's fine okay no that's a fair point four two nine one okay cool now jones okay is that is that all right it's fine all right sounds good because yeah that's something we always want to know um because then i can pile into them essentially like so okay so you're touching the riptide and the commander now yeah okay and how many wins you have left uh three okay all right so my fight or you could fight over there uh yeah flail okay two and two and one on threes and uh three or no twos for these guys so the dead plague weapon yeah they're dead they're dead okay cool so now i'm going to fight you um you're t8 so i'll just uh here's the commander okay three hits and then here's the riptide one hit and then so i have enough to kill you you do it's never gonna happen fives one win minus ten uh four and disgusting no i don't think i've made a single one of those i was like i love this upgrade it's so good it doesn't make any of them uh okay yeah cause i'll touch them you're still holding the points you have tons of models and then these guys are wiped okay and the pylon doesn't super matter i guess i'll just try to get behind the scaring you don't really know doesn't make a big difference okay all right that's the end of the term and how many table quarters are you in three just uh three so two points two points so you are up to 11 on engage so your final score adrian is 56 yeah and so i get it no because why are we saying we fight you couldn't get 10 more yeah so he's probably at 66 um but we'll see and then um i'm at turn five i get 10 points at this point it's not possible to win so we're just going to see what the yeah scores um so you're only behind by 13 right now but yeah he's going to get nine by 13. but he's going to get five points on the board here which um he effectively can't kill so i'll give this to you now so i'm behind and so he has 10 on the board and i've lost my ability to get five of them so he automatically has five sure at the best i could get another five right uh mathematically you cannot win so mathematically i can't win yeah do we want because people might want to see the actual fight yeah so i'll do it it's just like can you kill the tank with the two commanders is that the question yeah that's the question yep so if i didn't uh again if i if i hadn't made some mix-ups there i think there would have been a chance it still would have been a long shot so advanced number one what i wrote one a one okay so that's another one another one another i have one cp yeah reroll that for me oh you want to roll it yeah sorry i'm sorry and then roll my next defense all right the next one is six there you go oh it's this one yep so this guy unfortunately is an inch at a range he needed a two on the advanced so we rolled one into a one um this guy's fine so i'd have to drop it with one commander and you have what five wounds uh no he didn't take any that's the prince oh that's the prince is that full is that full yeah and the riptide can fire if i'm if it works yes um that's true uh well yeah you can put the sms there yeah big guns why not yeah i agree why not i agree and you also he'll call back with the commander yeah because he can't shoot well actually commander can't you you might as well just stay in hey why if you do kill the drill then you can shoot whereas if you fall back you for sure oh that's what you're saying but i have nothing to shoot at yeah i know that's just so this is a cute thing yeah so just advancing okay actually i realize i'll take my full movement because i want them both um to be all the way in because it's all the way to here right good thing i rolled sixes nice so i got my four points for behind enemy lines all right um shooting face mm-hmm that's that so i need to drop you with the sms yeah hitting on five and i have no cp left you have none you spent it on your advance rule oh my advance roller failed reckless and my my pure tie chip is on the uh was on the uh yeah asian boy so um so here's what i'm gonna do sms into your two wounds big gun into your tank that i need to drop sounds good all right yeah so it's speculative fire if he takes out the termite then he's not engaged he can shoot afterwards so because they're hitting on fours normally right now so i'm hitting on five strolling one cause you're not degraded yeah i'm not degraded sounds good oh hey that's all you need no two i have two wins no that's not all i need i needed like all of them rolling ones one round one four up and five up so he lives with one wound left i would have need to do a little more in combat um yeah and the commanders can't shoot in combat which would make them cool okay so um literally now the only gun i have left is the uh the commander so he's going to have to do it all on his own yep how do you feel about this at minus one oh you put me out as well that's fine here it is so he re-rolls once let's see so he takes one wound okay next three he's good good next three takes another wins and if he takes the third wound he dies so he's dead matters but he does get the fire stay yeah style wise it matters yeah it's heroic no i agree this is style points oh my gosh minus one one yeah okay so four up that's still mean so that's the end um at the end of the game you get 10 points yep i get five um and uh that's uh that's the end what do we got there we have death guard winning 66 to 52 a real game really cool game this is actually kind of i'll say what happened here was very similar to what i was expecting yeah um i thought you would manage to outhold um the little blunders at the end like they i still didn't have a good chance of winning right but i had a chance yeah um and so uh just playing a little tighter at the end could have been cool um i don't know what we would have done with a tie to be honest with you um we would do like mud wrestling or something yeah yeah yeah uh so you all missed out on that unfortunately um but uh really cool game oh my gosh we saw we saw um the loss of fly for tau yeah several times we saw turn one right um and then we saw it again this turn and uh we saw it back there with the commander um so it's been incalculably it's a big big deal big right exactly um i lost basically three shooting phases um yeah it's it's not small right because you have you've lost that shooting phase you lose the sixth shooting phase right all that extra movement which at this point right you know you'd have some extra movement you'd have a bit more play in the last turn but it's like no this is it this is done um and not only that so we saw the i'm an army of characters and we saw how much the character targeting like even just being out by one inch meant i lost a commander that would have been invincible yeah like absolutely 100 and over here too right you had three different squads that's right all of which would have character blocked before now that you can see that the cold star's a lot harder to get your value out of yeah um so uh the two big changes that hurt the towel are the things that cost the tao of this game yeah um because if it wasn't for that like you know i could have been a lot more aggressive right and um i could have body blocked these objectives a lot more wouldn't have been worth you to touch me as much so um but the death guard you can see how they play the mission super well and this mixture of upboard plus really reliable backfield shooting it's an amazing army yeah i like it a lot it's a lot of fun to play and yeah you you get to do your thing right i get to play it like death guard i don't feel like i have to push everything forwards yeah it's like i'm going to fortify this knurling are going to be running around doing you know dances and that feels really good and it's and it's good with the game yeah so do you have an mvp on your side i would probably say this first unit of death of plague marines honestly um they just did so much they like they sat they sat they waited they came out they did the grenades they they did the big charge that nine to a ton of points right and um it inadvertently sort of let the flamer run up and uh yeah right the flamer with them was really good i really liked it like they didn't do a ton but they were meaningful moves that's what i would say that's really great um [Music] probably the transports if it wasn't for the devil fish i would have very few points on the board i'd probably have like 30 less almost um so they were crucial to the tao's ability to play this game yeah um and so that was definitely my mvp uh i'm going to give the worst scores to my relic gun gun was awful i think in the total game it did uh two wounds that was so bad i think two wins in the whole game right it was specifically your wound rules that were terrible no the hit rolls the first time remember i hit once that's right and then i wounded once the second time oh my gosh and uh i got four damage through one time but you made the feeling pains and the other time you saved it because i love the theory behind it which is yeah you're always you're always tough you're always durable and for the large part it worked right um it's just but it just yeah it's still it still hits like tau we still we saw the burst cannon like that does work yeah right and that's that's why you dropped it right exactly so uh that's do you have a an under a unit that didn't perform the way you wanted it to oh gosh that exploded your psychic was horrible oh my gosh the sidekick was bad and um the upgrade on the drill literally did nothing i was like it's so tough oh the feeling pain you didn't like anything i didn't make a single one yeah but it's good yeah overall i'm i'm happy i think the things that didn't perform were my mistakes really it's a really cool game it was great that's awesome um so what do we got next up on this tuesday 6 p.m pacific time is harlequins and custodians i think so yeah these are two of the top tier heaviest hitting armies i'm really excited for that game oh man i have no idea what's gonna happen in that game either um we've never even played that matchup no before no so that's gonna be really exciting so come tune in yep 6 p.m pacific time this tuesday or game two of round one um and bridget's got a few announcements yeah so uh thank you kyle again uh kyle says res rule exception and then he gives me a page number and a paragraph there was a little bit of a mix-up sorry uh res as in reserves yes you can come in within an inch with strategic reserves that's true i thought you were saying res is in resurrect that's what we were talking about previously right so yes you are correct you can come in from strategic reserves on your own board edge on your own board edge in engagement range of an opponent if they were there which is a cute trick it's well it's to stop people from you know the screening the whole white scars game where the guy just the crew yeah you just made it so you can't come on the board you lose and like nobody wants that yeah uh thank you martin have you done an update on your safety with forest fires obviously i really want you all to be safe but importantly have you thought about an escape plan for all the models so we're lucky that the studio is kind of surrounded by a circle of highways and right next to the airport yeah um i don't think the fire can't historically really get here um but uh uh i'd i'd let them burn i don't care i you know if i got here i'd walk away luckily the big thing is and it's kind of a weird thing is like we have pretty much everything on camera so you have proof that's like the number oh yeah insurance with insurance it takes a long time to get them painted again but yes uh well you can include that though and like for example i'm moving i'm literally gonna be documenting all my models for literally insurance it's like the fires here are crazy though so we do hope that they stopped i live on the hills yeah yeah yeah so it'll be fine but you know i'll be the first to go and thank you again martin thanks for another great game looking forward to the replay thank you please could you say what loadout you would give tac marine five-man squads if they're your sole troop choice bolters mostly just bolters if you're running salamanders melt a gun yeah the one melt a gun with a new rule yeah when they uh wait because the melted gun will get the d6 plus two damage you're saying yeah but they're still only 12 inch range right yeah so unless you're putting they're really cheap like it's like 10 points for right if you're putting it in a transport then the melt is good if you're not then you might want to consider something else totally yeah so launcher or something the strats are still good yeah the strats are good thank you king cool grandpa nurgle bless the towel with a cold worthy of the ages yeah you got me and finally thank you darby i was curious what your thoughts are on doing a moretarian sun plague marine ball with pox walker demon prince support for a thousand points it's a great army we really like it one of the things though it doesn't um you know you end up creating this ball that wants to come up to one side of the board right and then it's not on these other two and this is only a four objective mission if you've got six objectives they don't spread out that well true um another goodbye if it's a thousand point game it's a smaller board so it's more feasible it's more efficient but you still do have that problem when we played our game we like where's this i mean you have to move your breads out a lot more yeah exactly yeah yeah but that's a really cool uh army overall yeah awesome great well thank you guys so much for joining us in our biggest stream ever yeah this is great and the beginning of our competitive tournament series we know you guys have been asking for um talking more about the gt missions this was a ton of fun um hopefully you guys join us next tuesday um as always if you did enjoy it do like and subscribe as you can see we're gonna have a ton of videos coming out really fast since you can always get that notification and help support us thank you for the donation donations guys we really appreciate it yeah this is great i can't wait to see you hopefully this tuesday yeah it's going to be an even more exciting game i think with two of the best factions so we'll see you there [Music] later [Music] you
Channel: Tabletop Titans
Views: 87,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40k, 40k, Games workshop, Tabletop, Miniature, Wargaming, tabletop titans, painting, hobby, warhammer painting, wartrike, deffkilla wartrike, black legion, chaos space marines, 9th edition, 9th edition battle report, genestealter cults
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 50sec (10910 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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