Original Character Tournaments

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ah the days where I used to browse on devianart are long gone much like the websites popularity if there's one thing I liked about doing art though it's the original character Kermit's or Oct s it's basically a comic battle royale between artists to draw their original characters fighting each other much like what you would see on a tournament bracket so it's just one big collaboration between creators just think of it as one massive D&D campaign with comics instead of dice who cares right what makes it so special well if you look closely you'll find a hidden gem of an awesome story you're missing out on and I'm talking specifically about an artist named unknown person no really that's an actual screen name he goes by see he was a part of two original character tournaments called end zone and the law of Talos and he was able to make it to the finals for both of them with very good reason unlike other competitors he decided to show his battles in the form of animations and very detailed ones to just look at the amount of work in detail he's done for these tournaments in between story fillers and the form of coloured comics that were very detailed and funny and animations that even has voice acting and music in them this still blows my freakin mind today on how much he's able to accomplish because you only had one month to complete everything his animations will last anywhere between five to twelve minutes - that's freaking dedication there I just wish I had a fraction of the work ethic he has let's start with the very first tournament he was in called end zone it was held in 2007 by the artist in link who is still very popular today and it had 64 contestants enter the whole setting is based off of his own webcomic called ever after which tells the story of fairy tale characters like Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks and how they are patients in a highly secure insane asylum Little Red Riding Hood in particular is the main character and he's traumatized what they encounter she had with a nightmare fuel version of the big bad wolf in lling is a bit of an edgy Mick edge Lord who as you can tell by his art every contestant was required to show an audition comic of the big bad wolf either in fighting or even kidnapping their character so that they would end up at the asylum not only did every artist had to show a comic they were also required to show a character sheet showing details of their character and this finally leads me to talk about the most Beeler character of the tournament the climber and you might be going what that character won the entire tournament out of sixty four contestants Gow right well that is right and let me tell you why climber is unique because he's a mannequin that used to be one of the attractions from a rundown theme park called castle nation he was thrown away after his mechanical parts were broken and ever since then he developed this fear of being useless because of this trauma climber goes out of his way of helping others so he doesn't feel abandoned again way to put a dark twist to such a sweet character he's not afraid to fight though and I'll get to that in a moment the audition of climber shows the character reflecting over his past friend Clarice leaving the theme park thinking maybe he should try and find her the big bad wolf suddenly appears and offers him an invitation to leave the park little did clamored know this would bring him to the Everafter asylum this leads to so many unique battles between climber and the other contestants there was a battle where climber had a dance-off and did the moonwalk or more serious battles like with a ninja and a hitman and even with an encounter of a chimney sweep I believe the tournament was able to keep the hype up because unknown person was able to go out of his way to make animations for his entries and I believe it was a great motivator for the other contestants because they get to see their character fleshed out and come to life now you tell me you wouldn't be excited about seeing your character animated I bet you would love it my most favorite battle was the finals between climber and a character called dude pallet and nice name dude was a demon that was able to bring his drawings to life with his giant magical paintbrush and I believe was a really good fit for climber as his rival at the end the entry was eight-minute animation showing climber and dude hashing it out and it was remarkable and memorable the big bad wolf returns forcing them to battle memories hopes and friendships are all messages brought up in this one fight in the end climber protects dude and his friends and helps them escape from the clutches big bad wolf that's pretty much where unknown person ends his piece he won the tournament and only picks up from the cliffhanger with a finale comic wrapping up the story so that should be it right there isn't anything else I could possibly talk more about related to this animator well I still want to talk about the other tournament just when you thought unknown person hung up the Tao after being so successful in one of the hugest collaborations between comic artists you'd be wrong my friend because he joined another tournament called law of towels featuring a character polar opposite in personality than climber and his name is Carl I know not the most epic name but he too has captured a wide audience of fans for it was a character no one really expected Carl's very devious and cunning and also extremely violent when he was first introduced I was a little skeptical if this character would be as good as the climber turns out that Carl was on par even better than climber in terms of popularity unlike his fluffy puppet counterpart Carl is a statue attraction from the Pirates cave and Castle of Nations since he's made of a stronger material he's more powerful in terms of strength however he can be fracturing her broken if he's not careful this makes him cautious and leads him to scope out an opponent before engaging because unlike climber who can easily be sewn together after battle Carl it's just one life and that's it alongside him is this pet raven arma that is able to shape-shift into many types of weapons which gives him quite the advantage on certain situations we see hammer spears in his personal favor a pirate sword I also want to bring up his interest in the violin that really makes him stand out as a character he's befriended a human girl that taught him to play and for your sake don't do anything that messes with his ability to play the violin my collar I'm use it to flavor fire live [Music] just like climber karl has shown to have flashbacks of his past relationship with a mysterious human girl called Rachel but his memories are much much darker not that you could tell huh I don't want to spoil too much just keep in mind that Carl loves the violin when progressing forward something I didn't bring up earlier is that both of unknown persons characters rely on the theme parks magic is energy the castle provides that brings these two inanimate characters to life which leads to the motivation of Karl entering the tournament flaw of Talos the premise for this one is the victor is able to have any wish granted and Karl seeks the wish to make it to where he doesn't have to rely on the castle anymore and live his life outside its bounds battle after battle though he runs out of energy which leads to the dramatic climax of the story the law of towels turns out to be a sentient form of energy and takes on the form of Rachel who he sees visions of throughout the tournament without many options left Karl agrees to work with the alternate form of energy and it provides them insane amounts of strength and speed in there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore though thy crest be shorn and shaven thou art sure no Craven ghastly grim and ancient Raven wandering from the nightly Shore tell me what thy lordly name is on the night's Plutonian Shore Nevermore he was strong before but with the enhanced energy provided by the law of Talos he's able to leap bounds and cut a building in half chaos ensues which eventually leads to the dramatic fight between him and climber and a very sad ending unknown person again animated every battle of his character was involved in in like the previous tournament he only had one month to complete everything he made a freaking 12-minute animation finale that tugged heartstrings for those that loved Carl surprisingly he didn't win this tournament which sparked a little bit of backlash on the judges I just I don't know if you can tell but I really do love his characters and and I think it's an underrated series of comics that a lot of people still don't know about so I hope you'll read through all of his comics and watches animations because he's been one of my most biggest inspirations of becoming an animator slash comic artist so I left a link in the description if you want to see unknown person's work and the journal articles from the tournament holders that explained the premise and rules well thanks again for watching [Music]
Channel: Four Eyes Guy
Views: 74,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Four, Eyes, Guy, original character, original characters, original character tournament, endzone climber, law of talos, law of talos karl, flash animation, endling, Review, original character design
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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