Oregon Chanterelle Hunting - The Golden Valley

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usually when i go mushroom hunting i like to go pretty deep into the bush and we will hike uh pretty decent lengths to get into some good mushrooms way up into the middle of nowhere but right now we're literally on the highway so you can see there's cars raging behind me right here into the woods off of the side of this highway i found an absolutely excellent place to hunt for chanterelles kind of a little secret cubby we're gonna go in there and see what we can find and i already see some indicator species these right here are a type of amanita mascara i'm not sure the exact type it might not be amanita mascara it might just be some type of mascara but those are the red mushrooms you see with the bright white spots on top i have seen those right here specifically and people love those you can eat them if you process them right and the hippies uh turn them into some kind of hallucinogen i've never messed with amanita mascara i probably never will um even if it gets you high in a cool way not my bag of tea because it also kills you sometimes we're at a spot that we kind of call our own little gem but for the mushroom picking whoa oh man i hope that's not a fresh hole in my waders asher just tore his waders anyway we're about to plow through some brush here get back to some chanterelle honey holes every once in a while you'll find some decent ones in mixed in this zone but once we get back in here it's going to be off the chain so we'll click it back on once we get through this maze of morgan rainforest we just came from all of that gnarly thick brush really was gnarly and thick and then all of a sudden we popped out into this beautiful little clearing and chris says we just walk this road that way and we'll run into mushrooms there's a bunch of uh elk trail back here too i haven't jumped the whole herd yet but i'm sure one day we're gonna come back here yep all right we're almost in it there it is all right there's a couple nice ones right here here i'll show you here's one poking out of the ground nice whoa [Music] look at all of these absolutely gorgeous little chanterelles way to bring us to a really money spot chris yeah he wasn't lying he wasn't joking this is a long due process that's right i guess i brought you here and then you found this and we're not even in this is this doorstep these these are some of my absolute favorite types of chanterelles you guys these beautiful little golden buttons right because these just go perfect in a sauce or in a soup or in a saute like that's a mushroom that you can put whole into a serving and it's they're just so perfect and pretty and look at this whole little collection look this one splits that is a super cool little mushroom these perfect little buttons like this is what you call number ones these are the kind of mushrooms that you could sell to a restaurant for a really good price these are essentially perfect little chanterelles and there's so many of them they're so uniform um i love it i love it i love it look at that little pile just in this one spot and it's pretty cool i don't know how well you guys can see all the way down this little path but there's little pockets of gold scattered all the way down along it there's actually quite a lot of them look at this whole little zone right here we're gonna go ahead and just take this little stack set them in our basket here and we're gonna harvest the rest of these little buttons so this is an itty bitty little baby chanterelle and here's a couple that are a little bit larger this one is what you would call a button it's got a nice little little pocket to it and then even though this is a different type of chanterelle this is a white chanterelle and these ones are gold you can see when they get bigger the golds will do this also they'll spread all the way out you'll be able to see still the gills run all the way down the stock and they fan out and did this kind of um you know funnely shape a trumpety shape even though these are different than trumpet mushrooms these are chanterelles um the smaller ones like these little buttons just like this guy right here they have almost a little bit more traditional cartoony classic mushroom shape and still underneath running down there's no uh ring that stops the gills from running down the stock that's one of the ways that you can tell if it's in the chanterelle family these are perfect beautiful little mushrooms i am stoked i'm gonna harvest all of these real quick so you can see here's a couple of slightly larger ones sometimes they get kind of a weird shape to them like i was saying when they get bigger they start to continue to trump it out kind of and you can see here's a perfect example of an in-between one of those little buttons like this and starting to get just a little bit bigger before it turns into something that looks more like this you know but this one's a white again it's pretty damn fire up inside of here we found absolutely killer mushroom grounds and there's mushrooms everywhere and chris keeps saying bro you're not even where the good ones are you're blowing it he keeps telling me i'm not even where the good mushrooms are yet i'm blowing it and i got to go over where he is so i'm making my way over there but i can't get there yet because every time i get close i run to a few more mushrooms because they are literally everywhere right now so chris says that he's in the valley of gold so let's go check out chris's valley of gold real quick right now i can only see that corner in this corner wow but so chris wasn't wrong look right in here chanterelle chanterelle chanterelle chantral chantrals right over in here chanterelle's up in there chanterelle chanterelle mushroom chanterelle mushroom shot real mushroom look at this look at them everywhere back behind us here's a bunch over there on the ground there's a bunch right in there there's a bunch i mean it's pretty it's pretty unreal i'm gonna go up in here and grab these ones real quick [Music] wow [Music] you know most of the time i'd be hunting in strictly old growth patches but this is all some new growth stuff which uh you know it's been here for a little while um but there's chanterelles everywhere like you don't even need to look very far and you're finding them boom boom boom a couple there whole patch right there kind of looking for these massive ones that are still shaped nicely um you know there's a couple nice ones right in here this one's not too bad but uh this actually this area makes for easy hunting because look there's nothing on the ground except chanterelles there's not you know yellow leaves will mess with your head make you think it's a chanterelle um so i don't know this this spa we got is just a producing gold mine so these chanterelles right here do look a bit past their prime but oh but look at the size of this white chanterelle what a beast we've got um two types of chanterelles here in oregon we might even have more i know of two different types that we have we have gold and we have white and these are white and this one right down here is probably not too slimy yeah so there's still some slime in the top of this this mushroom is just past its prime but you can see the gill structure underneath is still really pretty intact and quality this one's like it's got real beautiful perfect gills so both of these are going to be a go to eat so ashley was talking about you know the food side of things and how the smaller mushrooms are more gourmet because they look better on a plate they fit in with food nicer but there's something to be said about the big giant ones how they just dude it's so crazy how some of them grow so obviously you can see pine needles all around this one it's got a pretty nice cone on it i don't want to disturb it too much because i'm going to leave it here it looks a little slimy but just the geometric craziness going on with these that's my favorite part in here this little packet of chanterelles that's a beautiful perfect little mushroom just set this one down for these bigger ones oh and look there's another nice big big one buried behind that one look at that that one was completely buried in leafs and stuff that's another really nice mushroom wow wow cleaning off your mushrooms um right when you get them is real nice it's kind of important if you leave too much gunk and mud and pine needles and stuff in there it'll cause them to degrade and soften up a lot quicker a little bit's not too bad this is fine you know there's going to be some dirt there's going to be some pine needles and some some mud and some leaf debris in there but as much as you can clean off you just run your thumb along the top through some of those little pockets you can see this one's a little past its prime you know it's juicing a little see that liquid coming out the bottom and a little bit of rubberness to it but this whole half of it over here is going to be totally solid so we're going to go ahead and keep this one too and there's one more good one down in this pit and this one is almost perfect it's a little bit slimy because there's a lot of rain coming down right now it's been pretty wet out here but get a little bit of that off the top and look at how nice and clean that underside still is so we're going to go ahead and throw all these in the basket and go find another patch i'm sure there's a whole lot more right around here somewhere so i'm right over here so as we're walking through the woods here we just keep finding new patches and being like oh my god look at that oh my god look at that they're pretty insane so i'm just going to show you this other patch we found right here inside of the valley of gold right here is some chanterelles these are all beautiful number ones here's a few more just past them here's a few more over here look here's some stacks look here's chanterelles beautiful number ones look here some chanterelles beautiful chanterelles beautiful chanterelles chris just found a couple of monsters they're still nice too trump it out like that be real careful as you walk through right here bro because there's literally more chanterelles right here than there is ground look more chanterelles more chanterelles more chanterelles more chanterelles so let me go ahead and try to harvest all these real quick it's going to be insane okay the first thing i'm going to do is carve myself a little island to sit on and then i'm going to pile these mushrooms all right here so take that cut that cut that cut this is absolutely insane beautiful little pocket right here this little area used to be super thick with them but we cleaned it out and just outside of your vision along the tree line it's still super thick it's there's so many it's unbelievable chris is still back in there harvesting them right now i can see nice ones all around us um yeah chris is still back in there harvesting right now and i can see really nice mushrooms still like there's another one there's another one um it's pretty unreal this pile right here is an insane pile of mushrooms and i'm gonna go ahead and throw it all inside this basket now we're just gonna get it scooted over we'll take a look at the overall haul um i've been mushroom picking for a long time you guys you know my dad took me mushroom picking when i was a kid i've been out here salmon fishing and living in these woods most of my life and um i can't say that this is the best chantrelle picking i've ever experienced there's been a few other days where it was just like hard to not step on them but i think the consistency of these mushrooms being these perfect little buttons just one after another after another after another perfect chanterelles probably a few hundred of these little perfect ones i think that that's that's the best quality of mushrooms i found we've got a couple of bigger ones a couple of fall apart ones like like this is a monster right here and you find a lot of these these are really really nice but since i'm a chef i work in restaurants and the ones the restaurants want are those little buttons that you're able to mix into a saute or something like that something like this so where it's kind of hard to easily transform this into being a pretty little mushroom that somebody recognizes as a mushroom these are so easy and perfect to do so with and they're a little bit rarer they're smaller if we gave all of these a couple of weeks they'd probably get big and turn into something that looked like this but i really really like these little perfect ones and i've never seen the single binder yeah the little single biters and i've never seen um a forest be so thick with these little ones and it's not just that we came at the beginning of a run i mean it is that we're coming at the beginning of a run there's lots of older ones too we can see some that have died in the area that have been around for a bit but just this last couple of weeks there's been some sun and some rain and some sun and something about that really kick-started these mushrooms so all those little babies started to pop and we just have so many of them here now yeah get some of these bigger ones down below and then just [Music] wow [Music] [Music] all right so we are cleaning house on mushrooms right now let me wipe the lens master's down here getting the last bit from this little patch we found but i think that's going to be a wrap for us i think we're going to head out toward the car we got that thing loaded there's so many marshmallows on here still like we're going to give a bunch of the family and friends for thanksgiving here now nah we're we literally have passed up so many mushrooms um but that just means we can come back and hit them so signing out hope you guys enjoyed everything we did today have a good one you guys peace out it's lots of fun hope you guys enjoy uh this episode like we enjoyed this day and the winter time in the northwest we got a lot of rainy days ahead yeah a lot of rainy days ahead so uh hopefully we can help keep you guys warm through some of those rainy days too because a lot of you guys are out here in the northwest with us if you're somewhere tropical and caribbean and beautiful we're living vicariously through you yeah you're lucky we'd like to get down there but stay at it tight lines good luck um i'm asha wren i'm chris blanchard you're watching the bike [Music]
Channel: TheBite
Views: 3,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oregon Chanterelle Mushroom Hunting, How to find Chanterelles, Mushroom hunting, TheBite, the bite, Foraging for food, where to find chanterelle mushrooms in oregon, white chanterelles, things to do in oregon, oregon chanterelle mushrooms, chanterelle mushrooms, how to find mushrooms, chanterelle mushroom hunting, wild food, oregon mushroom hunting, wild mushrooms
Id: Hg5238LKCYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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