Hunt and Cook: Chanterelles and Venison.

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[Music] hey welcome back live from bainbridge island in our studio kitchen audience it's cooking chef jeff and tonight we're going to be making chanterelles and venison so stay tuned let's get to it so when you have chanterelles the first thing you want to do when you get them home is you want to make sure they're dry and so you can either just lay them out and dry them and then you can clean them and spin them in a colander put them in a colander spin them in like a salad spinner before you cook them or you can do it right at the beginning so i lightly cleaned them put them in a colander spun them and then i let them dry so these are all dry all clean and ready to go and notice i'm storing them in a paper bag in a cool dry place so these have been stored for about three four days so tonight we're going to cook them with garlic with butter and we're going to pour them over a venison steak [Music] um all right well that might look like a lot of chanterelles but that'll actually cook down surprisingly low when i'm cooking and making chanterelles making a chanterelle gravy for venison i don't mess around don't skimp on the butter let that keep going butter's starting to melt look how beautiful that is starting to bubble here we go even though i dried these out believe it or not there's still a substantial amount of water in these things and you'll see they'll steam out and they'll reduce down to not as much um by the time we're done you'll be surprised at how few um the volume of how how small the volume of mushrooms is considering what we started with starting to get a beautiful color starting to break down so the question is how far do you cook them down well you cook them down as far as you want in fact you can even eat chanterelles raw although i have heard of a few people who've gotten mildly sick from eating them raw but it's probably not from the mushrooms it's probably from dirt or bacteria or things that are on them that you know when they ate them but i have a friend who eats them raw i prefer you know cook them down change that texture a little bit and make sure that everything is cooked through and through and if there was any bacteria or any sort of funky thing that might make you sick that we kill it all right looks like this is about done and go ahead and offload these into a smaller bowl so all those mushrooms that were in this bowl have cooked down and this is how much is left now so they've cooked way down all right next thing we're gonna do we're gonna prepare the steaks okay i have some beautiful venison steaks here with whatever your favorite spices are pressed into we're going to lay them right in the pan that we cook and lock those in let's steer the outside we want the inside to do rare or medium [Music] starting to get that nice color now go ahead and flip that one i'm not quite ready that one is if you let your steaks rest for oh i don't know four five six minutes and um if you cut them right now they'll be a little bit bloody but if you let them rest they'll absorb all that juice and they'll just be pink and fantastic so we're going to pull these off of here and let them rest now here's a piece we're going to cut it's been resting for a while you can see the color medium rare crispy on the outside this is really going to be excellent put the mushrooms on okay here's our final beautiful product beautiful steak cooked medium rare chanterelle gravy on top and salad this is gonna be fantastic if you have some ways to cook chanterelles um maybe make soups or maybe use them in some other way please go ahead and make comments and let us know how you use the chanterelles that you cook or maybe even other mushrooms morals and whatnot we're not experts in this this is just one way to cook chanterelles and the extra mushrooms that i have left i'll go ahead and put in a ziploc bag squeeze the air out and i'll freeze it and then i'll use it when i make my next steak so i hope you enjoyed this episode if you did please hit subscribe like and please comment and share alright thanks for watching
Channel: Comprehensive Outdoors Jeff Hale
Views: 130
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Id: dadZ_GfdfN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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