4K Virtual Hike Near River through the Forest - Baker River Trail & Chain Lake Trail
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: 4K Relaxation Channel
Views: 706,833
Rating: 4.9195499 out of 5
Keywords: virtual hike, walking tour, Baker River Trail, Chain Lake Trail, river, birds singing, sound of steps, hike, lake, trip, 4k ultra hd, river sounds, virtual hike video, fall foliage, 4k, fall hikes, water sounds, forest sounds, footstep sounds, asmr, nature, trip to Mount Baker Area, 4k video, virtual walk, hiking, outdoor, Washington State, USA, mountain trail, nature sounds
Id: hld4uaO1MDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 46sec (9946 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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