ORDER THIS for DIM SUM | Houston Chinatown FOOD TOUR | Pleb Eats

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i don't know what do you mean you don't know hey guys welcome back to lifestyle of the plave and nameless so today we're in houston we're going to take you around chinatown and try some of our favorite and most popular foods we know a lot of you guys might not be familiar with chinatown and it may be kind of scary to go because you don't know the language but we want to show you it's really easy it's great to be adventurous and get out there and try different foods right now we're at q mamas which is a dim sum place we're gonna take you and try some of our favorite dim sum pics so let's go ahead and get going [Music] the first thing you do when you sit down is they'll ask you what you want to drink and most people order tea there are different types of teas my favorite that i always get is the chrysanthemum tea there's also jasmine tea that's really popular which i really like it's very fragrant so the tea comes in this pot and you get these little cups thank you joe it's hot i know it's hot too she orders christmas empty and he brings her hot tea which i don't know what this is it might even be jasmine actually [Music] yeah it's fragrant it's really good how do you say that in cantonese i have no idea does it matter it's not like our friends are gonna order it in cantonese if they don't know jasmine tea just say hot tea tea dim sum is usually eaten during breakfast or lunch whenever you come here you get a piece of paper you can pick which ones you want to order you just fill it out and give it to them i have to get this the shrimp dumplings the shrimp dumplings yes is that the hakko that's the jalapeno okay okay one of the basic ones everyone always gets it's called hakao it's a shrimp dumpling and it tastes really good that's the classic dim sum dish okay another thing that i always get is the steamed sticky rice with chicken wrapped in lotus leaves dark meat chicken and sometimes mushrooms and sausages and it's marinated in like a soy sauce mixture oops and it's steamed so then once that happens you have all of the flavor from the chicken into the rice so i'm getting one of that but it's also very filling so i'm gonna have you to share it with me that's the whole point of dim sum also dim sum means point to the heart so you go and eat dim sum usually with your family and friends and you all share it you eat it family stuff each of the plates are little they're appetizer size so it's kind of like tapas style i just really love dim sum because my family they're not cantonese so they didn't actually get to have dim sum until they moved to the united states where they have dim sum restaurants whenever i was young they brought me to it so it just kind of reminds me of childhood another one that i love is the chicken feet with black bean sauce that one is my absolute favorite so gross it's so good you say that now but after you eat it it's so good you're ordering it yes i'm not eating it yes you are you're eating it no i'm not yes you are i'm not eating i've never had the radish oh it's good do you eat pig blood no it's payback for me maybe you're eating raw oyster last time which turned out to be good so i don't understand this animosity do you want egg tarts do you like it okay let's try egg tart because that's one of the most iconic items too yeah have you ever tried the deep fry taro one but yeah we'll get that one that's how many is that one two three four five six seven that's a lot of food eight nine oh my god that's only it's only nine only there's two of us she ordered nine things she's going crazy because she hadn't had in a long time [Music] i'm gonna try this one first it's a rice roll and it has stuffed meat inside i think it's beef or pork and it's not actually like rice rice it's rice flour made into a rice wrapper and it has like a sweet soy sauce on it sounds like meat in it [Music] the rice paper it's so smooth it's like a chewy texture and also has a little springiness to it and the meat inside is marinated really well and it goes really well with the sweet soy sauce that they give you you can also get it in other flavors like a seafood flavor with dry shrimps in it a lot of people like that too or just not dry shrimp but just regular shrimp for barbecue pork we're gonna try the hot it's called the crystal skin shrimp dumplings hot is shrimp and caffeine sticky yeah it's wrapped in the same rice wrapper that the previous dish we tried and you could see the shrimp through it it's a good hangout because it has a lot of shrimp in it this one has a lot of shrimp in it this is a must order dim sum dish dim sum is a great way to spend a saturday morning the next one is the stained pork spare ribs these are actually spare rib tips and it's stained with fermented black beans it does have bones in it so you just kind of eat around the mouth this is really good it's a little bit sweet too but just like a hint of sweetness the meat is super tender and what's special about this dish is that the meat needs to be tender but it also needs to have a little bit of chewiness to it and it's cooked soft but the meat must still cling onto i really love it it's one of my favorite dishes before it's cooked it's marinated in like the sauce that they use for it and they add the cornstarch to it so that the flavor sticks onto the meat so you're not losing any flavor while it's steaming they also have some jalapenos in it to add a little bit of a peppery spicy kick but the dish itself is not spicy let's try the lotus leaf okay so it's sticky rice on the inside so it looks like it has a little bit of dried shrimp chinese pork sausage and minced chicken meat and sometimes they also even add a little bit of shiitake mushrooms to it too to make it very flavorful very savory soy saucy and just delicious very wholesome but the lotus leaf lends like a special taste to the sticky rice yes um it adds like a very earthy flavor it won't taste the same if you make it without the lotus leaf okay so next up is the chicken feet this one is also one of my absolute favorites i don't see how it's feet it's delicious it's not just feet it's delicious the story on the street has it that a hong kong businessman went to los angeles or san francisco one of those areas and he discovered that the american chicken feet is fattier than the ones they have in hong kong like all things american and he noticed that people here don't buy them they don't eat them so it's super cheap he had this idea of changing it to use the american chicken feet nowadays even back in china or hong kong they use the american chicken feet to make this dish so people want like fat feet like like chubby feet it's meatier and fat feet don't look at this simple plate of feet it takes a lot to actually make this like they have to cook it for a long time yes so this dish it's actually deep fried and then steamed for multiple hours whenever you bite into it the meat just falls off like it's super super tender the cartilage of the chicken feet is so good like you can eat that too and it gives it like a little bit of a chewy texture with the chicken feet skin which is super soft john loves feet it's so good all right do i have to yes you do no i don't want to hurry up the other end is more fatty okay [Music] so it's just skin and bones yes it's delicious skin but it's meat how's the i don't know what do you mean you don't know what's the flavor feet it's good flavor the flavor is beef so are you gonna finish it i don't think i can coco that's a big old foot you even told me that these are the fat ones yes they're the fattier ones i'd rather the skinny feet the skinny feet you don't get the full effect i don't want the full effect you don't get the full effect of the skin falling off of the bones and you get more to chew on oh yeah this one's fatty that's the one i like john said i was eating it wrong so she's going to show us how a chicken feet eater pro he just goes right in and takes the time [Music] oh the skin comes right off so then you just eat the skin and then you spit out the bones and what's the flavor gel it's a little bit sweet i think they make it with some sort of like uh you know like the tashau bun the barbecue pork bun they actually use some of that sauce to make this dish so it has like a slight barbecue flavor to it i would say but it's more of like a hong kong style barbecue flavor [Music] you have to finish that i cannot finish it i'm not finishing it i tried it i don't like it never again a mouthful of greatness and skin and cartridge i like fat feet she has weird fetishes i'm gonna need more teeth to rinse off the feet cake all right coco we need more tea what do we do okay all you do is you lift up your lid on your teapot and you rest it up tall and it's like a universal signal that you need more tea can we please move on to the next dish pan fry radish hand fried radish cake the radish cakes are obviously made from radishes i call it a chinese carrot it does look like a carrot but it's white and a lot thicker than what a carrot normally is but look at it it's so pretty it's like glistening how they make it is they shred the radish with the grater into tiny tiny pieces and they make it into a paste and they shape it into this little cute thing this is my first time trying it actually i normally don't order this i definitely smell and taste the radish flavor coming out of it it's usually flavored with chinese sausage and dried shrimp they cut it into little mineral pieces and it's all within the paste mixture it's a very soft texture the outside is like a little bit crispy it's a savory cake it's not sweet i really like it much better than that now we're gonna try the taro puffs joan's never tried it before so i told her this is a must try it looks so pretty right it's impressive it's like a piece of art i'm afraid to eat it and ruin it so what it is is mashed up taro with ground pork and some vegetables wrapped inside the what it has meat in it i thought it was like a dessert it's not a dessert this is not a dessert it's savory so i split it in half and you can see the meat inside [Music] it's good savory it's like a fried taro dumpling what's on the outside you know the pound of butter butter looks very pretty it's very tempura like but even lighter than that so big brain me forgot to bring additional batteries for our camera so now we're using the phone sorry if the audio is different this is the last one it's the egg tart these are so good you can get these everywhere in hong kong so it has like a fluffy pastry that surrounds the egg tart in the center so this is a dessert by the way if we didn't say that it's kind of like a flaw with a pastry shell around it it's very fluffy and flaky [Music] the perfect sweetness for dessert so when you go order them stuff make sure you finish off with some egg tarts you guys know some dishes you can get when you go eat dip get yourselves out there and be more adventurous you can't speak i'm still full level up your chinese food [Music] you
Channel: Lifestyle of the Pleb and Nameless
Views: 2,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: houston, dim sum, chinese food, best dim sum, how to eat dim sum, classic dim sum, cantonese food, food tour, Q Mama Seafood House, food review, houston texas, asian food, where to eat in houston, top places to eat in houston, where to get dim sum, best restaurant in houston, bellaire, top restaurant in bellaire, must go to restaurant, must order dim sum dish, houston chinatown, best restaurants in chinatown houston, newest restaurant houston chinatown, dim sum guide, Travel
Id: 1TG5p-_2Fr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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