Orca show at Seaworld Orlando 2023 - Didn't go to plan

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[Music] welcome like you take this moment to show our support for the men and women of the Armed Forces and our First Responders we proudly welcome you and your families and at this time as any Pastor president members of the United States military any of our allies from around the world and offers respond ladies and Gentlemen please who are being honoring these men women and their families [Music] in just a few minutes you'll meet Sea World's killer whales first up let's find out more about these remarkable foreign habitats or is its directly aligned different types of marine life and the killer whale [Music] and fun marine animals or sinus Orca is the very environment of our shared Global ocean until about two decades ago scientists didn't know that there were actually several different varieties or income types of killer whales an observation however we discovered that there are actually 10 distinct each different in size Behavior diet [Music] striking characteristic of the organ is their black and white skin this camouflage is called this destructive coloring [Music] a murky environment discoloration killer whales are counter shaded their top surface is a Dutch surface underneath From Below looking up they blend in with the light from above from above looking down they're invisible against the darkness [Music] kill everyone just like waiting killer whales are the largest members of the delphinity or dolphins as you can see they have impressive physical characteristics forklers have keen eyesight both above and below the water [Music] the dorsal fin of an adult male can be up to six feet not sure anyone a powerful flippers and propel them through the water in a high rate of speed with capability top speed is nearly 30 miles per hour education is also accomplished through tail stops drinking and verbalizations you'll experience a variety of natural killer whale behaviors during Orca encounter today we ask them ask our reals to replicate Spy Hopping and Tails wow awe-inspiring and entertaining for our guests so essential to maintain and well-being of the killer whales are much remaining to be understood regarding before science one thing we do know however is that across the globe they face real challenges as the general Generations suffer due to changes in the environment you'll encounter killer whales and [Music] fascinating as the most widely distributed mineral on Earth the killer whale is to represent agility sit down hello everyone my name is Sarah on behalf of the entire killer whale training team I would like to welcome you to Orca Stadium being a part of SeaWorld commission is more than just a job we are proud of what we do and it is a privilege for us to care for build relationships with teach and learn from these amazing animals now more than ever we are honored to share our relationships with the whales and what we have learned with all of you and now Sea World proudly presents organic honor [Applause] Ed foreign [Music] interconnected ocean critical to life on Earth and there's no better animal S at the Ocean Beauty then the killer whale they live in every corner of the ocean from the Arctic to the Atlantic the southern to the Indian to the Pacific and Beyond the killer whale story is the ocean storm and it's what we all share fear of one world United by our ocean [Music] [Music] the waves [Music] the zoo with me foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there is [Music] one brand new today [Music] that was part of our killer whale family showing off their incredible five speed power and complex learning abilities these behaviors keep our whales active and engaged Sea World's killer whales have inspired Generations all over the world and we're excited to share their stories with all of you today killer whales are the ocean's top predator they use cooperation and communication not just size and strength to take their plate at the top of the ocean to the left at the bottom are small animals Grill at the top the Apex present the killer whale [Music] killer whales are as big as a bus faster than an Olympic swimmer High Fly and the power we're going to see all that and more these behaviors contribute to an environment full of enrichment we spend days weeks months years building relationships with our whales this creates trust and that allows us to do some amazing things for example when you visit a doctor you present your arm to draw blood or step on the scale to see how much you weigh it's much the same with our whales today you'll see the whales moving together in unison these synchronized behaviors strengthen social bonds and enable them to problem solve as a group working together as a team is what makes them the oceans top right there scientifically they're known as more sinus workout but more commonly they're referred to as killer whales here at SeaWorld we like to call them Katina Milani Malia Trula and Macayo our killer whale family Mikhail the youngest at just 12 years oldest is his mother Katina who this year will be celebrating her 47th birthday now SeaWorld animal training techniques create a language between us and the whales it's a language of learning through positive reinforcement encouragement commitment and Care through these techniques and our relationships the whales learn to trust us they even learn to take an active role in their very own health and well-being that behavior right there is what true was demonstrated as one of the very first husbandry or Healthcare behaviors we train in which we would take carry blood sample so our veterinarians take that voluntary blood sample at least once a month and our whales are trained to present their tail groups and remain calm throughout the entire procedure now you a lot of times you'll see us as trainers rubbing down or massaging the whales whether it's on their backs their pectoral flippers or even on those tail floats Loops our whales have very sensitive skin and this is just one way that we can reward that for remaining calm during procedures like this and it's also a really cool way for us to strengthen our relationships with them [Music] is actually demonstrating right now another important husbandry Behavior we do and which we weigh our whales but you'll notice that the portion of his body from his horse has been all the way to his tail Loops is still in the water this is the badungle and it's the PowerHouse of the killer whale very muscular and very heavy so with this still in the water we wouldn't be getting it out of your way so to solve that problem we simply asked them to lift their tails up and out of the water [Music] enables us to ensure accuracy so we know that our younger whales are growing properly and our older wheels are maintaining a healthy weight and the care isn't just visited mental stimulation and playing are fighting and we surprise and invade our whales in every opportunity to play is how killer whales teach their youngest to hunt for the adults play is important too it seems that they just enjoy having making time for play is an important part of fighting for the Philippines and for us hey everyone I'm over on the left side of the stadium now down by the glass did you know that killer whales love to play in fact they actually learn a lot by playing and do things called mimicry and observational learning from a very young age killer whales learn valuable life skills by playing games like Follow the Leader with their mothers and other whales we're going to put that to the test today but my new friend olieta makayo and everybody on this side will say you guys ready to have some fun all right if you would like to participate just stand up for me we are going to be playing a game of killer whale Follow the Leader all of you and Julieta are going to be the leaders and we're going to see if papaya wants to follow all right so on the count of three we're gonna spin around in a circle twice and then stop you guys ready all right one two three go ahead and spin around spin around nicely done you can stop because I think he's got it awesome job everyone now you may have known [Music] are very curious animals I cannot [Music] I cannot be out of the water better is going to demonstrate that in a big balance stage all right right it's your turn we have an even bigger Behavior plan now I'm joined by my new friend Jeff down here Jeff did you learn the signal for a breach from Nick yeah awesome all right everyone take your fingers over your left shoulders awesome nicely done all right now very important part about being killer whale trainers keep your eye on the web so go ahead and watch true and he's gonna go all the way down killer whales will reach for a number of reasons whether it's just scratch it is locate some prey or simply just to show off [Music] awesome stuff all of you in our amazing whales [Applause] SeaWorld's research and observation about the killer whales in our care has shed light on many mysteries about these amazing animals for example we now know that the gestation period of a pregnant killer whale is 17 months that's information that's impossible to obtain in the wild however some information can only be gained through field observation and research that's why SeaWorld partners with organizations such as the Norwegian orchest survey and know us to further our knowledge we've learned that killer whales are powerful animals it's perhaps the best expression in that power can be seen when they hunt killer whales stand apart they have no natural predators in just about any other ocean animal could be their dinner where they live in their friends they've develop some epic hunting technique off the coast of South America killer whales will Beach themselves riding in on waves just long enough to catch threat [Music] Owasso create leaves the hack animals like penguins or seals from icelands most importantly they cooperate communicate and coordinate as a team here's footage of killer whales corralling a school of hearing a whale did said while the other whales keep the fish together with spikes of their tail holes so killer whales create waves when they hunt and they use those powerful power of prey we're about to demonstrate that for our whales with the high energy activity session but for all of you it means that it's time to get wet dude [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] counter so far [Music] if you haven't noticed things aren't going exactly according to plan um this is something that happens from time to time not all the time um and it's okay we do have live animals here they have lines of their own and so right now what seems to be happening is whatever is going on within their environment is a little bit more interesting than what we have going on ourselves um so what we need to do is actually take a few moments is to kind of take a step back let them kind of figure out what is going on within better and social Dynamic and then we'll come back in just a little bit and see if they want to continue on with the next thing that we're going to do for this and since it would be the next part of corporate encounter but it's a really good opportunity for me to kind of come out here just explain what it is Peak opportunity for you guys to see what it's like to be in a life of a day of an animal trainer here at SeaWorld now with these killer whales in particular they're very very social animals much more social than many of the other animals and has here at the park um in that social Dynamic I know you get a little bit of background about them and we had the two male killer whales as well as a pre-female killer whales now the whales you met early on in the presentation those were our boys those are our males they're very very large compared to these females that were out and consuming around at this particular point but when they're fully grown they can be much bigger than they are already they could be anywhere between 10 and 12 000 pounds these girls that are swimming around right now are almost full grown one is fully grown and they weigh only between five and six thousand pounds so they're about half the size of the male for the whales but being half the size doesn't mean anything in the past of their social dynamic in the social hierarchy of killer whales females are actually the ones who are dominant they're the ones who ones who are in charge so Katina our dominant killer whale she's our oldest ones we have here to be turning 47 years old this year um she was out here just a moment ago right right now it's actually in one of our back pools um she is the The Matriarch she's the dominant kill the will the others teaching me emails in here one of Kalani who's 16 years old and Malia is the one around right here right now she'll be turning 16 years old next month now in addition to those um the social Dynamic there's a lot of other factors that play in what we do about our day now when we try to interact with the whales we're always doing it and in a positive manner we use a method of training here at sea world population but we like this to say positive reinforcement now all positive reinforcement means is a real fancy way of us saying that we draw a lot of attention and we're constantly motivating the animals to do something that they did that we want them to do again so if they do a behavior [Music] before like the pollutants that behavior you saw out there where we get the blood sample from when they do those behaviors incorrectly or that we want them to do it again we draw a lot of attention to it or the weekend we can think of that would be reinforced into the animals that can be food and food is an obvious example but as a trainer our job is to find those other things that really the animals find extremely those are things like like back rubs hose plays toys the sky really is the limits to the things that we're able to come up with to reinforce and reward the animals and each animal is going to be a little bit different so the only way you get to find out what is reinforcing what is rewarding for those animals is to spend quality one-on-one time with them and we can just kind of determine those different things the little nuances about each individual interactions that we have with them I mentioned the one to be able to spend the quality one-on-one time that's actually probably one of the interactions that most trainers I would say Enjoy the most we call that a relationship building session and it's just spending that time figuring out who the animal is and also letting them kind of get to know you as well because we as trainers we're a little bit different as well so spending that time together hating on each other really is a great way to build that relationship and that bond that really allows us to do everything that we do here a Sea World Sea World in addition to those relationship building sessions we can do the hunger reception and we've talked quite a bit about that early on in Oregon County we talked about the weights or the given the voluntary blood samples these are the most fundamental the most basic behaviors that we are going to train in after the whales because it's for their health and well-being these particular whales because they are so large we need them to voluntarily and participate in their own health care if they wouldn't if they wanted to participate in their own Healthcare there's a lot of Diagnostics you wouldn't be able to get just because they are so large so we wouldn't be able to get the full body ultrasound we wouldn't be able to get fecal samples on for our best staff to kind of see what's going on internally so those are the kind of things that we've really focus quite a lot of energy and attention to early on in the training training process in addition to that we can also do exercise sensors these are actually really fun session where we can kind of act like a personal trainer per se so we can go out there and have the animals do lots of different high energy type behaviors so it could be like a lot of jumps really ties jump really fast wins things like this that can really exercise the whales um because we like to think of these animals not just the whales but all the animals here at SeaWorld it's kind of like our top physical athletes so kind of like the same apples you might watch on television like your football players basketball players soccer players they have to maintain a very high level of physical fitness well it's the exact same for these whales as well so we can maintain that physical fitness through those exercise type sessions but we can't do that all the time we have the balance interactions that we have the relationships um the husbandry those exercises working kind of presentations as well as play times all right so Lauren has told me Adam right here is going to ask Malia to kind of come over we're gonna go into the next segment hopefully of orca encounter presentation on finale so our folks up in the movie that we can be ready to play with that music we're gonna go on ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for your patience and understanding and enjoy the rest of Oregon County foreign and a clean environment they're completely dominant yet completely dependent s [Music] [Music] and the oceans [Music] but still vulnerable [Music] exercise don't give up be inspired [Music] the ocean needs our help and that scene that scene but together we can make it happen so much to learn so much to explore the killer whale story is still being written and there are simple things all it takes forever foreign [Music] throughout the way every different creature [Music] challenge mystery [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] again [Music] [Music] so much mystery thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TheAmosFamily
Views: 146,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PrEEyl3y3oI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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