Seaworld San Antonio Orca Encounter Full Show

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okay or the killer whale is the most widely distributed mammal on earth they can be found throughout the ocean all around the world including in the arctic the atlantic the southern the indian and the pacific oceans no other single marine species lives in as many different ocean habitats or is as directly reliant on as many different types of marine life as the killer whale more than any other marine animal or sinus porko is the very embodiment of our shared global version [Music] until about two decades ago scientists didn't know that there were actually several different varieties or eco types of killer whales with effort and observation however we discovered that there are actually 10 distinct phenotypes each differing in size behavior different lifestyle and appearance [Music] a striking characteristic of the orca is their black and white skin [Music] this camouflage is called disruptive coloration in a marketing environment this coloration can make them difficult to detect killer whales are counter shaded their top surface is darker than their surface underneath from below looking up they blend in with the light from above from above looking down they're invisible against the dark decks [Music] killer whales are warm blooded and brief air just like we do killer whales are the largest members of the delphi or dolphin barrier as you can see they have impressive physical characteristics both above and below the water [Music] the dorsal fin of an adult male can be up to six feet [Music] [Music] the powerful pectoral flippers and tail flute can propel them through the water at a high rate of speed with great maneuverability their top speed is nearly 30 miles per hour [Music] communication is also accomplished through tail slaps breaching and mobilizations you'll experience a variety of natural killer rare behaviors during orca encounter today we ask our whales to replicate natural behaviors such as breaching spot hopping and tail slaps while awe-inspiring and entertaining for our guests these behaviors are also essential to maintaining the health and well-being of the killer whales in our camp [Music] much remains to be understood regarding the voice science forecast one thing we do know however is that across the globe they face real challenges as the general health of the crank populations and habitats of which killer whales depend suffer due to changes in the environment in just a few moments you'll encounter i've been an animal trainer here for the past 10 years and i can tell you that being an animal trainer is more than just a job it's a way of life we have dedicated our professional in our personal lives to the animals in our care it's a huge responsibility and the ultimate privilege for us to be able to care for teach learn from and build strong relationships with these killer whales and it's an honor to share what we have learned through those relationships with all of you today and for many years to come now please enjoy orca encounter [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] our world has one interconnected ocean a vast fluid space on earth and there's no better enemy to represent the ocean's beauty than the killer way they live in every corner of the ocean from the arctic to the atlantic the southern to the indians to the pacific and beyond the killer whale story is the ocean and it's what we all share we are one world united [Music] um [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good [Music] uh [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] foreign so [Music] speed power and problem-solving abilities these behaviors keep our wheels active and engaged sea world's killer whales have inspired generations to care about our natural world and we're excited to share their story with you today killer whales are the ocean's top predator they use cooperation and communication not just size and strength to take their place at the top of the ocean's pool at the bottom are small animals like krill at the top the apex predator the killer whale [Music] killer whales are as big as a bus faster than an olympic swimmer high flying and powerful we're going to see all of that today and more these and other behaviors provide an environment full of enrichment we spend days weeks months and years building relationships with our whales this creates trust and that allows us to do some amazing things for example when you visit the doctor you present your arm to draw blood or step on the scale to see how much you learn it's much the same with our whales throughout today's experience you'll see the reals moving together in unison these things social bonds and allow them to throw themselves as a group this is just one of the reasons why they're known as the ocean's top predator their scientific name is orsinous orchestra their common name is killer whale and all five of our whales have their own personal names we have kaizen and joining us right here are takara sakari and kameo kameha is our youngest whip at eight years old her mother tara is our oldest whale at 30 years old takara is also the matriarch of our pod which means she's the leader these whales trust us and they play an active role in their own health and well-being through the use of positive reinforcement training techniques we're able to teach them husbandry or healthcare behaviors we have trainers kailyn kaitlyn and sean joining us at the slideops today to help demonstrate some of these behaviors thanks brooke katelyn and i are over here with kamehameha and her older sister sakari and they're about to demonstrate one of the most important behaviors that we trained here at seaworld which is called a flu prism when you're in this position not only are we going to be able to get a great view of the whale's entire bodies but we're also able to get close to the shallow veins on the other side of their tailpipes our veterinary care staff can then come take a blood sample from these banks at least once a month during their monthly physicals now throughout today's presentation they might see us giving the oils back rubs belly rubs or even a nice tail massage killer whales have extremely sensitive skin so this is just another way we can build strong relationships with the whales that's right thailand now i'm over here hanging out with zakara the mother of safari and kamehameha and she's going to demonstrate another important diagnostic tool that we utilize to check the health of our whales and that is finding out how much they weigh located in one of our adjacent habitats we have a kilowatt size scale and once a week we'll ask the whales to slide out of the water and onto that scale so we can check their wings and it looks a little sunny like when the car slides out right here in the shallow portion of the habitat [Music] part of the habitat that a portion of her body from behind that dorsal fin down to her tail remains in the water that part of her body is calling her peduncle and it can weigh several hundreds of pounds so his order first made extra weight on the wheels we simply asked to look for head and the producto up just like this [Music] and that's how i know that currently weighs four thousand five hundred and ninety pounds this is very important information for us to gather that way we know that our younger whales like sacramento and tamiya are growing appropriately and our other ones like the car are maintaining a healthy weight these hungry behaviors always ensure that they're well they're healthy and driving and the care isn't just busy mental stimulation and play are vital is how killer fans teach their young to hunt for the adults who play as important too it seems that they just enjoy having fun making time for and for us observational learning and memory play a critical role in the likes of the killer wheel from the moment they are born they learn necessary life skills by watching anything follow the leader with their mother and other members of the call here at zero they can play follow the leader with us by making our movements so let's play a quick game of follow the leader today with all of you we'll start off with everybody to my left hand side go ahead raise your left hand high to the sky and give sakarian command a nice big wave [Music] check it out they're paying very close attention to you and pointing right back at you killer whales have great eyesight both above and below the water we see our wear spy hopping or even just completely out of the water to get a better view of their surroundings let's see if safari and kamehameha can demonstrate this for us today will the behavior called a sighting vow so again everybody to my left take your left hand point it straight at the ground and throw it over your right hand shoulder and they are off diving down to this 40 foot deep habitat using those big powerful donkey muscles to gain speed and momentum check out safari and kamehameha [Music] that's incredible killer whales can communicate in a variety of different ways and using vocalization is just one of them let's head over to the other side of this habitat to see if tagara can help demonstrate one of these vocalizations so everybody on my right-hand side both of your index fingers and then sway them back and forth like you are congesting [Music] how beautiful zakara did you know scientists believe when a killer whale leaps out of the water it may be a way of communicating to make their presence known you see sound waves travel four and a half times faster in the water than they do in the air when a whale leaps out of the water and crashes back down on the surface that is called the breach and the sound can be heard for miles around so let's see if takara can demonstrate a bridge for us today everybody on my right hand side take both of your hands make them into l's and place them on your right hip and go ahead and throw it over your left hand shoulder and takara is up using those pectoral flippers to steer and navigate through her environment and turn your eyes towards the glass and she will lean high out of the water ladies and gentlemen check out takara ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for your help go ahead and give yourselves a great big round [Applause] as you can see killer wheels can communicate by leaping out of the water and making a huge splash seaworld research and observation of filler whales in our care has sheds light on the many mysteries about these amazing animals for example we know that the gestation period of a pregnant killer whale is 17 months that's information impossible to obtain out in the wild however some information can only be gained through field observation seaworld works with our partners like the norwegian orca survey to further our knowledge killer whales are remarkable powerful animals and perhaps the best expression of that power is when they hunt killer whales stand apart they have no natural predators and just about any other ocean animal could be their dinner [Music] depending on where they live in their chosen prey they've developed some epic hunting techniques [Music] off the coast of south america killer whales will beach themselves riding in on waves just long enough to catch prey [Music] we'll also create waves that knock animals like penguins or seals from iceland most importantly they cooperate communicate and coordinate as a team here's footage of killer whales corralling a school of caring a whale dips in and feeds while the other whales keep the fish together with swipes with their tailgates in the oceans killer whales create waves to hunt they use fluke slams to stun their prey and they can even beach themselves up and out of the water for our whales it's a fun demonstration but for you it's time to get away [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] wow [Music] killer whales are amazing athletes they can eat several hundred pounds of food a day depending on where they live and the time of year their prey can vary unfortunately things like overfishing and pollution pose a serious threat to many populations of killer whales it's pretty obvious why we're the top predator in the ocean that means killer whales are invincible right [Music] but still vulnerable [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't give up be inspired we can make a difference [Music] the ocean needs our help and that seems overwhelming but together you can make it happen there's so much to learn so much to pretend so much to explore the killer whale story is still being written and there are simple things to make a difference [Music] together we've got this [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mystery [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just as they have for all of us we will continue to learn from these amazing animals and hope that you do too thank you for being with us today so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Fantabulous Travels
Views: 44,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seaworld San Antonio Orca Encounter 2022, seaworld orca encounter, seaworld san antonio orca show, seaworld san antonio killer whale show, seaworld san antonio, orca show, Seaworld orca show, seaworld san antonio 2022, things to do at seaworld san antonio, orca encounter, seaworld san antonio orca encounter, orca encounter seaworld, san antonio, shamu seaworld, seaworld san antonio killer whales, san antonio things to do, things to do at san antonio, Fantabulous travels
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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