Oracle HTTP Server 12c Installation

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welcome to Oracle HTTP server 12c installation tutorial our target today is to install a chest well see software on Linux 64-bit machine and also create an instance from that insulation as 12c installation is a bit different than 11g insulation if you have any questions or comment feel free to send an email on the address listed here let's go ahead and get started okay so before we start I just wanted to show you how to minty obtain the media for the OSS policy so we go to a delivery Oracle calm select the Oracle Fusion Middleware as a product and your platform and then from this um we have Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c media pack so click here and then if you go down a bit you can find the Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c Oracle HTTP server for Linux x86 64 bit so this is the media which I have already downloaded and extracted on the server so just open a terminal session and I will go into the download holders and enter my download folder I have created a folder for ohs 12c so let's go ahead and run the ohs twelve one two zero zero Linux 64-bit dot then okay this is the first time we're installing anything on the server so is that the Installer is asking us to run a script to create the inventory so let's click OK and this is the location where we will find the script and this is the name of the script we need to execute as a root okay it's starting the Installer wizard all right so before we go into the installation I would like to go ahead and run that code script okay so I have it terminal session open as a root on the same server I will go to the location which we saw on the Installer and that has the script we want to run okay let's go back to our installation and click Next this is the home location you can always change it to your own preference I am just keeping into default we have two options in 12 fee you can either create a standalone HTTP server which is not managed by WebLogic or we can create a co-located HTTP server which is managed through WebLogic server for example if you want to start and stop from an admin console or using a node manager so I'm just going to the first option stand alone it's going through the prereqs and checking the all the packages and system is ready for the installation okay so everything checks out let's go ahead and click Next I am unchecking this if you like you can enter your support credentials here let's go ahead and click Next yes okay so this is a summary for the insulation so this is just laying down the binary and it's not actual configuration of our and watches instance so let's go ahead and click install okay it's linking and it's at the final stages of the setup saving the inventory information okay is at the last step off post install scripts the installation is hundred percent complete let's go ahead and click Next okay some of the information you may want to note down what the location of the Oracle home is and other features which are installed as part of the installation as you can see here the next step is to create a domain using the configuration wizard start nor manager and domain servers okay let's go ahead and click finish okay so we are at the download location so this is the Oracle home location for the ohso LLC installation we just performed and at this time I am going to run the configuration wizard to create the OHS instance other multiple directories you can go into I will execute the config da SH from the OHS common den directory as you can see here there's a script here config dot Sh let's go ahead and run this okay either create a new domain or updating the existing domain so we will go ahead and create a new domain and available there are multiple templates either you can you know for the eight for the or chess we can use the Oracle HTTP server standalone template so I'm just click here and go next okay either we can provide a jetty key location or use the Oracle hotspot 1.7 which is out of the box so I'm just keeping a default next okay and the this is a screen where we can either add a component or choose a component type we have OHS and we have woody i/o di is the Oracle data integrator but I'm going to choose voyages and leave everything default next some of the port information and as you can see here that it picked up the host address as the local IP address you should change this to the actual fully qualified host name and these are out-of-the-box standard ports if you have any custom requirements for the poor so you can change them and if you want to also use the listen address which is different than the admin host or you can specify here as well all right and note manager you can create a pair domain or custom location so I'm just keeping it to per domain and then also specify the username and password for the node manager so I'm keeping it to WebLogic and the password for the WebLogic okay let's go ahead and click Next and this is pretty much the summary screen for audience the instance our creation so let's go ahead and click create okay it is 100% complete let's go ahead and click Next alright domain configuration succeeded let's go ahead and click finish alright so at this time our instance creation for OHS is complete we can go ahead and start the node manager along the OHS instance and you want to in order to do that we will go to the Oracle home user projects domain base domain within actually a specified a different name for the base domain so just keeping it - based on me and go to the bin directory first wikisource run the source environment by running the set start-up env OS X let's go ahead and start the node manager in NoHo and I always actually tail the law for the no map just to make sure that it came up and you can see here that it started on four five five five six okay our next step is to start the component so let's go ahead and on start component and as a parameter we need to pass in the component name so in our case the component name is OHS one okay Oh HS one and this is a stage where we need to enter the password which we chose for non-manager okay so it has successfully started the node manager as well as the HS instance and in order to verify that our installation was successful let's go ahead and go to the landing page for the HS okay so this is the URL we have for the OHS and the standard port which is seven seven seven seven and as we can see here that we can see the landing page for Oracle HTTP server policy that's it for this tutorial if you have any questions please feel free to send an email or comment thank you
Channel: Cache Cloud
Views: 20,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: OHS12c, Oracle Http Server 12c Installation, Ohs 12c Installation
Id: i0H9LE6aEjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2013
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