Oracle HTTP Server 12c (12.2.1) - Standalone & Collocated Mode Installation & Configuration

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[Music] hello everyone prasad Amla here today I will show you how to install and configure Oracle HTTP server 12c that's 12 or 2.1 version in both the standalone and collocated mode as you might already know ohso Atwell sees a web server based on apache version 2.2 and it comes along with oracle developed modules as well in collocated mode ohs is integrated with oracle weblogic server and can be managed using Fusion Middleware control or wrong iam console standalone mode does not need any WebLogic server and can run independently so if you want to manage ohs using iam console and take advantage of logic framework you can go with co-located boot and if you are happy managing voices using WASD or command line and want a lesser memory footprint then I can go with standalone mode I'll show you how to setup both modes today let's start with standalone mode i will be using oracle 6.7 64-bit virtual machine to install on configure voices and make sure these are voice packages are installed before starting a chess installation i'm in my software directory here and I have my voices installer that is are nothing but dot bi n file so you can directly execute it is indoors flash and then the bin file name set your inventory location here I will provide - I use 0 1 app and Ora inventory then you can select your operating system group in my case it's installed because my Oracle user is in o install group and click OK this is HS installations are welcome screen and click Next here you can skip auto updates and you need to provide a middleware home for your Robison situation so I will give minus u 0 1 app Oracle product and then I will I will call it as s YH s FM W that is nothing but standalone voices Fusion Middleware click Next here we have two options standalone and co-located first we'll do our standalone now it says installation so select the standalone now I should he be server and click Next make sure all the prerequisites are met here you can uncheck the security updates click YES on the confirmation screen and this is the installation summary screen click install so it will take couple of minutes to install I will just pause the video here and get back curve and the installation process complete my installation process is complete now can click Next and click finish on the complete screen once switches product is installed we need to configure which is component by running configuration script from Oracle common let's navigate to Oracle common common bin and then execute config dot Sh here we need to create a new domain for our prophetess it is not a complete WebLogic domain this is just a domain for your raw edges so you don't have any web logic components or in this particular raw domain so you just have voices components so I'll just name my domain as yes whoa it's just domain let's stand alone oh it is domain and then in the templates as you can see we don't have any WebLogic templates we just have oracle HTTP server standalone template so select that and click Next verify your JDK path click Next here you need to provide component details so the system component name you can provide any name for arrow it is I'll leave the default one which is one and then the component type would be your OHS and you can leave other values as it is here you need to provide the Voyageurs component specific details admin host and port will be used for internal communication between node manager under oasis it's better to leave the loopback IP which is 127 dot 0 dot 0 dot 1 and I'm leaving the port as it is double line double line listen address is the address on which OHS will be listening I will provide my fqdn here that is web server dot local domain and then the default listen port of OHS is double seven double seven and the SSL listen boat is or triple for three I'm leaving both as it is and this is my server URL so once you provide all these details click Next here you need to configure your raw node manager so node manager is used to manage your voyages in standard so I'll go with a pod of mine default location for my node manager which is under my domain and the node manager and provide your raw node manager credentials I'll provide my administrator as nm admin and then password and you need to provide these or node manager password while starting up your wrong voices this is the summary screen then click create here ok my domain is created now click Next here and then finish now we need to start our node manager so navigate to your domain home and then bin and execute the start node manager Tory search okay my node manager is started on now triple five six next we need to start our raw voyages instance so in 12c we don't have OPM in CTL like we had in Levangie versions of four voyages so here we have something called as start component and stop component notice H so we'll use start component notice H and then your component name that is nothing but HS one the script invokes RW listed to start HS component you will be asked for node manager credentials so provide your raw node manager password no or raw which is component is started so you can verify why it is by checking the status of the port using netstat command as you can see our raw double seven double seven port is and listen status let's access which is homepage now she'll be running on double surround double seven so my host name is webserver : double seven double seven so this is your raw edges homepage so the default location of voyages will be under your raw Fusion Middleware config so that will be under your domain config fmw config and then components so here you'll have a directory for your OHS if we go to instances with this one so this is your instance directory where you'll find your Rob HV for another wrong which is related to our files so that's how you set up HS in standalone mode next let me show you how to set up OHS in co-located mode so the installation process will be similar to standalone now set but there will be one additional step of creating a web logic domain and admins over so let me navigate to my software directory as I said earlier we need to install Oracle WebLogic server for raka located mode and in 12c WebLogic server is part of Fusion Middleware infrastructure installation so let's quickly install feature middleware infrastructure and create Fusion Middleware home so in my software directory I have infrastructure dot jar file make sure your rajah home is set and your Java executable is added in the path and then execute Java - jar and then your infrastructure dot jar file this is our infrastructure installations welcome screen click Next here skip out of dates and then provide your Rama till we're home I will just keep - is 0 1 Oracle product and then I will call my fusion Brewer home as C which is fmw that is co-located ohs fmw and click Next I'll go with our Fusion Middleware infrastructure installation I don't want our examples so click Next make sure your raw prerequisites are met uncheck security updates click YES on the confirmation screen this is your raw installation summary screen and click install here so this will install WebLogic server along with jrf and iam templates so in the same middleware whom we'll be installing voices and configuring your domain along with the admin server so this process will take some time I'll just pause the video here and I will get back when this is completed infrastructure installation process complete now click Next here and then finish now we'll install a HS in the same middleware home so the installation process would be similar to what we have done barring standalone now setup so I'll run my dot bin file again click next on the welcome screen skip pod operates then here you need to provide your raw middleware home that is I use 0 1 Oracle product and then CEO it is fmw that's a new middleware home which we are created during our raw infrastructure installation you can click view to verify the contents of that particular raw middleware home so as you can see we have our infrastructure to all dot 2.1 installed in that middleware home so click Next here you need to select the second option that is co-located HTTP server click Next and make sure all the prerequisites are met click Next and then install again I will pause the video or during the installation progress and then I will come back when this process is complete my installation is complete now click Next here and then finish next we need to create a WebLogic domain and configure our raw HS component so in now AB logic 12c to create a domain it's mandatory to have opss schema that is our platform QT services schema in the database but there is a little trick car to create WebLogic cart wealthy domain without a database so let me show you how to do that before executing the normal configuration script which is configured as such we need to set Q X underscore templates environment variable to point to the default JR of QuickStart template and then execute QuickStart underscore config dot Sh so let me navigate to Oracle common common bin so that's u01 Oracle product CEO HS f MW Oracle common common then you need to set environment variable that is Q s underscore templates is equal to your Fusion Middleware home then WL server common templates WL s and then w LS saw underscore JR of dot jar so this is the default JR of Quick Start template so set this environment variable and then run Q s underscore config dot SH okay so you need to provide export okay now execute QA underscore config dot Sh so this QuickStart configuration will create our basic card domain with your jrf template and then we'll extend that particular domain to include our OHS component so in this method you don't need a database but in production environments it's it's always suggested to have a database for your raw opss schema this is a QuickStart domain configuration wizard so provide your raw WebLogic credentials next you need to provide domain location I'll call my domain and so see what I just domain that is co-located or oh it just domain and then I'll leave the default recent ports as it is and then click create so this will create a basic web logic domain my QuickStart domain is created now so click Next here and then finish now we can run configured SH as usual or slash config dot I said here we'll be selecting update an existing domain and then select our raw domain that is coh s domain and then click Next here select Oracle HTTP server as you can see Oracle Enterprise Manager and jrf coherence cluster extension templates are automatically selected and then click Next you can leave the default application location if you want we can customize the location here here you need to select system components because HS is a system component in 12c so select that and click Next and then you need to add a system component click Add and we can provide a name for your system component let's call - oh it is one and then the component type is voices and rest I can leave the default values here you need to provide away the specific details again this is similar to what we have done ordering standalone setup so I leave the default IP address for admin host and then put the listen address would be web server dot local domain then I'll change the listen port because I have my standalone now it's just running on double seven double seven so I'll just give total seven eight here and for SSL I will give double for double four okay click Next then here we need to create a node manager that is nothing but machine so I will just add a UNIX machine and I'll change the port to triple five seven because I have a node manager already running on triple five six next then add the RoHS component to the node manager or raw UNIX machine this is the configuration summary screen click update here the domain is extended successfully now click Next here and then finish now we can start our admin server node manager and why it is component so let's start admin server first I'll pause the video while my admin server is starting and then I will come back when it's completely started my admin server is started and running more now so let me start my node manager so now we get to bin directory under your domain and then execute start node manager dot Sh ok my node manager is started now on triple Phi seven port so let me access a.m. console and start watches so that will be running on seven thousand 1 /e M log in with your WebLogic credentials so navigate to a project domain administration and then now create or delete oasis so as you can see we have our raw HS component here but it's not started yet so select the component and then click start so as you can see the process succeeded click close here okay the statuses are running now as you can see we can manage and monitor different metrics on this particular raw VM console like response and load CPU one memory usage etc that's it you now have Oracle HTTP over installed and configured in both standalone and co-located modes hope you liked the video and found it helpful if it did please give me a thumbs up and subscribe to my youtube channel for more raw technical videos like this one that's it for today bye for now and see you in the next one
Channel: Prasad Domala
Views: 25,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HTTP Server, ohs, standalone mode, collocated mode, weblogic domain without a database, adf domain without a database, 12c, 12.2.1
Id: 7WZJ_frTwMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2016
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