Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – How It Works

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hi I'm George Lumpkin and they want to talk about how Oracle's autonomous data warehouse cloud works first of all as we set out to build this new service we want to create an entirely new type of data management cloud service we're going to reconsider how databases could be delivered on the cloud the autonomous data warehouse cloud keeps all of the key technical advantages of Oracle's industry-leading database engine but it extends those into a rich autonomous cloud service the otama stay warehouse cloud is easy it requires zero operational management there's no need for DBA to do tasks like backups or patches the management the database is fully autonomous but the service goes one big step farther in this area it requires zero tuning you only need to load the data into the service and start running queries you don't need to be concerned with the database tuning capabilities and details like compression or parallelism the autonomous data warehouse cloud is fast it's built on Exadata widely proven technology for data warehousing why should your data warehouse be on generic VMs or generic servers just because it runs in the cloud without Thomas data warehouse cloud you get highly optimized platform that's built for data warehousing well Thomas data warehouse cloud is fully elastic you can size the service to fit exactly your data warehouses needs specifying the amount of compute and the amount of storage for your data warehouse then you can scale your warehouse up or down at any time with zero interruptions autonomous data warehouse cloud truly represents the next generation of database cloud services high levels of performance vastly reduced labor cost because it's autonomous and highly elastic which enables you to pay for exactly what you use we can see how easy autonomous data warehouse cloud is as soon as you start to use the service you only need to enter five questions to create a new data warehouse when you look at this right we're really asking the minimum amount questions that you need you need a database name you need to specify what region we're going to create the data warehouse you give you the size of the database the number of CPUs and the number of terabytes and your admin password it's that easy now sometimes when you're illustrating such a simple process it's easy to overlook the complexity that's really been hidden behind this you know when we created this data warehouse using this cloud console there's a whole lot of things that you did not have to think about the details of the database software what hardware the database is being built on what were the care trips to the database what were the parameters used to set up your data warehouse how are you going to configure your backup and availability strategy all of those decisions were made for you right this is just what an autonomous service is and when you build your data warehouse it's gonna be provisioned for you in a matter of seconds all right consider that for a moment you can have a high-performance fully scalable highly available data warehouse created second right this is really unique part of Oracle's cloud infrastructure the Thomas data warehouse is built upon a totally new it cloud architecture that Oracle built specifically for the cloud enabled agile provisioning greeing databases in seconds and as we shall discuss later it's also enables flexible elasticity now some customers have come and said well I'm using or calls database cloud service it provides fast provisioning it helps me with backups it helped me with patching what's the difference between this and then autonomous service and I think the distinction boils down to the difference between automated and autonomous oracle has been working to make its database and its day based cloud service more and more automated for decades there's a lot of features that we built into the Oracle database but our new autonomous services really represents a next-generation really a qualitatively different type of database service and the difference perhaps can be encapsulated just by a simple analogy if you look at all the Mobile's for example today cars are beginning easier for many years they have cruise control they have automatic transmission newer cars have the ability to do emergency stopping and that's a more automated car there's a valuable feature but the difference between that and an autonomous car is the car drives itself you don't have the keys you don't have the steering wheel within an autonomous car and that's the difference between an automated database the the type of features and capabilities that Oracle database has been adding for years and will continue to add in an autonomous cloud service there's Oracle introduces autonomous data warehouse cloud it's our first autonomous cloud service and its really focus on having the database manage itself it's a combination of all of Oracle's database features that we built over the decades in addition to Oracle's cloud infrastructure and then adding the logic for the database to manage itself adding the policy so the users can specify and when this level performance this level of security this level of availability rather than having users to make very specific decisions on these features so I talked about automatic provisioning of a database obviously Oracle is densest with automated management in the Oracle autonomous data warehouse cloud we take care of law the typical management tasks that an operational DBA might need to do creating new databases scaling the databases patching and upgrading backup and recovery I think this is to be expected of an autonomous service right these are the type of capabilities that can help you save money and reduce human errors make sure that all of these operations are always done quickly efficiently and correctly but as I mentioned earlier oracle takes this automation in an autonomous data warehouse cloud one big step further and we provide automated tuning we really talked about this is being able to provide capability to load and go you simply load data into autonomous data warehouse cloud and you start running queries you don't have to worry about indexes or partitioning or compression or which tables are going into memory or parallelism all of those details are taken care of by Oracle's autonomous data warehouse cloud service you're simply defining the tables loading your data configuring your business intelligence tools against this database and giving access to your business users this enables you to get solutions up much more rapidly but it also enables you to deliver very high performance solutions now every customer we talked to those used Oracle databases customers have used these through many releases of Oracle and they understand them previously released it's of Oracle you actually needed to do this tuning to get good performance for a data warehouse and so naturally what customers have asked me is how do you know you're going to get good performance and this is one of the key areas of development as we were building this service we focused on the automated tuning and the automated performance capabilities and the way we did this was we took real workloads we took workloads that customers had provided to Oracle where customers provided their performance set up for their data warehouse their partitioning schemes their index and schemes how they had configured their systems and we compared those we said okay we're going to look at the customer tuning strategies and then we're just going to load the data into autonomous data warehouse cloud with no tuning required and we're going to compare the performance and you can see the results so Oracle autonomous data warehouse cloud we're not stating that it's going to deliver better performance in your hand tune system but with zero effort we're going to deliver as good or better performance than your hand tune systems and this is a big deal right to be able to not worry about performance it's a big advantage of Oracle's autonomous data warehouse cloud now Oracle the calmest a warehouse cloud works with all of the data warehouse tools that you may be using today right so if you're moving a data warehouse on tour called Thomas data warehouse cloud you can continue to use your existing tools it's still an Oracle database those tools are certified against the Oracle database they're going to work against Oracle for Thomas data warehouse cloud you can run these tools in a hybrid fashion keeping your bi tool on-premise connecting to the data warehouse in the cloud or you could put all of you your entire ecosystem into the cloud and of course the best solution would be especially if you're building a new data warehouse to build all the components in the cloud and combine Oracle analytic cloud Oracle data integration platform cloud an ORAC autonomous data warehouse cloud together to have a completely cloud centric data warehouse now autonomous data warehouse cloud also delivers high reliability as you move to the cloud you can not expect to sacrifice availability in any aspect right in Oracle's autonomous data warehouse cloud delivers a highly available solution the basic services we introduced for Thomas data warehouse cloud we're going to be providing sort of an enterprise level of availability of 99.95% this is achieved by the fact that the service is built upon the fault tolerant and highly available data platform includes a lot of proven features to deliver resilient databases built into the service we take backups automatically we keep 60 days of backups and you can restore your data warehouse to any point in time within those 60 days and then as we move forward we're soon going to be introducing a mission-critical flavor of autonomous data warehouse cloud this is going to deliver four and a half nines of availability and this is going to be achieved through having a standby database the final really big characteristic of autonomous data warehouse cloud that I wanted to talk about is the elasticity the benefit of elasticity is you pay for exactly the resources that you need you're paying for exactly what you use and there's a few ways that Oracle helps you achieve these benefits in autonomous data warehouse cloud first it's you saw when we created the data warehouse you specify the number of CPUs and the number of terabytes for your data warehouse so you're sizing your system and paying for exactly what you need you're not constrained by fixed building blocks or it's fixed server sizes you're specifying what's needed for your data warehouse and then once you're running your data warehouse you can just scale it on demand you can change the CPUs and storage you could say well I'm running 12 CPUs over the next two days or over the next two hours I need 24 CPUs you scale it on demand and that scaling occurs instantly in a matter of seconds and it's fully online without interrupting any of your current processing so this really enables you to pay for exactly what you use and really powerful elasticity capabilities now if you're considering how you move to autonomous data warehouse cloud well obviously we're supporting the migration of existing Oracle systems you would take your existing Oracle data warehouse export it move the export files into Oracle's object door and then imported and we have special settings so that the import is aware of the moving into the atomos data warehouse cloud thank you very easy to move data into the service we also support a migration utility for recho so enabling you to move from AWS red ship into autonomous data warehouse club so just to wrap up I really wanted to tie to talk not so much about some of the key technical features what I tried to do in this webcast it's give you an idea of some of the key technical capability but I want to make sure at the end do you understand the benefits right by having an autonomous cloud service you're getting a lower cost it requires less labor to run and build your data warehouse and you spend less because it's it's a highly elastic service enables you to build your solutions quicker businesses want data warehouses to solve their business problems and the autonomous data warehouse cloud enables very fast implementations it delivers all this with higher service levels write better performance better availability higher security because it's an autonomous data base and we should use this for all data warehouses for new data warehouses obviously it makes a great deal of sense to build entirely in the cloud but we'd also done a lot of work to ensure the existing data warehouses can migrate very easily we're really excited about the autonomous data warehouse cloud it really is the vanguard of a new generation of database cloud services coming out from Oracle and we hope to see you trying it too thank you very much you
Channel: Oracle
Views: 19,609
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Keywords: George Lumpkin, Redshift, Oracle Database, yt, Cloud, Analytics, Oracle Autonomous Database, marketing video, fy17, EXT-17-330, retire-2018, search-gallery, Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud, 30481796, fy18
Id: f4BurlkdEQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 24sec (924 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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