Optimization Made EASY || UE5 || Increase FPS and Reduze Filesize

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[Music] hey guys unfortunately it's me again and today we are going to cover a topic that is not talked about too often it's optimization and here we're going to talk about what to do if your game runs poorly what to do if your game size is too big and how to quickly detect deep bad apples in your game so and again the obligatory plug for my website business inquires below like And subscribe here's my patreon as well and let's go first and foremost we're going to improve your editor performance this might be a video on its own but let's tackle it really quick in the beginning here usually the editor tries to get as close to 120 frames as possible that is most often not really necessary and takes up a lot of resources so go down here to your command console and put in TPO Max FPS and type in your desired frame rate for me it's most of the time 30 FPS for creating stuff that is more than enough you for playing I go higher but for creating 30 FPS in editor frame rates is more than enough for me it gives you so much more resources and a smoother experience now with this out of the way sometimes you might have the issue that if you look into a certain direction it is going well but if you look into a specific part of your map it is starting to stutter so what do you want to do if you want to debug your scene really quickly most of the time lighting is the problem how do you know go here on lit optimization view modes and here we have a lot of things that are going to make your life so much easier let's go to light complexity and you get a beautiful look on what is going on you see that I placed three point lights in here that are completely useless and you have a metric down here that ranges from good to extremely bad luckily we don't have an extremely bad in here but you can see that there is so much we could actually actually do I duplicated another light and now you see that we have a lot of overlap and if I move this around you see where the problem is coming from most of the time it is because there's a lot of realtime light sources overlapping you can change those light sources going from movable to stationary to static and the difference is quite easy move movable is a real real time light that you can move around that is casting real time Shadows stationary a baked light that cannot move around but other objects are throwing Dynamic Shadows static light is a fully baked light once you set that in place you hit the bake button it's done and over that is in the scene now it's not throwing any additional Shadow anymore it is baked into the scene obviously for performance purposes you want to have most of the lights on static but it's really a tradeoff that you have to see what is necessary and what infringes on your Creative Vision too much you can see if I take lights away it's getting much much better and this is one way of quickly debugging your scene obviously there are a lot of other things that you can that you can check out and all of these are highly highly useful and trying to figure out where the problems are from you see all of those shaders are well optimized this is most likely a glass Shader so glass is always going to be ah not as optimized as it could be but that's fine if things are red or white in your optimization Viewpoint you might want to have a look at it and see if there's anything you can do to optimize those materials or those light settings and then you're good to go most of the time if you keep your lights in check and your shaders an eye on your shaders you should be good to go and already have freed up a lot of performance one thing that is often overlooked or Texture size it's not just about the triangles but sometimes it's about how many 4K textures you have in your scene and is it really necessary to have these 4K Textures in your scene again there is an optimization View mode for this and it's going to be here in the required textured resolution you can see if I select something now it tells me that I'm twice over the needed limit only if I go really next to the door that we are getting into an area where it's necessary to have this high of a resolution I know that this has a 4K texture resolution but it tells me that if I'm not looking basically inside the door I'm not needing 4K at all I right now it says that I'm twice over the recommended resolution that I have for this for this door but how do we actually change it especially if you have a lot and I mean a lot of Textures in here you can go to your textures go to settings and set columns for instance now you see that some of those textures have like 4K dimensions and you can sort in ascending or descending order a lot of those are 4K textures and I'm pretty positive that I'm never going to use 4K textures and even though I can set it up that it's not going to export with 4K textures I can scale it down right now if I am sure about it because it will take up a lot of size on your hard drive and everything else going through all of those textures and being like okay andw where is it maximum texture size is 20 48 maybe all right let's apply now it's now it's 2048 by 248 and doing this for every single texture is tedious so let's select let's just select a bunch of them let's select all of them all of them right here go right click asset actions addit selection property Matrix there you go now you can select all of them maximum texture size 248 it will think a little bit but now it's done and if you go to those textures you see imported at 4K displayed at 248 and Max in game is 248 as well and you can go even lower if you want to or have custom settings when importing them but now your textures should be much more manageable and smaller when exporting how do you how else do you see what takes up so much space on your project go to Maps select your map and then go on size map this is a handy dandy overview about what takes up so much space in your map you can sort it by dis size or by memory size usually dis size is the one that I worry about the most and now you can see what is actually necessary then it tells you where it is you can look you can look for it browse to it or edit from here and then see if there's any optimization that you want to do something that I like to do is build levels in another project that I'm actually working on if I say I add stuff to this project or to this level and I'm really just in in the sketching phase or making I'm not quite sure where everything go I have an Unreal Engine folder that is bloated with stuff that is imported and maybe I don't need the other Maps but I still have them here and the project is getting bigger bigger and bigger I usually have a master project and like a buil project let's say this is the build project and my master project and my master project is just this empty file over over here right where I want to eventually put my stuff into to quickly transfer the level that I buil that I'm happy with and all its dependency without any of the bloat right click asset action migrate now it selects all the dependencies every dependency oh that's just saving the packages save save save save save save save save sa save save save save now it's it's selecting all of the dependencies that is needed nothing that is not needed only something that is directly correlated reference view that is directly correlated to this level I can click okay and now I'm looking for this empty project right here there you go content this is my project content I select this folder it's migrating everything over there it's done the Tes that doesn't take a very long time let's open up our other project over here this one in content folder you now have our windmills maps and the windmill demo that's the map that's everything and you can you can see I didn't know this was there and you can see that I only import all of the stuff that I actually need and none of the bloww that I have in the other project it didn't it didn't move the other folders it didn't move all of the meshes that is essentially not necessary for what I wanted to do it's just copying all of the stuff that is directly referenced in this level you can easily reduce your project size this way getting rid of the bware these are some quick optimization tips that I want to give you on your way on your journey of learning onr Engine 5 if there is anything else I can support you with let me know in the comments down below I'm going to plug all of my socials and websites again like And subscribe if you found this helpful and I'm going to see you guys in the next video thank you very much
Channel: Nils Gallist
Views: 6,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KjhAEkIyMhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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