Oppenheimer Is Brilliant! (NO SPOILERS)

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hey everybody how's it going I just got to go and see Oppenheimer on opening day with my whole family and it is absolutely brilliant it is a fantastic movie um really long three-hour experience that just totally immerses you in the life of J Robert oppenheimer's surrounding you know the creation of the atomic bomb right just kind of everything leading up to uh you know this um massive historical event everything kind of during it and uh you know a lot of the stuff following it as well so just a wonderful story with a massive awesome cast a lot of really famous actors who all just perform just so wonderfully in the movie just start to finish it's a great movie I thoroughly thoroughly enjoy watching it and I definitely want to see it again at some point um and it makes me really think you know um something Christopher Nolan said in an interview I saw um recently I think it was a recent interview um where he was talking about how you know he thinks he should just uh he shouldn't think you just gotta feel um I think he's probably talking about just his in his movies in general um but it's just that's so true I feel like this movie just made me feel so many different things you just really I think in a lot of ways the big point is like to feel the emotions of Robert Oppenheimer just kind of feel all the different things he feels all the highs and lows he he went through you know the the feelings of joy and happiness and like you know when they're when he had breakthroughs and awesome moments in his life but then also like the really lows and especially all the stuff you had to deal with with you know you know Annoying dirty politics just you know a lot of frustration and anxiety and then of course I mean over just the you know moral implications of the work he was doing you know just tons of distress and guilt and you know just tons of emotions that you go through it's just a roller coaster of emotions and I really like that I feel like the movie is just an experience and I feel like you're just so immersed and kind of at least given a glimpse you're able to feel like a bit of what he must have felt by watching this movie it's just it's that good I really just feel like the movie makes you feel all these things it's so awesome um but won't go into any like uh crucial details no spoilers nothing like that but I just highly recommend you need to go experience this movie it is just a wonderful experience you need to go and just sit down and just fully immerse yourself in it and I'm very confident at least many of you will really like it uh just it's a truly unique cinematic experience I'm not saying it's a perfect movie I mean no movie's Perfect Right but it's just very very brilliant very well done on well-crafted movie and I highly recommend going and checking it out so definitely go see it as soon as you can definitely go see it and experience it at least once um and then of course you know tons of hype around it and I know both this whole Barber Heimer thing you got Barbie and Oppenheimer released around the same time it's really cool time to be a movie fan with these two big movies coming out I haven't seen Barbie yet but I hope to see it soon but um yeah Oppenheimer absolutely incredible definitely go see it I love it it's it's just brilliant brilliant movie so definitely go see it and um definitely let me know in the comment section below if you've already seen it let me know what you think let me know how you feel about it and if you haven't seen it yet let me know what you're looking forward to and come back whenever you've seen it so look forward to chatting with you all in the comments and thank you all so much for watching
Channel: Robtimus Pr1me
Views: 117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H_mwBVZHaI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 10sec (190 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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