OpenToonz Tutorial: Vectors & Auto-Inbetweens, PART 2: Second Key Pose & Using Auto-Inbetween

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in this second part of the tutorial we're going to go over how to create your second key pose and then how to do automatic inbetweening from one pose to the other all right now what I'm going to do is we're going to take go over to our level strip here we're going to take this image and what what the next step is is to put it in this position and what we're gonna do is we're not going to just draw a whole new vector shape all the new vector shapes for this position what we're gonna do is we're going to take this actual image and manipulate it into these position into this position and the way we're going to do that is by selecting it here in the level strip right clicking and doing duplicate drawing now let's take the second drawing and put it in the frame underneath the first one now what we're going to do is go to the second frame of our first column with the rough image on it select the second frame select the edit tool select position hold shift and we'll move this over on the horizontal axis to write about mm let's say let's say this foot on the right here maintains its position and the rest of the body moves and this this foot stays planted on the ground so we'll move our rough so that toes kind of stay in the same spot all right and now staying on our second frame going to our vector lay our vector column we are now editing the second image this one and we're going to take the shapes we already have and move them into the correct position so that I can see the line work I'm going to put the opacity down again to about 60% that works just so I can see my line work all right now let's start moving our vector work into position what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the head and neck and just sort of move them to the side for now let's move them over here just so they're out of our way and we can get the body into position now in order to do this the most important part for facilitating the inbetweening process for the open toons is to make sure that you're keeping track of all your control points so if I go to a control point editor tool and I select my fist the really important thing to do here is to make sure that this control point that I have as my wrist stays as my wrist and what we're gonna do is we're gonna actually take our selection tool and just sort of move the hand into position remembering there's a control point right here that's going to be our wrist we'll just sort of move it right here now let's go to our control point editor tool and we can start moving the points to where we want them now that hand looks kind of terrifying we can start taking our anchor points and manipulate them into position another thing I like to do I'm gonna undo what I just did here is when I start moving control points like this I like to reset them so that their anchor points go back into that so the anchor points disappear and they become sharp corners so I'll hold alt and click the corner click the control point rather and so now basically I'm back to my rectangle so let's go ahead and move these points to roughly where we want them let's manipulate our body so first things first I'm going to take my selection tool and I'm just going to kind of move it over roughly into position and tilt it a little bit just so I have less manipulation to do in my control points and this is the most important part of doing the automatic inbetweening is making sure that you keep your vector points holding the same role that they hold from one image to the next when you're going to do it in between between two images that's the most important part because when you do the automatic in-betweening what it's doing is it's taking the actual control points themselves and finding will say the first drawing drawing a and then the second drawing so here's drawing a and here's drawing B when you do the automatic in-between it's taking this points position and drawing a and then putting it interpolating it in between that position and the position that it ends up in in drawing B so making sure that you maintain those points is very important very important right that looks pretty good the bodies in a good position let's do the feet once again we want to maintain our control points roles that they played in the first image so this point right here was the ankle so we'll want this point to stay the ankle this points where the top of the toes so we can keep that go ahead and put it there and this point was the heel so we'll bring the heel point up there now this was the left foot this time we have some funky stuff going on because the foot actually flips so that the toes rather than being on the left of the image end up on the right of the image so what we'll do is we'll first select the object using the selection tool and bring it over to where we want it once again we want the ankle point to maintain its role as the ankle so we'll kind of put right there put the heel right here and with these points over now everything's all twisted so I'm gonna go ahead and do is hold alt and bring all those anchor points back in so that I have a nice rectangle again all right now let's get going on the head now it's important for me to tell you right now you may notice that this ear is now it's behind the head and it's behind in the body we obviously want it to be on the front but whenever you're doing automatic in-betweening you do not want to change the level of any of your shapes from the original image that you copied and then the pasted image that you manipulate you don't want to change the level at all because it will confuse open tunes and it won't know which points are which so don't worry about things being overlapped or behind where they ought to be that's something we'll take care of in the cleanup after we do the automatic in between for now you'll just need to leave them sort of behind or in front of when they shouldn't be so once again we got the foot here which should obviously be behind this leg but it's showing up in front of it just leave it we'll take care of that in the cleanup process I'm not sure why all of a sudden that is red but we'll just keep moving on alright so some of the eyes into position once again you're gonna want to maintain the control points rolls so the top of the eye we need this point to stay the top of the eye this point to stay at the left of the eye this is point to stay the right of the eye so we'll kind of just move this into position do the same with this eye and now you could manipulate them this way using your selection tool and using the various points manipulation points around your selection but what we're going to do is actually use the control points so let's go ahead and select our control point editor tool here it is and what I'm going to do first is I'm gonna hold alt and bring in all those anchor points so that I have a nice solid triangle again and the reason I do that I'll show you is just because now if I move this point over here you see how the shape gets all distorted and we're just gonna have to fix anyway so it's easier I've found just to bring all those anchor points back in and then you can just move things to where you need them and pull those anchor points back out and I think that looks pretty good so I'm gonna remove our roughs let's click and hold here and bring up the opacity opacity and now we have this vector right here and this one and we're going to automatic in between between these two all right so what we're gonna do is go over to our level strip here and we will select the second image and right click and click insert now I have it quick set to I have a shortcut set to I so I'll go ahead and do it and now I'm gonna just hit I and add a few in let's add let's add five in now you can also do this in the ink and paint or you can do it anywhere that you have the level strip visible we're gonna do is take our first image hold shift and select our last image and when we do that you can see over here this little button appears over here that says in-between you click it and you may have to click more towards the right than towards the left because I've noticed if I click like right here it doesn't read me as clicking it so click more towards the right of the little in-between and what we'll do is we'll have an ease out so that now what it's gonna do is it's going to make the motions bigger and then smaller so it looks as if the movement is faster and then slower so we'll do ease out and you just click in between and now if we look at the images we have you've created a nice sort of in-between motion now you'll notice a few problems besides the fact that we have objects in front and behind when they ought to be the opposite you'll also notice that this hand shrinks real tiny as does this foot before growing again now that we've created our two key poses and created some in-betweens between those poses it's time to clean them up a bit click link below to head to the next tutorial where we cover cleanup
Channel: Phil Ray Art
Views: 21,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animation, tutorial, opentoonz, vactors, inbetweens
Id: XmXAsaME7dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2016
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