OpenToonz Lesson 12 - Animated Background & Camera Zoom

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welcome back to another open tunes tutorial in this video we'll be creating an animated background based off of an SVG file so the file i've chosen to use is from pixabay it's by author g DJ so appreciate them parading this art free for commercial use no contribution required so we downloaded this and I just downloaded the vector if the SVG version and so actually what that did is it gave me this file right here so we go open it in Inkscape I'll just show you I had to do a little bit modification for it before bringing it in to open tunes so what I did I just took it I did ctrl shift G to ungroup it and that way I could have this separate background so I exported this as a separate rectangle and then deleted it and it's just a PNG image and then these are also all separate or they're all together group but I want them to be separate so I do ctrl shift G and that lets me just kind of separate these and really these are kind of the same thing anyway if you notice if I take this and just near it it's actually there they're all just the same version just kind of slid over and reversed a little bit but this lets us keep the colors and so I just take this I saved it as an SVG and so I'm not gonna do it now Sarah did it then I can just bring those in so I had this background here I'll just drag and drop in this PNG and I'll just click load that just loads the file from its source without bringing it in and re copying it to our project but it still if we make changes to it it's not gonna make any changes to the source still so we I'll just change this the scaling of this scale it down a little bit I want to keep it a little bit larger than my camera bounds though because I want to animate this background this kind of son is gonna be moving in the sky a little bit then I'll bring in the actual SVG file so I'll just drag and drop that as well and this one I'm gonna do load as well and so if i zoom out this button here right now is not checked so the sub camera preview so if I can't see if anything it's sort of gray because the background is great too here I can just click this and it helps ever helps me be able to see what I brought in here and so then I can take these and what I really want right now the Sun is on its own level and then these three are on their own as well I want these to be separate the reason they're all looking like gray is because we just can't they're not in view right now if they were if they were all in here we'd see the colors they actually are but I'm gonna keep them large now cuz I got to rescale them anyway I'm gonna do my selection tool now this double-click on will do this one down here and go control X and move it over to column three and go control B so cut and paste so it still appears there but it's not really there then we go back to this one we'll double click go control X column four control V so because I want these buildings to be animated on their own separate well to animate and moves separately I need them each to be on their own separate column but now composited they're all together and I can turn off I can turn off viewing any certain part if I want to as well now it works better one that's actually in the camera frame let's take our first column to here let's grab the animate tool and let's um move at scale it down first in fact we'll just scale all these down to roughly the same size and then we'll move them so we go position and we'll do this first one we'll position it sort of back in the back here it's okay that it's going off the frame a little bit I think and then we'll grab the third one I should have zoomed in here in Canada will see more what's happening now there we go so this one I kind of want these the darker these really black buildings to be off and then I want them to kind of animate and come up like this so we'll start them down here and actually this is actually looking pretty good how it is right now so I'm gonna have everything rise up and then sliding left and right a little bit and then that that Sun move so everything needs to be keyframed it all has it has a keyframe now because I started doing some stuff with the animation so it set some keyframes for scaling and position already I'm going to select the very first frame here in column one hold down the shift key and go to column four and click so they're all selected then drag this handle down and we'll drag it all the way down to frame 100 it's taking a little bit longer because these are vectors whenever I work in vector I've noticed with with an SVG file that I imported it kind of slows things down a little bit and so in this view anyway if I turn it to the right disable this it'll change it a little bit too but just know that vector at least for me takes a little bit longer especially to render the animation all right now I'm gonna come over here to the Sun and go to the very last since I already know I have a keyframe in frame 1 I'll go to frame 100 and we'll move that in fact actually what I want to really do is change it in the start I want the Sun to kind of be down here at first and then I want to end up there in the middle so we'll have it end kind of right here yeah that looks pretty cool it's almost looking like it's causing an effect on the on these but it's not really okay let's come over to this one now and it is where I want it to be we want maybe we want it to shift up and to the right a little bit so we'll go down to frame 100 on column 2 which are these buildings in the back and we'll just move them up and over this way maybe quite a bit over this way all right and then we can just look and see how this is starting to look well again if I turn this off it'll render much quicker so so far things are looking pretty good like that then you know what though I'm going to change the Sun again one more time I just want it to be over here instead and go up to there okay oh okay so now we'll come to column three and that's the one that's in appears in gray now because of the view I'm in and I'm going to let some have it come up and over this way a little bit or maybe just over and actually maybe just more like over and then we'll have end up a little bit and now we'll do the last one and these ones are the ones that are going to did I go down to this oh I didn't even do it you know what I just ended up moving that on frame one so I didn't actually create a keyframe on frame 100 which what I wanted to do let's do that now frame one will come to frame 100 on column four and move these up and they'll just kind of go up maybe they'll go slightly up and over so this is kind of how this that it will end however look at in the end which means I want to change this one so that I want these buildings to be up a little higher - yeah okay maybe there let's see how that looks so far I can tell these buildings I want to be up not these ones these buildings I want to be up a little bit more and then I'm gonna actually adjust the camera as well so if I want to see exactly what the camera can see I can just click this this shows me what the camera what the actual camera will see so I don't see the the background changing I mean the outs out of the bounce of the camera that looks pretty cool and this is the rendering so it'll look much smoother and cleaner when we actually render it out I mean it's just like a a quick rendering so yeah I guess let's do the camera now so for the camera we'll go to the animation tab here and we can actually adjust the zoom of this so we could go in and select every one of these and scale them in a scale the scale that make the buildings larger and make the background larger to give it the effect that we're like zooming in closer but instead we can just do we can control just the camera so to do that we just come over here to camera so we've learned before it's in our stage schematic the camera is just sitting over here we can actually we can do some different things with it but what we really want to do is just select the camera and go down to Z so we have the Z of our camera appear here in the function editor and then we'll right click in frame 1 and go to set key so now we have the key set at 16 which is the distance away from the if we click in this 3d mode we can kind of see it's 16 I'm not sure what it is but 16 units away that field of depth of field is 16 away from our scene and everything else is our in our scene it's on the same z-axis but the camera is kind of 16 away so we come we can come down to 100 and by 100 we want it to be different so we scroll down here and again we're doing it in the function editor because the camera is not really an object it's not really a level that we're editing in the column it doesn't have its column so we have to change it down here so we'll click on 100 and then we'll say by 100 we would like it to be and I'm going to come actually to this view to do this one we would like the camera to be I'll hold down the control key and it brings up this Z and I can left-click and zoom in so see now the camera is shrinking down a little bit maybe want the camera to be right in here by that point in time or even closer to have it be really close in there so now if we play it back it just shows everything it's kind of confusing in this view it shows everything that's going on but if we switch over to the camera view it's a much better picture we see it's actually zooming in here the camera zooms in while everything else is happening and the only other thing I might want to change is to lower the camera which we can do we just go to the camera over here the the folder that says camera and we want to go to the north/south and adjust that as well so north/south right now doesn't have a keyframe so we'll go right click set key on north-south we found a select camera to see all the options at once but this is kind of a good way to keep them separate so north-south is set right there to zero and then by 100 let's just move it down let's have the camera looking maybe like here a little bit better so now that'll look really nice so we'll just kind of zoom in here and that's it oh look I notice there's a little bit of white space in the corner here so one of our something in here is doing something a little bit strange at the at the very start let's go back to frame 1 and we can fix that it's our background it's just not quite where we want to be so make sure positions there will change the background now that's better awesome I'm gonna render this out so just because we haven't done a lot of rendering so I'm gonna go file and I'm going to go to render to mp4 you have to have ffmpeg configured properly in order for this to work I'll just pause the video it'll take a 30 seconds to render okay I took a little bit to render like I said about 30 seconds and that's because we're working in vector and if I just go to what I rendered out here it is going to be this right here so this is what our final rendering looks like watching it back in VLC player pretty cool huh well go ahead and play with that and we'll be using some more of the camera and there's actually some more things we can do we can change the z-axis of these other objects too it's a lot of fun stuff we can do in this 3d view to create kind of that like parallax effect so thanks for watching go ahead leave your questions comments below don't forget to Like and subscribe if you found this video informative and I look forward to seeing you in the next video
Channel: TJ FREE
Views: 37,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free, tjfree, free software, open source, opentoonz background, opentoonz svg, opentoonz vector layer, opentoonz layers, opentoonz levels, opentoonz camera, opentoonz z axis, opentoons moving background, opentoons, opentoonz free animation, best free animation, animation software
Id: NRcNmtb7ijI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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